They Are Not Human!

Chapter 15: 15

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TANH Chapter 15: Guide 15

20TH NOV 2022~SV

I, I’m asking sincerely

Yu Xing’s speechless expression was very obvious. Even if Wen Qing was blind, he could still see it.

He recalled what he had just said. No matter how he thought about it, he felt that it was logically clear and well-founded.

Yu Xing didn’t say anything so he could only ask: “Where did I say something wrong?”

Yu Xing lowered his eyes and stared at Wen Qing with a blank face.

His face was slightly raised, his clear eyes slightly widened, full of confusion and bafflement, like a dazed kitten who had cat food put in front of him, but pushed it away with one paw, meowing that it was not edible.

He was clearly the weakest among these few people, yet he still managed to persist until now……

Yu Xing rubbed his fingertips and after a while, lifted his hand to pinch Wen Qing’s face.

These past two days, he’d become even thinner.

There wasn’t much meat, and it didn’t feel too good.

Wen Qing pushed Yu Xing’s hand away, frowned and stepped back. “Don’t touch me.”

Yu Xing clicked his tongue and retracted his hand. It was as if his fingertips still had the warmth from his body.

“Think about it again.”

Wen Qing was confused: “Think about what?”

Yu Xing: “……think about the use of god cards.”

Wen Qing was slightly taken aback. Since Yu Xing could say this sort of thing, it meant that he……

“Do you already know a god card’s use?”

Yu Xing didn’t hide his surprised expression at all. He raised his eyebrows and told Wen Qing, “Oh, I can finally focus on the key points now.”

Hearing this, Wen Qing became more and more sure of her guess. He didn’t care about Yu Xing’s ridicule at all, and hurriedly asked, “How can the god cards be used?”

Yu Xing tilted his head, smiling yet not smiling. “Want to know the answer?”

Wen Qing nodded.

Yu Xing lazily asked: “Reward?”

Wen Qing seriously said: “We can analyse it together, then clear the instance and leave this place.”

“After we leave, whatever you want, if I have it……”

Yu Xing sneered and interrupted: “The shop is small, doesn’t take credit.”

Those words meant that he should pay now.

Wen Qing froze for a moment. He lowered his head subconsciously, and pulled out his pocket.

Penniless, he had nothing.

Moreover, in terms of physical strength and intelligence, he was completely inferior to Yu Xing and the others.

In other words, in this game instance, he couldn’t help Yu Xing at all, and he might in turn even drag Yu Xing down.

Wen Qing pursed his lips, realising how useless he was.

Yu Xing waited for a while, but only saw Wen Qing lowering his eyes, growing more and more frustrated, his head lowering more and more.

“You can’t even understand this?”

His hand hooked Wen Qing’s chin. With a smile along the corners of his mouth, he drawled, “The reward I’m referring to is…..”

The second half of the sentence wasn’t spoken, but Wen Qing felt Yu Xing’s gaze slowly move from his face to his body.

Wen Qing quickly reacted. Yu Xing was gay……

His face flushed red, the tips of his ears turning pink.

Wen Qing stammeringly asked: “You, you don’t want to end this game?”

“Why hide the truth from everyone?”

The corners of Yu Xing’s mouth lifted: “I’ve said it before, I’m enjoying the game.”

“To me, the most enjoyable part of this game is the process, not the end.”

Wen Qing frowned: “Teafher and Si Kong could also know the god card’s use.”

Yu Xing raised an eyebrow: “You sure?”

Wen Qing wasn’t sure.

He thought, if teacher knew, he would’ve probably already told everyone.

Si Kong seemed to know something, but he wouldn’t take the initiative to tell everyone.

Now, only Yu Xing was honest to say that he knew…

Yu Xing lowered his eyes. His index finger was slightly bent, like he was teasing a kitten or a puppy. He hooked Wen Qing’s chin: “How is it?”

“Are you thinking it over slowly?”

Wen Qing endured the itchiness on his chin, and his cheeks flushed. After a long time, he stumblingly said, “I, I’ve thought about it.”

Yu Xing was a bit surprised.

He had believed that at least one more person would die before Wen Qing would understand……

Wen Qing breathed out, closed his eyes, took a step forwards, and hugged Yu Xing’s waist. He then patted Yu Xing’s back gently, like coaxing a child.

Yu Xing was stunned. He didn’t expect Wen Qing to suddenly hug him, but he was like this.

He didn’t expect Wen Qing to be so fragrant and soft. The alluring aura of his clean and pure soul permeated the surroundings refreshingly.

Yu Xing pressed down his Adam’s apple. He slowly lowered his head and sniffed the breath on Wen Qing’s body, which was a warm scent in spring, full of life.

Yu Xing suddenly felt hungry.

A second before he spoke, Wen Qing took a step back, widening the distance between the two people.

