There are Two Gods in Heaven

Chương 80: Cheerio, old chap! Would you fancy a spot of tea and crumpets?

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After blowing the lock with his pistol, the shady-looking dude with a ridiculous hat and a twirly moustache orders me to get inside the building.

“What the heck is going on?” I finally manage to ask when I step in.

“We ain’t safe yet!” he retorts while pushing the door to keep it closed. “Find something to block it.”

I look left and right. The evacuated, dark apartment gives me a strange sense of comfort.

I turn on the light and step further.

The place looks deserted like it’s been abandoned for weeks. Surprisingly, it’s not all run-down, and you could actually survive here for a few days if needed.

I painfully push a heavy drawer all the way to the front door. Hat guy helps me and makes sure the door is impenetrable before stepping deeper inside.

“Make sure all the windows are closed. The curtains too,” he insists.

“What the hell is going on?” I ask again, feeling the panic rise.

He jumps to the side and closes the curtains in the living room before responding. “A chemical attack is going on. The terrorists are using an agent that kills on contact.”

“What the heck? How do you know?!”

“They just said it on the news!” he responds, though I doubt they’d say things like that on the news…

Considering how panicked he looks, and the warning we received earlier, I have no other choice but to trust him. But I can’t help but worry about the Triads guys I left behind.

“I … need to warn some people then!”

“It’s too late. If they’re wise, they’ll find somewhere to hide too.”


Grimacing, I sit on an armchair.

I liked TIAN HUO and XIAO SHUI, and the thought of them dying saddens me.

“Who are you?” The guy asks while heating water. His actions are so precise it seems like he actually lived here.

I’m surprised he doesn’t remember me, but since he saved my life, I respond trustfully. “DIANA. You really don’t remember me? We met at Boob—ARTEMIS’ place. I think you’re the guy she calls Di-”

“Aahhhh!” He finally recalls. “You were the almost-naked weirdo wearing an oversized fur coat on top of nothing?!”

I feel like an idiot for making him remember such an embarrassing thing.

“Yeah… That was me…”

He approaches and hands me a warm mug of tea. “I’m glad to meet you, DIANA. You can call me… James.” He beams.

I squint my eyes and smell the mug, then decide to leave it on the table.

“You don’t like tea?” he asks after taking a long sip out of his own.

“I’m good.”

“Oh, okay. I personally can’t live without tea.” He takes another sip. “By the way, what’s your relationship with ARTEMIS?”

“That’s what I wanna ask you.” I respond coldly.

 “We’re just acquaintances. I don’t know anything about her.” He says, and sits down on a couch in front of my armchair with a nod. “How about you two? Aren’t you pretty close?”

“Yeah. What makes you say that?”

“The fact that you were half naked in her apartment…?”

I run a hand over my face out of shame. “That was before we were close.”

“Oh really? So, when did you meet?”

“Half a year ago… But it’s none of your business. How did you two meet?”

He takes a few seconds to ponder before responding. “Around three years ago, I think. It was during the rainy season too. As I was taking shelter from the torrent, I met her eyes. She was running, drenched from head to toe, and I ran after her with an umbrella. But the moment I handed it to her, it flew away and never came back… That made her laugh quite a lot, and after a short exchange, we decided to share contacts.”

That’s a very stupid story, and at this point, I don’t know if I should believe it or not. But for some reason, this ridiculous story, mixed with my imagination of what Boobies’ face would be like, makes me laugh softly.

“I’m pretty clumsy, aren’t I?’ he adds, chuckling.

“The way we met was funny too.” I begin. “My sister enrolled me into a shady business, and I had to escort an old guy who larped as a prince. And since I’m such an idiot, I really thought he was a prince for like … two days. Boobies was also one of the people who were escorting him, but the other two actually tried to kill the prince, so Boobies and I teamed up… Well… She did most of the job, actually. I wouldn’t have lasted five minutes on my own…”

“Why do you think that way?”

“Because my … sister is a really dangerous person, and I didn’t want to go home. I was scared to go home, so Boobies let me take shelter in her home… But she didn’t ask for anything in return. And even now, she always takes care of me and Abhi and never asks for anything in return…”

“She really is an amazing person.”

“She is way more amazing than you think. She’s unmatched.” A short silence follows before I continue. “I don’t even understand why she likes someone as annoying and stupid as me. There’s no way I would spend that much time and energy with someone like me…”

“Aren’t you being too harsh on yourself?”

“Nope. You have no clue how dumb and useless I am. Even right now, I was supposed to help some people, but all I did was get beaten up and then run away. It’s a miracle if they’re not dead right now because of that fucking poison outside. I guess the only good thing I did was to get into this trouble alone. At least Boobies and Abhi should be safe since they’re away from this district. You think you’re clumsy, but I’m the clumsiest idiot on the planet!”

My voice gets weaker and I struggle to keep from crying.

“So… Are you two … going out?” he asks.

“Hm…” I nod.

“I see… That’s great. Well, since she isn’t here, we won’t be able to know what she likes about you, but on the other hand, you can tell me what you like about her.” He laughs.

