There are Two Gods in Heaven

Chapter 37: Is diamond overrated?

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“What are you doing with my brother?!” The lady in yukata roars across the corridor.

The security cabin is behind our backs, we’re on the last deck on top of the ship.

She punches the wall next to her. Her strength is thus I almost expected the ship to switch trajectory.

“Be careful, miss. You don’t want him to have his neck snapped.” TIAN SHUI menaces her.

I’m the one who is holding him, and I would hate to kill a child but if that allows the both of us to escape alive, I wouldn’t hesitate.

Unfortunately, I believe it’s going to be more difficult than that.

“What do you want?” She retorts.

“Something very simple. Keep the auction running. Don’t stop it. And then let us leave. We won’t kill him if you do that.” I say.

“What the fuck is the meaning of this?”

“It’s very simple, your brother is innocent.” TIAN SHUI explains.

“I know that!”

“Hmm no, that’s not what I meant. We meant that we didn’t do it on purpose. Actually, yes, we did but it wasn’t the point. So, we’re very sorry and we’re giving back your brother, all good.”

“Sorry, his Japanese is terrible.” I point out.

Her expression shows how confused she is.

“What the fuck, you really thought you can kidnap my brother and then give him back and everything will be forgiven?? How about all the officers you killed and the fire you started!”

“Well, it was all a big misunderstanding… Not our fault if your officers are so violent!”


“Isn’t it childish to look for who started? We said we’re sorry.” TIAN SHUI smirks.

“You!” She points at him. “You are growing on my nerves since everything started. First, how did you manage to be so hard to find on our cameras? The other one at least worked really hard but you didn’t do anything! And now you’re just being smug and proud of your prank like a brat. Come fight me.”

“What?” TIAN SHUI looks at me with a rising brow.

“She says she wants you to fight.” I explain in Mandarin.


“I see, she also said you acted like a brat, which isn’t completely false. And also, she said I worked really hard on the ship while you did nothing which is totally true, and I do feel some resentment about that. You should pay and get your ass beaten.”

“That’s so rude! I was working for the mission; I wasn’t relaxing either!”

“Yes, but they treated me like a slave, aren’t you angry for me? Look, you can make her pay. Go.”

“What the fuck, okay I will, but you gotta let us go after?” He says to the lady in yukata.

“If you leave my brother unscratched until the end, whether you win or lose, I will let you go. I just reaaaaaally feel like beating someone up.”

For some reason, I think TIAN SHUI will get obliterated without my help.

There is something in her posture and the air around her that transpires absolute martial confidence. TIAN SHUI must have noticed too, but this girl is a true master in her art.

A real monster.



We’re back to the Deck O where the auction took place.

It serves as a refuge for all the passengers that were staying in the cabins that have been evacuated.

Unfortunately, the auction has been put on hold. I still got to buy some stones with the fake money but all the transactions are paused and I’m on the waiting list.

We walk to one of the counters to ask one of the sailors when the auction is going to restart, but nobody is there.

Where are they keeping all their jewels anyway? The ones in the showcases are only a portion of what’s available on the app.

I jump behind the counter to see if I can find any clue, and as I suspected, there is a smart pipes system that looks straight out of a steampunk novel, and meanders under the counter to get any jewel that is safely locked in their vaults hidden under the deck. We can control it with the computer but it’s protected by handprints mechanisms.

“DIANA, we need a sailor.” I say, crouched behind the counter.

“What? I thought we tried to avoid them.” She answers from the other side.

“Yes, but now we need one. A dead one would be easier if you can.”

“Definitely not easier in any way!”

“You truly lack motivation.”

“I don’t think I’ve seen any down here anyway. Oh, but I have an idea to find some.”

And before I have the time to wonder what her plan was, she jumps behind the counter where I am and giggles when she finds the microphone.

“DIANA, NO!” My voice resonates in the whole ship, she already had time to press the button.

“Hello, test test. Is that what we’re supposed to say when we’re talking through a mic?”


“Hello, ladies and gentlemen, we hope that you’re having a very pleasant time on the… on the … Wait, what was the ship’s name again? Crowned Salmon? Anyway, PLEASE SOMEONE OF THE STAFF, COME SAVE ME, I’M GETTING SEXUALLY HARASSED BY AN OLD MAN! Hehehe, I heard the Japanese have a real issue with sexual harassment, you know it’s actually one of the only words of Japanese I know, it’s セクハラ!”


“It’s because I watch anime that I don’t want to learn, have you got any clue of how difficult Japanese language is? It’s actually one of the worst in the world, and also one of the most useless! Oops, we’re still online, ごめんなさい! I love Mecha Dinosaur Impact! I mean, メクダイノ!”

“HEY YOU! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” Someone from the staff finally shouts.

I’m too embarrassed to stand up and reveal myself, but DIANA next to me is almost jumping from excitement.

“Look, Boobies! Look! It worked! A sailor is coming! No two! Wait, that’s more than five, haha, who would have expected that?”

“FIVE?!” I shout and finally try to look at where the voice was coming from.

I slightly raise my head and count seven officers with blade weapons coming at us.



I point Gandiva at the tallest one. The most massive is the easiest target.

“Sit! Cover your ears!” I shout to DIANA who executes the orders by sitting under the counter and blocking her ear with her hands.

