This Cannon Fodder Is Not Scientific

Chapter 5: 5

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End Times Survival Guide (V)
  The next day, Jiang Mo, accompanied Wang Yike, and went to the unmanned supermarket again.
  By the time he went, the new security system was already being installed. Outside of the bulletproof glass, an additional steel plate up to 50 centimeters thick was installed. If someone tries to enter the supermarket with violence, the steel plate will come down and isolate the other party before they enter the supermarket. Even in the event of a power failure, the anti-theft device can be activated manually.
  In addition, Manager Du also set up a medicine area on the second floor, residents can come here to buy if they have a headache or a fever or other minor illness.
  Jiang Mo was very satisfied with Manager Du's efficiency. He was really worthy of being an employee of Fan Cheng. His ability was no worse than that of Special Assistant Wang.
  In the next few days, the cooperation between Fan's Group and Shanhai Group was finally finalized. Jiang Mo used the reason of helping to purchase and review the list, soaked in the supermarket all day long, and soon made a relationship with the Shanhai Group's supply unit. The unmanned supermarket was a win-win cooperation between the two companies, so there was no need to pay for the entrance of goods, and the settlement will only be made after the unmanned supermarket officially opens for profit.

  "Assistant Wang, those jade antiques in my room I don't find them much interesting anymore, can you help me resell them?" Jiang Mo sorted out all the jade antiques the original owner had bought before and entrusted Assistant Wang to help him sell them for money, leaving only the white jade trigger finger.
  "It's okay." For the second young master's request, Wang Yike also did not feel there was anything wrong. The second young master in his heart was originally a person with variable preferences, so he agreed with the second young master to sell those things, after all, the other party simply does not have the level of appreciation of these playthings, just blindly following the trend to buy a bunch of it.
  Fan Cheng heard from Wang Yike about Fan Lin's recent performance. His heart was very pleased. Seeing him selling these jade antiques, he thought he was out of money, so he gave him another two million.
  Jiang Mo's heart tsk. Meeting such a good brother, really dreaming to wake up, only the original owner does not know to cherish him.
  He made an excuse to help a friend, and bought a batch of goods at low price from the Shanhai Group. The Shanhai Group had to give some face to this Fan second young master, and he also gave money very fast, the Shanhai Group was naturally willing to do business with people like him.
  When the goods were bought enough, he used a hundred points from the system mall to exchange the storage ring and put the large number of supplies in it.
  In the three days before the end of the world, Jiang Mo removed those few fox friends from the blacklist, and asked them to help buy some cold weapons privately.
  There were some things in the circle that cannot be hidden, such as the original owner's previous jade antiques purchased at high prices at major auctions were resold. They only thought he had changed his hobby and switched from these jade antiques to cold weapons.
  "Many thanks, I'll transfer the money to you in a couple of days, my hands are a little tight these two days."
  Before Jiang Mo finished his words, the other side hurriedly said, "It's okay, it's okay, we've been brothers for so long, can we still not trust the second young master?"
  "Then thanks a lot." Jiang Mo did not hesitate for a second, immediately agreed, and then smiled. He was not going to give back this money. The benefits that this group of people got from the original owner in the past were worth much more than this batch of things, so consider them even now.

