They Are Not Human!

Chapter 11: 11

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Chapter 11: Guide 11

23RD OCT 2022~SV

No, no way……

Warning: brief gruesome description of death.

【 May player Gong Yunyun open the door. 】

The cold, mechanical voice echoed throughout the villa. Gong Yunyun’s face instantly turned pale.

“I won’t go open the door…… won’t go……”

The system once again reminded:【 May player Gong Yunyun open the door. 】

“No, no way……”

This sound was like the god of death proclaiming that death was coming. Gong Yunyun stared into the air in horror. Her body involuntarily trembled, and the chairs were all creaking.

Her physiological reaction was too obvious. Everyone present realised one thing: Gong Yunyun couldn’t be the guide.

Gong Yunyun’s uncooperativeness made the system’s voice rise twice, as if it was a little furious.

Don’t mention Gong Yunyun, even Wen Qing shuddered, feeling chills down his spine.

“I won’t——”

The word ‘go’ hadn’t even been spoken, when Gong Yunyun’s body suddenly twisted. She was lifted by an invisible force, and suspended in the air.


She tilted her neck, convulsing in fear, and her body uncontrollably slammed into the reddish brown wooden door.

She hit the door head-on, and two bangs sounded out. From the collision between her body and the wooden door, and from the collision between the knocker and the wooden door.

Gong Yunyun fell to the ground. Two trails of blood flowed from her nose.

She had no time to care about her appearance. She raised her head, staring straight at the circular metal knocker on the door.

The door’s knocked slowly turned up counterclockwise, pointing towards the sky.


Wen Qing shut his eyes, not daring to continue looking.

Very quickly, Gong Yunyun’s shrill cry disappeared. A strong and pungent bloody smell spread out, filling the mouth and nose, lingering for a long time.

Wen Qing quickly closed his eyes, trying to ignore the revolting smell of blood.

He tried hard to think about other things, like the vote counts just now, his life in college, part-time jobs, etc.

But his brain seemed to have frozen. Except for blood and death, he couldn’t think of anything else.

He didn’t want to think about this, don’t think about this……

Wen Qing did his best to suppress the sourness at the tip of his nose.

There was yet another scream in the living room. “AAAAH, impossible!”


Chen Yiyi hoarsely shouted, “It can’t be wrong!”

“I saw it, it was Gong Yunyun that pushed Wen Qing, why isn’t she the guide! Yesterday, why didn’t she come out and apologise……”

If Gong Yunyun had apologised to Wen Qing yesterday, she wouldn’t have thought that Gong Yunyun was the guide, she wouldn’t have caused her death……

After a while, Zhou Zhou’s voice sounded in his ears:

“Gong Yunyun is not the guide.”

Then came Yu Xing’s careless and indifferent voice: “Aiyah, I voted wrong.”

“I also voted for her just now.”

Wen Qing’s eyelashes trembled. He slowly opened his eyes, and only saw Zhou Zhou staring deeply at Yu Xing.

He still believed Yu Xing was the guide……

Then Yu Xing’s two votes were from Zhou Zhou and Si Kong.

His own two votes should be from Gong Yunyun and Li Si Wen.

Then Gong Yunyun’s three votes were from the other three people.

Chen Yiyi, Yu Xing…… and Teacher?

Wen Qing’s eyelids jumped. He glanced at Yu Xing. The corners of his mouth were slightly lifted, his dark eyes seemed to be shining, and the death seemed to make him even more excited.

Yu Xing had been this perverse from the start. Wen Qing didn’t expect to see any sort of apology on his face.

What he couldn’t understand was why would Teacher vote for Gong Yunyun?

While thinking, Wen Qing tilted his head to look at Ji Yu. Ji Yu’s eyes were lowered and he looked calm, no different from his usual appearance.

The next second, he caught a glimpse of the floor tiles beside the door. There was no redness.

Wen Qing froze in terror, slowly turning his head to look at the big door.

Clean and tidy, without anything whatsoever.

The blood from last time didn’t disappear this quickly……

Except for Wen Qing, no one cared about the bloodstains beside the door. Everyone was suspecting and doubting.

Yu Xing rocked his chair back and forth, staring at Zhou Zhou’s eyes. “You voted for me just now.”

