Thereafter of An Exiled Magician

Chapter 68: 60

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“Since the text here and the text in the translated book should be the same, I think this word should be read as ‘magical power’.”
“But then, ‘magical power’ appears in the next paragraph as well, yet it does not appear in the next paragraph of the original text, correct?”
“Ah, you’re right.”

We were discussing about the ancient civilization language next to Sui who was eating her dinner, in futility.
We hadn’t even translated the first line, let alone an entire page, so we at least wanted to achieve that.

“Hmm, I suppose we’ll have to consult Lain again.”
“That may be so…”
“…I think, there are two types of ‘magical power’ discussed in the ancient language.”

Turning around, we saw Sui staring at the books again intensely after finishing her dinner.

“S-, Sui? What do you mean?”
“First sentence, is about “magical power inside a human’s body”. Second sentence, is about “magical power abundant in nature”. In modern terms, both are magic, but in ancient terms, they’re different.”
“Does Sui know the ancient civilization’s language?”
“First time, I’m seeing it today. Still, I can read.”
“No way…”

Sui continued reading after that as well.
We watch the situation unfold while being completely taken aback.

“T-, this is amazing. To think Sui had such a talent.”
“Probably, because of, spell book.”
“Spell book?”

Sui brings out the spell book out of nowhere.

“This spell book, gave me magic power. That increased, my intellect.”
“Is that so?”

Sui nods.

I see.
I hadn’t seen magical power affect anything other than battle strength yet, but I suppose it had this effect as well.

“Maybe it’s better to study in our battle costumes?”
“Ah, you’re right.”

I remember hearing that the battle uniforms given to us by Lain had the effect of increasing our magical power.
I also heard that my, Milia, and Sui’s uniforms had the effect of increasing our intellect.

“It’s certainly worth a try.”
“Yes, that may be so.”
“I’ll also, change.”

The three of us changed into our battle uniforms in the workshop, and continued working on deciphering until morning.


“What are you three doing?”

Having went to sleep the earliest yesterday, I was the first to wake up.
As I thought of sorting out all the loot we found in the ruin yesterday, I went to the workshop only to find Kili, Milia, and Sui completely armored up and sleeping on the table.

I could get that they were studying, based on the books that were spread out on top of the table, but why they felt the need to dress in their battle uniforms, I didn’t know.
For the time being, I covered them all with a blanket, and approached the loot from yesterday.

“I shouldn’t be making any noise. Guess I’ll leave it for now.”

I was bound to be noisy while sorting things out.
But I’d feel bad about waking them up.

(I guess it isn’t that urgent, so I could delay the sorting for later on.)

“I decided to leave the studio, and read a book in the dining hall.


“Ah Lain, good morning. You’re up early today.”
“Morning Aria. Yeah, I slept early yesterday after all.”
“…Where are Kili and the rest? They weren’t in the bedroom, so I thought they would be here.”
“So you didn’t know either huh. They seem to be sleeping in the workshop while wearing their battle uniforms.”

Aria blinks many times, perhaps because she didn’t understand what I said.

“In the workshop? Wearing their uniforms? Why?”
“No idea. They were sleeping pretty soundly, so I just laid a blanket on them and came out.”
“…I see. However, we need to get started on breakfast so I’ll go and wake them up.”
“In that case, how about I help?”
“Doing nothing is the best help you could give.”

I was completely hopeless when it came to cooking.
When I was alone, I simply chopped things up and heated them up so it didn’t really matter at the time, but as it turns out, I’m quite awkward in the kitchen.

Aria returned after a while.

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“Did they wake up?”
“Yes, they did. They’re changing just about now.”
“Why were they in their armor?”
“I’m not sure. When they woke up they only asked me what time it was, and started changing.”
“Oh, good morning. Sorry we’re late.”

As Aria and I talked with each other, Kili walked in.
Milia and Sui soon followed after her.

“It’s not like I mind, but why were you three sleeping all decked-out like that?”
“We thought if we could, increase our intellect with our equipment, we might be able to decipher the, ancient civilization’s language.”

Sui answers in place of Kilia and Milia, who found it hard to explain.

“Because my intellect went up, as soon as, I got this spell book.”
“Aah, I see. So, did it?”
“No, not at all. The correction factor of the spell book is too amazing.”

Kili said while drooping her shoulders.

“We were thinking of continuing our deciphering with Sui as the center. We finally had a promising start yesterday.”
“I see…”

I think while hearing the three continue their conversation.
This might be the perfect timing.

“What’s up?”
“Want to make a magic tool that increases your intellect?”

I suggested making a new item to her.


“We safely reached back home, Sieg-san.”
“You’re right. I thank you all for your assistance.”

We were back at Sieg-san’s shop, which was in the city where the Margravine resided.
Sieg-san patted his chest in relief, and I did the same.
With this, Sieg-san’s escort mission had come to an end.
The trip to and from the village was entirely uneventful, but since we had rare goods with us on the way back, it was mentally exhausting.

“Hey hey, Racquel. Can I leave the party for a while? I really want to go back to that village.”
“Now now, I want to go as well, so let’s go together afterwards.”

Zeal also seemed willing to go back there, so we might as well head out as a party.

Sieg-san laughed bitterly.
I’m sure he wanted to come with us, but he must have a lot of preparation to do, so it would be impossible for him right now.

“Owner! pardon the intrusion, but could you come out front?”

As we helped unload the goods, we heard a voice from outside the store.

“Who is it?”
“There weren’t any planned visitors, right?”

No one should be visiting here since the place was closed for restocking.
Moreover, since we were just unloading, there’s no way anyone could have known about the store being open.

Despite that, the other party knew of Sieg-san’s return.

“What will you do? Shall I step out and greet them?”
“…No, that would be rude in case it were a customer, hence I shall go. Can Racquel-sama follow me as an escort though? I’ll pay you.”
“Understood. But I couldn’t charge you for this. We can’t simply escape being faced with such a situation, after all.”

Sieg-san and I stepped outside the shop while lightly conversing.

“Are you the merchant Sieg and their accompanying escort Racquel? The Margravine has summoned you. You may come as you’re currently dressed. Ah, bring your companions as well.”

The outside of the shop was surrounded by soldiers.

Looking at Sieg-san, he was staring at a single point.
A bound man stood in front of his eyes.
If I’m not wrong, wasn’t he the most gifted alchemist in this territory?
Why was he then in chains?

Seeing Sieg-san’s pale expression, I knew for sure that this wasn’t a good situation.

It seems that I had gotten myself involved in something terrible.
Perhaps I should have ran away when I had the chance, even if I had to use force.

While killing a sigh, I headed back inside to retrieve Lilifa and Zeal.

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