This Cannon Fodder Is Not Scientific

Chapter 6: 6

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Post-apocalyptic Survival Guide (VI)
  "Ahhhhhhhhhh - help!"
  Suddenly, from downstairs erupted a scream that broke the silence. The voice was full of fear, making people's hearts instantly seized. Jiang Mo walked to the stairs and looked down. He saw that Manager Du had been chased by three zombies climbing up the shelves, very distressing.
  There were only seven of them in the unmanned supermarket. These three zombies, were apparently the driver Li Jun and the two technicians who mutated after the fever.
  Generally human infected with the virus, there were only two results. Either they would become zombies, or become an ability user. Manager Du neither had a fever nor turned into a zombie. A lucky ordinary person who was not infected by the virus.
  At the beginning of the end of the world, the number of ordinary people was actually the largest. Those infected by the zombie virus, depending on their physical quality, their time of mutation was different. Most of them will become zombies within 36 hours. Ability users often take longer to transform, so in the initial case of not knowing the existence of ability users, there were many ability users that were killed in their sleep by ordinary people as zombies.

  In addition to natural awakening, ordinary people who were scratched or bitten by zombies also have a chance of transforming into ability users, only the chances of becoming a zombies were greater, so not many people dare to try this method to awaken abilities.
  Jiang Mo only considered a few seconds, and then decided to go down to save him. After all, saving a life is better than creating a seven-level pagoda, not to mention that he has been in contact with Manager Du for some time. His impression of him was still good.
  In the last days, one more friend can be one less enemy.
  He found the kitchen supplies section on the second floor, casually found a kitchen knife with an open blade, and then walked towards the stairs with big strides.
  Manager Du, who was on the shelf, saw Jiang Mo, who was walking towards him with a kitchen knife, and hurriedly warned, "Second young master! Be careful!"
  The zombie, stimulated by Manager Du's voice, became more frantic and excited, waving their claws towards him with open teeth and claws.
  "Take care of yourself first, don't get scratched." Jiang Mo did not have the slightest panic to approach one of the zombies. He directly used a knife to split open the zombie's head, obviously a very hard head, but under Jiang Mo's hands was like paper mache, directly splitting in half.
  After pulling out the kitchen knife, the corpse slowly fell. Jiang Mo was disgusted and wiped the kitchen knife on the zombie's clothes. Only then turned to the next zombie.
  The two remaining zombies did not retreat when they saw their kind fall, but were driven by bloodthirsty instincts and pounced even more frantically on Manager Du.
  "Huh?" Jiang Mo could not help but feel a little puzzled. He was such a big living person, these zombies did not see him?
  Jiang Mo stepped forward and kicked one of them over, then with his hand up, he tackled another one. The first time he saw this, it was able to get up, and then it was sent to the sky with a knife.
  From the beginning to the end, the only target of their attack was Manager Du.

  [Jiang Mo: 008, is it my illusion? Why do I feel as if these zombies can't see me?]
  [System: Master, your feeling is not wrong. Probably because you were infected by the virus before and your body was assimilated into a zombie, so these zombies took you as their own kind.]
  [Jiang Mo: "......"]
  Okay, not being targeted by zombies is actually a pretty good advantage.
  [System: Master, there are still six hours until target number one appears.]
  [Jiang Mo: OK, I know.]
  "Vomit!" Free from danger, Manager Du climbed down from the shelf with weak hands and feet, then bent down and vomited. The image just now was too frightening, completely beyond the limit of what he could bear.
  Jiang Mo shook his head, went to the shelf and took a bottle of mineral water and a pack of tissues and came over, "Here, drink some water, hold your shock."
  "Thank you, thank you, Second Young master." Manager Du gratefully accepted the water bottle, and then "chug chug" drank most of the bottle, only then did he felt more comfortable, "Second young master ...... this, this what is going on?"
  Jiang Mo thought for a moment and asked, "Do you know zombies? Have you ever watched the post-apocalyptic movies?"
  Manager Du looked only forty years old. Should also have seen some novels and movies about the end times.
  "You, you mean ......" Manager Du stared incredulously.
  "That's right. The end times have come. These people have died and turned into thoughtless, himan eating zombies." Jiang Mo slowly turned his eyes to the outside of the supermarket. The usually crowded sidewalks had become sparsely populated. Only those bloodied zombies were wandering around.
  Under such a swift and widespread zombie mutation, the situation of the whole city has completely changed. Countless people died, countless people turned into zombies, only a small number of survivors were hiding in various corners, praying for the nightmare to fade away.
  Manager Du sat in a bit of a trance, seemingly digesting the news that was beyond his imagination. He just couldn't imagine that those horrible movie plots would become reality.
  Jiang Mo shrugged, took two bottles of water upstairs, fed Fan Cheng and Wang Yike, who were sleeping, and took two fever-reducing patches and put them on their foreheads. The awakening of abilities was something he can't help with. He could only make them feel as comfortable as possible.
  When Jiang Mo went back down from the second floor, he found that the bodies of the three zombies had been dragged to the most corner of the supermarket, covered with some paper boxes, while Manager Du was holding the kitchen knife Jiang Mo had thrown on the ground, sitting against the wall with a wary face.