I inspire… And stop my respiration. I can hit two targets with one bullet if I aim for a smaller officer that’s just in front of the tallest one I was previously aiming at. My bullet will transpierce his neck, and should finish near the big guy’s heart. They might not both die on the spot, but I won’t get them by surprise twice, and two down is better than one.

“Om…” I expire and shoot.


Fast and loud like a thunderbolt, the bullet hovers in the lobby, shrieks like an eagle, blows the target’s neck, whose head flies on another officer’s who is knocked down by the impact. The bullet finishes its course near the heart of the big guy behind the target who is pushed down violently. The other sailors are staggered by the noise. One of them gets on his knees and vomits. Another has blood that’s visibly coming out from his ears.

Three down, two weakened, much better than expected!

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“What the fuck was that? They have a bazooka?”

“Don’t shout! My ears are bleeding!”

“Who cares, we need backup!”

“They’re all already taking care of the fire and the evacuation.”

I prepare a second aim. One of the two that aren’t weakened by the first attack. There is a woman with a mace and another with a katana. I know the guys from last time had the reaction time and the skills to deviate bullets from my Hawkeye, but this time it should be different.

But I feel DIANA’s hand on my shoulder.

“They will block it, Boobies.” She reads my mind and say exactly what I feared. “How about we do as always?”

“As always?”

She jumps across the counter and faces the remaining officers with her knife.

“I slash, you cover me, isn’t that how we always do?” She laughs.

She’s right, that’s how we did since the first time we worked together.

Well, not exactly the first time because the exact first time, she left me all alone in a building attacked by a helicopter and then she came back and was a huge pain to deal with, and then we started working together properly, so maybe it was the second time? Well, who cares?

Our relationship is kinda weird but we trust each other, and it’s all that matters.

We have weird circumstances; nobody would expect two bloodthirsty criminals to have a conventional relationship anyway.

“Sounds good. Go milashka!”

Hm, weird.

It’s the first time I use my first language in so long. I don’t know why it came out naturally.

I wonder if DIANA speaks that one too, it would be really fun if she did.

I can’t tell if she understood or not, but she rushes to fight the girl with the katana first. She closes the gap between them and slides between her legs to get behind her.

The girl with the mace rushes at her and nearly hits her friend when DIANA ended up on the other side.

I aim for the girl with the mace and shoot.


She blocked it with her mace that got obliterated in multiple pieces. She holds on to the mace handle and rushes at the counter to hit me while I have to reload.

Unfortunately for her, this kind of gun doesn’t need to reload, and I blow one last time right into her heart.

Her body flies across the lobby and she falls on the vomiting guy, pinning his head down in his puke with her butt.

Meanwhile, DIANA and the katana girl are having a real showdown.

She avoids the blade skillfully and slashes her opponent’s wrists when she finds the opportunity.

When her enemy got weak enough, she slides between her legs again and jumps on her back to make her fall.

She crouches on her back that is now lying on the ground and stabs her in the neck thrice while her limbs wiggle up and down like a fish under water, until they finally stop.

“Good job!” I clap.

DIANA waves at me with a smile, her hands are soaked in blood again.

I jump on her side of the counter to carry one of the girls to the other side and use her handprints.

DIANA grabs her with me and we slowly but surely reach the counter again and throw her behind.

“By the way, what is it you called me earlier?”

Ah, she noticed. Shit, I didn’t really want to speak about that.

“Hmm, just something in Russian, you don’t speak Russian?”

“Stop thinking I speak every language in the world! No, I don’t actually. How come you speak Russian, Boobies?”

“Hmmmmmmmm, it’s my first language, actually.” I finally admit, hesitantly.


“They’re not badass at all. Stop getting brain rot from fiction.”

“No, it’s really super cool! But I understand not being proud of where you came from, it doesn’t make you a worse person, though! You know what? I’ll learn it!”

As I turn on the computer thanks to the dead girl’s hand, DIANA says something completely stupid. “What?”

“I’ll learn it, Russian.”

“But why? It’s a very useless language like Japanese.”

“Yes, but it’s yours, and we spend so much time together, so I should better learn it, it’s going to be useful!”

Is she serious?

Why are you going to the extent of learning someone’s language just because you spend time together? And we already speak in Omen, isn’t that good enough?

“I don’t think that’s necessary.” I say with a grimace.

But she answers extremely seriously. “A language is someone’s identity, it’s someone’s home. To learn one is to open the door to many homes. I don’t know why exactly but I want to be part of yours. Because we’re having so much fun, right? Life is a bet, all-in and all that, right?”

She makes a ‘V’ with her covered in blood fingers and I feel my body warm up.

Blushing like an idiot, I insert the command codes that I received on the app after the purchase of jewels on the computer line.

It seems like hacking the app was necessary after all because a purchase code was needed.

With a steam engine sound, a moving object’s noise resonates inside the pipes and finally the cash under the computer opens to show a magnificent light blue piece of rock.

DIANA grabs it with a big smile, she seems to like it.

“Nice aquamarine you got there!”

“Aquamarine is just a beryl, right?”

“Yes, it is, a cheap one too, but the name is so cute!”

“It is cute, I love it, haha.”

“But the one I love most is…”

“We love most is…”

Two people I didn’t expect to see again are walking past the corpses on the ground and laughing.

“Grandpa and grandma…” DIANA says.

The two Camorras laugh in unison. “DIAMOND!”

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