  The fox friends who were completely unaware of Jiang Mo's thoughts thought that they had successfully repaired their relationship with him and left happily, but no one could have imagined that the second young master of the Fan family would want to renege from the very beginning.
  Over the next few days, more and more people were infected with the new flu, and the hospitals were overcrowded from morning to night. Those who get sick will start a high fever within two days, body temperature rose directly to forty degrees, the whole person would be almost burned. The death rate was alarmingly high.
  The new flu virus has not been effectively controlled, and experts have not studied what exactly this disease was. People fear that this was the same situation as the initial Sars virus, and will last a long time, so they would wear a mask when going out, and disinfect everything several times, but still people continue to get sick. The panic was gradually spread.
  Although the government has invested a lot of human and material resources to control the spread of the virus, but with little success, the news reports about patients going crazy and hurting people were endless. Jiang Mo knew that this was a precursor to the imminent outbreak of the end times.
  Fan Cheng also realized the seriousness of the matter and issued a decision to temporarily suspend the company and let the employees go home. In order to prevent his brother from being infected, Fan Cheng did not allow Jiang Mo to go out these days. Jiang Mo also obeyed the arrangement, anyway, the things he should prepare have already been prepared mostly.
  The day of the impending outbreak of the end times, Fan Cheng was, like the original world line development, ready to go to the unmanned supermarket inspection.
  "Brother, I'll go with you!" According to the original world line, Zhou Jing will appear on the third day after the outbreak of the end times. That time was also the time when the abilities start to awaken, so Jiang Mo planned to go to the supermarket with Fan Cheng first, to protect his cheap big brother closely.
  Fan Cheng did not intend to take him with him, but after meeting his crystal-bright eyes like a small animal, in the end he was defeated and took him with him to the car. After all, the unmanned supermarket has not yet opened, there were hardly many people. Letting him stay at home, it was better to keep him before his eyes, so that Fan Cheng feel at ease.
  On the way to the unmanned supermarket, they could see that outside were people wearing masks, everywhere they could hear the sound of ambulance sirens. The whole city was in a state of chaos.
  "The epidemic is quite serious this time." Fan Cheng frowned.
  "Yes, Mr. Fan, put your mask on." Wang Yike took out two medical masks from his pocket and handed them to Fan Cheng.
  Fan Cheng put one of them on himself and gave the other one to Jiang Mo and said to him, "Don't run around when you get to the supermarket later."
  "Okay, brother!" Jiang Mo obediently put on the mask. After getting out of the car, he also followed him.
  The unmanned supermarket was already set up. All the shelves were filled with goods, which looked dazzling.
  Accompanied by Manager Du, Fan Cheng inspected the supermarket's facilities and the operation of all the systems, and nodded in satisfaction.
  "About how long can it be put into use?"
  "Anytime, it will be ready to start trial operation right away."

  "Very good."
  While talking, there was a sudden scream from outside. A woman stumbled and ran towards the direction of the unmanned supermarket. Another man with a red face staggered after her, pounced her to the ground amidst the woman's screams, and then bit her on the neck.
  The sound of the flesh being pierced was unusually clear, and the people felt a wave of trepidation pouring down from their heads. They instantly could not help but to stop breathing.
  "Ahhhhhhh! Help!!!" The woman screamed and wailed in pain, slapping her hands futilely against the man on top of her, but instead provoked the man's ferocity.
  The rapid loss of blood made her cries weaker and weaker. Manager Du lost his voice and said, "Oh My God!"
  Without thinking, he rushed outside, intending to go out to save her.
  "Wait a minute! Manager Du!" Jiang Mo reached out and stopped him. In the original world line, Manager Du died because he went out to save people and then was bitten and infected by a zombie.
  Manager Du immediately turned around and said urgently, "Second young master! Human lives are at stake!"

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  Jiang Mo said, "Look over there."
  Everyone looked over in the direction he pointed.
  Outside, they don't know when a few more 'people' who were walking as shakily as this man slowly appeared, seemingly attracted by the woman's voice. As soon as they appeared, they gathered towards her with a clear goal in mind and began to tear her body.
  Flesh and bones were chewed hard in the mouths of these 'people', blood splashed out, and the woman was no longer alive.
  Everyone was stunned by the bloody picture in front of them. No one could have imagined that there would be a day to see people eating people with their own eyes.
  The bloody picture in front of them was extremely shocking. It was unknown who exclaimed, but the few zombies that were tearing the woman looked up in their direction. The whites of their eyes have been completely filled with red, and the pupils have turned completely black. It was creepy just to take a look. Not to mention that the edges of their mouths were also stained with blood. The image was simply too frightening to be described in words.
  The smell of fresh flesh and blood attracted these "people" who had turned into zombies. They left the woman who had lost her breath and came staggering towards them.
  By this time, Fan Cheng had realized that something was wrong and immediately ordered, "Close the door! Close the door immediately!"

