They Are Not Human!

Chapter 19: 19

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Chapter 19: Guide 19

18TH DEC 2022~SV

Stop moving, do you want to be……

Wen Qing trembled in fright. His eyes were red.

He choked on his sobs, “Zhou… Zhou Zhou, why did you become like this……”

“I’m scared……”

Feeling the trembling of his body, Zhou Zhou slowly tilted his head, looking at Wen Qing.

He bent his legs and tugged at the corners of his clothes lightly, his hands using enough force for his fingertips to turn white.

“You, don’t you mess with me……”

Wen Qing’s voice was tearful, sounding wet and sticky. 

An indescribable emotion rose in Zhou Zhou’s heart. He stared at Wen Qing solemnly, and suddenly understood Yu Xing’s feelings.

He wanted to bully him……

He wanted to make him cry……

He wanted to make sure he only saw his existence in his eyes……

Wen Qing felt the movement of the hand on his waist stop. His eyelashes trembled, and he raised his eyes, blurry with tears.

After seeing Zhou Zhou’s expression, he was so frightened that he hiccupped, his tears flowing even more fiercely.

A few tears dripped onto Zhou Zhou’s hand. He lowered his eyes and stared at the water droplets on the back of his hand.

Under the dim light, the teardrops were crystal clear.

Shedding tears for him……

The dark emotions in Zhou Zhou’s heart unbridledly grew, breaking out of their cocoon.

After a long while, he slowly raised his hand, brought it to his mouth, and licked it.

Salty, yet a little sweet.

The corners of Zhou Zhou’s mouth slightly curved, as if he had eaten some delicious food.

Wen Qing didn’t dare to speak and tried his best to not cry.

This was also too perverted wuwu……

Seeing the fear in his eyes, Zhou Zhou suddenly smiled and hoarsely said, “Wen Qing, I’m not gay.”

Wen Qing couldn’t help but whimper.

He thought, you aren’t gay, you’re just a pervert.

This still wasn’t gay……

Zhou Zhou stretched out his hand and gently pushed Wen Qing’s hair behind his ear.

He slowly said the latter half of his sentence, “But now, I think I’d like to try it out.”

Wen Qing’s eyes widened. He looked at him, stunned.

“If you experience it…… it should be very sweet.” Zhou Zhou raised the corners of his lips and smiled. His brows and eyes curved, the same as when he first saw him on the rooftop of the other building.

Wen Qing was so frightened that even his heart was trembling.

The Zhou Zhou now was even scarier than the one yesterday.

He appeared like a sunny boy, but the man inside was completely different.

Zhou Zhou raised his hand and used his thumb to wipe the tears on his face. He smiled, “How are you so scared.”

“Don’t cry,” he softly comforted, and slowly said, “Aren’t we going to work together and clear the instance together?”

Wen Qing’s lips trembled slightly. He was afraid that he couldn’t even pronounce a single syllable.

Suddenly, there was the sound of footsteps at the door.

Wen Qing didn’t even have the strength to turn his head and see who it was.

It didn’t take long for him to be pulled up by a force, and a familiar figure stood in front of him.

Ji Yu stood between Wen Qing and Zhou Zhou, protecting Wen Qing with his hands. He frowned and said, “Zhou Zhou, calm down first. Wen Qing……”

Hearing the words ‘Wen Qing’, Zhou Zhou interrupted: “Mr. Ji, I’m very calm.”

Seeing his calm appearance, Ji Yu’s lips slightly downturned. He continued with Zhou Zhou’s words: “Wen Qing is timid, you shouldn’t scare him on purpose.”

Zhou Zhou’s eyes gradually fell from Ji Yu’s arm to Wen Qing being protected by him.

He blinked, and softly sighed: “Mr. Ji, you also take good care of Wen Qing……”

Ji Yu lightly said, “I’m a teacher. I take good care of all of you.”

He turned his head to look at Wen Qing and asked, “What happened?”

Wen Qing was in tears, completely incapable of speaking.

