There are Two Gods in Heaven

Chương 75: A day to be thankful for

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I take a piece of the spongy cake and put it in my mouth. It’s impossible to put a name to its taste, but it is sweeter than I expected.

Abhi also seems delighted with it.

The banta picks up a piece as well before putting the basket back in his drawer. “This cake is made with extracts of the Banta’s leaves.” He explains. “We call it ‘bangutan.’ It is traditionally shared during special occasions, but I am personally quite fond of it, so I have some almost every day. Ah, more importantly, it is best served with tea.”

A brown-skinned, white-haired woman with heavy earrings appears from behind our backs and puts down three cups of tea on the Banta’s desk.

“Thanks, Kode.” He smiles as she walks away.

“It’s delish.” I comment.

“I know, right.” The Banta nods, his earrings chiming softly. “But how about the boy, does he like it?”

“Very much so.” Abhi acquiesces.

“I’m glad to hear it.” The Banta skims through his folder before getting back to the main topic. “Alright, ARTEMIS and… Abhi… Right, where is that name from? I’ve never heard it before.”

“It’s from India. Abhi’s father was Indian.” I respond. “It comes from Abhimanyu, the son of Arjuna in the Mahabharata, an old epic.”

“Oh…” The Banta seems impressed. “It’s a pretty name. How old are you, Abhi?”

“I’m 8.” He responds.

“Good.” The Banta writes it down. “So, his mother is the Tiban?” He asks me.

“Yes, though I don’t know the details, she told me her parents were from this island.”

“Is she dead?”

“Yes, both his parents are dead.”

I give Abhi a look, but he seems to be avoiding eye contact with the Banta and me.

“What was his mother’s name?” The Banta asks, while turning on his computer’s screen.

“Rohini Lalasona… Though that was the name she gave back in India… Her parents had also died a few years before I met her.”

He thinks for a few seconds, then pulls his phone up to his ear. “Grandfather, have you ever heard of the Lalasona family? That doesn’t ring a bell? No, I can’t find them in the registers. Do you have any other clue?” He stares at me.

“Uhm… I’m not sure if it’s relevant, but I overheard someone say that they were fleeing criminals, or exiled, I’m not sure.”

“Hmm… If that’s the case, it makes sense that they changed names… Yes, Grandfather, I’ll call you back.” He puts his phone down. “Well, I still have one or two more questions before we put the boy through a medical exam, just to make sure that he is okay, and we’ll take a sample of his DNA to try to find out whom he’s related to.”

“Does it really matter?” Abhi suddenly asks.

“What do you mean?” The Banta tilts his head, confused.

“Does it really matter who they were? I don’t even know who they were myself!”

Hearing this, I feel my heart ache, but the Banta responds patiently. “It’s all the more important because you don’t know them. Since the Tiban are so few, we need to keep a huge genealogical tree in our databases. We use it for a lot of important scientific and juridical purposes, it’s not against you or anything.”

Nila and I were always very open to Abhi on the topic of his upbringing, but I can’t help wondering what is going through his mind.

“So, let me ask one more thing.” The Banta turns back to me. “Who are you to this boy?”

“Eh…” I get stunned.

Wait, who am I to Abhi? I’ve thought about this over and over but never really come to a convincing conclusion.

“W-what do you mean? I take care of him.” I stutter.

“So, you’re his guardian? I mean, what is relating you to him? Is there any proof that you have custody over him? Actually, did you bring his birth certificate?”

We’re finally getting to the annoying part.

“Abhi doesn’t have a birth certificate, and I was his mother’s…”

Friend? Were we even friends?

“That won’t do. Does he have any relatives?”

“He has an uncle, but he’s currently overseas.”

The Banta skims through the folder again, then explains. “Normally it should be the closest relative to take custody of the child, but if that relative can’t take care of him, then he’s going to be sent to a host family. Moreover, you don’t seem to be in a stable financial situation to take care of a kid, since you don’t even have a home anymore.”

“I-I’m going to get a new one soon, and if you give me more jobs, I will—”

“I share your enthusiasm, but this is going to be tough. Look, I do believe that both you and Abhi are fine with your situation, and if it only depended on me, I wouldn’t mind about leaving you be, but the law binds me, and you don’t meet the necessary conditions to keep his custody. Does he even go to school?”

“Abhi is very smart, he can study from home.” I argue, but the Banta shakes his head.

“He didn’t pass any tests, right? If he studies from home, he must pass a knowledge test at least once a year. And he’s visibly showing gaps in our culture’s knowledge. Can you prove that he’s at the same level as other kids his age in history or math?”

I would argue that he is far above kids his age in math, but since he probably isn’t in history, I keep quiet.

The Banta smiles and calls for the woman that gave us tea earlier. “Abhi, can you follow Kode? She will lead you to the infirmary where you’ll go through some physical and psychological tests. It won’t take long.”

Abhi acquiesces and jumps from his chair to follow the other Tiban. Meanwhile, the Banta continues. “Our meeting is almost finished. I will let you keep him until we find a host family where—”

“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING?!” I finally burst out, but the Banta’s face is unwavering. “Do you have a clue how many things I did to be a good … to Abhi?! You can’t take him back! He’s happy with me!”

