Time After Death : Chronicles of A Tyrant Prince

Chapter 14: Chapter 14 – Not Again…?!

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Almost immediately, I felt an invisible force pushing me toward the ground, the sudden change in atmospheric pressure almost caused my little body to lose balance. In my peripheral I saw Prince Azure standing firm with her arms crossed, facing directly toward me. Her chin raised, a mocking smile formed on her angelic face.


I clenched my fist, the thoughts of losing to this little girl gnawed at my sense of pride. G3… G4….G5… Duchess Isis’s voice echoed at the mark of each minute, her once pleasant voice slowly turned into a sign of increasing stress. With each increasing minute, the downward force bore down upon me mercilessly. However, I seem to be handling it just fine. It was until the word’s G10 resounded that the pressure felt significant.


The gravity continued shifting with increasing intensity, the initial subtle sensation turned into a feeling of heaviness in my limbs and a slight pressure against my chest. Beads of sweat started shooting down Princess Azure’s forehead, the droplets dissipating in thin air as soon as it made it past her once arched eyebrows. Her teeth had perceptibly begun clenching and when G12 started she almost buckled at her knees.


“Are you alright?” I asked out of concern.


“Hmph! Don’t patronize me!” Princess Azure growled at me like an annoyed puppy.


At this point, it started to feel like i was being trapped in a block of ice, The gravitational energy felt so dense that I couldn’t raise my arms or feet. My muscles strained against the increasing weight and I could feel my breathing becoming more labored.


G13… Boom! A flash of blue and green blinded me for a second, when i opened up my eyes, there was a…stretched out balloon of the same material as my calibration suit in front of me.


‘She turned into a balloon?’


“ I am a Dragon!!!” Princess Azure shrieked.


“Get me out of this suit!!!” The ‘balloon’ formed the shape of a coiled snake, struggling to break loose.


“Princess Azure please remain calm, we will temporarily eject you from the Gravity Chamber, Sophia will then help your dragon form into the suit.”


The ‘balloon’ proceeded to have stripes light up all over before shooting out of chamber through the force field. I could see the family members rushing to aid Princess Azure. As I was witnessing this comical scene, I started to feel and hear a muffled crackling coming from beneath my skin.


Sparks of whitish-silver, purple and red started scattering across the entirety of my body. They were colliding against each other as if they were at war. There was a frenzied explosion of activity, the remnants of energy generated by the collisions caused sporadic bright flashes of light and a surge of heat which turned my skin a bright red.


However, amidst the pandemonium, the colliding particles started to interact and coalesce into each other, creating a new form of energy. The turbulent maelstrom of energy sent shockwaves that rippled outward, distorting the fabric of space itself.


“What’s happening to me?” I blurted out.



“Keep your mind clear and perceive the fusion of the different energies, guide the synthesized energy all throughout your body!”


The Elder Saintess NuWa exclaimed.


Amidst the chaos, I could see her green eyes staring intently at me, like two pristine beads of jade being lit up from behind. However, I couldn’t afford her the attention at that very moment. The purple, white and red particles of energy were colliding into one another like bulls in a china shop and unfortunately, in this case my body was the china.




I let out ear-splitting screams in attempt to bellow out the pain crucifying me from within. Although the war of particles on the exterior led to painful the burns and scars, they were nothing compared to the mutilation that was going on within my body. 


Almost out of reflex, I channeled the synthesized energy into each wound as they erupted, mending the broken fibers of my physical form each time. As the pain escalated, it felt like healing myself just revived more targets for the colliding particles to ravage.


“Hang in there baby boy! If we intervened we’d be depriving you of a once in a life time opportunity and probably do more harm than good…” Grandmama let out a cry of helplessness.


“Focus on the synergy! Watch closely as the particles collide with one another, perceive the fundamental nature of the result…”


“I know you are going through a lot of pain but this is a rare opportunity to study the effects of the synergized energy and to experience it’s conception.”

