There’s No Drug in My Cooking!

Chapter 4: 4

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The black business car that stopped in front of Ichiyo's house and pastry shop slowly drove away. Inside the car, Erina's stubborn and serious expression finally couldn't hold on any longer, as she sniffled and turned her face away from her friend, not wanting to show her embarrassing expression.

"Erina-sama, that guy is so rude. If you don't want to, we can ask the elder for permission to cancel this engagement. He loves you so much and will definitely agree to it."

As one of Erina's few friends and part-time secretary, Hisako Arato saw her young miss show this kind of attitude for the first time, completely different from her usual confidence and arrogance. This change made her feel a little heartbroken.

Just now, Hisako, who had been waiting silently outside the shop, almost couldn't resist rushing in and hitting that scumbag over the head with a frying pan when she saw Ichiyo push Erina's fingers away, pin her hand on the counter, and give her a cold and fierce look!

She was just a secretary assigned to stay by Erina's side and grow up with her, but after so many years, Erina had become her closest friend, or even sister, to her.

This was how Hisako, who had taken care of and accompanied Erina for so many years, unknowingly entered into an engagement with an unknown guy, and on top of that, he was so terrible. How could she just hand over young miss to that guy?

If he were to abuse her in the future, what would happen?

If he and Erina had a falling out, what would happen?

Hisako couldn't help but feel anxious.

Erina was unaware of Hisako's thoughts as they drove towards Totsuki Academy. She was lost in her own thoughts, thinking about her relationship with Ichiyo. She didn't have any particularly strong feelings for him, whether it be love or friendship. The only thing that set him apart was that the food he made was really good, although she didn't want to admit it. She couldn't make anything that would bring people joy from the bottom of their hearts.

The arranged marriage between them, the strange relationship they had established tonight using her cousin's name, and Ichiyo's talent, were all things that stood out in Erina's mind. She didn't like arranged marriages, but Ichiyo's grandfather had done a lot for her. Erina was silent, thinking about the events that had led to the arranged marriage.

A while ago, Ichiyo's elder had visited her grandfather in Totsuki, and after a casual conversation, she had made a dish in a daze. Then, the long-standing confectionery family, the Sakuraba family, had given her their legacy.

Later, after the elder left, her grandfather had told her that she had an arranged marriage with the grandson, and they would get married early after graduating from high school. Even in this modern age, the core legacy of an ancient family was valuable, but if it came at the cost of herself, she couldn't accept it. So, she had planned to resolve the matter with Ichiyo today, but things hadn't gone as expected.

So, the originally planned peaceful resolution of the betrothal with Ichiyo today, Nakiri Erina, who was unable to accept that the other party had an amazing talent in cooking, had an immature idea.

If, before graduation, she can cultivate the other party into a capable chef who can stand on his own in the next three years, isn't it possible to repay the favor of the old man of the Sakuraba family and also as a form of compensation for them?

She had previously thought about how to help the Sakuraba family if she could successfully dissolve the betrothal with Sakuraba Ichiyo, at least to prevent the Sakuraba family from suddenly declining due to a major external impact within a hundred years.

But, help from outsiders, especially from a family that had previously betrothed with them, is ultimately not very glorious.

Now there is a better way, so Nakiri Erina naturally gave up her previous plans.

She wants Sakuraba Ichiyo to value his own talent and grow on his own.

Being an idol is not promising, Sakuraba Ichiyo must be a chef, she thought!

Few people know that Erina Nakiri, who is greatly feared in the culinary world and at Totsuki Academy, is actually a kind girl who is just a little haughty and has a mild toxic tongue when it comes to her culinary critiques. She doesn't really show her true feelings.

In addition, part of the reason for her current personality is due to a bad experience with a man when she was a child.

"Hisako, do you still have the textbook and notes that were sent by the academy in your first year of junior high?"

Erina turned and looked at Hisako, her expression now was getting better. She asked her personal secretary, who was also a good friend.

Upon hearing this, Hisako, who had been comforting Erina and trying to persuade her to stay away from Ichiyo, was momentarily bewildered and nodded.

"I have always carefully preserved those textbooks and notes, just in case they might be useful someday. But why do you ask, Erina-sama?"

"Can...can you lend me your notes for a while, I have a use for them..."

Erina explained vaguely, after all, it was quite embarrassing for her to borrow some notes.

