Ti Lepus Dies.

Chapter 13: Chapter Twelve. Cheaine Takes an Option.

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Councillor Trem De Markus sat deep in thought behind his desk. Strictly practical, the only personal touches in his office were holographs of his wife and mistress. This was his second and last of the two seven-year terms that he could stand for. As Minister for Trade, he held a powerful yet anomalous position in the government of Ti Lepus. The trade was vital to many aspects of life on the planet, yet outsiders or off worlders were disliked, indeed, despised might be a better term for some. Due to his position, the Chief Minister, who was also head of the police, had trusted him with investigating agitation amongst the people,

Sitting in front of his desk were two men that he trusted most. Inspector Nic ra Ptocto of the criminal police and Sessi Dark gen Wattar of the Secret Police, the ‘Greys’.

Not sure why they had been called in, they sat and waited for their sponsor to speak.

Finally, Trem put his head up. “There is a man I want you to see, he is an importer of, amongst other items, imperial programs and technology. I want you to find out what he knows about the programs, if anything, and where they go. If indeed, he knows where they go.” He turned to the Secret Policeman, “Be frank with him, he is my friend and I am sure that he has no idea of the danger he could be in.”

“Yes sir.” Wattar replied. The inspector remained silent.

“Good. Now there is no need to reveal secret matters or who we suspect, but otherwise tell him want you think he should be told.”

The two policemen nodded.

“Very well, do you have any questions, apart from who to go and see, that is?”

The two policemen shook their heads.

“The man is Rentap Dressiler and his firm is Ti Lepus Imports. I will call him to let him know he will be having visitors.” Trem gave a slight smile. “I won’t tell him that you are police.”

Keeping their faces expressionless, the two policemen just replied ‘yes sir’ and left.


Rentap Dressiler grimaced as the morning news flowed across the viewing screen. Cheaine, being an astute woman of Ti Lepus, easily read his expression. Taking a sip of her morning tea, she considered her husband’s frustration levels before speaking. “The children acting up dear?”

Another grimace at the sally. “Our children are fine.” He said. A tall and still lean man with wavy dark hair, he rose from their private breakfast table in their personal quarters and strode around the room, stopping at the apartment door leading to the families’ common area and greeting entrance. He turned slightly, “It‘s the children out there.” He motioned with an expansive wave at the floor to ceiling window.

Walking with irresolution around the room, his rather thin face with deep set eyes carrying a frown instead of the smile that, in private he usually showed his wife, Rentap stopped at the large window. Usually the grand view of Lepus Mal, the capital of Ti Lepus, would calm him. However, his internal agitation meant no relaxation. “It is all these stories about the empire, all of them being repeated over the news outlets, and not a bit of truth in any of them.”

Rentap continued his pacing around the room while his wife continued to appraise him as she sipped her morning drink. Deciding, she opened with, “It’s not too bad, just some stories. The Empire will just laugh it off, and things will continue as they were before.” She gave a little shrug of her bare shoulders and continued. “These fanatics, they are just sounding off. No one takes any notice of them anyway.” Standing she put on her house gown over the transparent and somewhat erotic sleeping clothes she wore in their private area.

“That’s the problem. The news people are taking notice and running their stories. And the Empire, well I have worked with some of the out worlders. Even with the Legion. They watch for stories like this.” He stopped pacing. “I have read about this agitation before, on other planets. The agitation got worse, things happened and soon the Legion was involved and people were dying.” Rentap embraced his wife as she moved to him. “I don’t want it to happen here.”

“You are well known, have status and influence.” She said, hoping to comfort him and, indeed, herself. “If you speak to other high-status people, they will listen to you.”

“Yes, indeed I do so that is some small comfort.” He smiled, shook himself and kissed her. They were in their apartment and could show the affection between them that would be otherwise frowned on in public. “It is early. I will go to my office and get work started, then reach out to some of my contacts. We will see.”

Already dressed for the day, he picked up his comm unit and entered the code encrypting the device.

“Tell the children I am sorry that I could not see them.” Rentap paused and added with a smile. “If they notice that is.” Children the age of theirs were the same across the galaxy. At least among humanoids.

“I will, and don’t worry.” She smiled. As Rentap left, the smile disappeared. First changing into suitable casual clothes, then taking a brief fraction to compose herself, Cheaine moved out of the parents’ living area through the common rooms to the private family area. It would be unbecoming of a high-status woman of Ti Lepus to be seen showing worry or any other emotion. Self-discipline and strength of character were considered virtues of high regard. Almost as tall as her husband, Cheaine was a beautiful woman by any standard. Dark hair, expressive eyes, complimented by a lovely smile, graced her face. A slender body was usually hidden under the extensive layers of clothes that were required wearing, especially amongst the high class. “Dinis, Kapat, you are both ready for academy?”