  The series of events he experiences just now, really let him suffer a lot of stimulation.
  "Have something to eat." Taking advantage of the fact that the water and electricity were not yet cut off, Jiang Mo used the hot water from the water dispenser to make two bowls of noodles, and then handed one of them to Manager Du.
  "Thank you, Second Young master." Manager Du had just vomited up everything he had eaten in the morning, and now that he smelled the food, his stomach immediately growled.
  The noodles were spicy beef flavored, and only two ham intestines were simply put inside, but probably because he was hungry, at this moment, he ate it as if he had eaten some kind of seafood.
  "Manager Du."
  "Second young master! My name is Du Guangyao. You can just call me Old Du." Manager Du immediately put down the bowl of bubble noodles in his hand and looked squarely at Jiang Mo.
  Ever since Jiang Mo saved him from those three zombies, he had been in awe of Jiang Mo from the bottom of his heart.
  This second young master was completely different from the rumors. Just by that sharp reach, and extraordinary calmness, it was enough to prove that he was not in the pool.

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  "All right, Old Du."
  "Eh! Second young master, you have something to command."
  "I'm going to go out for a spin, you'll be with me later to put down the blast-proof steel plates, and then stay here to take care of my brother and Special Assistant Wang." Zhou Jing was about to appear. He has to hurry over to squat, otherwise it would be a problem if he let the other party run away.
  "Ah?! Outside is so dangerous, you ......" Du Guangyao was stunned. He was about to open his mouth to dissuade, but then remembered Jiang Mo's just dry and sharp kill zombie heroic posture, the latter words were swallowed by him again, but the worry in his eyes was still unabated.
  "I know what you want to say." Jiang Mo smiled, went to the shelf to get a spatula over, and then in front of Du Guangyao, twisted this spatula into a twist, "I have awakened the strength type ability. I can completely protect myself, you do not have to worry."
  After using the physical enhancer, Jiang Mo's physical quality has been greatly improved. Not only the strength and speed, even his five senses have also been improved. It was not difficult to disguise as an initial strength-type ability user.
  "Ability?" Du Guangyao's mouth opened wide, once again refreshed by the scene in front of him.
  "Yes, my brother and the others can definitely awaken their abilities as well. I can already feel the supernatural energy fluctuations in their bodies." In fact, the supernormal ability fluctuation or whatever was Jiang Mo's lulling statement. The primary ability level was not strong in attack, basically there was no ability fluctuation to speak of, but as an ordinary person Du Guangyao will not find this loophole. The reason he said so, was to appease Du Guangyao's heart, "You just guard them here, do not let anyone in except me. With the explosion-proof steel plate, no one will be able to force their way in."
  "Okay, I know." Du Guangyao nodded solemnly, "I will definitely take care of Mr. Fan and Assistant Wang."

