Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Chapter 526: ~: Thor's Repair Diary

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Note that this is an extra story. The timeline occurred when Thor joined the Southern Cross Welfare Institute until Penny ’s onset.

This is a supplement to Thor's story in the orphanage. In addition, this article is free. So ~ ask for votes.


Southern Cross Welfare Home 2a recently welcomed a new carer, or called the carer team leader, more appropriate. After all, his men still manage four people.

The new head of the nursing team is Thor who was just transferred from the ambulance team of Aldmund Central Hospital. Today is his first day in office. Yesterday, when he first came to report, he was already given a dive off by the children in Zone 2a.

The feeling of a bucket of ice water falling into the sky is terrible.

"Fairman, Lynch, Balia, Sophie." Thor was the team leader for the first time, and the roll call for the morning meeting was still to be done. Baliya and Sophie are two female nurses in their thirties. Their appearance is typical of a white female, with a high nose and deep eye sockets. They seem to be ordinary housewives, and they are generally responsible for night shifts.

Because there are still girls living in the area, the night duty is usually done by female nurses.

The other two male carers, Fairman are of Mexican descent, and Lynch is a very thin, middle-aged white man.

For Thor's arrival, all the nurses applauded and welcomed them. Especially seeing Thor tall and strong enough.

"I hope you can control these children, especially Colin. We can't stop him every time he causes trouble, and I can't beat him." The thin white Lynch spoke.

After briefing the name and shortening the morning meeting will end. The two female nurses are leaving. Because Baliyah was on duty overnight last night, today it is her turn to rest during the day. Sophie is going to attend the wedding of her cousin and ask for leave from the welfare home.

Lynch was on a regular holiday today. He was able to visit the orphanage to see that his new boss was already very respectful.

"So, only you and I worked in Zone 2a today?" Thor saw Felman beside him after seeing the three leaving.

Mexican-born Fairman shook his head and said, "Tor, only you."

"Really?" Thor glanced at Felman. "You also rest?"

"I do n’t take a break, but I usually have to go to the kitchen part-time to help. Welfare homes are understaffed and there are too many carers in Area 2a. We all need to go to various places to help with part-time jobs. Since you are here, I can concentrate on it The restaurant is working. "Fairman was born in a Mexican family.

Mexico is also a country that is very good at making food. Fairman inherited the family ’s fine traditions and can make many traditional Mexican food. His burrito is a dish very popular with children.

So the kitchen needed him more, and Thor couldn't help it. He could only let Fairman go to the kitchen to help. After a long time, I still have to bring this group of bear children by myself. Thor felt a little hopeless.

"Tor, Thor! Can you fix the TV today? You said it could be repaired yesterday." Little Penny asked Thor when he saw Thor entering the Zone 2a and ran up to pull his clothes.

For a six-year-old child, the days without watching cartoons are extremely difficult. For children in this grade, eating candy and seeing cartoons every day is the happiest thing in life.

Welfare homes generally do n’t give children candy until the holidays, so Penny ’s happy life is reduced by half. Without animation, Penny's other half of her happy life is gone.

Her little face was wrinkled like a bun, and she looked at Thor with a sad face and said, "My true, I haven't seen SpongeBob for a long time."

She used a lot of "for a long time" to signal that she hadn't seen the cartoon in a long time.

Thor breathed out, and he picked up Penny and said, "It will be fixed today. It will be fixed." Then he took out his phone and called Peter: "Not yet? The children are all here? Waiting for you to repair the TV! "

"Dude! I'm flying to London today, and it took me one night to pack things up. I promised you to come and help, and don't rush me. I'm on the road now." Peter Parker promised to help Torseu yesterday What is the TV request.

When he came to the orphanage with the toolbox, he saw dozens of children waiting for him, and dozens of eyes staring at him.

"Hi ~! Hello everyone." Peter smiled stiffly and waved his hand.

"Hurry up and start working, less than an hour is the time of the noon theater. The children are waiting to watch TV." Thor didn't say much nonsense, and took Peter directly to the living room of the common room, pointing A sony LCD TV that is no longer bright said: "Nuo, this is it."

For Peter, who repairs various electronic devices all the year round, it is not difficult to repair a broken TV, unless the electronic components in it are completely scrapped and need to be replaced with a new one, otherwise he can always find a way to repair it.

Thor helped Peter fight, and it took only about fifteen minutes for Peter to find out why the TV was not on. Because the wiring of one of the components is loose. After he delivered the soldering iron and re-soldered, the TV set could resume working again.

When the TV connected to the signal again and started working, the children cheered with excitement.