While both were enrolled in the same academy, they were in separate carefully defined courses. Dinis’s courses were designed to prepare him to follow in his father’s business, while Kapat was studying to follow her mother’s path. This was not a given, particularly for high status children who had greater latitude in selecting careers than children of a lower status. Extensive testing throughout the time the high-status children were in school, along with the children’s stated if if up preferences, resulted in a unique career curriculum for all students in the same group. Children of lesser status had fewer options.

“Yes mother, we are ready.” Dinis was in his fifteenth year and already approaching his father’s height. Kapat, now fourteen was an image of her mother, already beautiful. Both were bright, well-schooled children who clearly understood that their status was something to be guarded carefully.

Having seen her children off to the academy which was in the same apartment complex, Cheaine began her day. Speaking to her housekeeper, she set the days schedule for the automated cleaners and arranged for any necessary purchases. Quietly entering her private study she sat and engaged the search functions on her comm unit, searching the items she was interested in. After a period she sat back with a frown that failed to make her face any less attractive. After thinking for a fraction, she took a deep breath and reengaged her comm unit. The call went to her husband’s mistress.


Lorena Makapet, frowned when she saw who was calling her. While used to taking calls from and meeting with Cheaine, this was unusually early.

“Good morning, Mrs. Dressiler, you are early today,” she said with the smile that had first attracted her lover. By any standards an attractive woman, some in the past had compared her to the Circle of Ladies, an unusual compliment for such a xenophobic people. With a sunny nature and wide smile, she could brighten any room when she wished. Given her position, this was an important asset especially in a society that practically made mistresses’ mandatory for men of high status. However, a woman in such a role always had to be careful. “What is it I can do for you?”

“My husband … have you noticed anything unusual about his mood or has he shown signs of worry around you?” Cheaine came straight to the point. Lorena sat back in her chair. Although she knew Cheaine well, they would even meet and lunch together from time to time, Cheaine had never asked her questions about the relationship between her and Rentap. This was not a good sign.

“We talk about many things. I am not sure what you mean, ‘unusual’?” Lorena felt temporising was best until she got a clearer picture.

“He was upset this morning about the news. These stories about the Legion.” This made the call clear now. “Has he spoken with you? Have you discussed anything like this with him?”

Knowing that Rentap wanted to keep their lives separate, caused Lorena to pause. What to say? Her position was anomalous, like any mistress was. However, she had a good relationship with Cheaine and they had made an agreement not to have any lies between them.

“He has mentioned them, but not lately. Why? Do you have cause for concern?”

“Anything to do with those fool agitators is cause for concern,” Cheaine sighed. “The problem is, will they get the ear of politicians? They can if they can catch the attention of the news outlets.” She made a face. “And you know how those in the news business like sensational stories. Add in the Legion and who knows what will happen.”

“Oh, I agree. Look how they got so riled up over the last bill before the Council of Ministers. And that had gone all the way through the Scrutineers, before going to the Assembly.” Lorena paused. Was she saying too much?

Cheaine chuckled, “I always knew that you had a brain.” Lorena didn’t show the relief she felt. “Look, we both want to protect Rentap, we should meet today to do some planning. Lunch at the club?” Cheaine was referring to the Trigon Club, where meetings between such women as these could take place discreetly.

“Certainly Mrs. Dressiler, I will dress appropriately.” Lorena said in her most formal tone. She got a rare chuckle from Cheaine. “Certainly. Until lunch.” With a smile the connection was severed.

Rising from her desk, Cheaine went to her private bathroom. Both Cheaine and Rentap had a separate bathroom something that was common amongst the high status. Changing out of her morning casual dress into the conservative clothes suitable for being in the public, she was ready to leave their apartment.

First however, she spoke to her housekeeper Jean ne Pator. “I am going out to my lunch now. I will call if I am going to be later than the third period”

“Yes mistress, do you have any further instruction?” The housekeeper delivered in the submissive tone of one of the underclass. A short, thin woman who had hard worked hands, Jean ne Pator was of this class, the lowest on the planet. Not as numerous as the servant and labourer classes, never the less, the underclass was responsible for much of the workforce needed in the planets more undesirable occupations. It was unusual for one of Jean’s class to be a housekeeper for a high-class family and so she considered herself very lucky and was fiercely loyal to the Dressiler’s.

