Ti Lepus Dies.

Chapter 14: Chapter Thirteen. Rentap Meets The Secret Police.

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Rentap answered with a laugh, “Not as early as you, good friend. You should have seen the looks my staff gave me. I wish it was recorded so that I could show you and have a good laugh together.” These two had been friends ever since meeting in a volunteer program as students. They had also helped each other out many times with different problems. De Markus was a minister only because Rentap, amongst others, had urged him to tender his service.

A chuckle was his reward. “And how is you good wife, Cheaine?”

“Very well, and your good wife, Lesse?”

“She is well.” Another laugh. “I should be worried though; Lesse is meeting her sister and they are going shopping together.”

Rentap laughed at that, and at the oblique reference to De Markus’s mistress. It was not uncommon for the wife to make sure that the husband’s mistress was properly outfitted. It was her duty to make certain that her husband did not lose status and an unkempt mistress would certainly do that. The two men could not enquire directly about each other’s mistress. That was not done.

“It is wonderful to talk to you old friend, but this cannot be just a social call.” Rentap’s question was implicit.

“It is imperative that we get together soon, one day in the next seven days?” Markus replied.

“I think sooner, your call came before mine to you.”

“So, you saw the news this morning?” Markus made the question sound like a statement.

“I did, these fools are getting out of hand.”  Rentap practically snorted.

“Some of the assembly and the ministers want to do something about it.” Markus paused. “But even secure lines leak.”

“Your place, office, or mine?” Rentap understood, Trem De Markus did not did not want to speak openly on the comm.

“Your dwelling, I think. We can make it appear a social occasion.”

“Tonight then, if that is not to soon?” They set a time. Rentap paused, “Is there anything that I should prepare for you?”

“This shipment that will be coming in from the Empire, I will ask you to bring full details,” De Markus sighed. “Information received has been passed by the Chairman to me.”

Rentap sat still, silent and stared at the communicator. A chuckle followed this revelation and Markus continued, “I think that I have surprised even you. Oh, some men have been sent to you. They should be there shortly. You were in too early; this change of routine has caught them of guard.” With a laugh the call was disconnected.


So, there is something about the shipment with the new computer programs. Why would anyone be interested in those imports? Rentap sat thinking for a fraction. “Rakhman.” Brought his secretary in.

“Sir?” Rakhman inquired.

“Bring in all the hard copy files on the ‘Semi-Mil-Empire, Con’ programs, along with the hard copy of the Retka Imports file, please.”

“Current ones, sir?”

Rentap considered for a fraction. “Last five shipments will do and the latest file on Retka.”

“Yes sir. It will take a while, maybe two periods or more, as only the current files are here.” Rakhman was somewhat hesitant. “I will have to have the other files brought over.”

A fractions thought. Then, “It will have to be done. See who is familiar with the files and send them Even if it one of the ladies, and it probably will be. In that case send a man with her, but make it clear that whichever lady sent is responsible. If which man go’s with her has a problem with that, he will have to answer to me.”

Rakhman ra Tyrrel was flabbergasted. Never had he seen Rentap Dressiler in such a stern mood. Something was definitely up. This was troubling, especially as he had no idea what it was. The files requested gave an inkling so he decided to press, just a little.

“Sir, something is obviously troubling you.” That was as far as he got.

“Not right now, Rakhman. Later perhaps. Right now I have to concentrate.” Rentap stood up, walked to a refreshment bar built into the wall beside a informal seating area and poured a hot drink. “Bring me the files requested please, along with any other item that I need to look over.”

With a nod and a “Yes, sir”, Rakhman left. He was back in a fraction with that morning’s regular items. The sort that any owner of a business thinks that he has to deal with, but really doesn’t. “Sir I will be back with the files requested and the new documentation we were advised about.” His employer, reading electronic mail, nodded absently. A look of surprise and comprehension passed over his face as he read one item. Noticing this Rakhman paused. However Rentap went back to reading the mail.


Almost as tall as Rentap, Rakhman was a solidly built man from the southern part of Lepus Mal. His round face and shrewd eyes reflected his concerns only when he wanted them to. He was the perfect secretary for Rentap.