“I’m very thankful for everything you did for the kid, but—”


“Yes, Abhi, of course. He needs to meet children his age and go to scho—”


“That’s what experts in the psychology of children decided.”

“THEY DON’T KNOW SHIT! ABHI IS… He’s different…” I calm down and hide my face in my hands. “He’s the most important thing in my life. You can’t take him away…” I start tearing up. “I love him so … so…”

The Banta shakes his head. The sound of his earrings soothes my mind and helps me contain my tears.

“ARTEMIS, we may have a solution here.”

I raise my head, ready to hear any condition he can offer. “I will do anything, I beg you.”

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The Banta nods, smiling. “I’m sure we can convince everyone if you can gather all the necessary documents to officially adopt him. Of course, your financial situation is still a problem, but with a bit of imagination, and some smart people’s help, you might be able to show the opposite, hm… Oh, here’s a paper you can show to your previous apartment’s company to get some money back through their insurance.”

What? Is this super important person telling me to cheat?! Not that I didn’t plan to do it anyway, but I still didn’t expect him to be like that.

But me … adopt Abhi…? Does that mean I’ll become his real mother?

Will he agree? What does it make of his biological mother? He seemed so upset to talk about them earlier? What is he thinking, right now?

Confused, but trying to grasp the sole solution of my problem, I gather my strength. “I will do it.”

“Good news.” The Tiban nods. I feel like his earrings are truly mystical. “Then, you have one month. No more, no less. I’ll write down the list of all the papers you need to gather, then I’ll give you an appointment with authorities and lawyers to make sure everything is in good standing. Our meeting is over, thank you for being available. Please wait for Abhi in the lobby down there.”

The Tiban named Kode appears once again and asks me to follow her.

I stand up and look the Banta in the eyes and bow in the Tiban’s traditional way, by pointing towards the sky with my right hand for a split second, then bending my waist while my right hand reaches for my heart at the same time.

“I apologize for being rude earlier. Thank you for your help, Banta.” I solemnly say.

The Banta smiles, nodding softly. “No problem. See you next time.”

I turn around and start following the woman to the elevator from which we came from, with a new conviction in mind.

I will do everything I can to stay with Abhi.

In the middle of my thoughts, I suddenly remember that we left Boginya do that errand for TIAN HUO alone… I hope she’s okay.

While we step into the elevator that leads to the golden hall, the Banta’s voice sounds from the other end of the office.

Probably speaking through the phone, the tone of his voice is a little deeper than usual. “What did you say? What is going on in Chinatown? A tru—” Unfortunately, the rest of his voice is muffled up by the elevator’s doors closing in front of me.

I hope Boginya is okay…



“Hey, what’s going on? What’s going on? Tell me what’s going on!” I start giggling.

“Shut up, CHIRO! Don’t you have a bat echolocation system anyway?” Milo spits, the timbre of his voice as annoying as usual.

“I won’t use it when I’m not fighting! Come on, someone tell me what’s going on!!”

“Nothing is happening, calm down.” Josh laughs.

“Stop laughing.” I hear Bonnie’s chewing gum bubble pop. “We’re in the field.”

“Aren’t you too carefree too, Bonnie?” I joke. “What’s going to happen if you choke on your bubblegum?”

“I don’t care.” She munches loudly. “It’s Major who gave it to me.”

“No way.”


Seated in our truck, waiting for the signal, I hum a playful song impatiently.

“Ah, there is some movement.” Josh finally speaks.

“Really? Really?” I press my ear onto the wall of the truck, but can barely hear anything. “Stupid armoured truck, it’s too isolated!”


“Everyone, be quiet!” I yell when I hear the walkie-talkie make the familiar noise of someone connecting to the frequency.

“Mike to Team Alpha. Do you copy? Over.”

“We copy. Over.” I steal the walkie-talkie from Milo’s grasp, who swears at me.

“Perfect. Prepare to begin the operation.”

I hear the buzzing of all my comrades putting the rest of their equipment on and loading their rifles. Of course, I was ready several minutes ago.

“Finally! Finally!” My whole body is shaking from anticipation.


I want to be the first one to jump out!


Finally! Finally!


I kick the armoured truck’s back door open a second before the ‘zero,’ making all my comrades seethe and cuss, but I couldn’t care less.

“0. Godspeed. Over.”

I am the first to rush outside and, ignoring the mission’s goal, I click my tongue to assess the surroundings. It’s a big, crowded avenue with cars madly honking because we’re blocking the way.

The rain pouring on my head, and my whole body getting drenched in less than three seconds, I get on top of the first one, bring my rifle closer to the window and empty my first magazine in the driver’s chest. The glass shattering under the fire, I fall on the inert body and hear the screaming of a man next to it.

I throw the body out the window and sit on the driver’s seat that is splattered with blood, then bring my face closer to the passenger and laugh.

“Your heart is beating superfast! NICE! SO LIVELY! You’re definitely a good pick!” Chuckling loudly, I put my rifle on his lap and implore, my hands joined. “Please, please, please, please, please, please, please… I beg you to kill me! Kill me, kill me, kill me, I’ve been waiting all my life, I beg you, please do it, DO IT!!”

What a great day!

I cry, thanking the sky for this occasion to finally offer itself.

I’ve done everything Major has asked me to do, and this mission can be done by anyone! I’m not needed in any way!

Finally! Finally!!

I can finally die!!!

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