“None that you do not have already.” Cheaine said with a smile. “When all the work is completed, you may relax for a while.”

After Cheaine Dressiler left, Jean checked all the work she was responsible for. It was far from time consuming and she would indeed have time to herself. An older woman of short stature, her severe features belayed her pleasant nature. I am so lucky, she thought, to have such good employers. I don’t have to do some of the things that other housekeepers have to do to please their overlords. That is how she thought of her employers. The children are nice, the mistress is pleasant and so is the master. I am very lucky. She went about her day.


Arriving early, as was her custom now that she was in her second week at the club, Cami quickly got ready for her shift. It had become a habit for her to walk with her mentor and the two had developed a tentative bond. She also preferred to get changed without to many girls around although she was becoming used to the lack of privacy. At the proper time, she went to her station on the floor.


At the Trigon Club Cheaine went to the inconspicuous entrance for members that lead to the real club. Once inside, Cheaine was led by a scantily dressed attendant to her reserved table in a closeted alcove. All those who came in here wanted privacy. Not for sex, as such places were forbidden, but for meetings and conversation that would not be overheard or recorded. This club was for women. There were others for men. The two rarely mixed in public.

Taking her seat, Cheaine was a little surprised that Lorena was not already present. Ordering a drink of sparkling water, swiftly delivered by Cami, she waited.

Just a little flustered at being late, Lorena arrived shortly afterward, a bit out of breath.

“My humble regrets for making you wait,” Lorena’s apology was delivered with sincerity. Cheaine accepted the proffered apology with the grace her status demanded.

“I am sure that it was unavoidable, Lorena.” Cheaine said as she called for an attendant. Cami arrived and took their orders with her new won confidence, both women taking a light lunch of fruits and vegetables with sparkling drinks. The food and drinks arrived swiftly and they settled in for their meeting.

“That girl is sweet.” Lorena watched Cami leave. “She reminds me of another girl I knew when I was younger.”

Cheaine watched her as well. “I agree. She is new and nice looking and she seems well trained. Perhaps I will take an option on her contract.”

“I think that would be wise. Young, well trained and attractive girls, while not uncommon, there are never enough around when you are looking for one.” Lorena appraised Cami again as she passed. “She won’t last long here.”

Cheaine nodded, with a piece of fruit in her mouth it would have been impolite to speak. They both knew that The Trigon Club was used as an entry place for suitable girls to go into service with members of high-status class families. They were dressed in a manner that best displayed them to the wives of the men who would then buy their contracts. So, attractive young girls like this one would not be there for long.

“The weather is lovely this spring, I wanted to stop and walk under the Ispar trees.” Cheaine remarked, picking up some more fruit, and eating it.

“Indeed, the blue and yellow flowers are exquisite.” Lorena replied, with a slight smile adding, “And indeed, the fruit is sweet,” as she took a piece.

They chatted lightly for a fraction before coming to the real reason they were meeting.

“What have you decided? Rentap has only mentioned his concerns in passing. I really don’t know his mind on these people,” Lorena remarked.

“I did some research.” Cheaine began, she described how she did a search for the news stories that had caused such concern to her husband. “I did not like at all what I found. The same story repeated over and over again. Just enough detail changed to make it seem like real stories from different real planets.” She shuddered and continued. “And the descriptions of the atrocities; terrible.” She finished pecking at her plate.

Lorena was both impressed and surprised, but she wondered what Rentap would make of Cheaines activities. Keeping such thoughts to herself she replied, “So you think that there is not a bit of truth to these stories?”

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 “Not a bit. Go look for those planets. Try and find them in any database! None of them, except one or two, exist and the ones that do are very well documented with completely different stories!” Lorena was surprised at Cheaines open display of emotion.

“I see.” Lorena frowned. She pushed her plate, now empty, aside. Then a thought crossed her mind, “Do you think that these stories might be written by the same person?” A sip emptied her glass. Looking at Cheaines glass, she rang for the attendant.

“Yes, I do, and I even looked up the writer. There were different names given and different public biographies listed.” Then she smiled, “But look at this.” Passing over her comm unit and Lorena looked at the screen. Puzzled, she looked up but was interrupted by Cami’s arrival. She pointed to the glasses. Cami nodded, said “Yes Mistress,” and left, taking the empty plates and glasses with her.

 “I know this person, not well, but slightly, he is an underwriter at a news outlet where Rentap took me for a minor award gathering.” Cheaine said as Lorena looked at the screen again.

 “I don’t see what you are getting at?” Lorena said confused. “That person is not at all of any high status, no matter what he calls himself. I don’t see what influence he could have.”

