Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Chapter 527: v7 Chapter 232: Banquet

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At the top secret base of the Ten Commandments, Zhang Tong is making final preparations. As he said before, he was going to kill Tony Stark. If his men can't do it, then he will personally end the playboy's life.

And now, he decided to advance the plan. Because Tony's speech on TV made him feel very, very unhappy. In particular, the sentence "Man should be displayed in the museum like a terracotta warrior" has actually hit his pain point.

Because even if he doesn't say anything, Zhang Tong knows that he is lagging behind this era, which can't be caught up with hard work. Especially Zhang Tong himself is a stubborn guy, many things he believes will not change.

Now he is ready, a 200,000-ton oil tanker sailing from Central Asia to New York Port is ready to sail. But this is just a camouflage on the surface. The entire tanker has no place for oil except for the uppermost layer.

The entire lower deck has been completely transformed into a real troop carrier. It is loaded with a group of elite soldiers under Zhang Tong, five hundred flying dragons of all colors and dragon knights specially trained by these groups.

Yes, Zhang Tong is not going to kill Tony alone. Because just killing Tony can't completely get rid of his plight.

As a leader, Zhang Tong looks further. The chaos that may be caused by the arrival of the new energy era, such as the war in Eastern Europe. These things are his best opportunities.

As a guy with huge ambitions, only the more chaotic the world, the more muddy water he can touch fish. If the world is really peaceful, then he has no chance at all.

Kill Tony and make the world's eyes on Latvia, because Dum will be the only person in the world who also has the ability to go to the moon to mine helium-3.

Provoking greater chaos, even war. All this is what Zhang Tong has to do. For example, in New York, there was a huge mess and all this was blamed on Latvia.

Simple and effective idea. Because Latvia really has the motive to attack the five permanent nations, because it was the five hooligans who first waged war in Eastern Europe.

In retaliation this is possible.

However, Zhang Tong did not know one thing, that is, Dum of Latvia has held secret talks with the SHIELD and the SPD, and the three parties have reached an agreement.

He also thought that after confusing the situation, the Ten Commandments would have a chance to rise. At the beginning of this turbulent era, seize the last and best opportunity.

And now a step behind in information will lead to a complete loss of the entire plan.

Of course, Zhang Tong didn't know all this, and he didn't know that on the farther Venus, members of the Illumination Society were in the nth tea talks, and the discussion was about him.


At the Venus base, in the lounge of the Illuminati.

Since Thor just joined the organization, everyone hopes that the atmosphere will not be too serious, and it does n’t feel very good to have a meeting that is too rigid. (Hmm? Has the meeting of the Illumination ever been serious?)

Because Tony is a person who likes to enjoy himself, he also incorporated his personal preferences in the construction of the Venus base. For example, a lounge is also set up on the floor of the conference room.

Including comfortable sofas, holographic projection theater, and a huge swimming pool. Even a micro-ecological recycling system was built, and a proposed ecological garden and soilless cultivation vegetable garden and fruit garden were built in the base.

In the lounge, the daylight simulated by the dome makes people almost alone in a park on Earth.

The smoke of Miao Miao rises, which is from a high-end outdoor oven. Using apple wood and litchi wood as fuel, Li Jie is grilling large steaks and chicken.

The gravy stewed from the steak trimmings is mixed with some onions and chickpeas and pepper and salt to make the basic sauce. He was repeatedly helping the steak and roast chicken with sauce.

"Is the intelligence of the Divine Spear Bureau accurate?" Li Jie helped the barbecue and roast chicken with the sauce while paying attention to the fire, while still discussing with the Captain Rogers about the Divine Spear Council and the adults.

"There should be no problem." Captain Rogers was not idle, he was cleaning a kale, and then said the leaves of the cabbage were broken down: "Shang Qi said that they have been inside the Ten Rings for many years, although It has always been the periphery, but it has long been responsible for the transportation of oil and other materials. "

"I heard that he got the news, Master Man transferred a boat to New York. But he didn't know the specific model. Whether it was an oil tanker or a cargo ship, or an ordinary yacht or something. But what is certain is that Master Man will definitely be dispatched. "

Captain Rogers is not good at cooking, and Li Jie, the cabbage leaf of his breakout, is not very satisfied.

"Captain, wait a moment, you don't want to break too deliberately. Just tear it away with your hands, not too big, or too neat. Only then will the taste be rich." Teach Captain Rogers how to make salad, and then turned back to the matter of adults.

