Thy Travels Through Tales

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Ozen’s Meeting

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Seeing Azi and Shizu leave on their tour of Shisayama, he turned to Yashimu and told him to come with him before leaving to make preparations to finish the planned hunt. He wanted Yashimu to hear what he was going to say next and motioned him to follow. Ozen made his way to an inn in the northern portion of the village, which was well known for its food, but more importantly was the exclusive use of it private rooms for discussion. As he entered the inn, he gestured to the innkeeper, a woman with a large red coat over her white ensemble, and she led Ozen and Yashimu to a small private room purposely lit dimly to obscure the sight of its inhabitants. Within the room was a man wearing a regal attire. As Ozen and Yashimu moved to sit across from the man, the innkeeper closed the door behind them and began to keep a look out from outside the room.

Ozen: "Thank Manu for coming, I know it was sudden of me to call for you in the middle of the night but there has been a development that I decided to bring to your attention.

Manu: "It is no problem my king, I -am willing and able to hear you at any time. Work as village chief is a lot of work but I would not dare to deny the request of my king. Please, elaborate on this development you speak of."

Ozen: "The boy Azi, he is strange. His attitude makes me believe he is a foreigner, but his explanation of his possible amnesia brings into question if he even is a foreigner. He could be a resident of Yamato that has lost his memory and it could be possible that his family is looking for him. I need you to find any leads about his origins, he possibly lived in one of the nearby villages but if you find nothing spread the search further. Additionally, keep an eye on him."

Manu: "Really? Why go so far for some random stranger and why be cautious of him? Could he become a threat to the safety of the village."

Ozen: "No not a threat, but my instincts tell me that the boy might be a troublesome case to deal with. This is the first time my instincts have acted up and this hasn't happened since the previous war 2 years ago. I was able to be a good judge of character when it came to observing people and their demeanors, but when I look at Azi I get the feeling that his like a diligent soldier but of different and unique type. He seems the type that is more curious and I get the feeling that he might behind something. How we meet was suspicious but only time will decide what he will become in the future. For the reason why I am helping him, the effects of the previous war have left its effect on our country. There has been a noticeable spike in orphans and vagrants as many of the men from our country died which left their families without a breadwinner. At best, the aid I give to people who are lost like Azi is only a drop in bucket to the currently lack of manpower problem we face. Additionally, it’s the reason why I have personally come to Shisayama to aid in the hunts as we are becoming too short handed.”

Yashimu: "Then why help? I cannot see helping orphans or lost people as a way to fix the root problem of what created them in the first place. Your trust in these strangers and your presence outside the capital is a risk.

Ozen: "You speak true Yashimu, but even a drop can cause ripples and I will not risk another war with our neighbors. Instead, I will do what we have done before, the seeds we have planted in the past that then bore fruit allowed for our current rule and problematic situation. The harvesting of the results from those past seeds are coming to an end as the amount to harvest has dwindled which can be seen by our current manpower problem, too many people have died these past two year. If nothing is done, we will be at a dead end, so it is time to plant new seeds and let the old plants die to become the nourishment for new plants to take its place. With the seeds we plant now, we can find a solution and in the meantime, we should continue to buy time to allow for the new seed to fully grow." *Sigh* "How long that will take is concerning, as the increase in monster attacks, propagation, and also the increased hostiles with our neighbors over resource disputes will likely lead to another war in the future. So Yashimu, I need you to step up in this hunt as I believe I might one day have to leave you in order to buy the time we need."

Yashimu: "I.... I understand Father, but please do not take any risks. I know that after losing mother you have changed but please we still need you. Me, Shizu, all our brothers and sisters, and especially Rulu need you, our father. So please, no more risks."

Ozen: "*Sigh* You are right Yashimu but please understand that there will be a times when You, Shizu, and Rulu will not be able to rely on me even if I am still alive or dead. Your self-sufficiently is crucial, so while I'll do my best to help all of my children." both of you please do your best."

Ozen smiled at Yashimu and Manu, stating "both of you please do your best." Who in turn also smiles and gave an affirmation of:

Yashimu/Manu: Yes!

Ozen then focuses his attention to Yashimu and asked him for his current report on the hunt.

Ozen: "On another note, how is the progress on the hunt?"

Yashimu: "We are almost complete; we have successfully hunted an overly adequate number of predatory animals and monsters in the proximity of the village. What is troubling is that the number of animals and monster we found were much higher than the reports last month had founded. I am forming a hunting party to investigate the current situation of the ecosystem surrounding area. We suspect a dangerous animal or monster has made a nest in the nearby forest. If we find one, we will have to eliminate it or drive it off. But should we be unable to find anything, I will leave some troops behind to run security for the village's watch and patrols."

Ozen: "Good work, and good plan of potential actions. I'm glad to see that you have thought this through. Shizu will be joining you after her business with Azi is completed, so when she returns will be when you will be allowed to set out with you hunting party. In the meantime, Manu please bring me to your office. I will need to discuss about the details about what is to be done about the hunted prey we currently have. Additionally! all that we have said here does not leave this room AM I UNDERSTOOD!"

Yashimu/Manu: YES!

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