For the first time in his life, Wen Qing had taken the initiative to hug someone. His eyelashes trembled slightly as he stammeringly asked: “Are, are you good now?”

Yu Xing stared deeply at him. The scent seemed to still linger on the tip of his nose.

After a while, he hoarsely asked: “Say…… are you still a virgin?”

Wen Qing froze. The redness already on his face spread across his whole body at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a faint redness appeared on his neck and chest.

The answer to the question was self-evident.

Wen Qing was embarrassed and irritated: “What, what virgin!”

Yu Xing’s narrow eyes were slightly curved. He lightly said: “Being a virgin is good.”

“I like those without experience, they’re easy to tease.”

Wen Qing only felt his face growing warmer and warmer. Very quickly, his brain stopped working with a bang.

He was completely incapable of dealing with such a lascivious and shameless person like Yu Xing.

After a while, Yu Xing curved his lips and said, in a good mood, “This is a very simple game, so you don’t need to think too much.”

“Just use your little head and think of the literal meaning.”

Wen Qing’s mind slowly began to turn, but he still couldn’t understand.

“Can’t you just tell me directly?”

“I, I……” Wen Qing paused and squeezed out a sentence. “I’ve already hugged you.”

Yu Xing corrected: “You’ve only hugged my waist.”

“I’m very fair,” he stared at Wen Qing, hinting. “How much you give me, I’ll also give you that much.”

When his voice fell, a figure appeared in the doorway to the kitchen.

Ji Yu walked in. Without a trace, his eyes swept across Wen Qing, who was red all over.

He chuckled and told Wen Qing: “Wen Qing, I have something to talk about with Yu Xing alone.”

Wen Qing nodded, glancing at Yu Xing.

Yu Xing winked and ambiguously said: “Think properly, I’ll wait for you in bed.”


Wen Qing left the kitchen without looking back.

After a while, when Wen Qing was nowhere to be seen, Ji Yu lifted his eyelids and asked Yu Xing: “Are you gong to tell him?”

Yu Xing pouted. “I already told him, but that little fool still won’t believe me.”

Ji Yu calmly looked at him, and suddenly smiled, “So you want to tell him.”

Yu Xing’s face slightly changed, the corners of his mouth pressing downwards.

Seeing this, the smile on Ji Yu’s face became even bigger: “You’ve become soft-hearted. That’s interesting.”

Yu Xing’s face chilled. He asked, “And you?”

Ji Yu lightly said: “All beings are equal. Of course I will treat everyone equally.”

“It’s going to be Wen Qing’s turn soon.”

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“It might not take long…” Ji Yu half-closed his eyes, a smile on his face, “He will become the next Li Si Wen.”

“Become what you hate the most.”

Yu Xing sneered, “Relax, he’s different from others.”

He was a timid idiot.


Living Room

Wen Qing sat in his own seat. It didn’t take long before he saw Yu Xing come out of the kitchen. His expression wasn’t too good.

Most likely because of an unpleasant conversation with the teacher, Yu Xing went upstairs with a cold face.

Wen Qing watched his back and wondered what “literal meaning” meant.

The literal meaning of the god card…… god?

What god? God of what?

Wen Qing couldn’t think of anything other than the three words ‘mental disorder’.

Before he could figure it out, a soft female voice suddenly sounded in his ear.


Wen Qing tilted his head, Li Si Wen sat diagonally opposite to him, and softly said, “I’m sorry, I misunderstood you.”

Wen Qing was stunned for a moment. He didn’t hold grudges, and a large part of Li Si Wen’s hostility to him was because of external forces.

At this moment, she had taken the initiative to apologise. So, Wen Qing put yesterday and this morning’s events behind him, and told Li Si Wen, “It’s okay.”

Li Si Wen exhaled, squeezed out a smile, and slowly said, “Sorry, I’m really too scared, so my mood isn’t quite right.”

“I’m an only child, and my parents were very old when they finally gave birth to me. I really don’t dare to imagine if something happened here…”

Wen Qing gave a low hum, and suddenly felt a little lucky that he was an orphan.

“When my mother gave birth to me, it was difficult to give birth because of her older than usual age. They hope that I can live a healthy lifetime. I’m also a person with no ambition…”

Li Si Wen spoke about her parents for a while before asking, “What about you? Do you have any siblings?”

Wen Qing nodded, then shook his head.

He told Li Si Wen: “I’m an orphan, but I have siblings in a welfare centre.”

Li Si Wen was stunned: “So, sorry, I didn’t know you were……”

Wen Qing quietly said, “It’s fine.”

He actually didn’t think he was pitiful. He had a dean mother, and went to school like other children.

Because every time he mentioned he was an orphan, others would look at him with sympathy and apologetic eyes, so Wen Qing rarely mentioned this.

Li Si Wen stopped talking about her parents. She switched and asked, “What about Zhou Zhou? Have you seen him?”