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“Channel the synergized energy into the area below your navel! That’s where cores are meant to be formed, imagine compressing the energy into a sphere and seal the energy within it!”


“Sophia don’t stop increasing the gravitational force, it will help him compress the particles into his being,” Elder Saintess NuWa ordered.


G14… 1 minute had passed.

G15… 120 seconds…

G16… 180,000 milliseconds…


I was knelt on the ground, my mouth agape but deprived of sound. The agony I was going through was so unfathomable that it felt like time itself stopped to stare at my pitiful state. Before i knew it, I found myself slouched forward amidst a cloud of shimmering purple, it was healing me at a perceptible rate. 


As I looked within myself, I noticed that there were still tiny bolts of crimson haphazardly lacerating my being. But after what felt like a life-time of crucifying pain, I started to feel a sense of numbness. I was unsure if it was because I was healing or that my nervous system had been completely destroyed.


I closed my eyes and mustered all the strength I had left to take a deep breath. As i exhaled, i started truly feeling the connection I had with this shimmering purple mist, I called out to it, only to be met by a haughty nonchalance. By this point I’ve had enough! These 3 days that I have been alive have felt like a solo concert in a gas chamber. Screaming myself awake, screaming while I’m awake, screaming to stay awake.




I stood up, a guttural roar unbefitting of my 3 year old body sent a sonic boom which blew apart everything in its path. The chaos and destruction of the energy that blasted out of me froze time. However, the forces of the explosion were visible in every minute detail, from the forceful dismantling of the futuristic apparatuses around me to the debris being swept into the air. The only exclusion from this snapshot of a moment in eternity were the rippling shockwaves that continued to travel out from the epicenter - me.




The air was thick with the scent of smoke and ash. I slowly raised my head, my eyes and the searing sensation on my forehead shone onto the still surroundings, casting an illusion of sharp relief, illuminating every nook and cranny in detail. 


The fragments of the machinery that made the Gravity Chamber were scattered around me, hanging suspended in mid air. Amidst the chaos and destruction a strange thought bloomed in the back of my mind, I knew I was myself but at the same time, something about this state felt foreign.




An deep imperious command resonated from from deep within me. The shimmering purple mist of energy particles started meekly floating into me. It wrapped my body and started making its way toward my navel, sweeping the remnant crimson energy particles along with it.


Inside Chronos’s Being

I shut my eyes and focused on the energy coursing through my being, making its way to my navel. It was an indescribable experience, I felt like I was looking at myself from several different angles, all along the streams of the energy particles all at the same time.


“What…. ?”


When my perspectives reached the bottom of navel they merged back into one metaphysical being. I was shocked to see a sphere of purple and silver levitating there. It was slowly flickering between its physical form and a translucent metaphysical state. I clenched my fist and floated into the core of it. I wasn’t sure what this could be, except maybe a core Sophia had told me about. However, I hadn’t yet started cultivating not to mention broken into the core stage!


My hesitance quickly evaporated when I felt the warm sense of familiarity and belonging emitting from the sphere. I sat within it with my legs crossed, relieved that everything seemed fine so far. I steeled myself, then sucked in the mixture of the purple-silver mist and the remnant red sparks.


The purple and silver energy rushed joyously into the sphere, pushing the red particles along as if they were in a fully packed alley. I perceived carefully the feeling of this sphere I was in, the purple and silver particles were filling the core in a swirl, steadily reforming the red particles as they fused in the eye of the sphere. 


An addicting sensation of strength sent shockwaves through my being, I could feel clearly the sphere materializing as it synthesized the energy i was sucking in. I manipulated the energies to swirl below the surface of the sphere, forcing order into this chaotic situation.


The Outside World

The tornado of energies whirling around me started falling in line. As energy from the collisions began to dissipate, the aftermath was a form of residual glow that lingered in the air. A testament to the tremendous amount of energy that was unleashed. But just as I got in the groove, I heard faint familiar rumblings of thunder clad clouds.


'Not again??? Please don’t tell me…..’ 

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