"Then it's up to you, Tony." Li Jie evenly spread the sauce on the barbecue and roast chicken and pointed to Tony with the sauce brush.

Tony just came up from the swimming pool and was sitting by the pool to clean the water in his ears. He took his ear and said, "I have let Jarvis lay enough neutrino detectors on the main dock of New York Harbor. Those small things are not much bigger than black beans. If there are enough, you can scan the whole dock. ship."

Of course, it is generally illegal to do so. However, now it is a set for the adults, so no one cares about the issue of legality.

Hank was pushing the professor's wheelchair out of the orchard. The professor picked some tomatoes and cherries. Li Jie motioned that Thor, who was laying the tablecloth, came forward to help.

"Professor, from the mouth of that Amudila (a guy that Tony found at the headquarters of the Ten Rings in the Middle East.) Asked how many things?" Li Jie finished the barbecue and now began to prepare the salad oil and vinegar sauce.

"A lot, he is telling the truth. He provided a lot of distribution maps about the Ten Commandments base. He seems to be reused internally. A lot of information is not available in the Divine Spear Bureau." The professor will put it on his lap All the fruits were handed over to Thor and said.

"Then let him sort it out, I will contact Dum later and give him this information. Let him have a point of attack when launching a full-scale offense." Li Jie will bazam vinegar and salad oil There is also pepper and salt, plus a small amount of yuzu pepper mixed with French mustard.

He began to stir the salad, and at the same time he also asked Captain Rogers to use a knife to cut some fragrant incense.

Li Jie said to Dr. Hank without raising his head while stirring: "I still care a little about the dragon that Man Qi mentioned about Master Man."

"The Divine Spear Bureau is not sure that the Flying Dragon really exists. Even if it exists, there may be a small number, probably only one or two." Captain Rogers reminded Li Jie while fighting with Faxiang using a sharp knife "A small number of mutant creatures will not have a decisive impact on the battle situation."

"Maybe." Li Jie tasted the taste of oil and vinegar juice, and when it was right, he began to prepare the salad: "But at any time, you can't take it lightly."

"Doctor, how much can we disguise and hide a battleship at one time?" Li Jie asked.

"Now there are about 70 warships that can be used together. After you have mastered the method, the construction of smart factories can be much faster than traditional factories. And on Venus we have almost inexhaustible minerals." Take a look at his black frame glasses.

"Then you are all prepared, and throw it into the earth if necessary. At the same time, let our Thor appear." Li Jie brought the stirred salad to the table.

Thor laid a blue and white checkered tablecloth on the dining table, which was very appetizing against the colorful food.

The steak and roast chicken are almost ready. Li Jie takes out the steak and gives them a time to sit and conduct heat. So as not to keep roasting on the fire until the meat is old.

The two roast chickens were already on the table first. Captain Rogers took silver cutlery from under the table.

Li Jie pointed to Tony who had just cleaned himself and said, "Mr. Iron Man, would you please get my bread in the oven? It should have been baked and cooled by this time."

Tony waved his hand, he went to get the bread and took a bottle of Champagne from the private cellar.

"Okay guys, I think this is the first time we have dinner at the Illumination. But it won't be the last time." Li Jie made a simple toast with a stemware of champagne.

"Food, sunshine, air, and water. Let us thank all of this. At the same time, we hope that more people will be able to get all this one day."

Rogers toasted: "Respect for peace."

Tony: "Respect freedom."

Thor: "Honor honor."

Professor Hank and Charles: "Respect everything."

Li Jie raised his glass: "Respect us!"

The champagne in the tall crystal glass presents a charming champagne golden color, and the cut beef reveals an attractive pink color. The burning sun shines on the earth, exuding a warm orange color.

Starships powered by the transition engine and the micro-curve engine have a blue-white gleaming tail flame.

On the far side of the earth, the exhaust from the Central Asia tanker is only black after being burned by the internal combustion turbine.

Some things will be eliminated from this era. No matter how struggling, it is in vain.

Dum of Latvia received a message from Li Jie and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"The Herald!" He said to his Herald in the hall of his castle: "Notify my generals that it is time to fight!"

