They Are Not Human!

Chapter 20: 20

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Chapter 20: Guide 20

21ST DEC 2022~SV

Qing Qing, I’ve found the answer to clear this instance

His words were very vulgar, but Wen Qing really didn’t dare to move.

Yu Xing brought him directly into the bedroom on the second floor. He closed the door and threw him on the bed.

He leaned against the door and glanced down at the person on the bed.

Wen Qing was kneeling on the bed. His cheeks were pale and bloodless, as if he was pretty scared by what had happened earlier.

Unexpectedly, he didn’t cry.

But his eyes were very red. It looked like he had cried a lot not too long ago, so he couldn’t cry now.

Yu Xing clicked his tongue. The corners of his lips raised, “That girl wanted to kill you, so you let her go just like this?”

Wen Qing’s eyelids slightly twitched. In fact, he was very angry, yet he was a little sad too.

Angry that Li Si Wen tried to harm him, yet sad that she had been affected until she became like this……

He lowered his head. After a while, he softly spoke, “I… this was my first time encountering something like this.”

Rather than letting Li Si Wen go, it was better to say that he didn’t know what to do at all.

If someone tried to harm him in the real world, he would call the police.

But here……

Wen Qing frowned, and softly asked, “Can we call the police here?”

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Yu Xing was annoyed, yet he also felt that it was little cute.

His narrow eyes squinted slightly. He slowly said, “You can pray to God.”

“He might be glad to help you punish the bad guys.”

Wen Qing dazedly raised his head and softly said, “I don’t have any religious beliefs.”

“I’ve already joined the party[1].”

Yu Xing: “……”

Wen Qing waited for a while. Yu Xing still didn’t say anything.

He thought that Yu Xing was still angry, and hastily said, “Don’t be angry, I don’t have anything now.”

“Don’t get affected by this villa.”

Don’t become just like Zhou Zhou and Li Si Wen.

Yu Xing’s eyes went half-lidded. Seeing the worry on Wen Qing’s face, he felt an inexplicable emotion appear in his heart.

He pressed down his Adam’s apple slightly. After a while, he lowly chuckled. “I’m not angry.”

“But…… I am affected by a certain emotion.”

Wen Qing looked confused.

Yu Xing walked up to him, lowered his head, and stared at Wen Qing. The lust in his eyes was clearly revealed.

Wen Qing reacted very quickly.

Except for anger, there was only one other thing in Yu Xing’s mind.

Wen Qing’s pale cheeks turned red. He stammeringly asked, “You- you want to… have sex?”

Yu Xing lazily replied. His loose bathrobe was slightly opened, revealing the strong and smooth muscle lines of his chest.

“Yeah……” he tilted his head and dragged out his tone. “Little Father, please help me.”

Wen Qing’s face flushed red inch by inch. After a while, he finally choked out a sentence, “You- you be self-reliant.”

After he finished speaking, he moved to the side of the bed, trying to get out, “I- I won’t bother you anymore.”

Yu Xing’s raised his eyebrows. “Little Father, how could you treat me so indifferently.”

“I don’t want your life either……”

“I just want your body.”

When he finished speaking, he even whistled deliberately.

Wen Qing’s ears went numb. He quickly pushed Yu Xing away, flushing red. “You- don’t call me like that.”

“You don’t like this form of address?” Yu Xing paused, drawling the end of his sentence, he ambiguously said, “Then what about poor thing? Little dummy? Little baby?”

His tone rose slightly. He had a faint smile on his face.

Wen Qing wanted to cry, but he was out of tears. “Stop making fun of me.”

Yu Xing lowly chuckled. He slowly said, “I’m not making fun of you.”

“I’m telling the truth.”

“Right now, I feel a little…… hot with desire.”

While he spoke, he circled Wen Qing’s pale and slender wrist, bent his index finger, and gently hooked onto his palm.

Wen Qing’s hands trembled. He felt the change in Yu Xing’s body temperature.

It wasn’t the slightly cold temperature in the past. It was very hot, very scalding, and the burning temperature seemed to seep into his body.

Inexplicably, a sense of dryness arose in Wen Qing.