“What I like about her? It’s not something I can simply put into words. She saved me in so many ways, not just literally. She gives me a reason to live, a reason to want to see tomorrow. My feelings for her aren’t easily explained by saying ‘I like her’ or ‘this is what I like about her.’ However, I can tell you that I love her sense of humour, her courage, and her diligence the most.”

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“What do you mean by that?”

“She has a tough life, you know? And yet, she’s taking care of a kid. Hell, she’s taking care of him better than anyone I know. I mean, anyone I know who has a kid, which isn’t a lot, but it’s still something. When I compare how she treats Abhi and how my sister treated me, it’s like there’s a world, no, a universe in between. She made me realize what a proper family, what a proper home is.”

“Is it her child?”

“It’s complicated … but it’s like he is. I mean, it doesn’t matter if they’re biologically related or not. Family isn’t just about blood, you know? If it was just about blood, I would rather die in the worst way possible.”

“Is your sister that bad?”

“Yeah, she’s a monster. A stupid, ridiculously dangerous and mad monster. I can’t describe her in just one sentence. It’s like she’s toxicity incarnate. Everything she does or says is poison. It gets into your veins, and then you start believing that there is no other way. Sorry, my vocabulary isn’t that rich. I can’t describe feelings that well. It’s something you must go through to get it. But she’s such an annoying bitch… A brat! That’s it! She acts like a brat, except she’s 25 years old. Or maybe 26, I forgot. Anyway, she’s way past the age where you should act like a stupid brat! She doesn’t know how to treat people and thinks everybody owes her everything. She has a team of guys she’s on friendly terms with, but I cannot fathom how they got so friendly. They must be as bratty or insane as her for it to work out! Can you imagine that?”

“You should drink some tea; it will soothe your mind.”

Tired and frustrated, I give up and grab the warm mug, gulping all of its contents in one go.

“That’s not how you’re supposed to enjoy tea…” he comments.

“I don’t give a fuck. Your piss didn’t work; I’m still mad!”

He scratches the back of his head, then asks another question. “So, you had friends or partners outside?”


He pulls his phone out of his pocket and types a few messages before putting it back in.

“They’ll probably be fine.”

“Zěnme zhīdào?”

Silence settles in the room.

“What did you say?” He makes a bewildered face.

“The first time we met, TIAN SHUI and TIAN HUO were there too. Why did you say your name was James and what is your relationship to the Triads?” I continue in Mandarin. “You also kept asking me questions and barely said anything in return. You’re one hell of a fishy guy.”

The man plays with his moustache for a little bit before replying in what I recognize as English: “Look at you, ain’t as daft as you reckon!”



“Oi, DORA, are you here?” I shout in the office until his oversized body finally peeks out from behind the vending machine.

“What’s up, TORA?” he says as he presses the button for a snack.

“Now both UMA and GON are gone,” I respond, irritated.

“I can’t believe GON is gone. Ah, it’s normal that you don’t laugh, it’s a pun that only works in another language,” he raises a finger, proud of himself.

I’m not going to comment on this.

“This matter should be taken more seriously; something is going on in Chinatown and GON disappeared while looking for NANAYA.”

“And did she find NANAYA? Maybe she followed him through a portal to another world…”

“For fuck’s sake, DORA! I’m going to tell Ohime-sama, so come with me!”

“Why should I come with you?!” he protests.

“Because I’m scared to go alone… Please!!” I implore, pulling his broad and hairy arm, but his body doesn’t budge.

“What’s going on? Why do you need Ohime-sama?” a voice emerges from the shadows, and I gasp in surprise.

At the same time, DORA kicks the vending machine, pretending the sound was made by TSUKI dropping on the floor and hides his stolen snacks behind his gigantic back.

“Ahh T-TSUKI! Did you know that NANAYA, GON, and UMA disappeared?” I whistle. “Maybe you should tell Ohime-sama!”

“You’re so smart, Aniki,” DORA nods.

“Shut up.”

“About NANAYA and GON, it’s probably related to the events in Chinatown,” TSUKI whispers while rushing swiftly through the corridor.

“What’s going on exactly?” I run behind her, struggling to catch up.

“The mercenaries that we made an alliance with ha…”

Her voice fades away as she disappears into the staircase.

“WHAT ABOUT UMA??!!” I scream, but her response never reaches me.

I turn around and notice TADPOLE sneakily exiting his office. He seems to be improving his shinobi skills each time he wants to go to the toilet.

This time, though, he walks up to me and softly announces: “Can you tell GON that I’m sorry next time you see her?”

“My poor TADPOLE, I have no idea if there is going to be a next time I’ll see her… Maybe you’ll have better chances by telling her yourself?”

“Hm… I see…” He pronounces before walking back into his office. Maybe I should have worded that differently…

Now, what the fuck happened to this stupid UMA?!

And the moment I open my phone to see if I received new messages or emails… I notice one notification coming from UMA himself!

I quickly open it only to find a message saying, “xoxo, I’m flying!” and a picture of him standing in front of a plane.

Right next to him is the fucking Chinese prisoner that we planned to use as ransom.

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