There are Two Gods in Heaven

Chương 77: A peaceful heaven

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What a nice island.

Apart from the rainy season, the weather is ideal.

Even in the rain, it has some charm.

The local products are good, and the economy is flourishing.

Working there is like being on vacation 24/7.

How sickening.

Knowing that she lives here makes me want to vomit.

The fact that she’s peacefully enjoying this heaven while I’m stuck in hell enrages me.

I cannot allow it.

“Your sins are catching up to you, White Snake,” I say as I raise a cigar to my mouth, about to take a drag.

However, a gloved hand with slender fingers appears in my line of sight and pulls it away.

“What are you doing?” I ask, disappointed.

The boy, wearing the gas mask with pointy ears that I gave him, softly giggles.

Suddenly, an object covers my entire head, blocking my vision.

He slowly pushes another gas mask onto my face and pronounces with a gentle voice, “It’s going to smell.”

Remembering that it’s time for the next part of the operation, I press the loose mask onto my face, but accidentally touch his hand.

He shivers and pulls his hand away, emitting a quiet pained moan.

“I apologize. Can you help me tighten it?” I ask.

I see him nod meekly through the glass lenses, and he approaches his chest so he can tighten the mask behind my head.

“Did you put cream on your scars today?” I inquire.

He quickly pulls back his hand and shakes his head. “N-no need.”

“If you don’t do it yourself, I’ll be forced to do it for you,” I tease.

“I’ll do it. I’ll do it,” he says before running away.

Laying my back on the table I was sitting on, I wait patiently for the second act to begin.

“White Snake… White Snake… Why did you betray me?”

Sighing, I remember what the spy told us the other day.

Who are these people she’s hanging out with? Her lover? Her child?

I would like to meet them, but she wouldn’t allow it.

That’s why I have to force things a little bit.

The same way she did it to me, I’ll turn her life upside down.

It’s only fair and square…



The elevator doors open to a crowded golden hall, a stark contrast to how I left it before heading to Banta’s office.

People are yelling, running around, making phone calls, and gathering in groups.

“What’s going on?” I ask the closest person, but she ignores me and suddenly points at two individuals, before shouting at them.

I turn my head and notice someone who isn’t in a hurry. It’s a black man in a dark blue suit with a bow tie, calmly smoking in the midst of the chaos.

I squint my eyes; I know who dresses like this.

Trying to approach him without animosity, I ask, “Isn’t it forbidden to smoke in a building?”

He stares at me for a couple of seconds then hands me his cigarette. “Wanna take a drag?” he asks nonchalantly.

“Uhh, no thanks. I don’t smoke,” I awkwardly smile. Does he have a screw loose?

He takes the cigarette back to his mouth and comments, “It’s nice to keep it cool.”

I try to ignore his weird remark and get to the point. “Anyway, do you know what’s going on here?”

The guy looks around and responds, “It’s crowded.”

“No kidding.”

“No, there’s something happening over there,” he points at the wall next to him.


“That way. Something like a forty-minute walk, depending on your speed. Personally, I like to take my time.”

What on earth is he talking about? Remembering what I overheard before leaving Banta’s office, I ask him, “Is Chinatown in that direction?”

“Yes,” he sighs. “Because of that, we couldn’t get cheesecakes.”

“What’s going on in Chinatown?” I ask impatiently.

He takes a slow drag before responding, “I didn’t really listen, so I don’t know. I just do what Sis says.”

“ORPHEUS!” An older man steps out from the crowd and waves his hand in our direction. He wears the same kind of blue smoking, but with a Kevlar jacket on top and a Panama hat on his head.

He approaches and solemnly removes his hat when he sees me. “My lady…”

I roll my eyes. Behind him stands another young guy with silver-dyed hair, wearing the same smoking.

How many of them are there?

The boy gasps when he sees me and dramatically points at my face. “Isn’t that...? ORPHI, what are you doing with—”

He doesn’t finish his sentence, but I’m now 100% certain that these guys work with that parasite.

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“Listen, guys, I don’t care what you’ve heard about me or whatever, but I just want to know what’s going on in Chinatown.”

The silver-haired boy hides behind the older guy and murmurs rapidly, “Is it betrayal? Are we betraying SIRO-PI if we respond? ORPHI, you traitor!”

The bearded guy seems the most reasonable of the bunch and pushes the silver-haired boy away. “I can’t leave a pretty lady in such distress! There’s what they commonly call a terrorist attack going on,” he explains.

“What? How is that different from the daily routine on this island?”

“She doesn’t get it!” the silver-haired boy pushes his glasses up. “This is the real deal.”

“Chemicals,” the black man finally speaks again. “They’re using chemical weapons.”

My mind goes blank suddenly. I know what this is about…

Boginya is in terrible danger! I need to go!

But what about Abhi? What should I do? I can’t leave him there, and I can’t ask him to walk back to the Triads’ hideout alone!

“Is she okay?”