Not waiting for Zhou Zhou to speak, he laughed, and continued, “Just needed one more vote.”

“Tsk tsk, it’s a pity, what a shame.”

Zhou Zhou’s face became more gloomy.

He seemed to be thinking about what to say, when the system suddenly appeared, breaking the strange atmosphere between the two.

【 Wrongly voted this round, wrongly voted this round, unable to find the guide. 】

【 Releasing the clue now. 】


Wen Qing’s legs weakened. They still had three hours to prepare last time.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the system say: 【 The three players with the god card have one chance to ask a question. 】

【 You can ask questions to the system, or you can randomly choose a player to ask about the truth. 】

It turned out to be a normal clue……

Wen Qing exhaled a long breath.

Ji Yu was the first to speak. He asked the question everyone was most concerned about: “System, who is the guide?”

【 This question is invalid and cannot be told. 】

【 Players lose a chance to ask questions. 】

Wen Qing was shocked. It was fine if you didn’t want to tell, but why did you still have to deduct a chance?!

That was unreasonable.

However, the system was this unreasonable. 

Seeing everyone’s varied expressions, Ji Yu slowly said, “Apologies.”

“I wasted a chance.”

“You didn’t mean it,” Li Si Wen, who was sitting next to him, comforted quietly.

Ji Yu glanced at her, then looked towards Si Kong and Yu Xing. “

The corners of Yu Xing’s lips rose, and his narrow eyes glanced at Wen Qing.

He casually asked, “Wen Qing, who do you suspect is the guide?”

Wen Qing blurted out: “Nobody.”

“I don’t suspect anyone.”

He really didn’t suspect anyone.

Compared to the people in the villa, Wen Qing was more suspicious that the strange three-headed dog was the guide. A guide dog.

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows. A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Ji Yu and Si Kong raised their eyelids simultaneously, glancing towards Wen Qing meaningfully.

At this moment, Wen Qing wasn’t paying attention to other people’s eyes. 

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He stared at Yu Xing firmly and anxiously asked, “This question of yours, does it also count as a chance to ask questions?”

This was the first time Yu Xing had seen this kind of emotion on Wen Qing’s face. He curved his face and slowly nodded.

Wen Qing couldn’t believe it: “You, you’re too wasteful!”

“You can just ask me directly, I’ll still tell you, I won’t lie……”

Wen Qing wasn’t just annoyed that he didn’t stop Yu Xing just now. He was also angry that Yu Xing had suddenly questioned him, so that he couldn’t react.

One wasted opportunity meant one less clue.

One less clue, another person might die…

The panic in Wen Qing’s heart became more and more serious. Water unconsciously emerged from his light brown eyes, and his reddish eyes made his appearance look all the more beautiful.

Yu Xing admired his sobbing appearance for a while. Only then did he nod, lightly saying a few words: “It doesn’t count.”

Wen Qing’s eyes were brimmed with tears. He was stunned.

Yu Xing patiently repeated: “It doesn’t count as a chance.”

Wen Qing looked up at him blankly. Yu Xing was sitting opposite of his, resting his cheeks on one hand. His bathrobe was loosely draped over his body, with a familiar mean smile on his face.

 He gradually realized that Yu Xing was teasing him again……

This, this neuropathic person!

Immediately afterwards, Wen Qing realised that everyone was looking at him. The heat on his face rose sharply.

He flushed, lowered his head and stopped talking.

Yu Xing crooked his fingers and casually knocked on the table: “System.”

“En……” he rocked the chair back and forth, and seemed to ponder over it for a long time. Only then did he ask, “Everyone seems to want to know how to use the god card.”

This question was truly what everyone wanted to know, and nobody objected it.

【 May players find it themselves. 】

This answer was extremely perfunctory.

Wen Qing tried to think of the positives.

They could find the usage of the god cards by looking for it themselves.

It was very important that the system didn’t directly explain how to use the god cards.


“We only have one more chance left.” Zhou Zhou reminded.

Everyone looked at Si Kong.

“Should we discuss first——”

Li Si Wen hadn’t even finished speaking, when Si Kong impatiently said: “System, is the god card a type of identity?”

“Why do you want to ask so quickly! We only have one chance left!” Li Si Wen stood up abruptly. Her cheeks were slightly distorted in anger.