Outside Rentap’s office, Rakhman called the office manager over. “The master wants the last five hard copy files on the ‘Semi-Mil-Empire, Con’ programs along with the last two standard years hard copies of the Retka Imports file.” The look that appeared on the office manager’s face was full compensation for the shocks that Rakhman had received this morning.

“But, we only have the last year’s file for Retka and the last shipment of Empire data files.” The man was practically wringing his hands.

“Then get those immediately and report back as to who knows the best person is to retrieve the files from storage.” Waving his hands the office manager turned to leave.

Rakhman stopped him. “It does not matter if it is a man or a women. If it is one of the women, select a competent man to go with her. Have the pair you pick at my desk, with the files we already have in this office in point oh five, or less.” Turning he left the office manager standing in the corridor, his mouth open.

By the stated time, a man and a woman were standing at Rakhman’s desk. Behind them stood the office manager. Two of the older long term employees, he noted. Good, should be no problems then with these two. Wordlessly the woman handed over two slim metallic coloured files. One red and one yellow. He took them and nodded.

“Good, thank you.” Their society stressed politeness. “You have both been told what the master wants?” They both answered yes. “Do you know where the files are located?”

“Yes.” The woman began to reply. “In the ...” That was as far as she got. Rakhman held up his hand.

“Good, you have two periods. Go and get them.” Looking at the male clerk in particular, he continued, “There will be no trouble. The master has stressed that any problems are to be brought to his attention and he will deal with the problem himself. Understand?”

The two clerks looked at each other and both replied, “Yes sir.” They were both cowed by Rakhman’s manner.

“Very good. Now be back by period eleven point five or sooner.” With this dismissal, the two hurried out, collected their street clothes, the necessary identifications, keys, security tabs and left.

“You gave them plenty of time,” The office manager observed. “The storage unit is only two blocks away.”

“They may have difficulty in finding the correct files. Better to give them more time than not enough.” He looked at the Office Manager. His name was Narkupt ion Spectu and he was another long-time employee. “There will be further documentation coming from the Empire’s office regarding the next shipment. Bring it to me as soon as it arrives,” Rakhman said as he moved, carrying the files, to the private door that connected the two offices.

“Of course, Mr. Tyrrel.” Narkupt left.

Moving through the door to Rentap’s office, Rakhman handed over the two files. Rentap was deep in his correspondence, but still gave a thank you. He did not enquire about the search for the other files. That would be clear in two periods.


In less than point two, the office manager was back to Rakhman.

With a shaking voice he told Rakhman, “There are two men wanting to see the master. They don’t have an appointment.” Rakhman began to open his mouth to tell Narkupt to find out what they wanted when the office manager leaned forward and whispered, “One is a policeman and I think that the other one a Grey!”

Rakhman leaned back, his mouth still open, then he shut it with a snap. “Are you sure?” he asked with a narrow look.

Narkupt nodded, a look of fear in his eyes. Rakhman stood and looked out to what he could see, noting that the office, not noisy at any time, had now acquired a hushed air.

“What did they say?”

“I was called to reception and the policeman, asked me to tell the master that the men expected were here.” Narkupt spoke in a rush. He paused, “The Grey just looked at me.” He paused again, now openly frightened. “What do we do?”

Rakhman forced a smile. “We tell the master.” He indicated a chair. “Wait there.”

Opening the side door to Rentap Dressiler’s office, Rakhman stepped in. Rentap looked up with an air of query on his face.

“Sir, we have two visitors.”

“Really, already?” That stopped Rakhman in his tracks. Surprised out of his composure, he stared at his employer.

“I apologise, I have had much on my mind.” Rentap stood. “I was told by Minister De Markus that some men would be over.” He raised his eyebrows as he moved from behind his desk. “Just how many did the Minister send?”

“Two, but one may be a Grey.”

“Indeed?” Rentap was surprised at that. De Markus was apparently more concerned than he had guessed.

As he moved to the same door that Rakhman used, Rentap turned back to his secretary. “Again I am sorry, you should have been told. We will speak more later, and I will tell you everything I can. For now, let us go and discover what the government has to say.”

Somewhat mollified by his employer’s apologies, Rakhman followed Rentap out the side door. Rentap noticed that the office manager was sitting in Rakhman’s office. A glance at Rakhman elicited the information that Narkupt had been instructed to wait there. Coming over at Rentap’s hand motion, Narkupt was asked if the two clerks had returned.

