Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Chapter 657: v10 Chapter 80: Watch the fire from the other side

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President Dum of Latvia signed a huge deal with Randall Group. A sales plan for a super high-speed rail system connecting the entire New Eastern European Union was signed.

With Latvia as the core, a brand new railway network is about to be born on the land of New Eastern Europe. The major economic cities including these countries will be included in this railway network.

The integration of New Eastern Europe has been put on the table. And the widespread influence caused by this is destined to make some people feel uncomfortable.

For example, Mr. President of the United States.

"What does Dum want to do? Does he want to establish a second Soviet Union? Unite the CIS countries again!" In the official residence of the White House, Mr. President roared at his confidant.

He has reasons for roaring, because as a pole of the world, the United States has never wanted other countries to challenge its authority.

There used to be a country that was fighting against the Soviet Union, but in the end it was laid down. Is it easy to fight to become a world-class gangster and easily delegate authority? Let people challenge their authority? Mr. President cannot do such a thing.

So he quickly said to his staff: "Donald, go help me to inform the Secretary of Defense that we need to hold a meeting. Our fleet needs to conduct a military exercise on the high seas! In addition, we will take care of our allies and let They put pressure on Latvia. "

"I believe that not only are we reluctant to see the integration of New Eastern Europe, neither the European Union nor Russia and China. They are reluctant to see all this happen! We need to unite and kill this sign in the cradle. "

The president's voice fell, but as the president's confidante, the sixty-year-old Donald did not move. According to the principle, he should have written down all the words that the president had just said, and immediately ran out to do things and make phone calls.

Because of the peculiarities of the US presidential election, many presidents did not even actually deal with local affairs or served as governors such as governors before being elected to this position.

Many people may just be state legislators, or even stars and rich people. Many of these people do not have the experience of ruling, and it is very likely that the most powerful country in the world will make a joke.

Therefore, the staff is an important support for the US president. Just like hundreds of years ago, in China, eight-legged literary scholars were employed, but Jinshi won't be an official. Zhejiang Master must be asked to give advice behind the scenes.

For Mr. President, Donald is equivalent to his Zhejiang master. At least in these years in power, although Mr. President has not made great achievements, but at least it is not bad. He can even produce a memoir after leaving office. Record your credit for these years. And this is inseparable from Donald's help.

So when Donald sat in his chair motionless, the first thing Mr. President thought was not to get angry at him, but to look at him with some doubt: "What's wrong?"

Old Donald was sitting in the chair, and he said, "Mr. President, what is the purpose of doing all this, Mr. President?"

The President returned: "Naturally, to prevent the core interests of our country from being moved!"

Donald shook his head: "Yes, you are right, but have you thought about the consequences of launching all this? Because of the emergence of new energy, we finally got rid of the muddy pond in the Middle East."

"We no longer have to send tens of thousands of Americans every year to places they do n’t know and kill a group of people they do n’t know. This will be a credit to you during your tenure. Later when people mention your name, they will think of it as This president allowed the United States to quell overseas wars. "

Mr. President was very satisfied with what Donald said, and he nodded. Although the main reason for not engaging in overseas wars is not because of peace, but because of the imbalance between pay and benefits. But this does not matter, ordinary people will not care about all this.

Donald continued: "But what about the events in New Eastern Europe? That's not the end of protests and sanctions. Those countries have been determined to stand with Latvia and Dum."

"And as for Dum?" Donald smiled dryly: "Did he care about any other country in the world? Latvia can fight at any time. And we can't go far away to start an unending stop, There is not even a war of interest. "

"What's in Eastern Europe? Are you going to grab a group of Ukrainian women refugees back, Mr. President?" Donald said a sneer, but Mr. President did not laugh.

There is nothing wrong with his chief of staff analysis. For a country like Latvia, if you do not plan to go to war. So any means to make it is of no practical significance to Dum.

Latvia was originally a closed country, closed for many years. And if Dum is determined to unite New Eastern Europe, then the technological level accumulated by Latvia may indeed be able to take the poor ghosts of Eastern Europe to the sky.

Especially the arrival date of helium-3 is getting closer.

When the price of energy is unrestricted, or even close to the state of not needing money, then Latvia can allow the entire New Eastern European Union to live a self-sufficient life even if it is a waste of energy.

