Time After Death : Chronicles of A Tyrant Prince

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – The Night Before

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Astral Institute of Technology, Dr. Steel's POV

The restless tinge of red neon light was background to the groans of rowdy drunkards and seductive giggles. I sat the end of the bar counter, face buried in the shadow of my cap. The gestalt of drugs perpetually coursing through my veins had almost succeeded in burying the nightmare that was my origin story. I stared blankly at the drop of liquor left in my glass, it was mocking the parallels of our desolation and impending fate. Tapping onto the glass with my finger, I could feel the microcircuits working under the silicon composite cocoon which hid my true existence. Faded memories of a world of cold steel flashed across my mind. 


I was forcibly planted in Aion, the Capital City of the Astral Empire, as a researcher in the Astral Institute of Technology by the Empire of Technia nearly two decades ago. My entire family was abducted and held captives by the cyborg dictatorship of Technia. Cold emotionless androids cared not of my will as they casually dismembered then surgically replaced my right arm, almost as it were just a practice procedure. They didn't care about where my loyalties lay, it really didn't matter, the microprocessors implanted in my brain and those connected to my nervous system ensured that disobedience would only be met by a fate worse than death; and they had my family as insurance. 


After all these years, I thought and hoped I had been forsaken and forgotten. While my life in Aion was no paradise, I had grown attached to the fulfilment my work as a researcher gave me. Although a part of humanity was severed from me, I found peace in developing technology that helped others. Time I had outside the research institute, would be spent basking in the subliminal symphony of sin and veiled tolerance of protocol in these areas to convince myself that I was still human.


However, just 24 hours ago the mechanisms within my now cyborg body went into overdrive and sent me a clear order.

" Establish a connection to the systems in the laboratory overseeing the Prince's Lineage chamber."


There were no explicit descriptions of the result or purpose, but it was obvious to me that they had hidden some sort of virus or malware within the codes of my prosthetic arm. An attempt to essentially assassinate Astralian royalty was a Deathwish and we were but hours away from expecting the awakening of the Emperor's third child.




My string of thoughts was interrupted by the sound of a glass slamming onto the maroon table-top in front of me. Shifting my gaze from the tiny scratches littered across the lamination of the counter top, I saw a bewitching red head in a revealing black latex one piece. It struggled to hold her bust in place. Her familiar puffy red lips let out a grin as she pulled herself toward me and seductively caressed my chin with a finger,


"My oh my, it seems like Dr. Steel is having a bad day this New Years Eve..."

"Buzz off Red..." I muttered in an inebriated stupor.

"Big words for a man who hasn't had the balls to even flirt with me after so many years in my club..." she retorted provocatively almost certain i would ignore her as always did.


But this time, I grabbed her by the throat and pulled her toward me, planting my lips on hers. My tongue forced past her juicy lips and started wrestling with hers. The mixture of our alcohol flavored spit made only more enticing by our heavy breaths and increasing body temperature. She took a deep breath when I released her from my clutches, her cheeks flushed in pink, she was a picturesque scene of a shy damsel in heat especially under the red neon lights, albeit definitely not dressed for the part.


"Put my drink on the tab.. and oh ... If I do come back, be prepared to forget your own name whilst screaming mine" I gave her a light nod, smirked and sauntered out the bar.


This was my usual spot, Club Succubus was on the borders of the Black Market and the Red-Light District in Aion. While I held post as a researcher in the Astral Institute of Technology, I found solace in the neon lights and air of carnal desires emanating those who roam these streets. I guess it reminded me what it meant to feel alive. I scuffled my disheveled brown hair and hailed a HoverCab.


"Where to Sir?" A burly middle aged man with a thick accent asked as i entered the hovercraft. Although still named hovercrafts, vehicles in Aion had long surpassed the definition of the phrase. Anti-gravitational technology boomed not long after Astralians learned how manipulate and control dimensional energy through Astral Sigils. Vehicles were laced with tubes of a fluorescent compound that fueled imprinted sigils, giving basic levitation and propulsion capabilities. The term hovercraft was kept more as an homage to its predecessors than literal accuracy.


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"Astral Institute of Technology Sector B-1" I replied nonchalantly.

"Sir, I can only drop you off at the entrance...."

"It's fine..." i waved my hand unwilling to continue the conversation.


Looking out the glass windows, i quickly got lost in the array of lights as we left the Red Light District. It was New Years Eve and the entire capital was rife with jubilance and activity. Gazing upon the smorgasbord of tiny figures dressed in all sorts of fashion scurrying the streets below, I pondered upon my inherent demise. The glow of neon lights amongst the shadow of towering institutes of buildings flew past as we traversed toward the center of Aion where the Astral Colosseum stood majestically.


My surroundings lit up almost as if to signal the departure from a shadier part of town. The Astral Colosseum was an elliptical structure which by itself was large enough to form an entire sub-sector within the capital. It had the stylings of the colosseum in Ancient Rome but its façade was a dark metallic grey. Square tubes of fluorescent gold liquid accented the imposing structure all around, flaunting an imperious demand for caution and respect.


Surrounding the colosseum was a wide walkway and since it was New Years Eve, it was packed with people, street performers and stalls selling a variety of goods and food.


"Why aren't you spending New Years Eve with family or at least down there experiencing the hustle and bustle of the celebrations?" The burly drive commented, as if unable to bear the silence in the vehicle any longer.


"No days off for AIT (Astral Institute of Technology) with the prince on the way and all..." I gave a disinterested mumble, eyes still fixated on the fiesta beneath.


"Oh yes~ It is a true blessing for all of Astral, the Royals have given us paradise compared to the Technians in the South" The driver exclaimed proudly with a heavy accent.


"Yea... they ain't half bad..." I sighed. By no means do i live a life of affluence, but i cant deny that my life in Aion has been relatively peaceful. A wave of guilt hit me as I considered my upcoming actions. Just then, I spotted a 5 year old girl holding her mother's hand, smiling ear to ear at the exuberant lights around her. I buried my nails deep into my palm, the prickling sensation of my lacerated skin forced a glimpse of determination into my soulless eyes. It really mattered not if I survived, however, they have my beloved wife and kid.


Author's Notes

The main intention of this chapter was to start painting the picture of the MC's city, i wanted to start early on in hopes that readers can be more absorbed into the world. However, after proof reading, realized that there weren't much descriptions even though i spent quite some time on this piece. LOL the story is set in a futuristic world so I wanted to start from the shadier parts of town. The goal was to set up a cyberpunk-ish feel to the scene, but obviously, I'm still lacking the skills ugh.. Did loads of research on books like The Sprawl etc, tried to see if i could find references of futuristic cities but i decided that since its my first book, i should spend more time actually just writing. (Coz if not I'd be totally demoralized.. the skill gap between professional writers and us normal people is hella intimidating)

I wanted to paint a fuller picture of the environment, the main characters and lay the foundations of the power structure in this world earlier on. I was mindful that that meant that there'd be very little action so I created Dr.Steel, the sleeping agent. It's also a tool to give a preview of the antagonists of the story.

Tbh I'm pretty worried yall will tune out just after a few chapters.... I really should do more research on English novels xD I'm writing this during my coffee break, I'm only about 15k words (excluding notes) into the story but it feels like I'm still starting the introductions and I haven't yet decided the romantic aspects of the story... boy it really feels like Im biting on more than I can chew. Regardless, I'm determined to persevere!


Anticipating reading back these notes when I'm at chapter 500+ Haha..


Your Friendly Neighborhood Novelist

Mr.B the Novelist

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