“No sir.”

Unsurprised, as not even half the time had passed, Rentap nodded. “As soon as they are back, have them both bring the files to me, even if I still am in conference. Understand? I will wish to speak to them.”

Narkupt’s eyes slide to the reception area, as he nodded.

“Good, I assure you that there will not be any problem. You can return to your duties.” Rentap said with a smile, and continued on to the front.


Two men stood up from comfortable armchairs as Rentap walked past the reception desk. Both were of medium height and possessed of a solid build. One stepped forward as Rentap approached, holding out his identification.

“Inspector Nic ra Ptocto, sir.”

The second man also approached, his identification out. “Sessi Dark gen Wattar, Sir.” Was offered without a smile.

Holding his face immobile, Rentap took the proffered identification. That the Grey, the ‘Sessi’ meant that he was senior to the Inspector, was a member of the second lowest class had almost caught him of guard. Most citizens of Ti Lepus had an insert in their name which showed their class standing in the planets society. Watters insert showed that he belonged to the Labour and Worker class. Ptocto’s, on the other hand, revealed that he was a member of the service class. Those of the high class, had no name inserts. People with ability, intelligence and capacity for hard work could rise above their class designations, however they usually needed a patron.

“Welcome. Minister De Markus told me that someone was coming. I just need to confirm these. You understand?”

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“Of course sir,” Replied Inspector Ptocto. He seemed to be the spokesman of the two for now. The Inspector, for all his solid build, had a calm intelligent face framed by wavy dark hair and honest brown eyes. Rentap was certain that many a criminal had misjudged those eyes.

Handing the wallets to Rakhman, Rentap stepped back and waited as they were checked through a special government computer system, which was carefully designed for this sole purpose. After a fraction, Rakhman returned the identification to the officers and nodded to his master.

“Very good, come with me please.” Rentap indicated that they were to follow him. “You as well Rakhman.” Everyone in the office watched covertly as the four men walked to Rentap’s private office, the same questions that none would dare ask running through their minds.

Once inside, Rentap took them to the informal seating area where he was accustomed to do important business. “Would you like something to drink, gentleman?” Pleasantries came naturally to him. “Sparkling water perhaps? I realise that you are working of course.”

The drinks were declined. Sitting down, Rentap noticing that Rakhman was still standing, urged him to take a seat with them. With some diffidence, he followed his master’s wishes. Both the policemen sat up at this. The inspector opened his mouth and appeared to be about to voice a protest, but Rentap stopped him with a raised hand.

“Rakhman ra Tyrrel is my private secretary and knows as much about my business as I do. I trust him completely.”

The Grey looked at Rentap with his shrewd grey eyes and spoke with the accent of a inhabitant of the northern mountains, “Yet it was clear this morning that you neglected to tell him that we were coming?” The secret policeman had square hands with powerful, blunt finger, showing that he came from hard working people. He also had a face that was quite forgettable. Probably an asset in his line of work. Rentap thought, then, It is difficult to hide anything from a member of the secret police, I must always keep that in my mind. I might as well be truthful. “Yes I did, that was a mistake on my part. Now, please state the reasons that you were sent by the government to me? I know no more then what Minister De Markus told me when I linked with him earlier. Please be candid.”

Sessi Dark gen Wattar leaned forward. “You spoke to the Trade Minister this morning, so you are aware of possible problems, are you not?”

“I am aware that he has concerns. He did not clarify the concerns.”

“But you are aware what the concerns center on?”

Rentap paused, considering what to say next. After a moment, he replied, “The Minister wishes to meet with me and discuss the shipment of programs that I am receiving from the Empire. What exactly the problem that he sees is I do not know.” He paused, “The imports from the Empire form a minor part of my business while the majority of my imports come from and involve private companies.”

“I am interested as to what you think the problem could be?”

Staring at the secret policeman, Rentap wondered what the Grey could be getting at.

Before he could response, the Grey turned to Rakhman. “What is your opinion Secretary Rakhman?”

“I can only guess. The Minister’s call this morning and the files that the master called for, well they must have meant something. And, both of you being here this morning. There must be trouble of some type around the shipment.” Rakhman threw his hands up in the air. “What it could be, I have no idea.”

