Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Chapter 656: v10 Chapter 79: Turbulent times

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Kurno is a young man who lives in rural Ukraine in Eastern Europe. His family has a small orchard. Difficult to maintain the family's livelihood.

Kurno also has two older brothers above him, he is the youngest son in the family. Although his parents and brothers take care of him, he is 18 years old after all this year.

He needs to start planning for his future. Because the current economic situation in Ukraine is not good, half of the country ’s banks have gone bankrupt, and even the government has lowered the minimum monthly wage of employed workers to $ 42.5 a month.

The small orchard's maintenance of a family's livelihood is already stretched, especially after his big brother married his wife last year, the burden on the family will be heavier.

And his sister-in-law has become pregnant. After her nephew (niece) is born, the burden of the family will be more difficult.

Curno wandered across the fields, plucking a dog's tail and waving it irritably.

Do you want to be a soldier? Kurno thought that if he went to the army at least, he would be able to manage his three meals a day and his clothes. There is a little allowance every month. Although not much, he can also subsidize the family.

Or go to Kiev, the capital of Ukraine? I heard that some jobs can still be found there.

But Cournot didn't know what he could do, and he seemed to be doing nothing but trying his best. The education level is only in junior high school. After graduating from junior high school, he started to help his family do farm work.

He would do a tractor repair and some basic circuits and welding. Because these basic skills are not available, they cannot survive in the countryside.

It is impossible to find a repairman after any agricultural machinery is broken. In that case, more than half of a year's income must be given to the repairman.

Just wonder if there is any need to repair the tractor in Kiev? I wonder if repairing a car is the same as repairing a tractor? If it were the same, you might be able to do car repairs.

Curno thought about these things one by one, and walked toward the house. But something unpleasant happened on the road, and he was almost entangled by several gangsters in the village.

Those are unemployed bastards. Every day, they steal things everywhere for money, or go to the old factory area 30 kilometers away to find building materials and steel that can be demolished to exchange money.

The plant was established in the Soviet era. At that time, it was a tractor plant. It had been operating for ten years since its disintegration and finally closed down.

Kurno's father used to be an employee of a tractor factory, and the village was originally a family area of ​​the factory. But after the factory closed, the days became more and more difficult.

Just like now, those unemployed young people are idle all day long, and there is not much employment for young people in a village of 3,000 people.

If you are not willing to work hard to do farm work, you can only mix with the gangsters in these villages.

"Go away!" When Kurno was entangled by several hooligans, a thunderous voice came from behind. Kurno's burly elder brother was staring at the hooligans with a stick of thick wrists.

He roared like Hong Zhong: "Go away, you bastards! Stay away from my brother!"

Kurno ’s eldest brother was once a soldier and was the kind who had killed people on the battlefield. When the terrorists in Eastern Europe were most rampant, almost most CIS countries were harassed.

The thirty-year-old strong man carried a thick wooden stick, which is still very daunting. Several hooligans walked away scoldingly. Originally they wanted to blackmail the only hundred hryvnia on Curno (100 hryvnia is about 25 RMB).

"To treat this kind of person, you need to be cruel! Kurno, if necessary, you need to bring a knife to your body!" The eldest brother drove away the little rogues and patted his third brother's shoulder, because too Hard, Kurno's shoulder hurt.

"Tap, tap, brother." Kurno rubbed his shoulders and grinned.

"Why are they pestering you?" Brother asked, following Kurno home.

"They saw the money in my pocket." Cournot said a little depressed.

"The hundred hryvnia? Today is your eighteenth birthday. This is our birthday gift. You can go to town and buy something you like. I remember there is a baseball cap you like very much. The price is just right. "Brother took a big step toward the house and asked.

Kurno looked at his old man's aging face when he was only thirty years old, and he talked a little, until he saw the dilapidated but well-maintained house in his house appeared in front of him. : "I feel that my family needs this money more than me. After all, birthdays are celebrated every year."

"And your elder brother will need to spend more money after your child is born. Save it."

Kurno's words made Big Brother stunned. Finally, Big Brother stared at his brother for a long time, and finally couldn't help but sighed and said, "This is your adult day."

Kurno smiled: "It doesn't matter."

Because of Kurno ’s birthday, the family prepared a rich dinner today.

The mother and sister-in-law made a beetroot soup, freshly baked big lieba, and yellow fried sausage and stewed pork mixed vegetables. This is a very sumptuous dinner, which is usually prepared at home only during the holidays.

Father came back late because he only went to the city 40 kilometers away today to buy fertilizer.

In the evening, the whole family sat at the dining table and talked and laughed while eating a big meal. Everyone had a smile on their faces. Everyone is blessing Curno and the youngest son in the family to grow up.

