Thy Travels Through Tales

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 Tour

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After a heated argument between Shizu and her newly introduced brother Yashimu, which then resulted in another intervention made by Ozen to prevent Shizu from doing anything drastic. Everyone was able to calm down and discussed what had to be done.

Ozen: "Yashimu, I need you to finish up the hunt I had given to you and your sister. We leave in two days so be sure to get it done or at least implement preventative measures."

Shizu: "Father! Why are you letting Yashimu handle the hunt, wasn't I the one to be in charge of that task?"

Ozen: "Shizu! I want you to give Azi a tour of Shisayama. Get him clothed and have him take up residence with Kajima, he owes me a favor and I believe this is a good fit for its use. I will have no complaints out of you on this matter but know that you will be taking part in the hunt. Your brother needs this experience as you already have much experience with hunts such as this."

Looking a bit down, Shizu's expression morphed from a look of shock to pouting as she stated:

Shizu: "Fine, but on the next hunt I get to call the shots. Do we have a deal father?"

Ozen: "Alright but be sure you treat Azi well. If I hear a complaint from him then I'll have to reconsider who will lead the next hunt." 

Shizu: "Yes Yes Father I'll do my best."

Ozen looked at Shizu and only sighed in exasperation as he knew that she was going to be a headache he would have to handle later on. He then turned to Azi.

Ozen: "Azi, while I would give you a tour personally, there are matters that I must finish quickly as I plan to leave in two days. I know that you are likely confused with your current situation but trust me I will leave you in good hands. My friend Kajima is a dependable man and while he does seem abrasive from time to time, he is a kind soul underneath that thick skin of his."

Azi: *Sigh* "While I do have some misgivings of the current situation. *Glances at Shizu* I will accept your kindness."

Azi straightened his back, changed his expression the one of a professional, and polity bowed with one arm crossed flat against his chest in a gesture of respect. This got the attention of Shizu, Yashimu, and Ozen as they did not think that Azi was able to act so polite.

Azi: "Thank you for your assistance thus far, I will endeavor to repay my debt to you Ozen."

Ozen: "Bwahhahah, you are really interesting boy. Too think you could act and talk in such a noble way. Bwahahahah!!"

From Ozen's surprise came his laughter which then caught the attention of the inhabitants of the village as they began to look on at their king with a wry smile thinking to themselves: Oh, it just Ozen being his usual self hahaha. 

After his laughing fit, Ozen coughed to hide is slight embarrassment from the attention he was getting and then motioned to Shizu and Yashimu to be on their way.

Shizu: "Follow me, let's get you clothed before you embarrass yourself."

Azi: "That....., *looks at his wet and tatter clothes* is something I can agree with. I'm in your hands Shizu led the way."

Azi and Shizu then began walking down the dirt road towards the southern end of the village. The village was divided up into 3 sections where the northern and southern portion was filled with shops such as smiths, food stands, inns, and other places of business. The central portion of the village was where the permanent residences of the villages had their homes. This layout was due to how the village of Shisayama was a small rest stop between the capital Yamato and the capital Kujyuri. People would either rest in the northern and southern portions in inns or would get some quick shopping done prior to then moving onto to the last leg of the journey to either Kujyuri or Yamato.


The location Shizu and Azi were headed was towards a smith's shop at the outer region of the southern portion of the village. Kajima, the owner of the smith had a hobby of testing his tools frequently which caused a lot of noise and was quite dangerous. So, he set up shop as far as he could within the village boundaries in order to not cause disturbances in the village since his testing tend to get a bit to overzealous.

Along the way Shizu grabbed some clothes from a clothing shop nearby and threw them to Azi while directing him to go change in one of the other empty rooms of the clothing shop.

Shizu: "Here, put these on in that room. Also don't complain."

Azi: "Yeah Yeah." He said with sarcasm.

