This Cannon Fodder Is Not Scientific

Chapter 3: 3

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End Times Survival Guide (3)
  As the president of a group of companies, Fan Cheng was usually very concerned about current affairs. In fact, this 'crazy' injury incident reports, he has long seen several times, but he has not take it much to his heart, until today to see with his own eyes, only to feel the unusual danger. Although he did not believe Jiang Mo's exaggerated claims about the end of the world, he was still a little worried about the danger of this new type of flu.
  "Yike, after you arrive at the company, you should convey down that the flu has been frequent recently. All employees should pay attention to preventing the flu. If any of them feel uncomfortable anywhere, they can take a sick leave immediately, don't hold on to come to the company so as not to infect others."
  "Yes." Wang Yike hurriedly used the pad to record Fan Cheng's words.
  Jiang Mo was relieved in his heart. He knew that Fan Cheng had finally listened to his reminder.
  Although there was a lot of delay on the way, because they went out early, they still arrived at the company before ten o'clock, and took the president's special elevator from the underground garage to go directly to the president's office on the top floor.

  "Mr. Fan, here are the minutes of yesterday's meeting between the marketing and sales departments, and the plan for cooperation with Shanhai Group prepared by the Ministry of Commerce has also been submitted and sent to your email address. You have a video conference with TR Technology at two o'clock this afternoon. In addition, Mr. Zheng from Yuhua called just now, asking if you have time to attend the charity dinner held by Yuhua tomorrow night." After entering the office, Wang Yike reported all of today's schedules to Fan Cheng one by one.
  "Well, I know, as for Mr. Zheng's side ......," Fan Cheng said after thinking for a while, "you reply for me, I will go on time tomorrow."
  "Okay, Mr. Fan."
  "Eh! Wait a minute!" Jiang Mo suddenly opened his mouth and interjected, "Brother, the charity dinner sounds interesting, you can take me along!"
  According to the world line provided by the system, there will be a special auction item at the charity dinner tomorrow, but no one found its value, and it was bought by a businessman at a very low price. After the end of the world this thing but tumbled into the hands of the time and space visitor Zhou Jing, and it helped him a lot. What Jiang Mo has to do now was to hurry up and grab the item before Zhou Jing crosses over.
  "This is a proper charity dinner, attended by big people of extraordinary status, not the kind of place where you can fool around!" Fan Cheng frowned and said.
  This charity dinner was not just a banquet, more importantly, the word charity, Yuhua's Zheng was a well-known conscientious entrepreneur, very enthusiastic about public welfare. His status in the circle was significant. There will be a charity auction at the charity dinner, the proceeds will be donated to the mountains to build a hope elementary school. It was a very formal banquet.
  "Brother, I know, I promise to be good, just take me along!" Jiang Mo folded his hands and looked at Fan Cheng.
  "Really afraid of you, go if you want, but do not give me trouble, or I will break your legs." Fan Cheng honestly couldn't do anything about such a petulant and rogue brother.
  "Wow! Brother you're the best!" Jiang Mo did not take Fan Cheng's harsh words to heart at all and cheered happily.
  When Wang Yike walked out of Fan Cheng's president office, he was immediately surrounded by the group of gossipy little girls from the administration department.

  "Special Assistant Wang, who is the little brother who just followed President Fan into the office? He's so good-looking!"
  "Yes, yes, what is the relationship between that little brother and Mr. Fan? Why did he stay in Mr. Fan's office? Is he the new secretary recruited by Mr. Fan?"
  In their series of questions, Wang Yike sneered and said, "That's the second young master."
  "Oh, it's the second young master ...... ah?! Second young master?!" Several young girls stared in shock, "Then is he the brother of president Fan?"
  "Wait ...... President Fan's brother doesn't seem to look like that, right?"
  Fan Lin had been dragged to the company by Fan Cheng a few times before, so the employees in the company had seen him. His non-mainstream killer look can be said to be deeply rooted in people's hearts. This time he suddenly changed the style, it was no wonder that they could not recognize him.
  Inside the president's office, Fan Cheng had already entered work mode, while Jiang Mo sat on the sofa at the side, very much with a feeling of having nothing to do.
  "Brother, is there anything I can help with?"
  Fan Cheng brought his brother to the company, but did not expect him to be able to help anything, just to put him under the watchful eye, so that he does not go out to cause trouble again. In the past, when he brought his brother to the company, he would basically lie on the sofa and play with his cell phone while he was busy with his work, and the two would not disturb each other.
  "You read through this plan, and circle any problems." Fan Cheng quickly skimmed through the cooperation plan with Shanhai Group drawn up by the Ministry of Commerce, and then handed it to Jiang Mo.
  He didn't expect Fan Lin to see anything, as long as he looked at it and had a general understanding, it would be about right.
  Jiang Mo answered and dutifully held the plan and read it, and then his eyes instantly lit up.
  The Fan family's main focus was e-commerce and technology applications, while the Shanhai Group specializes in supermarkets. The Fan family was planning to cooperate with the Shanhai Group to develop the market of unmanned self-service supermarkets.
  This project has been in preparation for some time, and the location of the trial supermarket has been chosen and was ready to be put into operation. In the world line, when the end times broke out, Fan Cheng happened to be taking Wang Yike on an inspection tour of the unmanned supermarkets that had not yet opened.
  The reason why Fan Cheng was able to set up the survivor base later on, apart from his awakening of the powerful fire ability, was because of the abundant supplies he had in his hands.
  In the post-apocalyptic world, supplies are the biggest capital.