“Maybe she needs cake. Too bad the cheesecake shop blew up.”

These three idiots… Can I leave Abhi in their care? They’re not trustworthy at all, but what other choice do I have?

“Listen, you three work with that girl, right?” I begin, desperately.


“Yes, her. Help me, please. I need to go to Chinatown now, and there’s a child I’m looking after who will come down here in a few minutes, but I can’t wait a second. Can you just tell him to wait for me? Actually, no, I don’t know how long it will take, and he can’t wait for me here alone. You guys have a hideout, right? Can you take him there and give him some snacks while I’m away?! I’ll pay you.”

They look at each other for a moment. The first one to answer is the guy with the hat. “Don’t worry, my lady. I will personally take care of the kid! I happen to have children of my own, so I know how it works. By the way, my name is HECTOR. Would you also take the time to give me your phone number...?”

“Hey!” the silver-haired boy hits his flank with his elbow. “Aren’t you making this decision on your own?! Give us a hundred bucks.”

“Sure,” I respond, then proceed to exchange phone numbers with him. “Don’t do anything weird, okay? Just take him to your hideout, put him in front of some cartoons. I’ll contact you later to arrange his return.”

“No problem, Miss.”

It’s not such a bad idea to leave Abhi in their hands. While I may hate that SIRONA bitch with all my heart, she’s still a Koteloppolo here. She can’t do whatever she wants, and Abhi is a Tiban, so he’s protected by the state. Realistically, nothing wrong should happen to him during the short time I’ll be away. If everything goes well, I’ll be back in less than an hour.

“Alright, I’m counting on you. His name is Abhi. He’s a young Tiban who should be coming down from this elevator shortly. Don’t scare him. Wait, I’ll record my voice saying that I’m leaving him in your care for the time being. Make him listen to it first, or he’ll run away. Oh, and if possible, try to keep him hidden from that girl.”

I quickly record myself on HECTOR’s phone before running away.

“Guess we just became babysitters,” the black guy comments at last.



In the dark alley, the girl with the iaito’s smile slowly fades as she realizes her weapon is too big to be used between such close walls.

I feint a movement to the left, but she sees through it and doesn’t flinch.

Or maybe she didn’t even notice it.

The rain adds a dramatic effect to our confrontation, but the downside is that it also impairs our perception and dulls our senses.

I take advantage of the situation and, with a quick pivot, I shift my weight to my back foot, raising my forearm to block any potential strikes.

Her gaze narrows, assessing my movements with a mix of caution and confidence, but the moment a larger raindrop falls on her face and I notice the rapid twitch of her blink, I slide on the slippery ground and end up within knife range.

Time seems to slow down as I find myself dangerously close to her blade. The rain continues to pour, each droplet a percussion against the pavement, heightening the tension.

The sound of the blade slicing through the air echoes through the alley and meets my knife in a clang.

Instinct kicks in, and with a surge of adrenaline, I react swiftly.

Squatting down a hair’s breadth away from her, the lever effect makes the blow heavier the further one is from the guard, so approaching makes it easier to handle. Since the tip of the blade travels a further distance than the hilt, it also has more energy. But my strength doesn’t match hers and the pressure prevents me from standing up.

But this way, she’s fully focused on me, and TIAN HUO can beat the crap out of her.

The rain continues to obscure our senses, making it difficult for GON to notice than TIAN HUO had disappeared from her line of sight to strike her from behind.

She gasps and releases the tension on her iaito and loses her balance.

“Fucking cowards… Going two on one…” She coughs, out of breath.

TIAN HUO had pulled a big red fan out of his hanfu as he approached, which reminds me that he used to wear all red before, but I can’t see what he has done to her with it from where I am.

I stand up and rub my drenched leggings to push some of the grubby water out.

I sigh. I really need a shower.

“We have no time to lose with a clown like you,” TIAN HUO spits mercilessly and approaches her, ready to knock her down … before being stopped by the deafening screech of a horrific alarm.

We all jump in surprise and try to locate its origin, but it seems to be coming from everywhere at once.

In fact, it appears to be ringing throughout the entire city.

Alarmed, as if the country is about to be struck by a tactical bombing, we start panicking uncontrollably.

“Shixiong!! What’s going on?” XIAO SHUI cries.

A sharp pain shoots through my stomach for some reason, and I even have the irrational feeling that this alarm is signalling the end of the world.

The apocalyptic alarm is then muffled by an announcement asking all people in the Chinatown district to evacuate as soon as possible.

On the ground, the girl we’ve been fighting slumps unto her back and coughs, “what the fuck did you do…?”

“We didn’t do anything, unlike you dogs.” TIAN HUO stomps her face and signals for a shidi to carry her.

Feeling as if my eardrums are about to burst, I leave the group behind and cowardly start running away.


I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!

Drenched, I get the absurd feeling the rain is washing away my sins.

And I rush out of the back alley as the apocalypse begins.

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