“We, I mean the planet as well as us, have been bringing in these programs and distributing them for many, many years now. Long before I took over the contract. Why should there be any problem now?” Rentap put in.

The two policeman gave each other a glance. It was the sort of pitying look that professionals exchange in the presence of amateurs. One that says, ‘I knew they were going to react like that.

Before Rentap could protest his outrage, there was a knock at the door. Rakhman, at Rentap’s nod opened the door and urged the two clerks who had been tasked to collect the requested files in, despite their obvious reluctance.

“You were able to find the files I asked for?” Rentap asked.

“Yes sir.” They chorused.

“Were there any problems?”

“No sir,” the woman answered this time.

“You were treated properly at the storage building?” Rentap made a point of protecting his employees and they knew and appreciated it.

“Yes sir.”

“Bring the files to me please.”

Clearly reluctant to enter, she had never been in Rentap’s office before, the woman walked to her master. With some impatience Rentap reached up and took the files. “Thank you both for your excellent work. That was well done.”

Receiving a wave from Rakhman, the two clerks left the office, both wondering what was going on.

“Excuse me, but do those files have anything to do with your program shipments?” The inspector spoke this time.

“These are the hard copy files on the ‘Semi-Mil-Empire, Con’ programs relating to previous shipments. I have the current import file on my desk along with the hard copy of the Retka Imports file. Retka is the company who actually handles the physical containers and the crystalline data blocks. Most of the information is in data form of course, but I wanted to examine the hard copy of the information myself.”

“Astute, very astute,” murmured the Grey.

“Indeed, we will have to go to Retka Imports as well.” Inspector Nic ra Ptocto commented to his fellow police officer.

“What have you learned from your current file?” Sessi Dark gen Wattar asked Rentap.

“Nothing, all the information is completely normal. No significant changes in the charges. In fact, due to the Empire’s good work in keeping piracy in check, there has been a reduction in charges for transporting as well as a reduction in the overall costs of the programs. There are more companies bidding for the delivery contract so that also means lower costs.”

“What about the actual data programs being brought in?” Wattar pressed his enquiry. “What are the differences between the latest and the previous shipments?”

“The actual shipping lists detailing all items are in data form, this will take a little time,” Rakhman answered. “But it can be done. However, detailed analysis of differences between the different data cubes is an entirely different manner.” Rentap paused. “I am not sure if we have an expert who can analyse the differences from shipment to shipment on staff. Retka may be able to, I don’t know.”

“I am not sure if that is the real problem anyway,” The Grey stated.

The Inspector nodded, “I think that you may be right, but we should check it out anyway. The Ministry of Information will need to be reassured.”

“True, but our experts can do that independently. Just get the access they need and they can do the rest.”

Rentap and Rakhman stared at the two policeman and exchanged questioning looks with each other.

“What are you two talking about?” Rentap used a very quiet tone that showed that he was getting angry. “What do you mean by ‘real problem’?”

“The problem is that they are Empire programs. I don’t think that what the programs contain is at all important. Not to the agitators.” Sessi Dark gen Wattar explained

“I am not sure that I understand. What do you mean?”

“Have you been catching all the news about the Empire? I mean all those crazy stories about empire atrocities.” The Inspector put in.

“Yes, they were what I was going to discuss with the minister myself.” Rentap replied.

Rakhman was sitting silently wondering where all this was going. He was not at all sure but didn’t like the possibilities.

“From what you say, you didn’t like them?” Inspector Nic ra Ptocto continued.

“That would be correct.” Rentap said slowly and somewhat dryly.

“What would you say to claims that the programs you are bringing in were poisoning people’s minds?” The Grey asked.

“Are you mad?” Rentap snapped out as he sat up straight in his chair. Rakhman echoed his master.

“Deadly serious. I see this as one of the next steps these agitators could take.” Sessi Dark gen Wattar leaned forward in added emphasis. “The Empire is bad! Look what it did to all those good people! The next step: What is it doing to you and your children?” The grey looked grim as he continued. “This will resonate particularly with the firsters, those that believe in the purity of Ti Lepus and want to cut all communication with any other planet.”

“I don’t believe this. What are you saying? Are you as mad as those people who write those stories?” Rentap was slumped in disbelief. Rakhman was equally stunned. They exchanged dumfounded looks.

