There are Two Gods in Heaven

Chương 78: I want to watch Mecha Dinosaur Impact

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“The entrance to the underground laboratory is a rusted metal door concealed within the depths of an abandoned parking lot.

A pall of gloom hangs heavily in the air, suffocating any flicker of light that dares to penetrate the darkness.

The sound of dripping water echoes through the desolate corridors, creating a haunting melody that reverberates in the depths of one’s soul.

A dim, flickering lightbulb swings precariously from a frayed wire overhead, casting eerie shadows that dance across the damp, cracked walls.

The air is stale, tinged with the musty scent of chemicals, leaving a metallic tang that clings to the senses.

Amongst the desolation and decay of the underground laboratory, scattered elements intermingle with the gloom, further enhancing the eerie atmosphere.

Fluorite and phosphorus rocks are strewn about, their vibrant hues subdued by the dim lighting.

A peculiar juxtaposition emerges as delicate roses, long past their prime, stand defiantly in glass vases, their withered petals a stark contrast against the sombre surroundings.

Salt crystals adorn makeshift tables, glistening like forgotten gems, remnants of experiments conducted with precision and care.

Amidst the solemnity, the faint aroma of whisky is quickly overtaken by the foul smell of urine that emanates from the glass bottle I just opened.”

“Be quiet,” I shake my gloved hand in the air, as if shooing away a fly.

The little girl who is describing everything I’m doing as if she is the narrator runs around energetically.

“Not fun, not fun, not fun!” she pouts from under her gas mask.

“Where did you learn so many words?” I pour distilled water into the solution I’m working on.

“Major taught me!” she exclaims proudly.

“That’s not true. Major doesn’t speak with you,” I shake my head.

“LIAR!” She kicks me in the leg, but she’s so light I don’t even flinch. “He likes me more than you!”

I get annoyed by this comment and accidentally pour some water on the bench.

“That’s not true,” I repeat, gritting my teeth.

“It is true, he said it to me!” she throws the bottle of whisky, causing it to splatter onto the floor in loud, splintering noises.

My mind goes blank.

“You...!” I try to seize her by the collar, but she slips through my fingers and runs away. "...! The alcohol… Fuck!”

“Why do you care about what’s left?” she smirks. “Weren’t you done synthesizing the agent weeks ago?”

“He had entrusted it to me!” I exclaim angrily, punctuating my frustration with a punch to the bench, causing the cuvettes and ampoules to shake dangerously.

“That’s right. He’s going to haaaaaate you when he notices you threw it away,” she giggles.

“AAAAAAAhhhhh!! I’m going to kill you!” I take hold of the aerosol can and spray it onto the girl’s covered face, treating her as if she were a cockroach to be eliminated.

Inhaling through her gas mask, she chuckles. “You can’t get rid of me!”

I aim for her head but trip and fall onto the floor. The alcohol drenches my lab coat, and I curse in frustration. The shattered pieces of glass that have been splattered pierce my skin in multiple places, eliciting hisses of pain from me.

“Don’t hate me, Kako,” she joyfully hops and lays her hand on my head, but I slap it away with a quick motion.

“You aren’t real… You aren’t real! Major told me you aren’t real!!” I cry out.

“Why do you believe what he says?”

“Because he saved me!”

“He saved us.”

“No, me! You … can’t be saved…”

“I have been saved, Kako. You saved me, and Major saved me too.” The girl removes her gas mask, revealing her big blue eyes.


I try to get to my feet to stop her but slip on the alcohol again and cough.

However, the girl laughs. “There’s nothing you can make or do that can kill me, my big brother.”

Why am I getting so worked up? It doesn’t matter if she breathes in the agent or not.

She’s already dead.

“Are you alright?” Major’s voice suddenly resonates near the entrance. He rushes over to me upon seeing me on the floor. “What happened to you?”

“My … my…” I point at the mischievous girl standing before me.

Major looks in her direction and understands. “Can you leave him alone for today?” he asks.

The girl stares at his face for a few seconds before bowing her head and walking away. “If Major is asking me.” She disappears behind the bench.

“Come.” Major gently helps me stand up. “You need to lie down.”

We walk out of the laboratory together, and I can’t help but glance back, but the girl has definitely vanished.



After enduring a series of annoying tests that I could’ve easily done myself, Kote leads me out of the agency’s infirmary, and we hop into the elevator side by side.

 Man, I can’t wait to see Schwa again…

But when those elevator doors open up, I’m hit with shock.

I was expecting everything to be neat and tidy, but what I see is straight-up chaos. The hall, which was so clean and organized when we arrived, has now turned into a complete mess.

The usual quiet hum of the hall is replaced with an intense buzz of urgency and concern. It’s like a horde of businessmen seeking refuge from the rain outside.

I turn my head left and right, searching for Schwa, but amidst the hustle and bustle, she’s nowhere to be found.

Kote seems surprised too, but she suggests she may have gone to the bathroom.

She doesn’t seem as amazed by the situation as I am, probably used to these kinds of things happening here.

Amidst the mess, my attention is drawn to a trio of suspicious-looking guys. They’re wearing the same tuxedos as that idiot’s crazy sister. They keep shooting glances in my direction and whispering to each other. Something feels fishy about them, and I can’t help but wonder what they’re up to.

Finally, one of them decides to approach. He’s got a stupid hat perched on top of his bald head. “Is this Abhi?” he asks.

I give him a once-over but remain silent, keeping my guard up. Kote steps in and asks, “Excuse me, who are you?”

The man solemnly removes his hat and declares, “My name is HECTOR, and this boy’s kind mother had some urgent matter to attend to, so she entrusted me with him for the time being.”

I squint my eyes, sensing that something isn’t quite right. This situation feels fishier than a barrel of sardines.

