They Are Not Human!

Chapter 14: 14

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TANH Chapter 14: Guide 14

13TH NOV 2022~SV

The three of you are all gods……

Zhou Zhou’s tone was gentle, but his eyes were dark and gloomy, without light.

Wen Qing was even more afraid.

Afraid, afraid of you……

His lips trembled slightly, not daring to say these words. Once he said it, he didn’t know what Zhou Zhou would do.

Zhou Zhou’s hand on Wen Qing’s shoulder gradually increased in pressure, and his voice was faintly angry: “Wen Qing, I’m asking you.”

Wen Qing clenched his palm tightly. Tears poured out of his eyes like beads wrested from a broken thread, and they kept flowing.

He didn’t cry out loud. He just widened his eyes and shed tears quietly, crying until his eyes and nose were red, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Zhou Zhou frowned tightly and was momentarily somewhat at a loss. After a while, only did he slowly raised his hand, patted Wen Qing’s head gently, and stiffly comforted, “Don’t be scared.”

Wen Qing raised his head, tears in his eyes.

He blinked away the tears in his eyes, only to see Zhou Zhou’s somewhat unnatural expression as he slowly said, “I will protect you.”

A terrifying person telling you that he would protect you……

This was even scarier.

Wen Qing stopped crying, but cried even harder soon after.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhou’s face grew darker and darker. He glanced at the bedroom beside them.

This was Si Kong’s bedroom.

He coldly said: “Did Si Kong bully you too?”

“No,” Wen Qing hastily shook his head. After a while, only then did he say, “You, you let me calm down by myself……”

Zhou Zhou frowned: “Return to the bedroom and calm down.”

“It’s not safe here.”

The bedroom wasn’t safe either……

Wen Qing opened his mouth, wanting to say something, only to see Zhou Zhou turn around

“I’ll accompany you.”

“No need.” Wen Qing took a step back.

Zhou Zhou tilted his head and looked at him, his eyes flashing, “Then do you want to be carried?”

“No!” Wen Qing cried and stammered. “I, I can go down by myself.”

He insisted on walking by himself. Zhou Zhou did not force it. He followed Wen Qing closely, like a spirit behind him. If Wen Qing took a step, he would take a step too.

Wen Qing walked back to the bedroom in fear, and listened anxiously to the movement behind him.

Zhou Zhou followed into the bedroom. With a bang, the bedroom’s door was closed and locked.

“You were in the study reading a book all night.”

Wen Qing’s heart thumped. “I, I……”

“You’re working very hard to find clues.”

As soon as Zhou Zhou’s words fell, Wen Qing felt the top of his head being gently patted again. He was being comforted by the other.

Wen Qing was stunned.

Zhou Zhou said in a low voice, “It’s still early now, you should quickly sleep and rest.”

“I’ll take care of the rest.”

Take care of what?

Wen Qing tilted his head and stared into Zhou Zhou’s dark and gloomy eyes.

He hurriedly withdrew his sight, climbed into bed, got into the quilt, and wrapped himself up tightly.

“I’ll, I’ll sleep now.”

Wen Qing was very glad that Zhou Zhou just wanted him to sleep and rest, but his nerves were tense at the moment, and he couldn’t sleep at all.

He curled up in the quilt and pressed his hands, feet, and head tightly against the corners of the quilt, until he was a little breathless, then he dug a small hole with his hands to breathe fresh air.

After an unknown amount of time, Wen Qing slowly moved.

He felt that at least two hours had already passed, and he never heard Zhou Zhou’s movement. Did he leave early on?

Wen Qing carefully lifted the quilt, and directly faced Zhou Zhou’s face.

Zhou Zhou’s face didn’t have any expression. His lips were pressed into a straight line and his eyes were cloudy, just staring firmly at him.

Wen Qing was almost scared into a heart attack, and wished he hadn’t opened his eyes just now.

Zhou Zhou stood unmoving beside the bed for so long?!

Wen Qing nervously swallowed.

Seemingly seeing his surprise and anxiety, Zhou Zhou blinked, and explained: “I was worried Yu Xing would suddenly come over, so I stayed by your side.”

Wen Qing inwardly thought, you being like this was way scarier than Yu Xing.

Zhou Zhou: “You’ve already woken up?”

I never slept.

Wen Qing slowly nodded.

The corner of Zhou Zhou’s lips lifted. “Then we can start talking business.”

Wen Qing’s heart shook. “What business?”

Zhou Zhou sat on the bedside and stared into his eyes: “Wen Qing, why don’t we vote out Yu Xing tonight.”