“I assure you that I am completely serious.” Wattar replied. ”I have studied the types of tactics that the agitators have been using. Starting with simple stories and progressing to stories that are more and more damming and containing greater and more horrific atrocities. It has happened on other planets before.”

“What happened on those planets?” Rakhman asked. He was not sure that he wanted to know, but could not stop himself.

“It varied. In some of the instances, the Empire was eventually called in, but in others, they did not intervene. In almost all cases in which they did intervene, they were called in by the planets government. There were a few cases in which they did intervene directly, but without being requested by the local government. But I am interested in the internal processes, not the Empire and its reasons.” Sessi Dark gen Wattar, was speaking with ease, as if he was a professor expounding on a well-rehearsed subject.  “I would add, in some of the cases that the Empire did get involved, there was violent war with devastation of the planet and its people. The Empire is a very big hammer to bring in to kill an insect.”

“In short, in all cases, the agitation lead first to protests, then it expanded to violence, which became riots and civil war. Unless the process was somehow stopped.” He paused. “How it was stopped was the key.”

“And how was that accomplished?” Rakhman asked as Rentap seemed to be in shock.

“First, you need someone to speak for the government who can be trusted. Second, he or she has to always tell the truth, or at least no lies. He must be given all the facts, even all the unpleasant ones. The more he knows, the better he can deal with the knowledge and give it with authority. Also you need the sympathy of the media. Even then, it will be very difficult.”

Rentap was sitting back up. “Off course we will cooperate, we have nothing to hide.” He could not believe what the police had been telling him. Why would anyone do anything like this? He put his thoughts into words.

“Why are they doing this? What can they hope to achieve?”

“Ah,” said the Gray, “You have reached the core of the problem. You see, there are two versions of ‘they’.” He paused for effect, “The first version are the ones you see. These are the ones, more or less, in the open. The writers and reporters. The ones who will be making the speeches and the ones organising them. These are the first ‘they’, and they get the brunt of our attention. Often their motivation is deeply imbedded resentment, anger and frustration at their lack of success or status for the most part. Tied in are those I mentioned earlier. The firsters. Also, some who will be helping them will actually be from a higher class and doing this out of a strangely held sense of sympathy. Crazy I know but it is how some people think. Another group is comprised of people whose ideology is opposed to the government or its supporters or indeed, society in general. There are others.”

Dark gen Wattar paused to clear his throat. At this, Rentap made a sign to Rakhman who poured a glass of chilled water and handed it to the secret policeman. He got a nod of thanks in return. Both the businessmen had gotten over their astonishment that a member of the working class was a secret policemen.

Refreshed, Wattar continued, “Now the second group they are harder to track down and we may not get them all.” The Grey showed his confidence, “You see, these are the backers who supply credits and other forms of underhanded assistance. This group will always try to stay clear of any direct involvement and many of those that they are supplying assistance to will not even know who they are. They will use other people to distance themselves from any nastiness. In general, they want the first group to succeed to a limited degree only. You see, what this second group is interested in is power and its associated benefit, financial reward.”

“That is dangerous, isn’t it?” Rakhman asked.

“Indeed,” replied the Inspector. “Once these agitators get going, they can be very difficult to control.”

“Supplying credits I can see, but what other forms of assistance would they need?” Rentap asked.

“Access to computers, travel documents, false papers. Even weapons.” The Grey answered.

This was a world that Rentap and Rakhman did not know or understand. They were totally out of their depth and it showed. But one thing was obvious to Rentap and he laid it out for them all. “Some of those things are very difficult to get. I would not know, other than the computers, where to get them.” He paused, “Why would they want to have weapons?” He asked. “What use would they be?” His eyes flicked between the two policemen sitting in his office.

Sitting back, Sessi Dark gen Wattar, gave a sigh. “There are two reasons. The first is a perceived need for self-defence. The second reason is far more sinister.” He looked Rentap directly in the eye. “It is to carry out murders to get rid of people who are in the way or to create an atmosphere of terror. Mostly the latter.”

Rentap sat back in his chair. He stared at the secret policeman. His eyes flicked to his secretary who stared back at him. They both now knew. They, their families and all their staff were targets.

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