"Okay, now you can work normally." Peter clapped his hands and said: "I'm gone, I have to catch the plane to London. This toolbox will be left to you, you may need Thor! "

Talking, Peter looked at his watch. He was in a hurry, so he said goodbye to Thor and left.

"I hope not to use it." Thor looked at the toolbox and prayed that he was not good at repairing. He is better at destroying anything.

But many times what you do n’t want to happen will always happen. As a fat man (Thor), Thor is still more afraid of heat. Especially in summer in New York, it is not cool. If there is no air conditioning, it is easy to feel sultry in such a high-rise building.

In the afternoon, Thor felt something was wrong, and there seemed to be a problem with the air-conditioning outlet in Zone 2a. He initially thought that the central air conditioner was broken.

But he went to other areas and found that the air conditioner was still working. Then there is only one possibility that there is a problem with the air outlet.

For this matter he ran to find the logistics person.

"It's not my responsibility to know, Thor! These central air conditioners require professional maintenance. The budget for this quarter has no extra budget to ask the air conditioning maintenance personnel to come to the door." Said on the phone.

"They have to collect at least thousands of dollars at a time. This money is impossible for me to pay here. Either you fill in an application form, and I will find a repairman to repair it in the next quarter's budget." A form.

"Next quarter? Ha! That summer has passed!" Thor said, looking at the staff of the logistics department incredulously. "New York can reach forty degrees in the hottest time. Do you want all children in District 2a to get heat stroke?" "

"They can go to the hallway to sleep, didn't you say, the air conditioning in the hallway is good." The complex logistics person said impatiently, he is playing an air combat game on a mobile phone, and is now at the stage of playing boss, he I think it's boring for Thor to talk to him like this.

This is already the case in District 2a. Welfare homes have overtaken children. The children of these criminals can live well here. They have to eat, drink, and provide education. This is grateful to Dade. There are so many demands.

He waved his hand to signal that Thor was about to leave.

Thor was very angry because of his attitude. He grabbed the mobile phone in the hands of the logistics and pointed at the game screen on the screen of the mobile phone and said: "This kind of broken stuff is so attractive to you? Would like to let you Looking down at these bells and whistles all day long, I don't want to look up at these real children to see what day they will live. "

The logistics said impatiently: "Give me back."

Thor was amused by his attitude: "Okay, give it back to you!" After he said this, he suddenly threw his phone on the floor next to the logistics, and Thor's power was very powerful.

The moment the phone hit the ground it was torn apart, and all the parts and batteries inside were splashed out.

The logistics stared at Thor angrily: "Don't you want to get a dime maintenance budget from me next quarter!"

Thor acted more angry than him. The one-meter-nine-five-five-year-old strong man directly pulled the logistics collar and pulled him in front of himself and said, "You can do it, I don't care! I don't believe that if there is less in this world, you will It will turn! "

He said he pushed the logistics heavily and pushed him into a chair and almost wrestled.

Thor walked out of the door and shut the door heavily when he left, making a loud bang.


"The air-conditioning outlet is blocked?" Li Jie was dumbfounded when he received the call from Thor. He asked in a puzzled way: "What made you a repairman?"

"Don't talk nonsense, do you know how to fix it?" Thor asked, looking at the exit in front of him.

"Well, I don't know. But I can help you." Li Jie then transferred the call to Tony Stark (originally wanted to give Peter, but he is on the plane now.)

"Repair the air conditioner? You asked me to tell Iron Man how to repair the air conditioner?" Tony at the other end of the phone didn't sound very cool.

"Don't talk nonsense, just say you will." Li Jie didn't say much. "If you don't, just say no, don't make excuses."

Li Jie made Tony instantly uncomfortable. He covered the microphone of the mobile phone and said to Jarvis: "Jarvis, help me find the air-conditioning pipeline system of the Southern Cross Welfare Institute and conduct a comprehensive investigation. Analyze the possible problems in the district and then tell me. "

So today, the children of a small Southern Cross Welfare Home in District 2a, without their knowledge. With Spider-Man helping them repair the TV. With Thor (Salted Fish), Night Crawler and Iron Man work together to help them repair air-conditioning pipes.

Under the guidance of Jarvis, Thor finally got the air-conditioning piping in Zone 2a at more than seven o'clock in the evening. He was sweating a lot, and he wanted to take a shower before going home.

At this time, Sophie, who came to take over at night, had already come, she reminded Thor: "You better go to the staff shower room in the annex building to take a shower."

"I can't use the kid's shower room?" Thor didn't want to run that far.

