There’s No Drug in My Cooking!

Chapter 3: 3

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"That's right, I think the same way!" Ichiyo nodded in agreement and said, "I used to study music and I'm proficient in playing, singing, and plucking instruments. When I was six years old, I guest starred as an extra in a special effects drama. I can be considered a child star. Do you know that Digimon, the one where the witch deceived a group of children with lollipops and took away their dreams? One of them was me!"

As Ichiyo talked about his glorious deeds, he couldn't help but feel proud. However, this pride was quickly followed by deep regret. "I'm naturally suited for the arts and I was planning to form a band and debut. But my old man unexpectedly trapped me here to be a chef."

Erina stared at Ichiyo in shock as he spoke. She couldn't believe that her grandfather had arranged a marriage for her with someone who didn't even like the profession of a chef but wanted to do music instead. She couldn't help but wonder how the desserts made by this guy could still affect the mood of the people who ate them. What a waste of talent.

Erina Nakiri admitted that she was feeling a bit sour inside. She couldn't help but envy Ichiyo's talent for cooking, which seemed to come naturally to him, unlike her own ability to make people lose their sense of appetite with just a few bites.

Ichiyo noticed the strange look in Erina's eyes and felt a bit confused, just like when he used to watch a magic show in his previous life. "Since you've finished eating, that will be 1000 yen. Thanks for your business, have a nice day."

Dreams like that are only for a select few and for those who don't understand them, it's like playing the violin for a cow. That's right, Ichiyo felt that this haughty lady, despite her refined appearance, she didn't seem to understand his passion for music, and he saw her as a stubborn and clueless cow. He decided to close the shop and deal with his luggage, but she stopped him.

"You're trying to get rid of me?"

Erina looked at Ichiyo in disbelief, her finger pointing at her nose. She had never seen a shop owner try to kick out their customers like this before.

Ichiyo chuckled, shaking his head. "Of course not, it's just that I just took over this shop today and I still have a lot of luggage to organize upstairs, so..."


Erina slammed her teacup on the counter, her eyes fixed on Ichiyo. "I want a refill!"

"Well... it will cost extra..."


Erina placed a 10,000 yen bill on the table.

Ichiyo looks at the serious girl in front of him and feels that there is an irresistible golden light emanating from her. He realizes that she is a wealthy person, a fat lamb. He tilts his head slightly and says, "To be honest, I've noticed that you seem to have some opinions about me since you come into my shop. Do we know each other?"

Ichiyo stares intently at the girl, and she hesitates, her face flushing slightly as she struggles to respond. Suddenly, the sound of car horns outside interrupts them. Ichiyo looks out the window and sees a black luxury car parked outside.

"Is someone here to pick you up?" he asks.

Erina turned to look, relieved, and nodded. She then shifted her gaze, thinking of a good idea, and confirmed the thought.

"My name is Nakiri Alice, and I heard from my grandfather today that you are my sister's fiance. So I came to test your cooking skills, and from what I can see, your culinary talent is very good. Let's consider this a pass for now, but if I come again and you don't work hard to improve, I will find a way to make my sister try to divorce you!"

Ichiyo looked at the serious girl with a slightly humorous gaze. The marriage agreement between their two families had been set by their elders, and once it was confirmed, it was known by at least half of the upper circle in Tokyo, if not all of Japan. How could divorce be so easy to mention?

This was not a brainless idol drama, where everything could be played with so easily. What about the face of their two families?

This little girl was really stupid, probably because she had read too many novels and manga and was confused about reality.

But according to her words, she was his future sister-in-law?

She looked silly, but she was a standard golden-haired spoiled brat. Ichiyo felt that she would be easy to deal with.

"Does your sister listen to you a lot?"

"Of course!"

Erina was shocked by Ichiyo's nonchalant attitude towards divorce. She had always thought that once a marriage was arranged, it was a done deal and there was no turning back. But Ichiyo seemed to be suggesting otherwise. She couldn't believe that he would be so casual about something that could potentially ruin the reputation of both their families. However, Erina also knew that as long as they weren't married yet, it was still possible to break the engagement at the last minute, even though it would likely cause a lot of negative consequences.

After seeing Ichiyo's talent, Erina decided to give him some time and test him, while secretly observing him in the guise of her cousin. However, to her surprise, he was even more eager to be divorced than she was.

"If your sister is willing to listen to you, then try to persuade her to find a way to dissolve the engagement with me. While the engagement is still new, we can still preserve some face for both families to the greatest extent possible," Ichiyo said with a faint smile on his face. However, this smile seemed unpleasant to Erina.

"To be honest, I am not exactly a man worthy of entrusting a lifetime to. If you really have a good relationship with your sister, then try to persuade her," Ichiyo added.

Given the current status of the Sakuraba and Nakiri families in Japan, even if the engagement needs to be dissolved, it cannot be initiated by Ichiyo's family, but can only be initiated by the Nakiris. This is a default unspoken rule. After all, only the strong have the qualifications to break the so-called "tradition" that forms the rules of the cage.