Seeing this, Ji Yu told Zhou Zhou, “Wen Qing is very scared right now. You two probably shouldn’t be alone together.”

“I’ll bring Wen Qing out first.”

After he finished speaking, Ji Yu brought Wen Qing to leave the study.

Zhou Zhou stood in place. He softly sneered, “Hypocrite.”

Waiting until he couldn’t see Wen Qing’s back, he turned, looked at the books on the bookshelves, and whispered, “Are you looking for a completely white book……”


please read this at springvioletstl.wordpress(.)com!

Only when he reached the staircase did Wen Qing’s brain begin to work again.

He sat down directly on the steps. He lowered his head and sobbed.

After a while, seeing that Ji Yu hadn’t left yet, Wen Qing tearfully said, “S…sir, thank- thank you.”

Ji Yu handed him a pack of tissues and softly said, “Did something happen just now?”

“Zhou Zhou seems to have returned to his original state, yet he is still a little abnormal.”

Wen Qing clenched the tissue tightly. He shook his head. “I don’t know either.”

Ji Yu lowered his head. He watched him cry until his neck turned pink, then quietly said, “Why do you love to cry so much?”

Wen Qing choked and said, “Sir, you don’t need to worry about me. I’ll be fine after I cry for a while.”

He was too terrified just now, that he couldn’t stop crying now.

After he cried for a good while, Wen Qing finally recovered, his mood slowly calming down.

His eyes hurt from crying. He thought, in a short while, he wouldn’t be crying anymore. 

He guessed that his tears were about to dry up.

“Do you want to drink some warm milk?” Ji Yu asked.

Wen Qing shook his head. “No need. Thank you, sir.”

“I don’t have an appetite right now.”

Ji Yu hummed. His eyes went half-lidded as he looked towards the study calmly.

Wen Qing lifted his head and stared at his perfect jawline. He struggled for a moment before softly questioning, “That…… sir, when I was sleeping in the study last time, was it you who put the blanket on me?”

“It’s not me.”

Ji Yu tilted his head to look at him and slightly raised his eyes. He looked surprised. “What’s wrong?”

Wen Qing slowly swallowed before explaining, “At that time, I thought it was you who helped me cover up……”

He even gave the blanket to Ji Yu, then thanked him, and Ji Yu said you’re welcome.

No matter how Wen Qing thought about it, he felt that Ji Yu’s meaning at that time was you’re welcome for covering him up with the blanket.

“Is that so,” Ji Yu paused, smiled, and gently said, “That time, I thought you let me help put things away.”

“I’m sorry, I made you misunderstand.”

Wen Qing hurriedly said: “You don’t need to apologise, sir, it’s my fault.”

After he finished speaking, his eyelids twitched. ‘I’m sorry’, these two words, he had heard them come from Ji Yu’s mouth a lot.

When pressing his wound, wasting an opportunity to ask questions, scaring him, etc……

Obviously, those two words were very ordinary, but Wen Qing suddenly felt a sense of reluctance.

He couldn’t help but replay Yu Xing’s words in his mind.

If what Yu Xing said was true……

If Mr Ji had been lying to them from start to finish……

Wen Qing felt a chill down his back.

Could the person who deliberately manipulated the game and caused people to go crazy and die be him?

Ji Yu spoke first, “It’s late. Do you want to go rest?”

Wen Qing shook his head. “I’m still not tired. Are you tired already, sir?”

Ji Yu smiled. “I’m not tired, just worried about your body.”

He had a warm and elegant smile on his face, like a perfect teacher who cared about his students.

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Suddenly, Wen Qing finally remembered where was wrong.

That day, Ji Yu didn’t have any doubts when he voted for Gong Yunyun.

If he really was the same as his appearance, how could he vote for Gong Yunyun so calmly?

Chen Yiyi’s one vote, it wouldn’t have been Ji Yu’s right?”

Wen Qing pinched his palm tightly. Ji Yu’s voice sounded in his ear again.