  After putting down the explosion-proof steel plates, Jiang Mo was ready to leave, but before leaving, several locks suddenly appeared in his hands, which he had purposely hidden in the storage ring he had exchanged from the system, and they came in handy at this moment. The role of the explosion-proof steel plate was actually similar to the roll-up door, the bottom also has a lock for fixing. He used the lock to fix the explosion-proof steel plate, and only then turned to leave the supermarket.
  In this way, apart from him, absolutely no one can forcefully break open the explosion-proof steel plate and enter the unmanned supermarket. It's not that he couldn't trust Du Guangyao's character, but he was worried that Du Guangyao's heart was too soft. In case someone was chased by a zombie and asked for help at the door, there was no guarantee that Du Guangyao wouldn't open the door and let the person in. According to the original world line development, Du Guangyao should have been dead, but he was now alive. He has become a destabilizing factor. Jiang Mo does not want to let Fan Cheng and Wang Yike suffer an undeserved disaster because of him.
  At this time the sky was also gradually dark. Jiang Mo by the cover of the night, according to the guidance of the system, went towards the place where Zhou Jing will appear. This road almost has no pedestrian, only zombies were wandering on the road. This time most of the people have realized the seriousness of the matter, no one will take their own lives to joke, so they were basically hiding at home.
  The body of Jiang Mo that does not attract zombies played a big role, allowing him to walk peacefully on the road, without being attacked by any zombies.
  When Jiang Mo arrived at the target location - a small garden in a residential area - according to the system guidance, he did not see the mission target.
  [Jiang Mo: System, where is the mission target?]
  [System: There are still ten minutes until the mission target appears.]
  [Jiang Mo: All right, I'll wait then.]
  The time passed. When the system began to count down, a light appeared in the sky, like a meteor, quickly flying towards the direction of Jiang Mo.
  "Boom", a crater appeared on the ground, still smoking.
  A man's figure climbed out of the smoke-filled pit, wearing warrior-like armor and holding a long-handled sword in his hand, very similar to the Green Dragon Crescent Blade used by Guan Yu, with long, fiery red hair, looking Very bizarre.
  [System: Target character number one appears! Target character number one has appeared! Please start expelling immediately!]
  Without needing to be reminded by the system, Jiang Mo already took out a Tang sword from his storage ring, jumped into the pit at once, and slashed at the man's head.
  The man was unprepared and was hit in the neck by Jiang Mo. With Jiang Mo's current power, if it were an ordinary person, his head would have been cut off, however, what one did not expect was that a golden light suddenly appeared on the man's body, blocking Jiang Mo's fatal slash, and he was unharmed.
  The man's reaction was not slow. After a short period of disorientation, he immediately jumped up, backhanded and waved out the long knife in his hand. Their weapons met with a resounding clash, and then both were backed up a step. Jiang Mo silently replaced the Tang knife in his right hand to his left hand. His tiger's mouth did not know when it had torn, so the man's strength was not weaker than his.
  This person was none other than the time and space visitor Zhou Jing, who was carrying the game system as the golden finger. His current dress, was his character dress in the game. Jiang Mo has read Zhou Jing's information and knows that his character was a berserker, his initial strength value was not low, a long knife was played with a tiger, and at a later stage, he was able to master many skills. The blaze chop and eight extreme collapse were his two skills, it can cause a sea of fire and mountain collapse effect.

  Only Jiang Mo didn't expect that he would miss!
  [Jiang Mo: 008! What's going on?!! What was that golden light just now?]
  [System: That's the game's own teleportation protection ......]
  The name means that after the teleportation, the game character is protected from any damage for a certain period of time.
  [Jiang Mo: The actual game is a lot more than just a game. Why didn't you say so earlier?]
  [System: it was not in the information, or the original world line, there was no attack.]
   He didn't know why, but Jiang Mo actually heard a hint of aggression in the system's electronic voice.
  "What are you?! Why are you attacking me?!" Zhou Jing angrily questioned. His hand holding the weapon was also slightly trembling. If not for the game protection to keep him from harm, he was afraid that his head would have been long gone at this moment, which made him can't help but think of the aftermath.
  Jiang Mo responded by raising his Tang knife and attacking him again, but this time Zhou Jing was on guard, and Jiang Mo was not as easy to get.
  The two exchanged blows many times in the night. The fight was so fierce that by the time they separated, both of their bodies were scarred.
  [System: Master, host body damage has reached 44%, do you want to repair?]
  Just when Jiang Mo was about to open repair and continue to fight with Zhou Jing, a sharp cry attracted Jiang Mo's attention, only to see a five or six-year-old girl was picking at the air conditioning frame outside the balcony, crying, while a hideous-looking female zombie inside the balcony was trying to grab the little girl with her teeth and claws. The zombie's face and chest were full of blood, and the sharp teeth were hanging with remnants of meat, obviously she had just turned into a zombie.
  The little girl looked at her with tears in her eyes and mumbled "mommy", but unfortunately, her once loving mother would not respond to her.
  Jiang Mo quickly understood the opposite situation. This young mother has mutated into a zombie because of the virus. The first victim was likely to be her husband, and now she was preparing to swallow her daughter into her belly.
  The zombies has no thoughts, only bloodthirsty instincts. She had no idea that she was eating the one she once loved the most.
  But Zhou Jing took advantage of Jiang Mo's moment of distraction and suddenly pulled out a wooden card and threw it on the ground, then a blue light flashed, and his entire body disappeared in place.
  Jiang Mo: "???"

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