As for whether the Nakiri family will eventually comply, it depends on whether Erina can persuade her sister and whether her sister is favored by the current head of the Nakiri family.

"Is that really how you feel?" Erina asked.

"What else could it be?"

"But isn't your family currently in need of the support of the Nakiri family to get through these next few decades without a top-class chef to support them?"

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"So what? The Sakuraba family has always been a pastry family and has dealt with the high officials and nobles. But we've also been limited by these innate conditions. Who knows if, without relying on pastry skills, the Sakuraba family could develop in other ways and how far we could go in the future?"

Ichiyo looked confident. In this world, there are many ways to make money, not just as a chef. Although his profession might not be a perfect fit, the Sakuraba family is at least an old and well-established family with a deeper history than the more recently risen Nakiri family. With all these good conditions, a reborn's perspective, and the capital to find a way to develop in other fields, it's not entirely impossible.

Being a chef might be a high-ranking profession in this world, but it's still not the most lucrative profession. The ones who truly make the most money are always the capitalists who control and encourage a group of people to work hard.

Erina took a deep breath, her chest heaving. She used her slender, fair fingers to tap Ichiyo's nose, stopping the annoying smile on his face.

"I disagree!" The voice was not loud, but it was firm.

Ichiyo was a talented young man, he had the potential to grow and achieve great things. Why would he waste his talent like this?

Erina looked at him seriously, "You are not allowed to do anything else, just focus on learning how to cook!"

Maybe it was out of compassion for seeing someone with talent throw it away, or maybe it was because she couldn't forget the pleasant emotions that the pastries had brought earlier. Either way, Erina did not want to see Ichiyo waste his potential.

Being a chef was a highly respected profession, even top-level chefs were constantly striving for improvement.

Ichiyo was unperturbed by Erina's finger poking at his nose, he just gave her a casual glance.

"Little sister, no matter what happens, it shouldn't be your concern what I want to do."

Erina did not back down, instead she stated a fact firmly, "Even if Erina knew about this, she wouldn't agree."

However, Ichiyo had a cruel reality to share, "Erina is your older sister?"


"If I don't study hard, then what?" asked Ichiyo, growing a little annoyed at this younger sister's interference in his personal life. Although he found her cute, she was also overly self-righteous and bossy. After all, he was not even married to her sister yet, and even if they did eventually get married, it would not be appropriate for a younger sister-in-law to intrude on her brother-in-law's private life so much.

Ichiyo gently pushed down on the finger that Erina was using to poke his nose, pressing it lightly against the glass counter. She looked at him calmly, her voice low and serious. "Ichiyo, I know you have talent as a chef. But that doesn't mean you can't pursue other things that you enjoy. If you really want to do something else, then you should be allowed to do it. I just don't want to see you waste your talent."

Erina looked at Ichiyo, her eyes filled with determination. "I won't let you waste your talent. I'll do whatever it takes to help you become the best chef you can be. You just have to promise me that you'll study hard and give it your all."

Ichiyo sighed, feeling a little overwhelmed by Erina's determination. He knew that she meant well, but he also didn't want to be controlled by her. "I'll do my best, Alice. But I also have my own dreams and desires. I hope you can understand that."

Erina nodded, a small smile appearing on her face. "I understand. But I also know that you have the potential to achieve great things as a chef. I just want to see you reach your full potential."

Ichiyo was touched by her sincere words. He knew that he had a long road ahead of him, but with Erina's support, he felt ready to take on whatever challenges came his way.

Although Ichiyo has a good personality, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have a temper and can't be fierce. However, in most cases, Ichiyo has always disdained using dog-like behavior like impotent rage to maintain dignity, as it is foolish and not very useful. A person who never gets angry is a monster, a person who is always angry is a cannon fodder, and the person who can calmly think about the situation when something makes them angry is the most terrifying.


Erina was intimidated by Ichiyo's demeanor and gaze for a moment and her face turned slightly pale. Ichiyo could see that outside his own store, the black luxury business car shook slightly, but no one walked into the shop. Erina's pupils began to have some mist and her eyes were red as she looked at Ichiyo with some grievances.


She clearly did this for the sake of this guy! If this guy could make good use of his talent, perhaps in just one or two years he could reach his grandfather's height and support the family's situation without having to rely on marriage to get help from others. But... Seeing the girl's pupils swirl with tears and the expression of tears that were about to flow out with grievance, Ichiyo unconsciously let go and sighed, and the originally strong and cold demeanor disappeared. "We are talking nicely just now, why are you crying?"


"I didn't cry!" Erina covered her face with her sleeves and glared at Ichiyo.

"Either way, I'll send the notes over tomorrow. If you don't study it, I'll tell our elders about this!"

"I'm not officially married to your sister yet, so your grandfather can't control me in matters like these." Ichiyo looked at the stubborn young lady and couldn't help but find her somewhat cute.

Did she really think he would be afraid of her telling the elders as if they were still in kindergarten or elementary school?

Erina didn't care about Ichiyo's patronizing gaze and seriously replied, "I'll tell your grandfather too!"

Ichiyo's expression froze.

Erina had already turned and walked away, her eyes still red from almost crying earlier.


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