  If Fan Cheng didn't give him this plan today, he would have found a way to join this project.
  "Brother, this plan looks very good! Do you need my help?" Jiang Mo's eyes glowed as he looked at Fan Cheng.
  "Help?" Fan Cheng couldn't help but snicker at his words, "It's good that you don't give me any help."
  Jiang Mo widened his dark eyes, lips slightly pursed, clearly not making any too exaggerated expression, but all over a feeling of aggravation to the extreme.
  Fan Cheng saw his brother's aggrieved look, some headache pressed his brow and said, "Tell me, how do you want to help?"
  "Although the plan is written in detail, I want to go to the unmanned supermarket to see the field! I've been to a lot of supermarkets, so I might be able to help give some advice!"
  After listening to this, Fan Cheng looked at Jiang Mo with a 'really so' look, he felt that Jiang Mo's desire to help was fake. He just wanted to take this opportunity to go out and let off steam.
  "All right, then I'll have Special Assistant Wang accompany you over." Just now there was such a big accident, Fan Cheng was not at ease to let Jiang Mo go out alone. Except for Wang Yike, no one dares to oppose him, the second young master of the Fan family. If it was someone else, Fan Cheng was really afraid that he will run away halfway, and then go to mix with that group of foxes and friends.

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  "Yes, yes! Thank you brother!" Jiang Mo immediately sent a big smile, with a shallow dimple on the cheek.
  Fan Cheng sighed helplessly, picked up the phone on the table, called Special Assistant Wang to explain this matter, and then said to Jiang Mo, "Special Assistant Wang is waiting for you outside, you can go out."
  "Okay! Brother, then I'll go!"
  "Go now, don't cause trouble for me." Fan Cheng waved his hand and shooed the person out like a fly.
  By the time Jiang Mo walked out of the president's office, Wang Yike was already waiting outside and had even arranged for a driver, so they went downstairs and left directly for the unmanned supermarket in preparation.
  The plan for the unmanned supermarket has long been in preparation, so the site and everything has been built. The intelligent shelves designed by the Fan Group and all kinds of electronic monitoring equipment were also ready, just waiting to sign a contract with the Shanhai Group and then enter. As for the goods and stuff, it was the Shanhai Group's responsibility. Shanhai Group itself was to do large supermarket chains, goods reserves that was absolutely abundant, as long as the Fan's side of the basic framework was built, goods and stuff can be in place at any time.
  Jiang Mo went over to actually intend to take a look at the field, and then put forward some 'valuable advice', such as enhancing security facilities, and then increase the variety of goods, the most important was to expand the amount of goods reserves, after all, this is Fan Cheng's capital after the arrival of the end of the world. The more supplies the better, the more stringent security is also better.
  In the original world line, because the plan of the unmanned supermarket was intended to open 24 hours a day, so the security facilities, basically relying on the network 110 and electronic alarms and other means, physical anti-theft means were not enough. It was an easy to attack difficult to defend the place. After the arrival of the end of the world, the network was down, the legal system all failed, no one supermarket security facilities were in place. There were many people who come here to try to grab supplies, even if Fan Cheng awakened abilities, he also had to cope very hard, and finally can only drive a large truck for unloading, with part of the supplies retreat.