  Manager Du's whole body shook for a moment, but still closed the door as fast as he could and pressed the alarm device linked to the police station. But now there was such a state of human-eating-human chaos everywhere outside, the police station was too busy to take care of this. Even if the police were called, there will be no police to come.
  The zombies could not enter the supermarket, but could only futilely slap the tempered glass with their hands. Their bloodshot eyes staring deadly at the people inside, as if staring at a plate of food, muddy saliva dripping down their chins, gathering into a wet patch in front of the door.
  All the people's faces became more ugly, and took a few more steps back.
  "Mr. Fan, should we put the steel plate down?" Manager Du asked timidly. Although he knew that there was no way for these people to break through the obstruction of the tempered glass, but it was too much to challenge the psychological limit to watch through the glass at such a close distance.
  "Don't put it now. They shouldn't be able to get in." Fan Cheng said with a frown. His eyes fell on the woman who fell in a pool of blood not far away and had no breath. Her neck was bitten out of a large hole, chest and stomach were torn open by zombies with claws, internal organs flowed all over the place, the body was full of wounds, looking really miserable.
  This situation was not so unfamiliar. Remembering the post-apocalyptic movies that he had seen before, Fan Cheng had a very bad feeling. He took out his phone to check, his face became ugly.
  "Do you still have a signal on your phones?"
  The crowd hurriedly took out their phones with shaking hands, but their phones, without exception, also had no signal.
  "This, what's going on? Why is there suddenly no signal ......" Manager Du changed his tune in the middle of his sentence, just like a chicken whose throat was stuck, and showed a shocked and puzzled expression.
  Fan Cheng frowned and turned his head to look. His pupils contracted violently.  He saw that the dead woman had slowly rose from the ground. The white part of her eyes turned the same blood-red as those of the people, teeth out, a hideous look, limping towards the supermarket, bloody hands slapped on the glass, leaving one bloody palm mark after another. Because of the close proximity, the crowd could clearly see the hideous wounds on her body. This kind of injury, if falls on any normal person's body, it was enough to kill them, how can they stand up like this woman.
  She was no longer human.
  Manager Du muttered, "Something big is going to happen ......"
  Jiang Mo's gaze swept over the crowd without a trace. The virus will soon spread further, and tonight almost everyone will inexplicably begin to have a fever. Most people will transform into zombies in their sleep, and only a very small percentage of people will be able to awaken to become ability users.
  The people who visited the unmanned supermarket with Fan Cheng today, besides Jiang Mo and Wang Yike, there was also the driver Li Jun. On Manager Du's side, in addition to himself, there were only two technicians. They were a total of seven people. But the only two people who were sure to be able to awaken their abilities were Fan Cheng and Wang Yike. In addition to Manager Du, who should have died accidentally because of saving people, the others were basically unable to escape the fate of becoming zombies.
  [System: It is not possible to say, master your body in the original world line, died before the arrival of the end of the world. No one knows whether you have antibodies in your body.]
  [Jiang Mo: ...... I've enhanced my physique, so I shouldn't be so unlucky, right?]

  The look of these zombies was really ugly, so Manager Du put down all the steel plates on the first floor.
  Fortunately, there was everything in the unmanned supermarket, food and drink, even quilts, and tables and chairs for guests to rest, which finally made everyone feel better.
  In the evening, it was true that everyone began to launch a fever one after another. Jiang Mo naturally could not escape. Manager Du went upstairs to take a little fever medicine down to everyone. The crowd slept directly on the ground at night, but Jiang Mo called on Wang Yike, Fan Cheng to help to the second floor.
  Primary zombies do not climb stairs, so hiding on the second floor was very safe.
  The three of them wanted to rest on the second floor, and no one objected, after all, Fan Cheng was their boss. It was normal to get some special treatment.
  After Jiang Mo had arranged everything, he himself could not help the fever rising and fell asleep in a daze.
  He opened his eyes at the sound of the system's shrill alarm, and then found himself floating in the system space in the state of a spiritual body.
  [Jiang Mo: 008, what's going on?]
  [System: The host has died.]
  [Jiang Mo: ????]
  [System: Master, to tell you a very unfortunate news, you failed to awaken any ability and turned into a zombie ......]
  The system projected the image of the second floor in the system space. Jiang Mo could clearly see that Fan Lin's body had begun to become a zombie. His face was as blue and white as a dead man. His eyes that had snapped open had also become red. He staggered up and walked towards Fan Cheng and Wang Yike who were lying not far away.
  [Jiang Mo: 008! What do I do now?]
  [System: Do you need to exchange the Soul Restoring Pill to repair the body? It can reproduce the flesh and bones of the dead, only one hundred points, don't miss!]
  [Jiang Mo: ......]
  This sales man like tone, left Jiang Mo once again feel speechless, but he now has no other choice. He has to hurry back to Fan Lin's body, or he was afraid that the body would turn  Fan Cheng and Wang Yike into a zombie by biting them.
  Fortunately, the Soul Restoring Pill soon took effect, and just as Fan Lin's sharp teeth were almost touching Fan Cheng's neck, Jiang Mo returned to his body. "Fan Lin" moved, and the body of the zombie quickly disappeared, turning back to normal human appearance. The eyes also regained clarity.
  Fan Cheng and Wang Yike were still sleeping under the effect of high fever and did not notice the danger they almost encountered just now.

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