Only Curno himself clenched his fists under the table. When his sister-in-law put a piece of fried and fragrant sausage into the curno dinner plate, Curno suddenly said in a low voice: "I want To be a soldier. "

"What ?!" It was Kurno's mother who suddenly told the octave: "What are you talking about ?! You say it again !!!"

Kurno looked at his parents' white hair and the sumptuous dinner on the table. Like he made up his mind, he said aloud: "I'm going to be a soldier!"

Kurno's father first stopped his emotional wife, and then asked quietly, "Why?"

"Because, because I'm an adult. I can't stay at home to have a leisure meal. The income of the orchard at home is not high. Dad, when you went to buy fertilizer today, I saw that my mother almost took out most of the money in the family. But now the fruit ca n’t be sold at a price, and people in the city do n’t have much money to buy fruit. The price of fruit is getting lower every year, I ca n’t stay at home! "

The more excited Kurno said the voice was: "I don't need to prepare my food at home when I go to work as a soldier. The army will provide food and clothes. There are hundreds of hryvnia per month. As long as I save So that I can bring back a sum of money when I retire, like my elder brother, I can buy a new tractor for my family! "

boom! The eldest brother slapped on the table. The elder brother who was always silent and loved his brother looked at Kurno with a very fierce expression and shouted: "Daydreaming! Do you think you are so mixed in the army? Just your character and physique , Will die in the barracks at any time! There is no heaven. "

"Especially did you forget the previous war with Russia? For the new energy of Latvia, Russia has fought against us! How many border cities in Ukraine have been destroyed? How many soldiers have been killed!"

Facing the fierce elder brother, Kurno could only say weakly: "But there is a truce now."

"But war is possible at any time!" Kurno's mother was very loud, and she was extremely reluctant to enter the barracks with her young son: "If you want to be a soldier unless I die! I don't want to watch my son fight Die in the battlefield! "

The whole family was extremely opposed to Kurno's decision, but Kurno said stubbornly: "But what do I do without being a soldier? I can't hang around like those little hooligans. I don't want to be like them. Even if it is As a factory worker, I also hope to straighten my chest. "

"Or I will go to Kiev to find the second brother and let him help me find a job in Kiev." Kurno mentioned the second brother who worked in Kiev.

But his father snorted coldly: "Your second brother is only working in a bakery in Kiev. Are you going to be a bakery apprentice?"

"At least better than wasting food at home." Curno has the stubbornness of young people.

The older brother who had murdered Courno before silenced for a while and then said, "Actually, the second son called me today."

My father still snorted coldly: "He still remembers this family? In a big city like Kiev, he has already forgotten why, he didn't even come back for Christmas last year."

The elder brother smiled bitterly: "Dad, train tickets are not cheap. The second child is only an apprentice in the bakery. The monthly salary is very low. The cost of living in Kiev is very large. He can hardly save money. If he wants to come back, he will come to the ticket. He can pay, but the ticket to go back will have to pay for it at home. He just wants to save the expenses of his home. "

The father hummed and didn't speak, and the old man didn't seem very satisfied with this reason.

The eldest brother did not want to persuade the stubborn father, but turned his head to Kurno and said: "Your second brother made a phone call. There is a lot of people needed for a job recruitment in Kiev, and the monthly salary is not low."

Cournot shined: "About what? How much is the monthly salary?"

The elder brother hesitated and said: "It's about building a new high-speed railway. The monthly salary can be three hundred dollars a month, and it is settled in dollars instead of hryvnia."

Kurno ’s sister-in-law is a high school graduate, and she has a little knowledge. She said strangely: "High-speed railway? Ukraine still has money to build high-speed railway?"

"If the government has the money to build this, it would be better to rescue the banks that are going to fail. Last month I wanted to save money, but the queue of people at the bank's gate was all running to run cash deposits. Scared I can only get the money back, and I dare not deposit it in the bank. "Sister-in-law does not believe this news.

"And three hundred dollars a month? This salary is too high!"

Originally hearing the monthly salary of three hundred dollars, Kurno was very excited. This is a high-paying job, and he doesn't care whether it is hard to build a railway. As long as the sweat can be exchanged for compensation, he does not mind keeping more sweat.

But the analysis of the sister-in-law also makes sense. The construction of the railway is definitely a national plan, but where does the country now get the money? Don't it be a scam? Thinking of Kurno's heart was half cold here.

But the eldest brother explained quickly: "It is not the Ukrainian government who made the money. This money is a loan from Latvia. It is the chairman of the new Eastern European Union that our country has joined. Ten years of operating rights, Latvia paid for the technology and equipment purchased from the Randall Group in the United States. "

"It seems to be building a super high-speed railway system. I don't quite understand this, but I guess it is the same thing as China's Toyo Germany's high-speed rail." Brother has not enough knowledge about the super high-speed railway system. Traditional high-speed rail is confused.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Curno knows this is true, it's not a scam.