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The content of "The Years When Becoming a Superhero in Marvel" (Chapter 232 Banquet) was collected and provided by netizens, and is reprinted to the Book Fan Building just to promote the years of being a Superhero in Marvel to let more fans know . Chapter 232 The banquet in Marvel as a superhero in those years when the book fans upstairs Return to the latest chapter list (Enter)

At the top secret base of the Ten Commandments, Zhang Tong is making final preparations. As he said before, he was going to kill Tony Stark. If his men can't do it, then he will personally end the playboy's life.

And now, he decided to advance the plan. Because Tony's speech on TV made him feel very, very unhappy. In particular, the sentence "Man should be displayed in the museum like a terracotta warrior" has actually hit his pain point.

Because even if he doesn't say anything, Zhang Tong knows that he is lagging behind this era, which can't be caught up with hard work. Especially Zhang Tong himself is a stubborn guy, many things he believes will not change.

Now he is ready, a 200,000-ton oil tanker sailing from Central Asia to New York Port is ready to sail. But this is just a camouflage on the surface. The entire tanker has no place for oil except for the uppermost layer.

The entire lower deck has been completely transformed into a real troop carrier. It is loaded with a group of elite soldiers under Zhang Tong, five hundred flying dragons of all colors and dragon knights specially trained by these groups.

Yes, Zhang Tong is not going to kill Tony alone. Because just killing Tony can't completely get rid of his plight.

As a leader, Zhang Tong looks further. The chaos that may be caused by the arrival of the new energy era, such as the war in Eastern Europe. These things are his best opportunities.

As a guy with huge ambitions, only the more chaotic the world, the more muddy water he can touch fish. If the world is really peaceful, then he has no chance at all.

Kill Tony and make the world's eyes on Latvia, because Dum will be the only person in the world who also has the ability to go to the moon to mine helium-3.

Provoking greater chaos, even war. All this is what Zhang Tong has to do. For example, in New York, there was a huge mess and all this was blamed on Latvia.

Simple and effective idea. Because Latvia really has the motive to attack the five permanent nations, because it was the five hooligans who first waged war in Eastern Europe.

In retaliation this is possible.

However, Zhang Tong did not know one thing, that is, Dum of Latvia has held secret talks with the SHIELD and the SPD, and the three parties have reached an agreement.

He also thought that after confusing the situation, the Ten Commandments would have a chance to rise. At the beginning of this turbulent era, seize the last and best opportunity.

And now a step behind in information will lead to a complete loss of the entire plan.

Of course, Zhang Tong didn't know all this, and he didn't know that on the farther Venus, members of the Illumination Society were in the nth tea talks, and the discussion was about him.


At the Venus base, in the lounge of the Illuminati.

Since Thor just joined the organization, everyone hopes that the atmosphere will not be too serious, and it does n’t feel very good to have a meeting that is too rigid. (Hmm? Has the meeting of the Illumination ever been serious?)

Because Tony is a person who likes to enjoy himself, he also incorporated his personal preferences in the construction of the Venus base. For example, a lounge is also set up on the floor of the conference room.

Including comfortable sofas, holographic projection theater, and a huge swimming pool. Even a micro-ecological recycling system was built, and a proposed ecological garden and soilless cultivation vegetable garden and fruit garden were built in the base.

In the lounge, the daylight simulated by the dome makes people almost alone in a park on Earth.

The smoke of Miao Miao rises, which is from a high-end outdoor oven. Using apple wood and litchi wood as fuel, Li Jie is grilling large steaks and chicken.

The gravy stewed from the steak trimmings is mixed with some onions and chickpeas and pepper and salt to make the basic sauce. He was repeatedly helping the steak and roast chicken with sauce.

"Is the intelligence of the Divine Spear Bureau accurate?" Li Jie helped the barbecue and roast chicken with the sauce while paying attention to the fire, while still discussing with the Captain Rogers about the Divine Spear Council and the adults.

"There should be no problem." Captain Rogers was not idle, he was cleaning a kale, and then said the leaves of the cabbage were broken down: "Shang Qi said that they have been inside the Ten Rings for many years, although It has always been the periphery, but it has long been responsible for the transportation of oil and other materials. "

"I heard that he got the news, Master Man transferred a boat to New York. But he didn't know the specific model. Whether it was an oil tanker or a cargo ship, or an ordinary yacht or something. But what is certain is that Master Man will definitely be dispatched. "

Captain Rogers is not good at cooking, and Li Jie, the cabbage leaf of his breakout, is not very satisfied.

