Time After Death : Chronicles of A Tyrant Prince

Chapter 15: Chapter 15 – Here Goes Nothing

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A similar bolt of arcane lightning struck down from the skies, divine wrath shot down toward me like a jagged golden sword descending from the heavens just to strike me down. The sound of the strike was deafening, a tremendous boom echoed in an ear-splitting roar of fury, releasing all it’s discontent in a single, explosive moment.


Once again I found myself dumbfounded by the situation. I thought I had struck the jackpot! Born as a prince with loving family members but its only been three days !!!


‘Fuck this! Divine punishment twice in the same day?’


‘What the fuck did I do this time?’


‘No one has the right to place judgement on me!!!’


I decided at this moment that I would fight this punishment and if the heavens had such an issue with me, i would one day tear it down. At this rate, I’d be struck down before turning one years old ! I couldn’t afford to cower any more, the initial panic I had disappeared. 


A fire started brewing in my gaze, a burning passion driven by an unwavering commitment to ascend past these petty powers. A moment of clarity filled my being.


'Every form of attack is made up foundationally of dimensional energy, even if it is of a higher tier, it is still energy at it’s essence…’


‘If I’m unable to block it head on, maybe I can absorb and synergize different hostile energies like I did earlier, maybe just maybe…..’


Suddenly, I noticed Grandmama had teleported nearby with Elder Saintess Nuwa by her side, still amidst this period of stasis. She screamed at me as she cast a shield above the facility.


“Chronos RUN!!!!”


“Leave it Grandmama! I want to try something!” I responded with a smile on my face. Behind the smile was a sense of determination deeply etched into my face, a fierce expression that radiated a willful confidence and resilience.


This was going to be an incredulously silly gamble, to challenge divine wrath 3 days old, with close to zero cultivation experience. Grandmama stared at me in concern but hesitantly dissipated the layers of dimensional energy temporarily delaying the progress of the bolt of lightning above the training facility.


Looking upward at the ceiling of the training facility, I could sense the bolt of lightning piercing through the area of suspended space and time around me. 


It was a few milliseconds from impact, the lightning bolt phased through the physical structure of the building as if nothing of the mortal world could stand in it’s way.


‘Here goes nothing….’ I cheered myself onward. I had straightened my posture, threw my shoulders back and held my head high. Steeling myself with pure resolve and unfounded confidence.




Unwilling to concede to the pettiness of the powers that be, I decided that I would not just stay a victim. If there are powers trying to strike me down, I will use them to get stronger. I needed to find a way to absorb the ominous current of gold. The only way I can survive this world is if I gain some sort of immunity to this Divine Wrath.


As the bolt of gold struck, the momentary period of stasis abruptly ended. Amidst the showering pieces of metal from the destroyed Gravity Chamber and the cries of concern of the people in the room, the golden bolt rushed into my body. Smoke, ash and currents of energy twirled around me in a provocative dance that defied the laws of physics.


Fighting to remain conscious and bearing the overwhelming pain, I let out a burst of energy, attempting to guide the wrath of the gods into the sphere my metaphysical self was in.


Cracks of glowing gold started writhing across the surface of my entire physical being like I were a volcano on the precipice of eruption. The energy was apparently too much for me to handle. 


My fading consciousness started to give way when a small sigil of a cross surfaced above the one on my forehead, it released a holy light that shielded my consciousness and fragmented a part of it to encase the sphere within me that was about to implode.


Just then, Elder Saintess NuWa appeared in front of me. With a sigh she said,


“ Remember how the energies fused earlier, if you want to survive… you have to do it again this time, within your core.”


A stream of brownish-green energy coursed into me. It started healing my form and suppressing the frenzied golden energy particles. I found myself once again within the sphere in my navel. I wasn’t sure if it was because my physical form had blacked out or that this was some profound state of insight. 


But for the first time, even my metaphysical being felt pain - Indescribable pain. Despite the fact that I had faced death six times in my three days being alive, the agony I felt now was unfathomable.


The controlled chaos that was the swirl of energy had now been completely led awry, there was a mixture of purple, silver, red, gold energy particles haphazardly colliding into one another. There was also a holy white light encasing the sphere and a brownish -green energy forming a second layer of protection under it. 


I had to do something quick! I knew I had a limited amount of time before the particle collisions would tear me apart.