“Si Kong agreed to follow our vote. We have three votes, we can vote out Yu Xing tonight.”

Vote out……

Wen Qing’s hands and feet turned cold. He realised that Zhou Zhou didn’t actually think that Yu Xing was a guide. He simply wanted to let Yu Xing open the door and die.

Wen Qing lowered his head, not saying anything. Suddenly, his collar was pulled down, his shoulders slightly cold.

He instinctively raised his hand. The next second, his wrist was gripped tightly by Zhou Zhou, unable to move.

“Don’t move, I’ll help you apply medicine.” Zhou Zhou said.

Wen Qing tilted his head and saw that the bruise on his right shoulder was slightly better, but the half-blue and half-purple color still seeped a little on her fair skin.

He pursed his lips and quietly said: “No need to bother.”

Zhou Zhou narrowed his eyes and asked in a low voice: “Do you not want to apply medicine, or do you not want to trouble me?”

“Still want to find Ji Yu to apply medicine?”

“Wen Qing, they can all do it, only I can’t?”

Zhou Zhou’s voice gradually grew lower, becoming eerie.

Wen Qing’s wrist hurt, and red marks appeared in the blink of an eye.

He never thought that a small matter like applying medicine would arouse Zhou Zhou’s jealousy, and hastily stammered: “You, you apply……”

“I, I just don’t want to trouble you.”

Agreeing to have medicine applied, and with an explanation of not wanting trouble.

Zhou Zhou’s complexion gradually improved. He grabbed the medicinal wine and poured it on his palm, before slowly putting it on Wen Qing’s shoulder.

It was icy cold and a little painful, Wen Qing couldn’t help but hiss.

Zhou Zhou lightened his strength and felt the delicate skin under his palm. He slowly moved. “Bear with it for a while, I’ll finish applying it immediately.”

Wen Qing lowered his eyes, his hands unconsciously twisting the quilt.

Don’t look at Zhou Zhou being a bit abnormal now, but he applied the medicinal wine very gently, with only a little pain. Wen Qing was able to bear it, and his eyes weren’t even red.

Zhou Zhou’s palm was warm. It was a human’s temperature.

After applying the medicine, Wen Qing was mentally prepared.

He mustered up the courage to ask: “Zhou Zhou, do you feel that your mood isn’t quite right?”

“I found a clue with Mr. Ji today……”

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Not waiting for him to finish speaking, Zhou Zhou threw the medicinal wine to the floor and scolded: “You just don’t want to vote out Yu Xing, do you?”

“Wen Qing, he treats you like this, are you not angry?!”

“Or do you have Stockholm Syndrome? Do you like Yu Xing?”

Wen Qing couldn’t understand Zhou Zhou’s logic. Seeing him suddenly fly into a rage, he hastily explained carefully: “

“I’m, I’m angry.”

“But, but the most important thing now is clearance, not to kill each other.”

Wen Qing tried to reason with Zhou Zhou, but Zhou Zhou turned a deaf ear. His expression gradually became crazier.

Zhou Zhou stared unwaveringly at the bruise on Wen Qing’s shoulder: “If you like those sort of words, I can do it too.”

He took a step forward, put a knee on the bed, and slowly neared Wen Qing.

Wen Qing’s eyes widened in fright, and he was scared by Zhou Zhou until his whole body was stiff. “I, I don’t like it……”

Just a second before Zhou Zhou reached out his hand to grab him, the bedroom door suddenly opened with a click.

Wen Qing suddenly regained his strength. He didn’t even think about it, quickly rolling off the bed and rushing to the doorway. He pulled at the sleeve of the person at the door, and choked out: “S-sir.”

Ji Yu stood in front of him. He stared at Zhou Zhou and solemnly said: “Zhou Zhou, calm down first.”

“Wen Qing… I’ll take him away first.”

After speaking, he gently closed the bedroom door.

Zhou Zhou rushed to the door in a single stride and tugged the door handle harshly.

The door didn’t open.

Wen Qing stood outside the door, staring blankly at the slightly shaking wooden door. “Sir, he, he can’t get out?”

Ji Yu nodded and casually said: “The door lock is broken.”

“Let’s head downstairs first. I’ve cooked.”

Wen Qing’s mind was a little messy. He didn’t think about it and followed Ji Yu downstairs.

The table on the first floor had three dishes and one soup. They were hot, and looked like they had just been made.

Ji Yu handed Wen Qing a bowl and chopsticks. Before he could speak, he calmly said, “I originally wanted to call you to eat, and just so happened to see that scene.”

Wen Qing lowered his head and softly thanked: “Thank you sir.”

Ji Yu warmly said: “Sit down and eat first.”