"No, it's just that the sewers in both bathrooms are not good. The sewers in the boys' and girls' bathrooms are clogged, especially the girls' bathrooms are more clogged. We need to apply for a repair budget for the next quarter to repair it. It's about. "Sophie explained why.

But Thor froze inwardly because he had already run away the maintenance budget for the next quarter.

Thor scratched his head: "I think, let me fix it. Anyway, I have done so much today."

"Ah?" Sophie gave Thor a strange look.


After Thor cleared the sewers of the two bathrooms, it was more than two in the morning. He is just a mortal now. Although he is still relatively strong, it is also very hard to repair all kinds of things today.

After a quick shower in the boy's bathroom, he no longer wanted to go home, and lay down on the cushion in the common room to fall asleep.

Thor woke up when the next day's sunlight came through Thor's eyes through bright glass. He found that there were several older children standing beside him (because the younger children were more sleepy and they were still awake.)

The larger of the girls, the 13-year-old girl Farina saw Thor woke up and smiled at Thor in the future.

Thor couldn't understand it, and he asked, "What's wrong? Don't tell me that the TV is broken again? You can't be regarded as a" Vampire Diary. "

Thor's words made Felina blush. She shook her head quickly, and at the same time took a bag of bread and a bottle of milk from the side and handed it to Thor: "We think you should be hungry. After all, you worked so late last night. . So I prepared breakfast. "

Thor said doubtfully with bread and milk: "At this time, it should be less than the time to eat in the morning."

A boy standing in the distance said a little proudly: "We naturally have a way."

Felina turned her head and glared at the boy. She quickly said to Thor: "Don't worry about him, we just want to say something to you, thank you."

Felina felt a little embarrassed after saying this, and stood up and left quickly. Several other older kids nodded to Thor. Maybe thank you two words. Their rebellious grade is difficult to say, but there are some things that need not be talked about.

Thor did feel hungry. He stood up to reflect the sunlight that had just risen outside the window, eating bread and milk and feeling like this life might also be very good.

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The chapters of "The Years of Being Superheroes in Marvel" (Raytheon's Repair Diary (Four Thousand Characters for Tickets!)) Are collected and provided by netizens, and are reprinted to Shufan Lou just to promote those who are superheroes in Marvel Year let more fans know. Raytheon's repair diary (4,000-word chapter for votes!) Those fans who have been superheroes in Marvel on the previous page return to the latest chapter list (carriage return) Next page pure text online reading domain name mobile phone synchronization reading please access

Note that this is an extra story. The timeline occurred when Thor joined the Southern Cross Welfare Institute until Penny ’s onset.

This is a supplement to Thor's story in the orphanage. In addition, this article is free. So ~ ask for votes.


Southern Cross Welfare Home 2a recently welcomed a new carer, or called the carer team leader, more appropriate. After all, his men still manage four people.

The new head of the nursing team is Thor who was just transferred from the ambulance team of Aldmund Central Hospital. Today is his first day in office. Yesterday, when he first came to report, he was already given a dive off by the children in Zone 2a.

The feeling of a bucket of ice water falling into the sky is terrible.

"Fairman, Lynch, Balia, Sophie." Thor was the team leader for the first time, and the roll call for the morning meeting was still to be done. Baliya and Sophie are two female nurses in their thirties. Their appearance is typical of a white female, with a high nose and deep eye sockets. They seem to be ordinary housewives, and they are generally responsible for night shifts.

Because there are still girls living in the area, the night duty is usually done by female nurses.

The other two male carers, Fairman are of Mexican descent, and Lynch is a very thin, middle-aged white man.

For Thor's arrival, all the nurses applauded and welcomed them. Especially seeing Thor tall and strong enough.

"I hope you can control these children, especially Colin. We can't stop him every time he causes trouble, and I can't beat him." The thin white Lynch spoke.

After briefing the name and shortening the morning meeting will end. The two female nurses are leaving. Because Baliyah was on duty overnight last night, today it is her turn to rest during the day. Sophie is going to attend the wedding of her cousin and ask for leave from the welfare home.

Lynch was on a regular holiday today. He was able to visit the orphanage to see that his new boss was already very respectful.

"So, only you and I worked in Zone 2a today?" Thor saw Felman beside him after seeing the three leaving.

Mexican-born Fairman shook his head and said, "Tor, only you."

"Really?" Thor glanced at Felman. "You also rest?"