 “Look at his associations.”

“Yes, I see them.”

“Good now take note of the third one down.”

“’The Lepus Writer’s Club’ I see it.”

“Flick to the next one.”

The next writer was a matronly woman. Lorena did not know her, but a check of the associations showed the same club. This was the same for all seven of the writers listed as authors of the news stories. Only one other of whom she had heard of.

Cami returned during this time and placed the drinks with youthful elegance on the table. Watching her closely, Cheaine observed that Cami was careful to not look at the comm’s. Good. Well trained, she thought.

“So, they all belonged to the same club. What makes that significant?” Lorena asked after Cami left.

“A good question,” smiled Cheaine. It was obvious that she was enjoying eking out her revelations. “I wondered myself. After all, writers as a class like to gather and read their compositions to each other. So, I did a search for this club, to see if I could find who the members were.”

Taking her recorder back, she tapped it several times and passed it to Lorena. Taking it Lorena read the information, gasped and looked up. They both knew of the secretary, a notorious agitator, Kirkrup di Frim.

“Yes, puts a different complexion onto it, doesn’t it.” Cheaine looked at Lorena. “Kirkrup di Frim, I have read of him before. He is a nasty one. So is his wife Nikie, she is slippery. I knew her as a student and saw how eager she was to snag a high-status man. Too eager, she tried to organise us so we could each snare a man but she would get the best. We all saw through her and refused to play along, I think that is why she hates us. One reason anyway.” Cheaine pursed her lips. “I wonder if she remembers me.” Shaking off the thought, she continued, “I am sure that they are using this ‘Free Writer’s Club’ for their purposes.  I will speak to my husband about it.” Cheaine smiled and changed the subject. “Now, what have you done this lovely morning?”

Lorena hid her surprise at the revelation about Nikie di Frim and looked back at the wife of her lover. The agreement that they had was not designed for situations such as this, but she had no choice. A sigh escaped her. “I went looking for some advice. So I went to the one person I could trust.”

Cheaine waited, this was interesting and she was good at waiting.

“I went to my mother.”

Now that was a bombshell! Cheaine knew Lorena’s mother and had even met her once. It was also somewhat reassuring. Ardine Makapet was a person of high regard, even with her status as a past mistress.

“I am sure that you received good advice, can you tell me what she said?” Even though it was phrased in the form of a polite request, Lorena knew that she had no choice but to answer.

“When I told her what you said, she also was worried. She knows our people well and if this, well it is difficult to say, if it gets traction, things could get ugly. She also feels that there is someone else behind this.”

“I agree with your mother on both counts. This Kirkrup doesn’t have the brains to think of this. Run it, yes, but conceive it, no. I believe that I also know our people well. If things get out of hand, it could be nasty indeed.” She paused, “How long can you stay?”

Lorena consulted her own comm. “A little longer. No later than the fifteenth period.” She said.

Cheaine nodded. This had taken longer than she expected. “I have to be back by then as well.” She considered the next move, “Are you going to involve The Chain?” The Chain was an association that formally did not exist. It was made up by the Mistresses of the elite and Ardine Makapet was, Cheaine knew, still a member. The Chain could prove to be a powerful ally.

“I don’t know, I don’t understand what is happening yet and who is behind it and why. My mother agrees and is also very concerned. This could get dangerous.”

“That I already considered. To do my searches I used a proxy, one I will carefully watch over and see if there is any reaction to.” Cheaine smiled, not a happy smile but a grim one. Looking around she continued, “I can’t even trust this place. We must be careful.”

“I will. When I visit my mother, I never go directly, but always get off at a different address.” She smiled, a somewhat forlorn smile. “We, of our class, have learnt long ago to be careful.” It was a rare moment, and Cheaine was tempted to reach out and take Lorena’s hand, but the strictures of her class intervened and she could only give a sympathetic look.

“Take care, Lorena Makapet. I will raise this with my husband.” Saying her full name in this way was a high compliment and Lorena appreciated it. Cheaine continued, “You will only have to be honest with him if he asks. Reach out to others in the Chain, but only those who you believe you can trust.” Pausing and looking at the time on her comm, Cheaine noted that it was time to go. “We will meet again, here in a week’s time?”

Agreeing, Lorena left first, so that they would not be seen together. After sitting and thinking for a fraction, Cheaine called for the bill which she settled with the same serving girl. Looking her over, she considered Cami, “What is your name please?”


“Cami sis Nep, madam.” This told Cheaine that the girl was of the lower serving class. If she had been higher, she would have had a ‘ses’ or higher still ‘sas’ in her name.