As the situation became more perilous by the second, a calmness swept me. I was not sure if it were due to the holy light, the brownish-green energies or the fact that I started to feel a numbness toward the notion of death. 


The chaos, pain and confusion that once plagued me slowly fell away as I could physically feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. It sharpened my mind and gave an almost preternatural ability to respond to the precarious situation I was in.

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‘Okay, I’ve got a shitload of problems to deal with but what do I have at my disposal?’

‘I was born with an affinity to space and time dimensional energies, that’s the purple and whitish silver particles.’

‘I don’t really know what the particles of red are but I could feel that it stemmed from my mind and is definitely hostile.’

‘I had almost finished absorbing the red particles so this 90% synergized new form of energy should be a higher tier than regular dimensional energies…’

‘The white holy light has some sort of healing and suppressing effect, but I can feel that it’s not mine…’

‘The brownish- green particles have a similar effect but it came in mid-way, so that must be from Elder Saintess NuWa.’


I listed out what i was facing and considered what i should do, each second a countdown to my doom.


' Okay, what do i know about the cultivation of this world?’

‘ There’s the form stage, core stage, principle stage and….,’

‘ Eureka! What’s next? If all these energies are building blocks… what should I build?’

‘My own world…..’


I didn’t have much time to delve into this train of thought. I commanded the mixture of purple, silver and red to exit the sphere along with me, Leaving the uncontrollable golden bolts of lightning within. Though my metaphysical self was now a distance away from the golden energy, the pain I was succumbed to increased dramatically. 


Without my own dimensional energy fighting it off, it’s destructive nature went rampant within the sphere. Struggling to hang on to my consciousness I weaved the almost fully synthesized energy of three under the layer of holy energy but encased the layer of brownish green.



I prayed deep down that this would work or my demise would be indefinite. The layer of purple, white and red started to close in onto itself, forcing the Elder Saintess NuWa’s energy to both suppress and compress the bolts of gold.


Gravity Chamber

“Shit! What is this kid trying to do?! My dimensional energy is suddenly being burnt out at an astonishing rate!” Elder Saintess NuWa cursed, she had both palms facing toward me as more dimensional energy started pumping out of her.


“Fu Xi! Tai Sui! I need your help! This crazy brat is trying to compress the divine wrath into the center of his core with my dimensional energy!”


“WHAT?! What is this boy planning to do?? Has he lost his mind?” Elder Saint Fuxi barked but mimicked his wife in sending in the same brownish-green energy.


Grandmama Tai Sui fell deep in thought for a moment and gasped,

“He’s trying to form a world in his core!!!”


“WHAT?!” The couple snapped in sync, mouth agape.


“ He probably knows that his newly formed energy has no way to compete with the divine wrath, so he is betting it all on the fact that your Principle of Life is a high enough tier of dimensional energy to compress it into a core.”


“Chronos probably plans to both seal the divine wrath and slowly turn it into a energy source for the world.”


“ With your principle of life forming the surface and his time, space and whatever energy that is forming the air within.”


“Finally, the holy light would be atmosphere that held everything together.”


Grandmama guessed and she shook her head, both worried and shocked at how daring her newborn grandson was to even consider this method.


“ I’ll make it up to the two of you in future some how, but i can’t transfer him my space and time dimensional energy or he’d never truly own the world he’s creating.”


Both Fuxi and Nuwa stood there staring at Grandmama Tai Sui,

“Who’s grandson is this?!”


Inside Chronos’s Being


I knew my attempt was preposterous but it was the only thing that i could think of in a whim. I tried to push Elder Saintess NuWa’s layer of dimensional energy to compress the divine wrath further but my newly synthesized energy could not budge.


After a few moments though, the spherical brownish-green encasement started to constrict on its own. Additionally, another stream of the same colored energy fused with Elder Saintess NuWa’s and started compressing the divine wrath faster and faster. 


Soon, all that was left was a solid orb in the center of my core. There were still faint rumblings of explosions and particle collisions but the brown-green orb stood firm, both suppressing and muffling the remnants to the divine wrath.


My metaphysical being leapt down onto the surface of the orb and sat down cross-legged. With no time to waste, I went into a meditative state and finished the fusion of the three dimensional energies. It then filled up the space between the brownish green orb and the layer of white which surrounded the sphere.


‘Have I succeeded??’

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