"I do n’t take a break, but I usually have to go to the kitchen part-time to help. Welfare homes are understaffed and there are too many carers in Area 2a. We all need to go to various places to help with part-time jobs. Since you are here, I can concentrate on it The restaurant is working. "Fairman was born in a Mexican family.

Mexico is also a country that is very good at making food. Fairman inherited the family ’s fine traditions and can make many traditional Mexican food. His burrito is a dish very popular with children.

So the kitchen needed him more, and Thor couldn't help it. He could only let Fairman go to the kitchen to help. After a long time, I still have to bring this group of bear children by myself. Thor felt a little hopeless.

"Tor, Thor! Can you fix the TV today? You said it could be repaired yesterday." Little Penny asked Thor when he saw Thor entering the Zone 2a and ran up to pull his clothes.

For a six-year-old child, the days without watching cartoons are extremely difficult. For children in this grade, eating candy and seeing cartoons every day is the happiest thing in life.

Welfare homes generally do n’t give children candy until the holidays, so Penny ’s happy life is reduced by half. Without animation, Penny's other half of her happy life is gone.

Her little face was wrinkled like a bun, and she looked at Thor with a sad face and said, "My true, I haven't seen SpongeBob for a long time."

She used a lot of "for a long time" to signal that she hadn't seen the cartoon in a long time.

Thor breathed out, and he picked up Penny and said, "It will be fixed today. It will be fixed." Then he took out his phone and called Peter: "Not yet? The children are all here? Waiting for you to repair the TV! "

"Dude! I'm flying to London today, and it took me one night to pack things up. I promised you to come and help, and don't rush me. I'm on the road now." Peter Parker promised to help Torseu yesterday What is the TV request.

When he came to the orphanage with the toolbox, he saw dozens of children waiting for him, and dozens of eyes staring at him.

"Hi ~! Hello everyone." Peter smiled stiffly and waved his hand.

"Hurry up and start working, less than an hour is the time of the noon theater. The children are waiting to watch TV." Thor didn't say much nonsense, and took Peter directly to the living room of the common room, pointing A sony LCD TV that is no longer bright said: "Nuo, this is it."

For Peter, who repairs various electronic devices all the year round, it is not difficult to repair a broken TV, unless the electronic components in it are completely scrapped and need to be replaced with a new one, otherwise he can always find a way to repair it.

Thor helped Peter fight, and it took only about fifteen minutes for Peter to find out why the TV was not on. Because the wiring of one of the components is loose. After he delivered the soldering iron and re-soldered, the TV set could resume working again.

When the TV connected to the signal again and started working, the children cheered with excitement.

"Okay, now you can work normally." Peter clapped his hands and said: "I'm gone, I have to catch the plane to London. This toolbox will be left to you, you may need Thor! "

Talking, Peter looked at his watch. He was in a hurry, so he said goodbye to Thor and left.

"I hope not to use it." Thor looked at the toolbox and prayed that he was not good at repairing. He is better at destroying anything.

But many times what you do n’t want to happen will always happen. As a fat man (Thor), Thor is still more afraid of heat. Especially in summer in New York, it is not cool. If there is no air conditioning, it is easy to feel sultry in such a high-rise building.

In the afternoon, Thor felt something was wrong, and there seemed to be a problem with the air-conditioning outlet in Zone 2a. He initially thought that the central air conditioner was broken.

But he went to other areas and found that the air conditioner was still working. Then there is only one possibility that there is a problem with the air outlet.

For this matter he ran to find the logistics person.

"It's not my responsibility to know, Thor! These central air conditioners require professional maintenance. The budget for this quarter has no extra budget to ask the air conditioning maintenance personnel to come to the door." Said on the phone.

"They have to collect at least thousands of dollars at a time. This money is impossible for me to pay here. Either you fill in an application form, and I will find a repairman to repair it in the next quarter's budget." A form.

"Next quarter? Ha! That summer has passed!" Thor said, looking at the staff of the logistics department incredulously. "New York can reach forty degrees in the hottest time. Do you want all children in District 2a to get heat stroke?" "

"They can go to the hallway to sleep, didn't you say, the air conditioning in the hallway is good." The complex logistics person said impatiently, he is playing an air combat game on a mobile phone, and is now at the stage of playing boss, he I think it's boring for Thor to talk to him like this.

This is already the case in District 2a. Welfare homes have overtaken children. The children of these criminals can live well here. They have to eat, drink, and provide education. This is grateful to Dade. There are so many demands.

He waved his hand to signal that Thor was about to leave.

