Time After Death : Chronicles of A Tyrant Prince

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – Pre-Birth Simulation

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Princess Sophia Astral


“Status Check please… Aerial” a gentle voice echoed in the laboratory.


The glass encapsulating the Prince’s lineage chamber reflected a calm angelic doll-like face. Perched upon the bridge of a sculpted nose was a frameless pair of glasses trying its best to hinder a set of dazzling whitish-silver eyes, but to no avail. On each glass was a cluster of numbers only the wearer could decipher. The lady stood there focused. There was a serenity veiling a sense of deserved arrogance in her gaze, her opalescent irises flaunted a calm confidence of undeniable wisdom.


“The Prince has successfully concluded the Pre-Birth Simulation…”

“All systems clear…”

“Biometrics stable…”

“Basic Update data transfer to commence in 28 minutes 52 seconds..”


A pale, sickly looking girl replied. She had tired eyes which seemed to have lost the light of day. Two grey eye bags hung like medals of her tireless work. This was one of the leading researchers of the Lineage Department, Dr. Aerial Daimona. Aerial was a classmate of Princess Sophia, the only one who managed to keep up with Astral’s girl genius. If she had been born in any other generation, Aerial’s trophy cabinet of academic achievements wouldn’t be littered with runner-up certificates. Thankfully, she wasn’t one to revere the vanities of fame. Born out of Daimona Nobility, a family of abundant with talent in the medical field and the art of poison-making, she was accustomed to never being the smartest in the room. In fact, she felt a deep sense of pride when Princess Sophia recruited her to join in the Lineage Research Project.


The way of pregnancy known to Earth, was considered archaic. The concept of having a baby grow in a physical womb was practiced only by the primitive or extremely poor. It afflicted the less affluent with a plethora of inconveniences and restrictions. Of course, the carnal pleasures of sexual intercourse transcended any technological development, however actually having offspring was another matter all together. The diversity of sentient beings in Tertius required a more scientific approach to fulfill the needs of inter-species romance. Tertiuan Nobility or higher life forms in general produced offspring mainly by having parents fragment a piece of their existence cores and fusing them in a lineage chamber. This would weaken the parents temporarily, the adverse effects and time needed to recover increasing the stronger the existence cores were. However, the benefits were worth it. Physiological restrictions aside, the Lineage chamber allowed for an optimal incubation environment and opened the doors to the application of a multitude of technological marvels like the Pre-Birth Simulation.


The Lineage Research Project was commissioned by Emperor Aion Teleos himself. The main objective of the project was to create a program where mental faculties still in the early stages of development could support a Pre-Birth Simulation(PBS). The PBS world was called Earth, the simulation was based on the remnants of historical records of a simpler time. It was also designed to simulate early civilizations born after an Apocalyptic mass-extinction cataclysm. The civilization simulated was barbaric and simplistic in nature which meant that the bandwidth required was within the constraints of this budding technology. Peaceful and simpler times also ensured the psychological welfare of the growing fetus. The fears of data overload from an over-futuristic simulation and the risk of maniacal tendencies stemming from tribal practices or war balanced each other out. The compromise was a world where the subject could experience menial psychological trials and basic necessities were not a concern.


The Pre-Birth Simulation would accelerate the growth of a fetus’s physical brain and cognitive functions. More importantly, were the benefits gained from having lived an entire life-time before even being born into the world. In a world of cultivators striving to be the best, every moment counted and this would give Astralians an undeniable head start in future. This was a revolutionary innovation which would speed up the evolution of the human species by several orders of magnitude.


“Approximately 20 minutes to the New Years boys and girls! We’re approaching the finish line soon! Ill make sure my baby brother makes it up to all of us for working over time through the New Years!” Princess Sophia joked, inciting soft laughter across the Lab.


Prince Sophia was known by most as a kind, friendly and cordial person. She had an entrancing beauty which uncharacteristically emanated an aura of amiability. She wore the white robes of a studious researcher and academician within these walls but those who were more familiar with her knew that she had another side. As Astral’s Governess of Finance and the Head of the Astral Merchants’ Guild, under her warm demeanor was a devious shrewd business genius; albeit this was unknown to most of the researchers in the room. Sophia was in name, the Head of AIT as well, but juggling her many responsibilities usually left little time for her to delve much into research. However, since a few years ago, she cleared her schedule in preparation of guiding her baby brother into the world.


