There are Two Gods in Heaven

Chương 81: The greatest warriors

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“HEY! COME BACK!” I shout at the stupid girl who is running away, but she doesn’t listen.

“Shixiong… What are we going to do?” XIAO SHUI grabs my hanfu with a weak hand.

When I turn around and look at all the shidi, I notice their faces are pale as ghosts, and some of them look feverish.

I quickly bring my sleeve up to my face. “Cover your mouths and noses! Does anyone have masks?”

If there’s some kind of epidemic going on, the infected need to cover their faces to slow the spread of the virus.

“N-none of us…” A shidi says, and then he vomits.

“Quick! Enter one of the buildings. Take cover somewhere all together. Don’t touch me, I’m not infected.” I pull my hanfu to break free from XIAO SHUI’s weak grasp.

“What about the Japanese…?” another shidi asks.

“Leave them here! We have no time to lose for them!”

I jump through a window and throw a chair to help them climb inside.

“Don’t touch anything and quarantine yourselves in one of the bedrooms. I’ll try to contact the Masters. All in one. And don’t open the windows,” I order.

They find refuge in the largest room of the evacuated apartment, except for one of them who faints before reaching it.

“Help carry your comrade and close the door! I’ll bring you some water.” I command, while making sure all the openings are sealed shut.

I look out the window and notice two silhouettes wearing gas masks heading through the back alley we just came from.

Curious about what they’re up to, I decide to spy on them.



“Ohime-sama, it seems like NANAYA and GON might be caught up in what’s happening in Chinatown,” I inform her with a grim expression.

Her face darkens as she hears the news I bring.

She takes a drag from her cigarette holder, the smoke swirling around her like a dark aura, and begins a phone call with the leader of the mercenary group.

“Major speaking,” comes the gruff voice on the other end.

“What an absurd plan you’ve got there. What are you going to do when the agency comes?” Ohime-sama’s voice is cold.

“I told you already. They can come, it doesn’t matter,” the Major responds defiantly.

“It doesn’t matter? What about the casualties?” she retorts sharply.

“What are you talking about? I thought you were in this to get rid of the competition. That’s how we take care of grudges. You want to get things done, but you’re never going to dirty your hands, are you? You think this pathetic thing you’re calling a war is the real deal? Get down for a second; you’re just playing. We aren’t even asking you to do anything difficult. The ones that are fighting are my men. Your role is only diplomatic, because I know that you can’t handle anything else, so just smile for the camera and don’t comment.”

The atmosphere is thick with animosity, and it feels like the room might implode from the sheer force of his words.

“I will continue to support this at one condition,” Ohime-sama states firmly.

“This should be our line, but I can show myself magnanimous. What is it?” the Major replies.

“I have two important employees that are located in the area. Keep them safe,” she demands.

“Is that all? They might be dead already,” the Major says callously.

“If that’s the case, then I have no need for them anymore. However, these two are some of my greatest warriors, and they shouldn’t fall so easily. Will you do it?”

“Fine. I’ll send a few of my men to look for them, so let’s keep on friendly terms, shall we?”


Ohime-sama shuts down the communication before spitting, “What a poisonous snake.”

Her anger and frustration are palpable as she paces back and forth, her kimono billowing like a stormy sea.



“Hey, Milo, aren’t those the yakuzas?” Josh points out, his voice filled with excitement.

“Nice catch, Josh,” I reply, snapping my fingers playfully.

The two people lying on the ground appear motionless. “Hopefully, they are dead, so we can go back,” Josh adds with a yawn.

“I know, right,” I agree, cautiously approaching the bodies.

“Are we even sure that’s them?” Josh asks, looking uncertain.

“Who cares, let’s just take them and be done. At least we tried,” I sigh, turning one of them to see their face. “What? This one isn’t even Asian?!”

“Are you sure?” Josh squints, trying to get a better look. “I don’t have my glasses on… I can’t see shit with this mask.”