"Captain, wait a moment, you don't want to break too deliberately. Just tear it away with your hands, not too big, or too neat. Only then will the taste be rich." Teach Captain Rogers how to make salad, and then turned back to the matter of adults.

"Then it's up to you, Tony." Li Jie evenly spread the sauce on the barbecue and roast chicken and pointed to Tony with the sauce brush.

Tony just came up from the swimming pool and was sitting by the pool to clean the water in his ears. He took his ear and said, "I have let Jarvis lay enough neutrino detectors on the main dock of New York Harbor. Those small things are not much bigger than black beans. If there are enough, you can scan the whole dock. ship."

Of course, it is generally illegal to do so. However, now it is a set for the adults, so no one cares about the issue of legality.

Hank was pushing the professor's wheelchair out of the orchard. The professor picked some tomatoes and cherries. Li Jie motioned that Thor, who was laying the tablecloth, came forward to help.

"Professor, from the mouth of that Amudila (a guy that Tony found at the headquarters of the Ten Rings in the Middle East.) Asked how many things?" Li Jie finished the barbecue and now began to prepare the salad oil and vinegar sauce.

"A lot, he is telling the truth. He provided a lot of distribution maps about the Ten Commandments base. He seems to be reused internally. A lot of information is not available in the Divine Spear Bureau." The professor will put it on his lap All the fruits were handed over to Thor and said.

"Then let him sort it out, I will contact Dum later and give him this information. Let him have a point of attack when launching a full-scale offense." Li Jie will bazam vinegar and salad oil There is also pepper and salt, plus a small amount of yuzu pepper mixed with French mustard.

He began to stir the salad, and at the same time he also asked Captain Rogers to use a knife to cut some fragrant incense.

Li Jie said to Dr. Hank without raising his head while stirring: "I still care a little about the dragon that Man Qi mentioned about Master Man."

"The Divine Spear Bureau is not sure that the Flying Dragon really exists. Even if it exists, there may be a small number, probably only one or two." Captain Rogers reminded Li Jie while fighting with Faxiang using a sharp knife "A small number of mutant creatures will not have a decisive impact on the battle situation."

"Maybe." Li Jie tasted the taste of oil and vinegar juice, and when it was right, he began to prepare the salad: "But at any time, you can't take it lightly."

"Doctor, how much can we disguise and hide a battleship at one time?" Li Jie asked.

"Now there are about 70 warships that can be used together. After you have mastered the method, the construction of smart factories can be much faster than traditional factories. And on Venus we have almost inexhaustible minerals." Take a look at his black frame glasses.

"Then you are all prepared, and throw it into the earth if necessary. At the same time, let our Thor appear." Li Jie brought the stirred salad to the table.

Thor laid a blue and white checkered tablecloth on the dining table, which was very appetizing against the colorful food.

The steak and roast chicken are almost ready. Li Jie takes out the steak and gives them a time to sit and conduct heat. So as not to keep roasting on the fire until the meat is old.

The two roast chickens were already on the table first. Captain Rogers took silver cutlery from under the table ~ ~ Li Jie pointed to Tony who had just cleaned himself and said, "Mr. Iron Man, please take me in the oven. How about your bread, it should have been baked and cooled by this time. "

Tony waved his hand, he went to get the bread and took a bottle of Champagne from the private cellar.

"Okay guys, I think this is the first time we have dinner at the Illumination. But it won't be the last time." Li Jie made a simple toast with a stemware of champagne.

"Food, sunshine, air, and water. Let us thank all of this. At the same time, we hope that more people will be able to get all this one day."

Rogers toasted: "Respect for peace."

Tony: "Respect freedom."

Thor: "Honor honor."

Professor Hank and Charles: "Respect everything."

Li Jie raised his glass: "Respect us!"

The champagne in the tall crystal glass presents a charming champagne golden color, and the cut beef reveals an attractive pink color. The burning sun shines on the earth, exuding a warm orange color.

Starships powered by the transition engine and the micro-curve engine have a blue-white gleaming tail flame.

On the far side of the earth, the exhaust from the Central Asia tanker is only black after being burned by the internal combustion turbine.

Some things will be eliminated from this era. No matter how struggling, it is in vain.

Dum of Latvia received a message from Li Jie and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"The Herald!" He said to his Herald in the hall of his castle: "Notify my generals that it is time to fight!"

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