Thor was very angry because of his attitude. He grabbed the mobile phone in the hands of the logistics and pointed at the game screen on the screen of the mobile phone and said: "This kind of broken stuff is so attractive to you? Would like to let you Looking down at these bells and whistles all day long, I don't want to look up at these real children to see what day they will live. "

The logistics said impatiently: "Give me back."

Thor was amused by his attitude: "Okay, give it back to you!" After he said this, he suddenly threw his phone on the floor next to the logistics, and Thor's power was very powerful.

The moment the phone hit the ground it was torn apart, and all the parts and batteries inside were splashed out.

The logistics stared at Thor angrily: "Don't you want to get a dime maintenance budget from me next quarter!"

Thor acted more angry than him. The one-meter-nine-five-five-year-old strong man directly pulled the logistics collar and pulled him in front of himself and said, "You can do it, I don't care! I don't believe that if there is less in this world, you will It will turn! "

He said he pushed the logistics heavily and pushed him into a chair and almost wrestled.

Thor walked out of the door and shut the door heavily when he left, making a loud bang.


"The air-conditioning outlet is blocked?" Li Jie was dumbfounded when he received the call from Thor. He asked in a puzzled way: "What made you a repairman?"

"Don't talk nonsense, do you know how to fix it?" Thor asked, looking at the exit in front of him.

"Well, I don't know. But I can help you." Li Jie then transferred the call to Tony Stark (originally wanted to give Peter, but he is on the plane now.)

"Repair the air conditioner? You asked me to tell Iron Man how to repair the air conditioner?" Tony at the other end of the phone didn't sound very cool.

"Don't talk nonsense, just say you will." Li Jie didn't say much. "If you don't, just say no, don't make excuses."

Li Jie made Tony instantly uncomfortable. He covered the microphone of the mobile phone and said to Jarvis: "Jarvis, help me find the air-conditioning pipeline system of the Southern Cross Welfare Institute and conduct a comprehensive investigation. Analyze the possible problems in the district and then tell me. "

So today, the children of a small Southern Cross Welfare Home in District 2a, without their knowledge. With Spider-Man helping them repair the TV. With Thor (Salted Fish), Night Crawler and Iron Man work together to help them repair air-conditioning pipes.

Under the guidance of Jarvis, Thor finally got the air-conditioning piping in Zone 2a at more than seven o'clock in the evening. He was sweating a lot, and he wanted to take a shower before going home.

At this time, Sophie, who came to take over at night, had already come, she reminded Thor: "You better go to the staff shower room in the annex building to take a shower."

"I can't use the kid's shower room?" Thor didn't want to run that far.

"No, it's just that the sewers in both bathrooms are not good. The sewers in the boys' and girls' bathrooms are clogged, especially the girls' bathrooms are more clogged. We need to apply for a repair budget for the next quarter to repair it. It's about. "Sophie explained why.

But Thor froze inwardly because he had already run away the maintenance budget for the next quarter.

Thor scratched his head: "I think, let me fix it. Anyway, I have done so much today."

"Ah?" Sophie gave Thor a strange look.


After Thor cleared the sewers of the two bathrooms, it was more than two in the morning. He is just a mortal now. Although he is still relatively strong, it is also very hard to repair all kinds of things today.

After a quick shower in the boy's bathroom, he no longer wanted to go home ~ ~ fell asleep directly on the cushion in the common room.

Thor woke up when the next day's sunlight came through Thor's eyes through bright glass. He found that there were several older children standing beside him (because the younger children were more sleepy and they were still awake.)

The larger of the girls, the 13-year-old girl Farina saw Thor woke up and smiled at Thor in the future.

Thor couldn't understand it, and he asked, "What's wrong? Don't tell me that the TV is broken again? You can't be regarded as a" Vampire Diary. "

Thor's words made Felina blush. She shook her head quickly, and at the same time took a bag of bread and a bottle of milk from the side and handed it to Thor: "We think you should be hungry. After all, you worked so late last night. . So I prepared breakfast. "

Thor said doubtfully with bread and milk: "At this time, it should be less than the time to eat in the morning."

A boy standing in the distance said a little proudly: "We naturally have a way."

Felina turned her head and glared at the boy. She quickly said to Thor: "Don't worry about him, we just want to say something to you, thank you."

Felina felt a little embarrassed after saying this, and stood up and left quickly. Several other older kids nodded to Thor. Maybe thank you two words. Their rebellious grade is difficult to say, but there are some things that need not be talked about.

Thor did feel hungry. He stood up to reflect the sunlight that had just risen outside the window, eating bread and milk and feeling like this life might also be very good.

ps: It's a big fan of four thousand words ~ Ask for votes!

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