It was normal to have certain physiological needs. Wen Qing had accidentally ran into the scene of his roommate solving it, but they would both have a tacit understanding and not mention it.

He had never met someone like Yu Xing, someone who would openly talk about his desires like him.

Wen Qing was slightly at a loss.

Yu Xing didn’t listen to him. He couldn’t beat Yu Xing either.

Yu Xing’s thumb caressed Wen Qing’s fingers. From his fingertips to his knuckles, he softly and ambiguously coaxed, “Your hand……”

Wen Qing yanked his hand out abruptly. He blurted out, “My- my skill isn’t good.”

Yu Xing couldn’t help but laugh. He originally wanted to say that your hand was really small.

Since Wen Qing even took the initiative to mention skill, of course he would be disrespectful.

He lifted a hand to press Wen Qing’s shoulder. “You don’t need to do anything.”

“You just need to lie down flat.”

Wen Qing’s body slightly trembled. He stammeringly said, “I don’t, I don’t want……”

The corners of Yu Xing’s lips lifted. “You want to move yourself?”

“It’s not that you can’t, I’m just afraid that you will run out of energy quickly.”

Wen Qing pressed his lips together tightly. “I don’t like this.”

“Yu Xing, you- don’t touch me anymore……”

The smile on Yu Xing’s lips faded. He looked down into Wen Qing’s eyes.

Although he didn’t cry, his eyes were already reddened.

After a long time, Yu Xing snorted and pushed Wen Qing onto the bed.

Wen Qing was about to struggle, only to see Yu Xing pinch a corner of the quilt and cover him with it.

Wen Qing froze up. Then, something soft covered his lips.

Yu Xing bit his lip forcefully. The smell of blood spread around.

Wen Qing cried out in pain. Immediately, something warm and moist dove into his mouth, wrapped around the tip of his tongue. 

There was a rust-like taste of blood between the lips and teeth. The kiss was extremely rough, as if it was trying to rip him apart. The sound of swallowing lingered in his ears.

It was a long time before the kiss ended.

Wen Qing’s lips were painful and numb. Even though Yu Xing had pulled away, the kiss earlier was still replaying in his mouth.

Yu Xing’s eyes became crescents. He wiped off the water on Wen Qing’s lips with his thumb, and cruelly pressed on the wound. “I’ll let you off today.”

“You won’t be so lucky next time.”

Wen Qing’s body trembled. He wanted to sit up and leave the bedroom, but was pushed back onto the bed by Yu Xing.

“Sleep here.” Yu Xing covered him tightly. He casually said, “If you want to leave, I can’t promise anything.”

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This time, Wen Qing didn’t dare to move.

He slid into the quilt, only revealing his forehead and eyes, and watched Yu Xing’s movements closely.

Yu Xing glanced at him and walked towards the bathroom.

When he opened the door, he paused, and casually said, “If you want to watch, I can leave the door open.”

“If you want to hear it, I can gasp a little louder.”

Wen Qing immediately retracted into the quilt and covered his head firmly.

He didn’t want to listen. He didn’t want to watch either.

He didn’t want to know anything.

After a while, the sound of water sounded from the bathroom.

No other sounds were mixed in.

Wen Qing relaxed a little, but his nerves were still tense.

Would Yu Xing do anything later?

Would the three-headed dog’s father come?

Just who exactly voted for Chen Yiyi?

What important clue did he forget?


A bunch of questions piled up in his mind.

He was sleepy, but he couldn’t sleep.

After some amount of time, the sound of water from the bathroom stopped.

Wen Qing’s little heart rose once again. He instinctively curled up, and pricked up his ears to listen to Yu Xing’s movement.

Yu Xing tilted his head, watching the dumpling on the bed tremble slightly, and softly said, “Nothing will happen tonight, sleep peacefully.”

Wen Qing froze for a moment. He hesitated for a long time before poking his head out cautiously.

Yu Xing stood in front of the closet, as if he had just changed into a bathrobe and was tying it.

Out of habit, Wen Qing pursed his lips. The wound on his lower lip was torn open again, leaking blood.

He licked the blood off his lips, and asked in a low voice, “When you were voting tonight, who did you vote for?”

Yu Xing turned around to look at Wen Qing. His face was full of sleepiness, but his eyes were unusually bright.