Wen Qing nodded. His hands and feet were still a little stiff and cold. After a while, only then did he pick up the chopsticks and slowly eat.

Halfway through the meal, he raised his eyes and quietly asked: “Sir, am I the only person eating?”

“What about the others?“

Ji Yu gently chucked. “The others already ate. These meals should be enough for you as one person to eat, right?”

“Enough, enough,” Wen Qing nodded. He closed his mouth, chewed carefully and ate slowly.

He had just finished eating, when Li Si Wen and Yu Xing walked downstairs one after the other.

Li Si Wen walked behind Yu Xing, quietly saying something.

Her voice was very soft, and Wen Qing couldn’t hear.

Unexpectedly, Wen Qing suddenly realised that Li Si Wen had suddenly stopped targeting him.

Li Si Wen walked to the living room. When she saw him, her expression was calm, without any of the anger from this morning. Her lips moved, as if she wanted to say something to him, yet she quickly looked away, seeming a little embarrassed.

Wen Qing was inwardly surprised. He thought the teacher deserved to be called a teacher. Unexpectedly, he could calm Li Si Wen down.

In that case, Zhou Zhou could do it too (calm down), right?

Suddenly, Ji Yu crooked his index finger and lightly tapped on the table, “Wen Qing, could you take these bowls back into the kitchen?”


Wen Qing answered. He walked to the kitchen with the bowls and chopsticks.

Yu Xing glanced at Ji Yu, raised his feet and followed into the kitchen.

Wen Qing had just placed the bowls and chopsticks into the sink and turned on the faucet when he heard Yu Xing come in, humming a well-known tune.

The tune was very familiar. Wen Qing listened to it for a while. It sounded like the nursery rhyme Looking for a Friend. Goosebumps instantly rose.

He couldn’t help but turn to look at Yu Xing.

Yu Xing wore a white bathrobe today. He leaned against the wall lazily, and grabbed an orange from the refrigerator. He threw it into the air, caught it, and threw it into the air again.

Not eating it, just playing with it.

Seemingly feeling Wen Qing’s gaze, Yu Xing turned his head and asked knowingly, “What’s wrong?”

Wen Qing turned off the faucet. He struggled for a while, then pursed his lips and asked, “Do you already know about the new clue?”

Yu Xing threw the orange and asked, “What new clue?”

Wen Qing slowly said: “It’s that in this villa, everyone’s emotions will become strange.”

Yu Xing’s hand paused. “You’ve noticed?”

“It shouldn’t be. When did your brain become smart?”

Wen Qing pursed his lips and quietly muttered. “Your brain isn’t smart.”

Yu Xing didn’t care about this sentence, and asked, “Who told you?”

Wen Qing truthfully said, “Today morning, Mr. Ji and I saw a book, but the book was found by Si Kong.”

Yu Xing sneered and drawled. “I didn’t know, I wasn’t told.”

“Say, how did Ji Yu tell you?”

Wen Qing didn’t hide it and truthfully said, “Mr. Ji said that there is a problem with this villa, which affects everyone’s emotional and psychological states, and turns people corrupt.”

“Villa?” Yu Xing raised his eyebrows, as if he had heard a big joke.

The corners of his lips hooked up. He tilted his head and looked at Wen Qing: “I’m saying a little idiot like you……”

“No matter what people say, will you just believe it?”

Wen Qing frowned. Did those words mean that Mr. Ji was lying?

Or was it saying that Si Kong gave a false clue?

He was a little confused. “Isn’t everyone’s goal to leave this place?”

“Why deceive people?”

“Who said it was to clear?” Yu Xing shook his head, and carelessly said, “I came here to enjoy this game.”

Wen Qing silently ridiculed, it’s because you’re sick.

“Then your meaning is——”

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Yu Xing: “Have you ever thought about why it’s only split between gods and ordinary humans? And nothing else?”

Wen Qing was a little puzzled. “Isn’t this the game’s rule?”

Yu Xing asked again: “Why is it this sort of rule?”

Wen Qing remembered the words on that book, and sounded out: “Because God favours young human beings the most?”

Yu Xing walked up to him, and languidly asked: “And then?”

And then……

Wen Qing thought about it, and tried to analyse: “The seven of us have human cards, all of us are young and are God’s most favoured race, so we’re ordinary humans.”

“The three of you are all gods……”

He raised his eyes, firmly staring at Yu Xing, and rationally said:

‘It’s because you’re too old.”


Yu Xing’s smile was frozen on his face.

The analysis was very good, and the analysis won’t be allowed next time.

SV: lmaooo that burn. but also Ji Yu………

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