She had the textbook, but as everyone knows, geniuses tend to have very few notes in their books, and they only write the main points.

"Of course, no problem. If Erina-sama needs it, I will find it for you when I go back."

Hisako didn't ask Erina what she wanted to do with her notes, she just nodded and agreed.

After all, as long as Erina-sama needs it, she will do her best to fulfill it.

"Well, thank you."

Erina gently thanked her and changed the subject, not continuing to talk about Sakuraba Ichiyo with Hisako, but instead discussing the recent works and the examination task the day after tomorrow.

In the shop, thinking about his aunt's words when she left and his old man's stubbornness, Sakuraba Ichiyo's expression was one of despair.

Damn it, that woman has no sense of honor!

It was a fair one-on-one battle, but she actually called for an outside interference!

It's just too much!

The steamer in the kitchen was still emitting steam, and some of the materials needed for tomorrow were being prepared. Sakuraba took out his phone and found the few hot-blooded young men who were about to debut in a band thanks to his own persuasion. He originally thought about calling them, but then decided to send a text message instead.

"Hayato, please notify the others for me that I probably won't be able to chase our dreams together anymore. If possible, please carry on with my final legacy and continue moving forward. I believe that today's separation is just for a better reunion in the future. Don't come find me."

After finishing, Sakuraba conveniently blocked the numbers of those hot-blooded young men who had once been swayed by him. He tidied up the kitchen, closed the shop door, and went upstairs to pack his luggage. If he ran into any difficulties, he would sleep through them.

As for why he blocked their numbers?

It's just too embarrassing!

Those hot-blooded young men were discovered by Ichiyo online, especially Hayato, who was skilled at both the piano and guitar and was particularly appreciated by Ichiyo.

The agreement to stand together on the highest stage was abandoned first by Sakuraba, the leader of the group. He had no face to face those younger brothers anymore, so from now on, everyone should go their own ways.

Life is like this, no one knows who will go first.

After a night of silence, Ichiyo slept soundly.

In the morning, Ichiyo, dressed in pajamas, was awakened by a regular knock on the door downstairs. After washing up a little, he went downstairs to open the shop door.

Looking at the stranger in front of her, the girl at the door unconsciously showed a hint of surprise, but her good upbringing still made her naturally withdraw her arm and bow slightly.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Sakuraba here?" The ojousama with a faint, pleasant smile said, "I want to buy some cute and delicious snacks to give to a new friend in the club."

Why did Ichiyo know that this girl was an ojousama?

Because behind her was a high-end black extended business car, low-key but revealing a faint capitalism stench.

Ichiyo yawned. It was a cloudy day, and he didn't get to embrace the sun when he got up in the morning, so he was drowsy.

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"My grandfather is in the hospital now, and he should be recuperating. From now on, I'll be responsible for the shop."

"Eeek!" The little girl covered her mouth in surprise. As a child of a big family, she knew a little about the rumors of the Sakuraba family's genius descendants, but "Isn't Senior still in high school? Is it okay for you to take the time to take care of a shop?"


The second-year high school student Ichiyo looked at the girl and her school uniform.

Is she from Sakuragaoka Girls' High School?

She should be a little girl who just got into high school from junior high this year.

"I never let school interfere with my activity."

Casually, Ichiyo turned his body to the side, "Welcome, come in first. If you want snacks, I can make some."

"Then I'll have to trouble Senior Sakuraba."

The girl just thought for a moment and happily followed Ichiyo into the shop. The layout of the snack shop is still the same as before. As soon as you enter, there is a long wooden frame glass snack counter, behind the counter is a kitchen, and on the left is a leisure seat that takes up almost half of the first-floor space, which is convenient for guests to sit down and enjoy some desserts and snacks.

"By the way, Senior Sakuraba, my name is Kotobuki Tsumugi. Please take care of me." As the lady from the Kotobuki family watched Ichiyo who was dressed in pajamas start preparing snacks in the kitchen, she gave a special introduction.

[P.S. Tsumugi is a character from K-On!]

Ichiyo just softly replied and carefully dried his hands that he had just washed. He took out the fillings and dough that he had prepared the day before and started to cut and knead the dough, recalling the feeling from last night. He began to skillfully make the dough as if he had done it thousands of times before, using the tools smoothly as if they were extensions of his own body.

Making sweets like this is not only about making food, but also about creating art. The entire process is also full of a harmonious sense of craftsmanship and artistic blend.

