This Cannon Fodder Is Not Scientific

Chapter 4: 4

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End Times Survival Guide (IV)
  Jiang Mo has just returned home, but the phone was not willing to show weakness and rang. Jiang Mo carrying things in his hand, did not pay attention, but the phone was persistently ringing from the front door to the bedroom. Jiang Mo put everything on the sofa, only then had time to take out the phone to look at.
  The caller was an unfamiliar number. Jiang Mo hesitated, but picked it up.
  A young male voice immediately came from the other side, shouting urgently, "Fan Lin! I'm glad you're okay! We were having so much fun that we didn't even notice your car overturned. Luckily you're okay!"
  Obviously, this person was one of the group of friends who raced with Fan Lin last night. That night, it was such a big scene, even a blind man should have noticed, but this group of people directly leave him in the wilderness, without caring about his life. Now that they know he's okay, they're rushing to get close to him. The original owner was the only one who would believe such a silly excuse, a fool who has been spoiled since childhood and was simple and has little brain, right?

  This person's glib words, the cost was the original owner's life. If Jiang Mo did not transmigrated, this time Fan Lin would have been lying in the funeral home.
  Jiang Mo, who had seen the original world line, knew exactly what this group of people had in mind, so he coldly said, "Oh, is that so?"
  "Yes!" The other party didn't seem to be aware of Jiang Mo's coldness at all and just continued, "We are playing at Zun Huang. Do you want to come over and join us? We've set up a game especially for you, to cheer you up."
  "Sorry, I still have things to do on my side, I'll hang up first." Jiang Mo hung up the phone directly after saying that, and then pulled the phone number into the blacklist.
  There were only less than ten days left before the end of the world begins, and his time was precious now. He doesn't wanted to waste it on this group of people with bad intentions.
  The other party was still not dead, and changed the phone to call in a few times, but all were dragged into the blacklist by Jiang Mo.
  The next night, Jiang Mo followed Fan Cheng to the charity dinner. He also made a special haircut. The hair cut short combed back and styled, and then changed into a white formal dress. The sharp cut and waist-skimming design completely accentuated his good figure. Thin waist, long legs, earlobes adorned with small diamond studs, shining with a fine light, looks like a young prince who does not know the world. Whoever comes to look, can not connect him with the previous flowing, rebellious and arrogant playboy .
  Even Wang Yike, who picked out this outfit for him, froze when he saw him. If you know that Fan Lin's previous closet only had those particularly killer clothes, and with that burial family uniform hairstyle that blocked most of his face, Wang Yike really couldn't imagine the image of him following Fan Cheng to appear at the charity dinner.
  "A little bit of dressing up, and looked quite human-like." Although Fan Cheng's words were not pleasant, but in fact it was a compliment.
  Jiang Mo understands this cheap big brother's persona, so he didn't thought anything and just smilingly pushed him out the door.
  The charity dinner was held in the garden villa of Mr. Zheng's family. Unlike the luxury Jiang Mo imagined, the villa as a whole adopted a simple design, and combined with the beautiful greenery in the garden, it gave people a fresh and elegant feeling instead.
  "Mr. Fan, you're here." Mr. Zheng, as the host, was waiting at the entrance gate. When he saw Fan Cheng and Jiang Mo walking in, he greeted them with a smile.
  "Good day, Mr. Zheng." Fan Cheng also greeted him politely.
  "This is ......?" Mr. Zheng looked at Jiang Mo who was beside Fan Cheng.