“She’s not my mother. Where is Schwa?” I retort, staying on the defensive.

“I’m afraid I can’t let him follow you like this,” Kote adds, her voice firm.

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“Oh, but I have proof. Please, listen to this,” Hector says as he raises his phone and starts playing a recording.

“Hey Abhi, it’s me. I’m sorry I couldn’t wait for you, but something terrible is happening in Chinatown, and that’s where Boginya is. I have to go because I know you’re more reliable than her. I asked these guys to look after you, so please be a good boy and go with them for a little bit. I’ll try to end this ASAP. See you.”

That’s indubitably Schwa’s voice, but I can’t help but feel doubtful about the whole situation.

“With a big enough sample of anybody’s voice, even I could replicate it,” I respond, my scepticism not easily swayed.

“Oh, but isn’t he smart?” The other two guys approach as the recording plays. The one who speaks has Asian features and fiddles with his rectangular glasses. “However, no current technology allows for the automatic perfect replication of a person’s voice spectrum, and it would take hours just to correct the frequencies. It’s a boring, stupid task. You can trust me, I would never do that for a brat like you.”

“ASCLEPIUS, be nicer,” HECTOR scolds him.

The third guy squats down to meet my eye level, not uttering a word. The scent of cigarette smoke makes me cough lightly.

“Cute,” he simply says before standing up straight again.

Kote gives me a concerned look and asks, “What do you think? Do you want to stay here and wait for her?”

I glance around the crowded and noisy space and let out a sigh. Staying here would drive me crazy. Besides, what the smartass said about replicating voices perfectly being difficult rings true, and the story seems coherent. I guess I’ll have to trust them, at least for now.

“Where are we going if I follow you?” I inquire, looking at HECTOR.

“Our hideout is on the outskirts of the city, up north near the ocean.”

“Do I get coffee?”


“I also have a few anime I want to catch up on.”

“Which ones?” the guy with the cigarette scent asks as we start making our way toward the exit.

“Mecha Dinosaur Impact and Destiny Day.”

“I’m watching those too,” he nods.

“Really? Then don’t say anything, alright?”

“But I’m only on episode 6…”

“What? You’ve got to catch up! I’m already on season 2!”

“It’s fine… I don’t mind…”

“No, I do mind! You don’t get it; things are getting insane in the second cour! Actually, I wouldn’t mind rewatching it.”

“Stupid anime for stupid people,” the smartass with glasses spits.

“What the hell are you saying, you degenerate?” I retaliate, kicking him in the shin.

“AAAH, SON OF A BITCH!” he cries out.

“Whoa, Abhi, calm down, please!” HECTOR exclaims.

“No way I’ll let this idiot call MEDINI stupid. It’s super cool and deep, it has SOUL!” I yell. “Let’s hear what your favourite anime is, then!”

“Adults don’t have time for anime; I prefer reading.”

“Yeah, and I bet your favourite manga is the one with the guy with the big sword, right? So mature!”

“I’m going to shoot the kid!”

“Don’t do it, ASCLEPIUS,” the guy with the cigarette scent intervenes. “He’s a good kid.”

“Don’t do it, ASCLEPIUS,” HECTOR adds. “His mother is hot.”

“She’s not my mother!” I retort as I get into their car. “Wait, is it really the stoned guy who’s driving?!” I comment aloud.

“ORPHEUS is the one among the three of us who has caused the fewest accidents,” HECTOR laughs, getting into the passenger seat. “But what’s your relationship with ARTEMIS if she’s not your mother?”

“It’s none of your business, Grandpa.”

“GRANDPA?!” he takes offence while the other two burst into laughter.

“You don’t stand a chance with Schwa. She likes girls, and she already has a girlfriend. A total dumbass, but still not as dumb as you three.”

“No way I am doing this for nothing?! I’m going to shoot the kid!” HECTOR exclaims.

“Good idea, let’s shoot the kid!” ASCLEPIUS pulls a revolver out of his inner pocket.

The car suddenly accelerates, then brakes just half a meter before crashing into a building.

Traumatized, nobody says a word as ORPHEUS checks his mirrors, making sure both HECTOR and ASCLEPIUS are in his line of sight. With a deep, serious voice, he announces, “If either of you lays a finger on this boy, I’ll drive us right into the ocean. Understood?”

Both HECTOR and ASCLEPIUS nod, their expressions serious.

Breaking the tense silence, I speak up, my voice trembling. “Thanks… But why?”

ORPHEUS responds with utmost seriousness, “I want to watch Mecha Dinosaur Impact.”



“I beg you, please kill me! Kill me! Kill me! Kill me!”

I cry, leaning on the person’s shoulder, pleading for them to shoot me with the rifle I had just given them.

The rain pours through the car’s broken windshield, drenching us both.

Feeling the person’s heart racing faster and faster, I can’t help but be strangely stirred by their vitality.

It’s as if their heartbeat resonates with the climax of my journey.

With my blind eyes wide open, I embrace the moment.

If rifle shots can sing like angels, then I must be in paradise.

I raise my arm towards the invisible light, simultaneously crying and laughing.

But before I can fully immerse myself, a strong, broad hand grabs hold of mine.

“DARIUS… Why do you always interfere?” I question, my voice filled with frustration.

“Your time has not yet come,” he responds calmly, pressing a gas mask onto my face.

“But I want to die! Let me breathe the poison!” I protest, longing for the release.

DARIUS pulls me out of the car through the same opening I entered, holding me close against his broad chest.

“Oh, but you can die…” he whispers softly into my ear. “Once you have paid your debt to the Major.” And with that, he shoots the passenger’s head at point-blank range with his shotgun. “Come. We have an island to terrorize.”

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