Kurno determinedly looked at his father and said, "Dad, please let me go to Kiev! Please!"


It is most convenient to take a train from Kurno ’s hometown to Kiev. The train was built during the Soviet period, and the platform has not been modified for so many years, so it looks very old.

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The train hangs high, but the platform is low. This makes passengers on the train have to climb a narrow and steep staircase on the train. After dragging his parcel, Curno took a lot of effort to squeeze on the train. He did not allow his family to see him off, because the train station was too far away from where he lived, and the transportation expenses for more than one person were also large.

He was looking for his seat with a ticket, 46., 46, ah! found it!

But in front of Curno there was a girl dragging a heavy suitcase and wanted to put the salute on the luggage rack. But the salute was too heavy, and the girl failed to lift the suitcase after several attempts.

"Come on!" When the girl failed again, Kurno reached out and helped the girl smoothly push the luggage onto the luggage rack. Then he put his luggage up.

"Thank you!" The girl smiled and thanked Curno. She was wearing a loose black and white T-shirt and trousers of the same color. She was tall and had a little freckles on her face, but her facial features were very delicate.

Even if you don't deliberately trim your own eyelashes, the girl's eyelashes are very long and beautiful, and under the eyelashes are a pair of green eyes, just like the best emeralds, she is very beautiful.

Being thanked by such a beautiful girl was the first time for Curno. He responded somewhat at a loss: "No, I mean, you are welcome."

With two thousand hryvnias in his pockets, Kurno's heart beat quickly in his seat.

The beautiful girl I just saw sat directly beside me. This made Kurno couldn't help but glance at her.

The girl glanced back at Curno and said with a smile: "Why, I'm not welcome to sit here? I bought the ticket."

Kurno stammered, "Of course, of course."

The girl seemed to see the honest boy like Curno for the first time and said to him with interest: "My name is Katyusha, what is your name?"

"Courno, friends call me Curno." Curno quickly replied.

"Are you going to Kiev?" Katyusha asked curiously.

"Yes." Kurno answered somewhat dryly.

The train started and moved in the direction of Kiev. A pair of young people sitting in the same car communicated with each other. To be precise, Katyusha asked, Kurno said.

In the process, Katyusha figured out Kurno's purpose in going to Kiev. At the same time, he also told Kurno himself, a graduate of Kiev University.

Kurno looked at Katyusha with some envy, which made the girl feel a little embarrassed.

Katyusha looked at the scenery passing by the window and said to Curno: "Curno, can you not look at me like this?"

Kurno said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. It's just a graduate of Kiev University." Kurno didn't say the second half of the sentence, just amazed.

Katyusha gave Kurno a funny look. Few boys looked at themselves not because of their beauty, but because of their knowledge.

Kurno continued: "I just think you are amazing, Katyusha. After graduating from Kiev University, you are still willing to go back to your hometown and improve local agricultural products instead of staying in Kiev."

Katyusha shook her head helplessly and said: "It's just a lot of money. Now the global seed industry is monopolized by several oligarchs. Ukraine doesn't cultivate its own grain seeds. Our farmers are just lambs who can be cut down."

"In fact, not only the farmers in our country, in fact, the farmers in most countries are dough that is kneaded by large grain companies and seeds. After all, without seeds, we can do nothing. The country has no money to invest in this. the study."

Katyusha was helpless and even said a little sadly.

"So, are you going back to Kiev now? No, I'm not saying that you gave up anything. I just asked at will." Kurno felt like he was saying something stupid, because Katyusha had just stared in her eyes and Bad.

Katyusha turned her eyes to the window: "No, I was determined to make our country and our people's lives better when I was in college. Especially the farmers, because I was born in the countryside. I know that farmers have How hard it is, especially now that the national economic situation is getting worse. "

"I always want to do something, but I can't always do it." Katyusha turned her eyes away from the window and turned to Kurno. "You are going to Kiev to participate in the recruitment of the super high-speed railway system. You Do you know the significance of this railway? "

Kurno was silent for a while, then shook his head honestly.

Katyusha said with longing in her eyes: "This will connect the entire New Eastern European Union. Latvian leader Dum called on the participating countries of the New Eastern European Union to liberalize the border tariffs. Make items flow faster and cheaper. "

"It hasn't been this way since the Soviet Union split. Can you imagine all this?" Katyusha looked at Kurno with excitement.