  Jiang Mo used to be rebellious in nature, and refused to attend such occasions with Fan Cheng. Others had no way of knowing his appearance, at most, they heard from whoever was there again that this second young master of the Fan family had gotten into some kind of trouble again.
  Fan Cheng lightly patted Jiang Mo's back. Jiang Mo came forward, and gave Mr. Zheng a good smile. Fan Cheng said, "This is my incompetent brother Fan Lin, Mr. Zheng can laugh."
  "This is Fan Lin?" Mr. Zheng had obviously heard of the original owner's 'mighty name', and glanced at Jiang Mo. He could not help but show a little bit of surprise, but soon resumed his smile, "Worthy of being Mr. Fan's younger brother, really a talented man."
  "Where where."
  While the two were talking, Jiang Mo just stood quietly to the side with a light smile on his face, not arguing or lowering his eyes, looking quite modest and courteous, making Mr. Zheng's impression of him a few more points better.
  After exchanging pleasantries, the two brothers entered the venue under the guidance of the staff. At this time, many people had already arrived and were gathering in twos and threes to exchange pleasantries. The dinner was buffet style, with many desserts and delicacies around, and waiters carrying champagne and wine and so on through the crowd.
  Fan Cheng soon met a few business partners as well. He took Jiang Mo with him and introduced his brother to them one by one.
  Fan Cheng was considered high status among the guests of this charity dinner. Seeing him bringing a beautiful teenage boy and introducing him to his partners in such an attentive manner, many people cast knowing glances, both explicitly and implicitly.
  "Who's that guy?"
  "This look, I'm afraid it's some little star?"
  "What, Fan Cheng has finally started to do this too?"
  Such whispers were incessant. Fan Cheng did not hear, but Jiang Mo who's body has been enhanced and modified has heard it clearly. He rolled his eyes in his heart and despised the nasty thoughts of these people. Then he deliberately raised his voice and called out, "Brother - I'm going to eat something."
  Fan Cheng looked at him and knew that he was getting impatient. He also knew that according to his brother's nature, it was not easy for him to stay peaceful for such a long time, so he nodded quickly and agreed: "Go ahead."
  Jiang Mo then found a corner, took a plate and ran to the buffet area to sneak up and eat. The dinner will last quite a long time. Before coming here, his focus was only on dressing, and did not eat much, now he was hungry.
  The others naturally also heard this "brother", then their eyes also change. The second young master of the Fan family, although they have never met, they heard of the other's deeds. But the rumor was that of the uneducated, dangling and eye-catching image of the dude ...... how can he suddenly became a beautiful boy?
  The crowd was a little dumbfounded. They just intended to go over to make a conversation, but looking at the banquet host Mr. Zheng walked towards the other side, they all stopped in their tracks, waiting for the development.
  The outside can be changed in a short time, but the inside was not something that can be changed overnight. Mr. Zheng usually hates people who are idle and do nothing because of the shade of their families, now could it be that he was going to teach this kid a lesson?
  Thinking of this, the crowd could not help but vaguely look forward to it.
  Mr. Zheng has also walked up to Jiang Mo, the teenager in front of him was holding a cake and eating it with gusto, cheeks puffed out, looking like a little hamster, and with a childlike childishness. His heart could not help but soften down.
  On occasions like this, not many people really come to eat. Jiang Mo's behavior was really a bit strange. But it was a crooked shot, gaining the banquet host's preference.

  Mr. Zheng smilingly said, "Is it good?"
  "Delicious." Jiang Mo nodded his head. The corner of his mouth was still covered with a little white cream, which made him look even more lovely.
  Mr. Zheng looked at it and actually wanted to tease a little, he said, "I ordered this cake from a 3-star Michelin restaurant, and it costs hundreds for such a small portion, but the taste is not very different from those tens. Do you know why?"
  "Yes." Jiang Mo replied, "It's just the high added value."
  Mr. Zheng said, "Then tell me, this additional value, and how to make people feel that value for money?"
  Jiang Mo wiped his mouth, "Well, this is also simple ......"
  The rest of the people looked at the old man and young man. They not only did not turn against each other, but also talk happily. Mr. Zheng would burst into laughter from time to time, they can not help but feel a magic like fantasy.
  What? Are you kidding? Who has ever seen Mr. Zheng laughing so happily? He has never had such a good face even to his own son!
  This Fan Lin, what the hell did he do?
  When they finished talking and the auction was about to start, Fan Cheng came over and heard Mr. Zheng say to him, "Little Fan, you used to tell me that your brother was not a good boy, but when I look at him today, he is clearly a heroic boy! If he doesn't learn anything, am I not illiterate?"

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  Fan Cheng: "?"
  He turned his gaze to his own brother. Jiang Mo immediately stretched his hands innocently.
  He did not do anything, just traveled through so many small worlds, he would inevitably have more knowledge reserves. For him, a really specific and detailed operation may be difficult, but casually saying a framework to bluff people was nothing.
  [System: Target person two found.]
  Jiang Mo looked up and was not surprised to see the protagonist, whom he had met in the hospital before, slowly walking in the direction of where they were. According to the original world line, Fan Cheng would become the Protagonist's right hand man, and the opportunity for the two to meet was at this charity party.
  Previously in the hospital across a distance with a hurried glance, Jiang Mo simply did not see his appearance, only now he has the opportunity to see clearly. His figure was tall and wide, with a European feel, and his features were actually very handsome, but because his eyebrows were too sharp, he gives people a cold feeling that was difficult to approach, and when he looks at others without smiling, he makes people feel pressured.
  "Mr. Zheng." He spoke slowly, his voice low and full of magnetism.
  "Mr. Mo, you're here!" The smile on Mr. Zheng's face deepened and he treated him with great enthusiasm.