“No, but look at this, her hair is blonde too!” I point out.

“She probably dyed it,” Josh dismisses the observation.

“And it’s so curly.”

“She probably curled it,” he counters.

“How do you know so much about hair?” I ask, curious.

“That’s common knowledge,” Josh replies casually.

“Okay, but look—”

“I don’t care! I’ll take this one, he seems lighter.” Josh approaches the other body, which belongs to a black-haired boy. “This one is definitely Japanese, check out—”

But suddenly, a sharp noise interrupts Josh’s words. He starts chocking, and I grow concerned.

“Damn, Joshie, are you okay?” I walk over to him, but my attention is drawn to the dark-haired boy, whose eyes are wide open.

He swiftly pulls a knife out of Josh’s body and kicks him to the side.

A sinister smile spreads across his face, sending shivers down my spine. I take a step back, feeling fear rising in my mind.

“W-what are you doing? We came here to save you! Josh, are you okay?” I stutter, unable to comprehend what’s happening. How is he not affected by the agent?

The dark-haired boy rises to his feet, wiping the blood pouring from his forehead and nose. His glasses have been shattered, but somehow, the broken pieces still sit on his face.

Standing in the middle of the alley, rain pouring on his shoulders, he laughs maniacally.


He leaps into the air, seemingly flying, and like a bird of prey, lands on my shoulder with incredible speed.

Before I can react, he slices my throat.

The world starts spinning as I feel blood gushing from my neck. I gasp for breath, trying to comprehend what’s going on. But it’s too late. Darkness takes over, and everything fades away.



After a very awkward and silent car drive, we finally reach the three idiots’ hideout.

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From the outside, it looks like a normal apartment, but I keep my guard up. And for good reason.

When we reach the landing of the flat, ASCLEPIUS makes an announcement. “Alright, you can come in, but don’t touch anything! I hate brats, because I know brats like you like to touch everything! And don’t enter my room under ANY condition!”

I roll my eyes but don’t respond.

“Calm down, ASCLEPIUS. He’s just going to stay in the living room,” HECTOR sighs.

“Fine with me!” Asclepius spits before stepping in. ORPHEUS, who is already deep inside the flat, is nowhere to be seen.


As I step into this place, all I can see is chaos. In the living room, there are clothes and gadgets everywhere.

What the hell is this place?! A teenagers’ collective?!

The walls are covered with posters of rock bands and anime, and the big TV is blaring with one of those stupid reality shows.

“Just sit on the couch,” HECTOR says, but the couch is a minefield of clothes, and I take a whole minute to find a piece of leather I can sit on!

“I want coffee first,” I change my mind and head for the kitchen.

What a mistake.

The kitchen is a disaster zone. Dirty dishes are stacked up in the sink, crumbs are all over the counter, and half-eaten snacks are left out to attract bugs.

ORPHEUS is standing in the middle of it, boiling water in a pot that I believe might have seen the world wars.

“What the hell is this garbage?!” I exclaim.

“I’m making your coffee…” ORPHEUS responds, seemingly disappointed with my reaction.

“You can’t properly cook anything in this disgusting mess!” I cry.

ORPHEUS shrugs. “It used to be clean. I cleaned it. But then it got dirty. I was tired of cleaning. I stopped cleaning. It’s tiring. I don’t like being tired.”

“Where is the coffee?” I ask, pissed.

“There.” He shows me a plastic bag filled with instant coffee.

“Why the hell is it in a plastic bag?! Where is the original packaging?”

HECTOR enters the kitchen and throws a tangerine at ORPHEUS. “Nobody drinks coffee, so it was getting dusty. I found this solution, aren’t I ingenious?”

“IT LOOKS LIKE SHIT!” I scream. “Tasty things should stay in cute or cool or nice packaging. This looks like… Drugs?! Wait, is it drugs?!”