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Azi then began to put on the clothing which took a bit of time for him as he was unfamiliar with the clothes as there was no underwear and was confused as there was a large hole in the pants that he was given. With a bit of concern, he was worried that he was going to mess up somehow so he called out.

Azi: "Hey Shizu, I need your help. I don't know how to properly put some of this on."

Shizu: "Alright, but are your clothed?"

Azi: "Yes, but I can be unclothed."

Shizu: "Gross, such as pervert" She muttered in quite tone. 
"Alright keep your clothes on, I'm coming in"

Shizu entered the room and then began to walk Azi through how to use the long piece of cloth as underwear and explain that he could just cover the hole with a bit of fabric.

Azi: "What is the hole for anyway?"

Shizu: "That would be for your tail, but in your case, you don't have one which I have to ask. What happened to your tail?"

Azi: "Not sure, I mainly woke up like this, maybe it got cut off or fell off? Either way, nothing to worry about."

Shizu: "Your nonchalance seems to reinforce just how laid back you are, how are you not worried. I heard from father an dyou said it yourself, you might have amnesia does this does not make you feel that something is wrong?"

Azi's body suddenly stiffened up as Shizu last words of "something is wrong" hit deep into Azi's mind. He could feel that he was missing something but felt so uncomfortable that he had to shake his head to push way the uncomfortable feeling.

Azi: "Yes, but when I think about it, I feel strange, and I don't want to feel that sensation again. Its....."

Shizu, feeling a bit bad when she noticed Azi stiffening up interrupted him. "Alright Alright no need to freak out just get your clothes on. We need to hurry before Kajima's smith gets too busy. I'll be outside waiting." Shizu left the room and made her way to the entrance of the clothing shop.

Azi: "Thanks, I'll be out soon."

After Shizu left the room, Azi then thought to himself. My memories are all broken as best, I at least remember my name but besides that there are times where I feel as if I have seen this before or get this sudden urge to act in a sudden way. Maybe that was what I was like before, *sigh* well no use in asking questions, better to just act and see what happens. 

After getting his clothes on, which consisted of a green cloak with a hood that descended to the side of his hips, a white shirt with long blue sleeves, a white undershirt, long pants that descended down the entire length of his legs, underwear that as in the form of a loincloth, and finally a long piece of gray cloth wrapped around his waist that held the shirt and pants against Azi's hips. 

Stepping out of the clothing shop, Azi turned to Shizu and asked:

Azi: "How do I look?"

Shizu: "Decent at best, but I'm glad that they fit."

Azi laughed at Shizu's comment and through his laughter was able to say:

Azi: "Thanks, it seems you somehow knew my sizes from the beginning I wonder what you did to me while I was unconscious?"

Shizu scoffed at Azi's words and turned to continue her tour of the village. Azi quickly followed with a smile on what Shizu would describe as his dumb face and got to familiarize himself with the village. What first caught his attention was how the houses were all made of wood which was strange to him as he would usually think that houses would be built out of a combination of metal, glass, and concrete. He was then further befuddled as he noticed that every one of the villagers, he saw all had fluffy ear and a tail. They were clothed in clothes made of weaved fabric and it was easy to see that the clothes were made by hand rather than by a machine as it was noticeable that all the clothes the residents were wearing were different from one another. While he did see a clothing shop here and there, it usually only had clothes made with a uniform design but had the telling signs that each had their slight differences. Additionally, when he asks Shizu just how much his clothes cost he could not interpret the value as the currency was different.

Azi, distracted by his own thoughts, suddenly bumping into something. To his surprise, it looked like a giant bird and on top of it was a village who looked at Azi, but then paid him no mind as he guided his giant bird mount around Azi. Surprised by this, he looked around and also as what looked like a huge lizard. The size of the bird was about 1.5 meters tall, but the lizard was even bigger as it was at least 2 meter in height at best. While both surprised and amazed at the large creatures he saw he thought to himself that he would have to ask this Kajima a few questions when he met him to better understand the world, he found himself in.

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