He tilted his head. Ji Yu stood at a side with a smile on his face. “What were you thinking about? So deep in thought, you didn’t even hear me calling for you.”

Wen Qing pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, then questioned bluntly, “Sir, who did you vote for just now?”

Ji Yu watched his eyes, and lightly but firmly said, “I voted for Yu Xing.”

The answer was unexpected. Wen Qing was stunned. “Ah?”

Ji Yu explained, “In the beginning, it was just our speculation that the god card wasn’t the guide. We couldn’t be sure.”

“Before voting, I saw Yu Xing and Li Si Wen talking alone, saying something about Chen Yiyi……”

Speaking of Chen Yiyi, he exhaled. “Anyhow, Yu Xing was very suspicious, so I voted for him.”

“Therefore when it was time to ask questions, I asked the system about the god card. Only then was I sure that the gods couldn’t be the guide.”

Wen Qing slowly swallowed and nodded. He then asked, “But sir, you… don’t you and Yu Xing know each other?”

Ji Yu sighed softly. He slowly said, “I know the person, I know the face, but I don’t know the heart.”

Implying that there was a problem with Yu Xing.

Wen Qing’s eyelashes trembled. He stared at the dark floor tiles and began counting the votes. 

Two votes for Yu Xing, three votes for Chen Yiyi.

If what teacher said was true, then the other vote for Yu Xing should be voted by Zhou Zhou?

So it was Yu Xing, Li Si Wen and Si Kong who voted for Chen Yiyi?

Si Kong……

Wen Qing pursed his lips. But Zhou Zhou had also said before that Si Kong would follow him in voting for Yu Xing……

Wen Qing’s mind was a mess. He didn’t know who he should trust.

After a good while, he slowly stood up and told Ji Yu, “Sir, I have a small thing to do, I’ll go to the third floor.”

After he finished speaking, Wen Qing grabbed the railing of the staircase and walked upstairs, step by step.

When he walked up to the third floor, he lowered his head and saw Ji Yu hadn’t followed him upstairs, instead walking into the corridor of the second floor.

Wen Qing retracted his gaze, and walked straight forwards.

Si Kong’s bedroom was at the furthest end. Just as he walked to the door, another door suddenly opened.

“Are you trying to find Si Kong?” Li Si Wen asked, standing beside the door.

She looked haggard. Her wet hair was dishevelled, and she seemed like she had just taken a shower.

Seeing no obvious hostility or hatred on her face, and that she seemed to have calmed down, Wen Qing nodded in response.

The corners of Li Si Wen’s mouth twitched. She told him, “Si Kong isn’t in his room, he’s on the first floor.”

Wen Qing hesitated. “Alright, thanks.”

“En, no need for thanks.” Li Si Wen lightly responded.

Wen Qing turned and headed downstairs. He heard the sound of a door closing, and turned around to see. Li Si Wen didn’t return to her room, instead following him downstairs.

Wen Qing didn’t think much of it. There was nobody in the living room on the first floor, so he headed directly to the kitchen.

He wasn’t in the kitchen. He wasn’t in the washroom either.

Wen Qing had some trepidation in his heart. He returned to living room, wanting to question Li Si Wen.

Only to see Li Si Wen standing in front of the reddish-brown big door, staring intensely at the round door knocker.

“That……” Wen Qing quietly asked, “Is Si Kong really on the first floor?”

Li Si Wen nodded. “I just saw him on the first floor. Could he have gone to the second floor?”

She turned around. When she saw that Wen Qing wanted to head to the second floor, she hurriedly said, “Wait, you should come and take a look first.”

Wen Qing looked at her in suspicion.

Li Si Wen pointed to the door knocker. “It looks like there’s some words on the door before. We never noticed it before.”

Hearing about a clue, Wen Qing quickly walked closer.

He wasn’t brave enough to go too near the exit door. He stopped two meters away.

Li Si Wen spoke, “Being that far, you won’t be able to see clearly.”