“Turn around please.” Indicating with a finger at the same time. “And how old are you?”

“Just turned fourteen madam,” All the time Cami was standing with her eyes lowered and hands behind her back as required by her training. One of the senior female orderlies employed stood a few meters away. This was a normal precaution, even in as strongly regimented a society as Ti Lepus’s. All citizens of Ti Lepus knew their place in their society and struggled to maintain and improve their status. This was the driving force in Ti Lepus society. And the main cause for angst.

“What is your contract? Are you open to be bought?” This raised the girls’ eyes, filled with hope. Then they slid to the orderly. She nodded.

“My contract runs to the end of summer, then I am to be returned to my home. It is an open contract madam.”  As this was early spring on Ti Lepus, whose year was longer than a standard year, the end of summer meant that her contract had almost seven standard months to run. An open contract meant that she could leave the club and go into service with a family without a penalty. It also meant that a commission would have to be paid to the club. A closed contract meant that her family would also have to approve the purchase of the contract and they would receive a bonus if they did. Which meant more time and expense.

“My son is a year older than you. I will have to discuss this with my husband first of course.” Standing, Cheaine turned to the orderly, “Bring the contract please. I wish to secure this girl with an option.” Cheaine was pleased. The girl seemed intelligent, and knew at least some of the details of her contract. As the contract was being produced, she considered Cami again, it’s a pity that a girl like this one, who shows such promise, cannot choose her own path. She thought.

All this was a well-established procedure on Ti Lepus, and the option was quickly completed. Full details of Cami sis Nep’s medical history, clear; sexual history, none; and all other personal and training details were in Cheaines possession when she left the club. The thought Cami being unable to choose her own path had vanished from Cheaines mind.


Cami was almost floating as she returned to her station. An option! And it was only the second week! And with what was clearly a high-status woman! Her mentor Lin met her at her station.

“Wonderful news.” Came with a nod, “But don’t get too excited, there is a long way to go and you have work to do.” Lin cautioned. Cami nodded in understanding, took a deep breath and composed herself. I will have to do a search on them and talk to the manager like I was warned about. she thought, I don’t want to make a mistake.


When Rentap Dressiler arrived at Ti Lepus Imports, the business he owned, a full period earlier than normal, there was consternation. The receptionist, one of the few women he employed, recovered quickly and greeted him cordially; however, Rentap noted with amusement, the puzzlement in her eyes and on her face. The office was mainly concerned with the financing of imports from other planets, along with the business of exporting various goods to other planets. A sideline, but a profitable one, was supplying services to the Empire’s Representatives, including starship services, as needed.

Walking past the reception desk to his office, Rentap responded with courtesy to all the greetings. While he had worries that he could not share with the staff it would be unbecoming for one of his status to display his concerns openly, or to respond to greetings impolitely. Therefore, he composed himself and secretly enjoyed the looks of surprise he saw. Arriving at his spacious office, he placed his comm on his desk and greeted his private secretary.

“Good morning to you sir,” The secretary greeted him, having been warned that Rentap had arrived early by both the receptionist and the office manager. A long-time employee, as with almost all employees his secretary was a male of the service class. The few women employed mostly carried out minor functions. The small number of technical workers employed were a mixture of the science and service class.

For other work, relating to necessary jobs such as delivery of goods or documents, contractors were employed when needed. With most of the work being performed by computers, the number of direct employees was actually quite small. Most of the outside workers were subcontractors who had given satisfaction in the past. Rentap tended to be loyal to those who had been proven reliable and loyal. His reputation was such that he received loyalty in return.

“At present there are a few minor matters needing your attention sir, here they are.” Some folders were placed onto Rentap’s desk. Rentap’s secretary, Rakhman ra Tyrrel, had quickly recovered from his surprise at seeing his employer so early in the day. “More details are expected for the contract with the importing of the new computer programs, sir.” He paused. “There is one message, it is from Councillor De Markus, sir.”

“I will return his call,” Rentap said, then he paused and asked. “When exactly did the call come in?”

“Point two five ago sir.”

“Has my wife called?”

“No sir.” That was good, if she had known Cheaine would have called while he was in transit to warn him. Should he call her? No, there was nothing that she could say that would make any difference.

“Did he give any indication as to what his call was about?”

“No sir.”

“Did he call himself or was it someone else on his behalf?”

“It was the Councillor himself, sir.”

With a nod, Rentap reached and initiated the communicator specifying the direct line to De Markus. Waving his hand, he dismissed Rakhman. He had no doubt that this call should be taken in private.

“You are in early my friend.” Came the almost immediate response.


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