  Jiang Mo has long felt pity, now he came over, must be to help guard this batch of supplies to be.
  After arriving at the place, the person in charge of the unmanned supermarket side, Manager Du, was busy coming over to greet him, very attentive to take him around the site and tell in detail about the parts that have been built and completed so far.
  Fan's and Shanhai Group were really planning to do a great job, so this first unmanned supermarket was also designed as a landmark building, with a total of two floors, the scale was comparable to a small shopping mall. All the shelves have electronic sensing function, which records the quantity of goods stocked on the shelves in real time and corresponds to the goods sold, so that the backstage incoming and outgoing goods can be seen at a glance.
  Customers need to scan the code when they enter the supermarket, and when they leave the supermarket, they will be automatically debited and settled, which was very convenient. The supermarket was installed with intelligent anti-theft identification system and infrared surveillance cameras, real-time monitoring of customer behavior, once there was abnormal behavior, there will be the fastest speed alarm processing.
  "Very good, but is there an explosion-proof anti-theft design?"
  "Yes, our supermarkets use bulletproof fireproof glass. It is difficult to use violence to destroy it. In addition, our intelligent anti-theft system will also be the first time to report to the company and alarm." Manager Du replied quite confidently.
  Such anti-theft means in the social legal system in the era of peace and stability, was absolutely enough, but when the end of the world came, all the order will no longer exist. The intelligent system simply can not play any role, loud and clear alarm will even instead attract zombies. Although bulletproof glass was hard, but for an ability user, it was very easy to destroy. The door was also not reinforced. It can be said that there were holes everywhere.
  But these words, Jiang Mo can not say straight, he could only ask questions around the circle, "Then what if we encounter a power outage?"
  "We have a backup generator set, which can guarantee 24-hour power."
  "And what if the power outage lasts more than 24 hours? Or if there is a situation such as circuit damage, won't the supermarket become an open door situation?" Jiang Mo continued to pursue the question.
  This manager Du was someone Fan Cheng trusted, otherwise he wouldn't have given him the responsibility for such an important project as the unmanned supermarket. Although what Jiang Mo said was a rather extreme situation, at first glance it sounded a bit like picking bones from eggs, but no one can guarantee that this situation will not happen. The manager of the company, after listening to Jiang Mo's words, his face was grave, obviously this point was not considered at the beginning of the supermarket. This was a project involving tens of millions of dollars of investment. They can not afford to make any mistakes. They must take all aspects of the possibility into account, and add an extra safeguard to be safer.
  "Thank you for reminding me. I will immediately report it to the company and discuss the solution."
  "Well, one more thing, have you seen the news recently? There are many areas with symptoms of infectious diseases, shouldn't our supermarket have an additional medicine section?" After the arrival of the end times, medicine becomes the most scarce material, of course it has to be stocked up first.
  "Second young master is right. I will also report this point together." Manager Du said solemnly.
  "That's fine, I'll leave this matter to you. I think this project is very interesting, that's why I offered to come over and help. I hope Manager Du doesn't mind my finger pointing."
  "No no, the suggestions you made, Second Young Master, are all very useful." Manager Du hurriedly said.

  "Then I'll leave the next thing to you, Manager Du, my brother said that the contract for this project will be signed soon, so we have to speed up a bit, please make a report to the company as soon as possible and discuss a treatment plan."
  "Okay, no problem."
  "Then I'll go first."
  "Okay, take care, Second Young Master."
  Wang Yike followed the two of them throughout the whole process. At this time, he was also a bit impressed with Jiang Mo. He originally thought, like Fan Cheng, that Jiang Mo only proposed to come to the unmanned supermarket because he was bored at the company and wanted to come out to let off steam, but he did not expect him to really give the project a lot of useful advice.
  "Second young master, are you going home or back to the company now?" Special Assistant Wang asked respectfully.
  "Go home."
  Saying that he was going home, all the way Jiang Mo was very carefully checking the terrain and the surrounding facilities. The surrounding area was basically residential. There were no large shopping malls, obviously the location was carefully selected at the beginning of the construction so that it could reduce the competitiveness and maximize the benefits. There was a police station nearby, but it was not a big place, and the police force was not expected to be good. There were two gas stations and several pharmacies. Jiang Mo mentally memorized all these places and intended to mark them on the map after returning. After the arrival of the end times, electronic devices will lose their role, but the most primitive paper maps will play a big role. It's time to stock up on some.
  There were still nine days before the end of the world, so he must prepare some things in advance.
  He opened his phone and logged into his electronic bank, checked the balance of his bank card, and was shocked when he saw the seven-figure deposit inside.
  It's good to have money ......
  It seems that Fan Cheng really loves and pampers this brother of his, giving such generous pocket money.
  The two targets of his mission, Zhou Jing, the time and space visitor, and Mo Hong, the protagonist, will only appear one after another when the end times come, and all he has to do at the moment was to wait for the rabbits.
  These days he can peacefully experience the thrill of buying.
  Although there was the unmanned supermarket, a large reserve of supplies, but that was Fan Cheng's. Later it will become his capital to build a survivor base, he does not intend to move. The things he wants for himself, it was better to buy separately, after all, he can use the points to buy the storage ring from the mall produced by the technology world. These things he bought himself can be carried around, especially convenient, and not easy to attract attention.
  First of all, he intends to throw away all of the unattractive clothes in the original owner's closet and replace them with comfortable and lightweight clothing. The spring, summer, autumn and winter all have to be prepared, otherwise there was no place to buy in the future.
  In addition, the original owner in the second phase, learning from others, bought a lot of jade and antiques and what not. It can also be sold for money. After all, in the end times, these dead things were the most useless things, might as well be exchanged for supplies to the practical.
  Like rice, oil, seasonings and various daily necessities, all were in short supply in the future and must be bought more often. Anyway, everyone in the circle knows that their family intends to engage in unmanned supermarkets, and he now has Fan Cheng's permission to help him in the supermarket. When he takes the opportunity to purchase supplies in large quantities, it was difficult to arouse the suspicion of others.

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