But Curno could only blush and shook his head. Katyusha didn't care about the embarrassment of Curno, but continued to introduce him: "Courno, you say your family grows fruits, but now the fruits of your family can only be shipped to nearby cities for sale, not farther than Three hundred kilometers. Even if you come to buy merchants to buy the fruits of your family, the furthest is to sell them to Kiev. "

Kurno nodded when he heard this, Katyusha continued: "But Ukraine's economy is not good, fruits are not a necessity of life, everyone is saving money. If you have money, you would rather buy a little more food, fruits It became a luxury item. In the fruit shop in Kiev, fruit is sold very expensive. But in the farmland, the purchase price of fruit is very cheap. "

Kurno sounded a little confused. Why are the fruits in Kiev expensive, but the fruits sold in his own house are cheap? Among these complex economic relations, Cournot did not understand.

"But if the super high-speed railway is opened and the new Eastern European Commonwealth lifts customs duties between member countries, the fruits of your home in Courno can be transported to the train station and then sent to Latvia, Hasha Kostan, Kyrgyzstan! The market will become wider and pricing will become more free. Your family ’s income will also become better. "

"And this is not only the fruit of your family, but also the various specialties and handicrafts between each country. Or some urgently needed supplies. For example, country A needs a certain product X, but country A has no inventory. But country B There are many in the market. "

"Purchasing goods from country B through traditional trade can indeed relieve the pressure in country A, but the people in country A must pay a high price. This is determined by the market economy. However, after the opening of the super high-speed railway, although the market The price factor still exists, but the cost and tariffs have been reduced indefinitely. This will allow more people to benefit. "

Katyusha's explanation made Curno gradually understand the meaning of the railway.

Katyusha continued: "Whether it is food, light industrial products, or other necessities for people's livelihood. The exchange of materials and personnel is often trapped by traffic and geographical restrictions. What this railway will do is completely break this. You Do you know how fast this railway is? "

Katyusha's problem once again made Curno shake his head awkwardly. He just went to work for a high salary, and he didn't know many things.

Katyusha said with a smile: "As long as it is repaired, from Ukraine to Latvia or Poland or Kazakhstan, the farthest place will not exceed half an hour!"

Katyusha's words shocked Curno: "This is faster than our village going to the nearest city!"

Katyusha sighed: "This is the use of speed to change this world! When the world is flattened, the barriers and alienation of the local domain are broken, everything will become so different."

Katyusha: "Do you know Iron Man, Nightcrawler, Captain Rogers?"

Kurno nodded and shook his head: "Is that some American hero? It seems to be."

Katyusha waved her fist with both hands: "They are heroes of this world, followed by Americans. What they do is to promote change in this world, just like the Super Foundation of the Horizon Foundation and Randall Group. High-speed railway plan. "

"The reason why I returned to Kiev is because I also want to devote myself to this change. Although I am just an ordinary person, I hope my knowledge can help. This is my dream when I will grow old one day When I was able to say like Paul Kochagin: I have no regrets in my life! "

Kurno said: "Your dream is really great, and I ..." And I can only be a road builder.

Katyusha patted Kurno's shoulder. She embraced Kurno's shoulder with a bold expression of an Eastern European woman: "Dreams are not great for others to see. It is just a wish in heart, just look at wish Unwilling to pay. "

Looking at the various scenes flying past the window, Cournot's heart kept changing his mind. For a while, it was the parents' instructions and the elder brother and sister-in-law's care, and for a while, the second brother in Kiev. Still thinking about doing something for the family after earning money in the future.

Then he thought of what Katyusha said, connecting the world and communicating. Maybe one day the fruit produced in his own orchard can be sold to any country in the New Eastern European Union?

And after that ~ ~ Curno almost irresistibly wanted to see what Katyusha said, that super high-speed railway that could change the world.

If this railway is really so good, then even as a road builder, Cournot feels glorious.

If possible, I would like to spread this railway to every corner of the earth, to every corner of the earth. Let everyone like yourself be able to change lives because of this railway.

On the train, Curno set his first dream for his life, and he had just passed his eighteenth birthday before this day.

And countless young people like Kurno and Katyusha boarded the train to Kiev, to Astana, to Warsaw. Go to any recruitment site for the Super High Speed ​​Rail.

There are engineers, ordinary workers, and students who have just graduated.

With blood and excitement, dreams and ignorance, everyone changed the world or changed themselves. The endless stream of trains and cars brought together countless young people, this time to change the world and to change themselves. For the whole world and for the family.

In this era, the blood is still not cold.

Just like the familiar melody pulled out by the accordion in the train carriage, even after a century, there are still people singing.

Just as the pear blossoms spread all over the world, Rouman's light yarn floated on the river.

Katyusha stood on the handsome shore, singing like a bright spring.

The girl sang a wonderful song, she was singing the eagle in the grassland.

She is singing her beloved one, Katyusha love will always belong to him.

Ah the song of the singing girl, follow the shining sun!

PS: Seven thousand words big chapter for votes! .

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