“GET A LOAD OF THIS BRAT, HE DOESN’T KNOW COFFEE IS A DRUG!” Asclepius shouts from his room.

“SHUT UP!” I shout back.

“Well… Do you want coffee or not…?” ORPHEUS asks.

“Yes! But… Not like this! You need to clean… All of you! This place can’t stay like this!” I exclaim.

ASCLEPIUS only appears for a fraction of a second to grab a pair of tights that are lying in the living room, then goes back into his lair. “I’m not going to clean anything that’s outside of my bedroom. My environment is clean. I don’t care about the rest.” He mumbles while shutting the door behind him.

ORPHEUS looks at me with pitiful eyes. “Can’t we clean tomorrow…?”

“NO!” I scream. “YOU!” I point at HECTOR. “I lied before; ARTEMIS is not dating anyone! I just said it to mess with you!”

“WHAT? Are you serious?!” HECTOR exclaims, beaming.

“YES! But there is something you must know… She HATES when it’s dirty!! If you invite her into this mess, she’s going to HATE YOU!” I continue.

“I’m never going to invite her here!” HECTOR laughs.

“Yeah, Sis would kill him,” ORPHEUS explains.


“Anyway, the water is hot,” ORPHEUS says meekly.

“Just keep it for later, I’ll make pasta for the kid when he’s hungry,” HECTOR gives a thumbs up.

“You… You didn’t understand anything…?” I hold my head, feeling like it’s about to burst.

“What’s the trouble? The pot isn’t dirty, you know?” HECTOR sniffs it to confirm his statement.

“Are you OK?” ORPHEUS asks me.

“NO!” I cry and hold my head firmly.

“I think he wants coffee,” ORPHEUS explains.

“Ohhh, it really is like a drug. He’s having withdrawal effects,” HECTOR comments.

“SHUT UP!” I cry.

“Oh, I know. If he doesn’t like this coffee, I can bring coffee from the café down there,” ORPHEUS raises his finger.

“Nice idea, ORPHEUS!” Hector tries to shake his hand. “Abhi, how about you try to sit down on the couch while ORPHEUS brings you the coffee?”

“Uhhh,” I pronounce, too weak to respond.

“Give me money,” ORPHEUS avoids HECTOR’s hand and brings his thumb and index together.

“What? You don’t have money for coffee?!” HECTOR questions.

“I wanna buy some snacks too… For Sis too… Or she’s going to be mad,” ORPHEUS announces.

“What about SIRONA?” Hector asks, sweating.

“She doesn’t know we brought Abhi. She’s going to be mad, you know. Not only because we’re helping the girl she hates, but also because we ran away from the Stargazer,” ORPHEUS explains.

Turning white, HECTOR seems to remember something. “Holy shit, we forgot about the mission.”

“I didn’t forget,” ORPHEUS says. “You forgot.”

HECTOR drops on the floor, concerned about his future.

Without bothering to check if he is alright, ORPHEUS pulls a wallet out of the depressed guy’s coat. He pulls out some bills before tossing it back into HECTOR’s lap, who seems to be about to cry, then leaves the place.

Without smiling, he waves at me and goes away.

Giving up on these guys, I begin to understand ASCLEPIUS’s behaviour, and conclude that his decision to care only about himself is the wisest in such a place…

Looking for some space that doesn’t smell like trash to sit and relax, I delve deeper into the apartment.



After witnessing something as amazing as the sociopathic serial stabber, whom I beat up so hard that anyone I know would be dead, killing the two people with gas masks, that I would have preferred to interrogate since they seemed to be aware of what’s going on, something even more incredible happens.

“We’ve lost, we are your prisoners.”

The madman stole the two guys’ gas masks and put them on his and the blonde girl’s faces, then smashed the window that was protecting the few shidi and me from the virus outside.

And after pulling the girl and himself up, he announces that he’s going to submit to us, then faints again, leaving me completely bewildered.

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