Ichiyo felt that with just his current skills in making sweets, he wouldn't be able to make it in the future. The family was out of money, so maybe he could change careers and make figurines for otakus. He just had to study some of the key points of making figurines.

Sweets are beautiful, but they are still very sweet! The sweetness can be overwhelming and must be accompanied by tea to dilute it a bit. For a girl, this level of sugar should be the fuel station for fat and calories, but it's strange that the majority of people who like sweets are girls. Is it really just because they have good teeth and are physically healthy? 

"Oh, right Miss Kotobuki, how many do you want?" Ichiyo asked, standing outside the counter. Kotobuki held up her small, clean hand and spread out four fingers, "Four!"

Ichiyo nodded and looked at the dozens of sweets that had already been made, as well as the completion status indicators. He nodded again.

"Wagashi - Hanabi/Fireworks: Completion 100% (Anticipation)

This status indicator suggests that the "Hanabi" type of wagashi has been completed to the fullest extent. The accompanying emotion, "Anticipation," refers to the excitement and anticipation that the sweet may bring to those who eat it.

Wagashi - Lotus: Completion 100% (Confidence)

This status indicator suggests that the "Lotus" has also been completed to the fullest extent. The accompanying emotion, "Confidence," refer to the confidence that the sweet may instill in those who eat it.

Wagashi - Autumn Sakura: Completion 100% (Happiness)

This status indicator suggests that the "Autumn Sakura" has also been completed to the fullest extent. The accompanying emotion, "Happiness," refers to the joy and happiness that the sweet may bring to those who eat it.

Wagashi - Higanbana: Completion 100% (Freedom)

This status indicator suggests that the "Higanbana" has also been completed to the fullest extent. The accompanying emotion, "Freedom," refer to the sense of freedom and liberation that the sweet may bring to those who eat it.

In the seventeen confections, eight of them met the conditions for a random emotional buff, while the other nine confections, three of which were over 90% complete and six of which were 100% complete did not receive any random emotional buff.

Ichiyo took four different confections and packed them in a takeaway box, along with the utensils needed to eat them, and brought them to the front desk.

"That'll be 4000 yen. Confections like these are best enjoyed with some tea or water if possible, otherwise, they might taste a bit too sweet."


The older sister of the Kotobuki family seemed interested in this activity of buying something and paying for it herself, and nodded her head seriously as she took out her small wallet to pay.

It was a cute, subconsciously satisfying feeling to follow the joy in one's heart.

"Have a good trip, and we look forward to your next visit."

Ichiyo accepted the money and waved goodbye to her, not paying much attention to the store below as he went upstairs to change his clothes.

As he walked, he checked his personal attribute panel from the system and saw that he had a full 500 points in the points bar and zero in the experience bar.

This Almighty Chef system is so simple, with just a panel for the host containing some basic information such as points and experience, and a Lottery.

Ichiyo clicked on the Lottery and a colorful slot machine appeared in his mind. As he looked at the flashing lights and voiceover on the machine, he almost thought he had gone to an arcade.

This system was, how to say it, a little cheap!

The slot machine display had a prompt: the first-level currently supports first-level Lottery, and 100 points can be used to draw once.

Ichiyo's brow unconsciously twitched.

Maybe... just draw once?

The 100 points instantly turned into light and disappeared, and the slot machine spun with a heart-tugging music sound. Ichiyo watched as the machine stopped on a bowl-shaped pattern.

"Ding ~, congratulations to the host for drawing a 'blue and white bowl'!"


A blue and white striped bowl with a flash of gold appeared in front of Ichiyo, and he received it with a dark face. His voice became cold as he said, "Continue drawing!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for drawing 3 kg of 'Premium Snake Meat!'"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for drawing a bottle of 'High-end sake loved by the water goddess!'"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for drawing..."


Ichiyo spent 500 points to draw five lottery and won a blue and white striped bowl, a bottle of premium sake favored by the Water Goddess, 3 kilograms of premium snake meat, and a string of Ah-Shuans stinky tofu. Ichiyo doesn't know who the Water Goddess is, but he is familiar with Ah-Shuan and knows that the stinky tofu is an expensive item. Ichiyo throws the stinky tofu in the bathroom and flushes it down the toilet, knowing that eating it would be the same as throwing a bar of gold.

He knew very well what kind of thing this stinky tofu was!

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