  Since they had met, they had to be introduced, so Mr. Zheng smiled and introduced them to each other, "Mr. Mo, this is the president of Fan Group, Mr. Fan Cheng."
  "Mr. Fan, this is Mr. Mo Hong from Henan." President Zheng did not name Mo Hong by name, but Fan Cheng had already reacted very quickly.
  "Mr. Mo, how are you?." Fan Cheng took the initiative to extend his hand and shook with Mo Hong, and then introduced Jiang Mo who was beside him, "Mr. Mo, this is my incompetent brother, Fan Lin."
  Jiang Mo immediately put up his signature smile and extended his hand, "Hello."
  Mo Hong's gaze lingered for a moment on the sweet creamy sheen of his fingertips, reaching out to touch him gently before dropping his hand to the back side of his body.
  Jiang Mo: "......" Don't think I didn't see you secretly wipe your hands!
  He hated that more firmly that they did not come into contact with each other too much before the end of the world.
  This son of luck, what is wrong with him?!
  At eight o'clock sharp, the charity auction started on time.
  Most of the items in the auction were antique paintings and calligraphy, and a few pieces of jewelry, none of which were top-notch, just some of the fine products that Zheng collected from several auction companies, which were of good quality, but in the eyes of these rich and famous women present, it was nothing.
  And Jiang Mo was not interested in antique paintings and calligraphy or anything at all, his goal was one of those several pieces of jewelry.
  This kind of charity party, in fact, was also just a reason to socialize, and throw some money to do a public service, to gain a good name only, the crowd was not much in desire to bid. Mr. Zheng himself does not care much. Fan Cheng meaningfully bid with 800,000 yuan a fine porcelain, and the task of the day was completed.
  "The following lot to be auctioned is a white jade trigger finger with a starting price of one hundred thousand, with each increase of no less than ten thousand."
   The people present, were not lacking this kind of trigger finger at home, they even had better than this white jade, so the crowd was completely casual shouting, plus a 10,000 20,000 meaning.
  When the price reached 200,000, basically no one raised the price, because this was already the limit of the value of this trigger finger.
  "200,000 once, 200,000 twice ......" The auctioneer was raising his small hammer, intending to announce the ownership of the trigger finger, when he saw another person raising his card.
  "Mr. 26 raised his bid by 10,000, Mr. 26 raised his bid by 10,000! Are there any more raises?" The auctioneer looked around the room and started counting down again, "210,000 once, 210,000 twice, 210,000 three -"
  "Two hundred and twenty thousand."
  From not far away another low male voice came, Jiang Mo looked over. The man's face was being covered by the light. He could not see his appearance, only the tall figure could be seen.
  He turned back and continued to raise the price: "Two hundred and thirty thousand."

  "Two hundred and forty thousand."
  "Two hundred and fifty thousand."
  The people were watching the show like a gaze. This Fan family second young master, in the end, still have not changed his stupid money dude energy.
  Fan Cheng also has some headache pressed the eyebrow, worried that this kid was peaceful for a few days, and now want to make trouble again. Fortunately, Jiang Mo throughout the performance was very normal. Except for raising the price, he did not do anything unseemly. It seems he was just playing at the moment. He just wanted to shoot the trigger finger only. Thus, Fan Cheng reluctantly accepted.
  The money he earns was for his brother to spend anyway, and buying the trigger finger for charity was much better than the entertainment places he used to go to squander it.
  The two people just raised each other's prices, surprisingly directly raised the price by more than 100,000. The price was now three hundred and sixty thousand, far beyond the price of this white jade trigger finger.
  Where did the two idiots come from?
  Jiang Mo gave this big brother a fierce note in the little book in his heart, and then raised his card again, "Four hundred thousand."
  Four hundred thousand, this was twice the original price.
  The other party also looked like he didn't think it was worth it anymore and didn't continue to raise the price.
  "400,000 once, 400,000 twice, 400,000 three times!" The auctioneer was also overjoyed, "Congratulations to Mr. No. 26, who has won this white jade trigger finger for 400,000. Please ask Mr. No. 26 to come up to the stage to collect your lot."
  Amidst the applause of the crowd, Jiang Mo went up to the stage to collect the item he had auctioned and swiped his card to pay the bill on the spot. Fan Cheng had given him a lot of pocket money, so it was more than enough to buy a trigger finger. But the money spent twice as much was still unpleasant to the heart.
  Once he was upset, he looked in the direction of the silly multi speed who had just bid with him, and then bumped into a familiar face, and familiar deep black pupils.
  Jiang Mo: "......"
  Was he in conflict with this brother of the son of luck?
  But it was so hard to get what he wanted. He did not wanted to hand it over for the 'friendship of the Son of Luck', so he pettily shoved the trigger finger into his pocket and shrank back down to the stage.
  The son of luck will not hold a grudge against him for such a trivial matter, right? Jiang Mo thought, more at peace with himself. He, the future savior, did not resent the other side for making him spend so much money in vain!
  For the rest of the auction, Jiang Mo stayed quietly, and when the dinner was over, he obediently followed his brother home.
  Fan Cheng never asked about the trigger finger, anyway, Fan Lin has always liked to buy jade antiques and other things to be elegant, and this time for charity, a $400,000 trigger finger was nothing. As long as Fan Lin was peaceful, and do not give him trouble on the line.

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