“I have something to speak with him about.”

Wen Qing truthfully said: “He’s in the study. It’s best to find him later.”

“Why?” Li Si Wen blurted out. The next second, she asked, “Was he also affected by this villa?”

Wen Qing nodded.

Li Si Wen sighed deeply. The corners of her lips raised. She said to Wen Qing, and also to herself: “We’ll soon be able to leave.”

“After we leave, everyone will be back to normal.”

Wen Qing raised his eyes to look at her. He felt uneasy.

After leaving, can everyone go back to normal?

Thoughts flashed by. Very quickly, Wen Qing realised that Li Si Wen’s words were strange.

Who said they could leave immediately?

Wen Qing hesitated for a moment and quietly asked, “You’ve found the way to clear the instance?”

Li Si Wen tucked her hair behind her ear. She looked at Wen Qing, and the corners of her mouth curved upwards. “If we find the guide, we can clear this instance.”

“I already know who it is.”

Wen Qing suddenly had a bad feeling. He quietly asked: “Who?”

“It’s Chen Yiyi.” Li Si Wen said.

When she finished speaking, her delicate face slightly twisted. Her eyes widened, and she stared into the air in disgust. “It’s her, that bitch.”

“She pretended to feign madness and act stupid from the beginning, diverting everyone’s attention, and we didn’t think about her at all.”

Li Si Wen stared directly at Wen Qing: “This scheming bitch. Wen Qing, you also didn’t doubt her at all!”

Wen Qing watched her face change. His heart became colder and colder, and he lowered her head and didn’t dare to speak.

Li Si Wen’s situation didn’t improve at all. She’d just shifted his target.

Her hostility switched from him to Chen Yiyi……

Wen Qing’s mind went blank, and he kind of felt like he wanted to cry.

This wasn’t right.

But he couldn’t do anything……

After an unknown amount of time, Ji Yu’s gentle voice sounded beside his ear: “Wen Qing, what’s wrong?”

Wen Qing slowly lifted his head. Li Si Wen had left the living room at some point.

Right now, there was only him and Ji Yu in the living room.

With a pale face, he grabbed Ji Yu’s sleeve and whispered, “Teacher, Li Si Wen, she, she isn’t getting better.”

Wen Qing pursed his lips: “She seems to think that Chen Yiyi is the guide now.”

“We had a good conversation, but when it came to Chen Yiyi, she turned into how was in the morning.”

“Really.…..” Ji Yu frowned. He raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, and calmly said, “It might be because of my words that she misunderstood.”

“I apologise.”

Seeing Teacher apologise to him, Wen Qing hurriedly said: “You don’t need to apologise to me, teacher.”

Ji Yu lightly hummed.

Wen Qing quietly comforted, “You didn’t want this to happen either. It’s all because of the system and the game.”

The corners of Ji Yu’s mouth curved. He then said, “Zhou Zhou should have calmed down a lot now.”

“I’m going to talk to him. Hopefully, he can regain some sanity.”

Wen Qing lowered her head, not noticing the smile on Ji Yu’s face, and softly said, “Good luck, teacher.”

Ji Yu walked upstairs.

Wen Qing tilted his head to stare at the two panels on the big door not far away.

He laid on the table. There was nobody else in the living room, and it was deadly silent. Wen Qing could hear his heartbeat.

Ba-thump, ba-thump……

With his rhythmic heartbeat, the eerie monsters on the embossed door suddenly seemed to become clearer and more lifelike.

Wen Qing’s back felt cold. He kept feeling like some monsters would suddenly appear in a corner.

He knew his fear was magnified by his mood, but he couldn’t control it.

Wen Qing shakily stood up, not daring to stay alone in the living room, and hurried upstairs.

When he reached the second floor, his footsteps paused.

Teacher was busy, Yu Xing was definitely still not serious…

After hesitating for a moment, Wen Qing ran directly to the third floor and knocked on Si Kong’s door.

 The door was ajar. After Wen Qing knocked, it opened directly.

Si Kong was standing beside the window, but this time, his back was to the door, and Wen Qing couldn’t see his expression.”

“What is it?” Si Kong asked.

Wen Qing stood at the doorway, out of breath as he asked. “You, what you said about following my vote, does it still count?”

Hearing this, Si Kong turned sideways and asked him: “Who do you want to vote?”

Wen Qing’s eyes shifted, before he raised his head and squared his shoulders, telling Si Kong: “Teacher Ji.”

“Teacher Ji is the guide, right?”

Si Kong frowned: “Not him.”

Wen Qing’s eyes lit up and he hurriedly asked: “Then who do you think it is?”

Si Kong glanced at him expressionlessly. “Are you kidding me?”

Wen Qing pursed his lips and dryly said: “No, I’m not.”

“I, I’m asking sincerely.”

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