“It’s fine if you didn’t cooperate with everyone before, but now at such a critical juncture, do you want another one of us to die——”

【 No. 】

The system’s two words extinguished all of Li Si Wen’s anger. She fell back onto her chair, and her line of sight slowly moved to Wen Qing.

She thought of Gong Yunyun’s words.

【 The three questions have ended. Wishing all players a joyous game. 】

When the system left, Li Si Wen said under her breath, “Yunyun said something similar this afternoon. She suspected that the guide might be someone’s specialty.”

Now, only Si Kong and Wen Qing hadn’t told of their specialties.

A god, an ordinary human. It was obvious who was more suspicious.

Wen Qing didn’t hear Li Si Wen’s words. He lowered his head and pondered.

The identity card provided by the system only contained the name, identity, age and specialty.

It wasn’t the identity, it couldn’t be the age, was it the name or the specialty?

Would anyone here have such a strange name like ‘guide’?

Someone who wasn’t here…… could it be a ghost in the villa?

Wen Qing didn’t know why he kept thinking of ghosts.

The more he thought about it, the more afraid he was. The more he was afraid, the more he thought about it. He pursed his lips tightly and unconsciously pinched his palm.

Wen Qing’s reaction was a guilty conscience in the eyes of sharp people.

Li Si Wen couldn’t help but raise her voice, and called his name, “Wen Qing, don’t you have anything to say?”

Wen Qing came back to his senses and was a little at loss.

Li Si Wen gritted her teeth: “What exactly is your specialty?”

“Yiyi and I’s specialties are singing and weiqi respectively, what about yours? Do you dare to say it in front of everyone?”

Wen Qing opened his mouth and stammered, “Be, because my specialty is, it’s……”

“What is it?!” Li Si Wen questioned.

Seeing her, Wen Qing was more embarrassed to speak, and his voice was like a mosquito’s as he squeezed out a few words. “It’s, it’s…… timid……”

Wen Qing’s voice was very soft, but the few people in the room heard it clearly.

Yu Xing’s reaction was the biggest. He burst out laughing, then slapped the table in joy. Even Ji Yu and Si Kong had various degrees of smiles on their faces.

Too embarrassing……

Wen Qing’s head buzzed. Heat rose from his face to his head, and his whole body wasn’t well. 

Li Si Wen stared closely at him and muttered, “That’s impossible, how could being timid be a specialty.”

“You’re lying, you’re lying!”

Wen Qing’s ears were red to the point of dripping blood, and he said with difficulty, “I’m not.”

He also wished he was lying……

Zhou Zhou spoke up, “I believe Wen Qing.”

“He already told me on the first night.”

When he finished speaking, he stared directly at Yu Xing, “Compared to someone’s specialty being the guide, I’m more suspicious of someone’s name or nickname or pet name being ‘guide’.”

“Just what exactly is your name?”

Yu Xing perfunctorily said, “Yu Xing.”

Seeing this familiar scene, Wen Qing felt chills down his back, and he shuddered.

Here it was again……

This sort of scene of you suspect me, I suspect you.

Ji Yu knocked on the table and raised his voice. “Everyone listen to me.”

“Let’s not suspect each other. Keep calm, don’t be manipulated by your emotions, and analyse the clues by yourself.”

“Have a good night’s rest. Tomorrow morning, why don’t we discuss it properly?”

Wen Qing furiously nodded his head.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhou stood up, and said to him, “Wen Qing, let’s head back to our room.”

Wen Qing raised his head, staring at his dark eyes, and nervously gulped. “No, no……”

Zhou Zhou lowered his head. His expression was dark, entirely different from his sunny appearance when he first met him. It was very terrifying.

He softly asked, “No what?”

“No, I can’t,” Wen Qing hastily explained. “I, I want to go to the bathroom.”

Thinking that he could delay for a while, he squeezed out two words. “Big one.”[1]

The author has something to say:

Wen Qing: I need to shit.

Zhou Zhou: I’ll accompany you, brothers shit together.


[1] – he’s basically saying he wants to shit lmao

SV: and the count’s down to… 7! rip GYY. somewhat wish it would be rip YX as well… stop bullying WQ already 

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