Wen Qinh pursed his lips, and quietly said, “I’m not nearsighted, I can see fine.”

Hearing this, Li Si Wen’s face sank.

Wen Qing didn’t notice her appearance. He was inspecting the door knocker seriously.

The metal door knocker was clean. Don’t even mention words, it didn’t even have a scratch.

“It looks like there’s nothing on top……”

The last word hadn’t been spoken when his arms chilled.

Li Si Wen had walked up to him at some point. The water from her wet hair dripped into Wen Qing’s hands.

Wen Qing retracted his hands and asked, “Where are the words you spoke about? I couldn’t see them.”

Li Si Wen squeezed out a smile and raised her left hand: “It’s right here.”

Wen Qing looked in the direction she was pointing at, but he still saw nothing.

In the next second, his arms were suddenly grabbed by Li Si Wen, directly approaching the door knocker. 

Wen Qing’s pupils suddenly shrank. He instinctively stepped back, but Li Si Wen’s strength was unexpectedly strong, and she pulled him a meter forwards.

“It’s you, I know it’s you……” Li Si Wen muttered to herself, her expression crazy.

She held Wen Qing’s hand in a death grip and approached the door knocker.

“Open the door, quickly open the door for me!” 

One second before Wen Qing touched the door knocker, a gust of cold wind blew by, and Li Si Wen suddenly fell to the ground.

Wen Qing still didn’t know what happened when he was lifted by the collar and carried two meters away from the door.

“I said…… how can you be so stupid?” Yu Xing’s voice sounded above his head.

“You can even be fooled like this?”

Wen Qing turned his head in a daze, and Yu Xing’s enlarged version of his handsome face came closer, almost touching the tip of his nose.

Yu Xing’s eyes were full of anger, yet his voice was still as bright as before: “She’s so bad, why don’t we let her open the door?”

Even though he had asked, but Yu Xing had no intention of waiting for Wen Qing’s answer.

He glanced at the red mark around Wen Qing’s wrist, then turned sideways to look at Li Si Wen, who had fallen beside the wall.

Li Si Wen also heard Yu Xing’s words. She hastily stepped back, staring at Yu Xing fearfully: “I… I’m not the guide……”

Yu Xing lightly sneered. He casually said, “I never said you were the guide.”

“I just want to let you die.”

Hearing the word ‘die’, Li Si Wen became more and more panicked. Her eyes widened, and she continued to crawl away, trembling, wanting to get far away from Yu Xing.

Yu Xing had just took a step when his sleeve was suddenly pulled.

Wen Qing was pale, and he quietly said, “Don’t be impulsive.”

“Don’t kill people……”

Yu Xing stared into Wen Qing’s eyes. Seeing that he was serious, he leisurely said, “Fine. Then, I’ll let her live one more day.”

“I’ll vote her to open the door tomorrow night.”

Tomorrow night……

Knowing the date of death in advance was the scariest thing. Li Si Wen’s face changed abruptly. She stared blankly at the air for a long while, her face twisted, and with her face half-smiling half-crying, she said: “You can’t vote for me. I-I’m not the guide, Wen Qing is actually……”

“All of you still want to protect him, sooner or later you’ll all be killed by him, you’ll all die by his hands, everyone will die……”

Li Si Wen trembled. Her wet hair stuck tightly to her high cheekbones. She looked like a female ghost.

Her expression was very strange. Wen Qing pursed his lips tightly.

Li Si Wen’s starting calmness was faked, just like Zhou Zhou……

They were crazier than before……

Wen Qing was terrified. A chill spread through his body, leaving his hands and feet icy cold.

Suddenly, his body was suspended in the air. He was lifted up by Yu Xing.

Wen Qing subconsciously struggled: “Put me down.”


His ass was harshly slapped.

Yu Xing calmly said, “Stop moving, do you want to be fucked?”

SV: almost to the end! well, technically so. four chapters left, but 22 and 23 will be split into three parts each because they’re just so long

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