He slightly frowned, and said a name, “Chen Yiyi.”

Wen Qing asked again, “Then did you see who Mr. Ji voted for?”

He remembered Yu Xing sat beside Ji Yu. If he wanted to see, he could definitely be able to see.

Yu Xing casually responded, “That guy voted for me.”

Wen Qing was stunned. Mr. Ji didn’t lie to him.

He couldn’t resist speaking up, “Then did Si Kong vote for Chen Yiyi?”

Hearing this, the corners of Yu Xing’s mouth lifted. “Si Kong, that guy, he voted for me too.”

Wen Qing froze.

Yu Xing’s two votes were from Si Kong and Ji Yu.

Then Chen Yiyi’s three votes were from Li Si Wen, Yu Xing, and Zhou Zhou.

Why would Zhou Zhou vote for Chen Yiyi?

Wen Qing’s mind was a mess. After he’d figured out the answer to a question, a strong sense of exhaustion swept through his body.

Seeing him so tired that his eyelids were fighting, Yu Xing sternly said, “If you don’t want to sleep, we can do some exercises for two.”

Wen Qing did his best to open his eyes. He dazedly asked, “Yu Xing, the quid pro quo you mentioned, does it still count?”

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows. “Of course it does.”

Wen Qing hummed, and vaguely said, “That… you kissed me just now…… have to tell me a clue.”

Yu Xing lowly chuckled. He thought that Wen Qing would be angry, ashamed, tearful, etc. but he didn’t expect that he was still thinking about exchanging clues.

“Go look for Si Kong to find that book again.”

Wen Qing closed his eyes.

The book…… right, the book still hadn’t been found……

Leaning on the pillow, he sunk into dreamland in an instant.


Wen Qing slept peacefully this time. He’d kept having messy nightmares before, waking up as if he hadn’t slept at all.

He opened his eyes. Yu Xing wasn’t in the bedroom, and there was no sign of anyone sleeping at his bedside.

Wen Qing quickly got up to wash up, rushed up to the third floor and knocked on Si Kong’s bedroom’s door.

He’d only knocked once, but Si Kong already opened the door.

“What is it?”

Wen Qing quietly asked, “The book you put on the table last time, what is its name?”

Si Kong’s gaze fell on his lips involuntarily. There was a wound on his lower lip that was scabbed over, but it was still glistening with a little bit of water.

It was obvious that the owner licked it a lot.

He’d just thought about it when Wen Qing licked his lips again.

The tip of his tongue was bright red, as if it had kissed someone deeply.

“I want to read it again.” Wen Qing said.

He raised his eyes and saw Si Kong staring at his mouth. He touched it subconsciously, and falteringly tried to justify it. “I… I accidentally bit it while eating.”

Si Kong glanced away, frowning, “You can’t even remember those few words?”

Wen Qing hurriedly explained, “I didn’t finish reading it last time, because……”

As he spoke, his voice suddenly halted. His heart stuttered.

He didn’t finish reading it last time, because Ji Yu shifted his attention elsewhere.

And then…… he never saw that book again.

Si Kong: “No name.”

Wen Qing: “Ah?”

“That book has no name.” Once he finished speaking, Si Kong slammed the door shut.

Wen Qing froze. That book had no name, so he couldn’t find any Chinese characters in a lot of the foreign language books.

He seemed to have seen a book with no name yesterday.

Wen Qing blinked and hurried downstairs, running into the study.

He searched the bookshelves row by row, without missing a single book.

But he still couldn’t find that book with no name.

Not being able to find it…… it could’ve been hidden by someone.

Wen Qing frowned. There would be another voting session in more than ten hours.

He might not be able to figure out an answer within a dozen hours.

Then, find Si Kong and ask him to repeat it again?

Wen Qing turned it over in his mind. That seemed to be the only way.

He had just reached the door of the study when his footsteps suddenly stopped.

At some point, Zhou Zhou had stood outside the door with his back against the wall and a smile on his face, like a sunny and handsome big boy.

“Qing Qing, I’ve found the answer to clear this instance.”


[1] – this should be referring to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)? (which, on its own, is something i’ll be ignoring)

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