After all, there are so many countries, so many people, and so much land. All this is possible!

Thinking of this, Mr. President felt his brain hurt. Latvia is really a hedgehog, which makes people feel helpless.

It is impossible to start a war. If you come to a world war, you will be pinned on the stigma of human history. Even winning is not necessarily good, because now everyone knows that the earth is not the only civilization in the universe.

More advanced civilizations have already visited the earth in a naked way.

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And even if a war is waged, there is no guarantee that it will win.

As Mr. President was thinking, Donald made a key statement: "And, don't forget, Your Excellency, you have only one year left in your term."


"Do you think I have no chance to be re-elected? Like Roosevelt for the fourth term?" The president looked at Donald with expectations. Donald was on his side when he campaigned to help him win the election. .

Donald said bluntly: "It's impossible for Mr. President, the times are different. In a peaceful era, people can accept the obvious, accept rich businessmen, or other people come to be president. But this era will not work."

"The alien's visit has caused the people to panic. Although this is suppressed by the efforts of superheroes. But people still have fears in their hearts. In this era, people want to see a strong man, a head A strong and powerful lion king will lead the overall situation. "

Donald glanced at the president after saying this sentence, and added a sentence in his heart: not an old man who was fat and strong, and also had a gossip with the young model.

"The results of the New York City elections have come out. George Stansy, the former deputy chief of the New York City Police Department, was elected with an overwhelming advantage. It looks like he looks like a powerful old lion. This is what people would like to see The image of a leader. "

What Donald said cooled the president's heart. He sat on the chair and said calmly: "So who do you think will be elected after I leave office? Steve Rogers?"

Donald shrugged but did not answer the question. He changed the subject and said: "The key now is that you need a perfect ending, no matter who your next one is, as long as you are fully prepared to put the United States in his hands, then later Your historical evaluation will be quite high. "

"In this critical era, you have played the role of inheritance."

The President leaned on the back of the chair and said, "The flow of power is distorted."

"Your Excellency, you are sixty-seven years old, why not calmly pass the president's last year?" Donald convinced the president completely.

For events in Eastern Europe, the US President decided to watch the fire from the other side.

At the same time, many characters like Donald are running around the world, and they are looking for ways to study their first generation of spaceships in Britain, France, and Germany. Because of Latvia, they feel like Russia. Still thinking about whether or not China should take a foot in the integration of New Eastern Europe.

Because the last cooperation with Latvia wiped out the Ten Commandments, China and Latvia also established some contacts. And the integrated railway system in Eastern Europe is also an opportunity for China. In line with the country's strategic vision, although not in a dominant position.

But this is not necessarily a very good opportunity? China is thinking about how best to deal with this matter.

And those things have nothing to do with Donald. When Donald returned to his home ~ ~ and hugged his old wife and kissed his granddaughter who was only four years old, he went to his Office in the building.

He had just sat down, and the telephone bell on his desk rang.

"Hello Mr. Donald." The voice on the phone was polite, calm but nice, and these days, Donald has heard it many times. Knowing to talk to yourself is an intelligent program, Jarvis, an artificial intelligence developed by Tony Stark.

"Hello." Donald answered simply, he wouldn't be rude because the other party was a robot.

Jarvis on the other end of the phone said: "Your compensation has been deposited in the Dutch bank, and the Royal Princess yacht is also moored at the dock of the Spanish villa by the sea."

Donald said dryly: "I have said that, I am not for these."

Jarvis: "However, this is your reward, which has been promised previously."

Donald took the phone and stood up and said seriously: "If Tony Stark is really prepared to pay me anything, then don't use cash! I know he has a good relationship with Captain Rogers, please let him arrange me and Rogers Meet the captain! "

Jarvis was silent on the other end of the phone, and finally said, "Then I will inform you, sir."

Hanging up the phone, Donald leaned heavily on the chair. He has been fed up as an aide to a president who is not very smart and has a greater power than power.

His political ideals and revenge did not unfold for entering the White House.

As he said to Mr. President, everyone expects a lion king to lead the flock. And only the lion king wants to follow!

Maybe I will complete my political ideals before I die! Donald clenched his fists. .

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