The mechanical hiss of the sliding lab door distracted Sophia for a moment, turning to see Dr. Steel pace slowly into the lab. She turned walked toward him and gave a bright smile.


“Thanks for coming in to help out with the data transference, especially on New Years Eve Dr. Steel.” Sophia said as she stretched her arm forward for a handshake.


“It’s not like i have anything better to do…” Dr. Steel replied shaking her hand and walked right past her after a quick salute.

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Just in that moment, Sophia’s eyes widened. Eyes agape, the silver in her irises glowed a mystical and regal white. After a strong pulsation within her consciousness, a vision appeared in her mind. The lab was flashing red as if to signal an emergency, in the middle of the scene was Dr.Steel sneakily tearing off the skin encasing his right hand, revealing the shine of metal prosthetics, an external interface slowly protruded out of his palm, attempting to connect to the main systems.


Another strong pulse of dimensional energy followed and the white silvery glow of Sophia’s eyes subsided. Her gaze immediately turned cold. The eyes of an angel darkened into a malicious grey, that of prowling clouds in a thunderstorm. Her killing intent burst out of her so suddenly that everyone in the lab turned to her, the air in their lungs disappeared as if they were about to fall prey to an oppressive beast.


“ARGHHH !!!”


A deafening wail came from Dr. Steel as his knees buckled, smashing into the ground as if an invisible mountain had fallen onto him. His lab coat visibly tore apart under the pressure. What sent chills down everyone’s spine was that the skin on the right side of his body, spanning from his chest to his fingers, started to melt like heated wax. This exposed a metallic prosthetic arm. It’s metallic gleam denting into itself as if it were being crushed by an invisible hydraulic press.


As the seconds went by, this cyborg of a man slowly caved into himself, streams of crimson excreted from all of his orifices in his body. The echoes of bellowing pain dissipated only when what was left of him finally fell limply on the ground. It was as if everything under his skin had been smashed into smithereens, a flattened chuck of scrap metal was all that remained of his whole right arm.


At that moment, all was left of the laboratory was a stifling silence. Soon, the choking aura which had been like a claw on everyone's throat subsided. Sophia’s flailing long silver hair fell neatly back in place. Amidst the terrified and awe struck gazes, she turned around and smiled sweetly, politely saying,


“Please have the guards clear the filth..”


Everyone stood frozen. Some with their mouths wide open in shock. Aerial was the first to snap out of it, her lifeless eyes now filled with a mixture of fear and admiration. Nothing else had to be said, it was obvious that Dr.Steel was a Technian operative sent to sabotage the Prince’s birth. While there would usually be panic and hysteria, Sophia’s sudden outburst left everyone baffled and in fear of acting inappropriately in front of the suddenly domineering Astralian Princess. It was this day that ingrained a spine-chilling reminder that no matter how amiable Sophia may seem, she was an Astral and no one messes with the Astrals.


Author’s Notes:

This chapter was to give more context on why the MC woke up the way he did. The Pre-Birth Simulation was also a concept which intrigued me and it added an additional timeline which will be threaded into the main plot line of the story in the future.


I chose to preemptively introduce one of the 3 noble families in Astral Empire, the Daimonas. I wanted the Daimona Nobility to be a family of medical practitioners and poison makers. Fun fact, I had initially researched the name of the goddess of poisons. That ended up being Akhlys which wouldn’t make sense as a persons name. However, Akhlys was a ‘Daimona’ (personified spirit) of the death-mist-clouding of the eyes preceding death… so… close enough? plus it sounds pretty bad ass no?


This was also the introduction to Sophia, she was initially designed as a very gentle soft spoken maiden. But it felt too two-dimensional and unbefitting of someone who’s supposed to be in charge of finances and the merchant guild. Plus her persona of being a girl genius and high IQ meant that it didn’t make sense for her to just be all gentle and friendly. Hope ya'll enjoyed how her character introduction turned out. :D


Once again, I know I prolly suck as a novelist now but hey I'm literally a few days in… cut me some slack …. but don't hold back constructive criticisms! Nothing shows support like taking the time to give suggestions on how to improve.


Much Love,


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