Time After Death : Chronicles of A Tyrant Prince

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 – Don’t Mess With The Astrals (2)

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Duke Zhuge let out of smile and looked around in nostalgia, in his hand was a fan made out of metallic blades each outlined by a thick illuminated white strip. This was his weapon of choice, each blade had a power reserve, dimensional energy stored densely within the strips of white; The blades acted as flying daggers and also sources of power for any dimensional array that he forms.


“ The Aion warship…. Named after our great Emperor Aion Teleos… This was the Emperors personal warship that led us to victory in the Great War.”


“During the conception of the Fellowship of the Astral Knights, His Highness ordered the Headquarters to be built around the Aion warship.”


“In his words, it’d be convenient if we needed to kick anyone’s ass!” The duke chuckled as he slowly shook his head.


The younger Guardians, whom knew only of the Almighty Emperor for his unrivalled martial prowess and the mighty sovereign's prestige were slightly taken a back.


“All Praise The Emperor!” they collectively praised, proud to feel that much closer to their ruler.

Capital of Technia - Zukun

Princess Athena's POV

The Aion Warship hovered at the door step of a dome shaped force-field which covered the entire circumference of Zukun. No semblance of it once being a part of a building structure, the Aion warship had a simple design, the command center where the Guardians and I were located was a rectangular cuboid. Below it lay a hemispherical dome which housed a dimensional energy fusion reactor. Attached to each side were 2 giant cannons which dwarfed the command center, stretching meters long, like the domineering arms of a titan.

A pale looking middle-aged man with mechanical arms and legs which peeked out of a jet-black cloak appeared. He levitated to the Warship’s line of sight, standing tall on a circular disk which had the same fluorescence as the HoverCrafts on the underside of it. The cyborg had his chin pointed upward, his pride, illusory or not, shone brighter than the gleam of the Technian badge on his cloak. 

He was obviously an official of status within the Empire of Technia. Prideful as he may be, the Technian official kept a relatively safe distance from the Flagship, he shouted:

“What is the meaning of…..”

“Fire!” I commanded before he could finish his sentence.

Two huge beams of energy shot out of the main laser from the mouths of the two cannons, incinerating the Cyborg before blasting straight onto the Zukun force-field. The beams sent ripples throughout the force-field, shaking the the cold emotionless cityscape of dark grey skyscrapers beneath it.

In response, 15 cyborg figures of all shapes and sizes shot up to the sky and lined up in mid-air. This time however, behind the force field. A deep robotic voice echoed from deep within Zukun,

“Turn around little Astral and I will pardon your insolence…”

I sent instructions to the ship telepathically with my left hand still on the command orb, the command throne elevated itself upward. A hatch slide open at roof of the ship, giving way to my ascension. I circulated the powers of my core toward my throat, mustered all my killing intent and retorted,

“No one messes with the Astrals !!!”

It seemed as if a monstrous metallic behemoth roared with its two frightening maws of destruction.

Another hatch slid open and the Guardians shot out one after the other. It was technically 10 versus 15, however, the Founding Knights could easily take two or three cyborgs on their own and we had the Aion warship to deal with the Technian Defense System. I pointed my spear forward and another set of beams fired out the energy cannons, this time, accompanied by the various attacks of the Guardians by my side.

BOOOOM! A blood-curdling explosion erupted.

When the dust cleared, there was three-foot Cyborg, the only remnants of natural life left was his chiselled face. His entire body exuded a domineering aura, the machine humanoid body his human head was perched upon had tangled wires on his back, like tentacles threatening to catch the unwary. In front of him was another fully-clocked figure who seemed to have single-handedly blocked the force of the attack. An ominous robotic voice echoed from fully cloaked figure,

“Do not mistake our tolerance for weakness… You cannot comprehend the powers you are facing! .” a discomforting aura of crimson energy surrounded this veil figure.

Just as I was about to frown, a portal opened up beside me and out came Grandmama. Amidst the saluting Guardians, she stepped out and said coldly, “Hmph! Geno’s dogs snuck in I see, I smelt your foul stench all the way from Aion…. Now, tell me… what are these unimaginable powers you speak of”

“We are…. “

Grandmama stretched out a hand and clenched it, the overbearing presence that was the veil man was immediately crushed into a smooth metal ball.

“Not interested…” Grandmama scoffed as she turned her gaze toward Emperor Technia.

“Consider clearly where your allegiances lie Technia, you may have made contact with Geno or even Vorta herself but this is still Tertius!”

Emperor Technia bowed politely, still perceptible wide-eyed in shock at how easily the Empress Dowager crushed whom he thought to be inexplicably powerful.

“M..My respects to the Emp.. Empress Dowager, a lot remain out of my control such as the assassination attempt on the Prince… I…”

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“I don’t need excuses, you challenged the Astrals and now need to repay the debt, while most of my powers are sealed… I can easily erase Technia even if the price might be exile.” Grandmama’s voice thundered as she conjured a black hole on her left palm, threatening to unleash total destruction.

The pressure that came from the black hole was so overpowering that I couldn’t breathe. I felt even my consciousness being slowly sucked into the void. A few of the younger guardians buckled under the pressure and fell back down onto the warship.

Emperor Technia’s metallic frame started shivering, a look of fear showed clearly in his eyes as he sighed and muttered, “ What... is the price?”

Grandmama snickered as she dissipated the black hole and dictated, “ Hand over the DNSuit you got from Genos and your impudence shall be forgiven…”

“What is…. “

Before Emperor Technia could finish his sentence, he pummeled into the ground below.

“Do not test me boy, be thankful of my grace… you should understand better than most what it means to provoke an Astral” Grandmama glared down at the ditch, eyes glowing with malevolence.

Just then, the 10 Guardians sent to rob.. *ahem*... liberate the Dimensium mines came flying back, dumbstruck at the sight of a the mighty Technian Emperor in the ditch below.

The disheveled cyborg king struggled to get back up, but he finally tossed a storage ring toward Grandmama.

Grandmama smiled after she checked the contents within, nodded and said calmly,

“Let’s go back home…” A portal opened and she disappeared within in. The incident progressed so quickly that most of us were still dumbfounded.

“Hmph… Return to home base!” I scoffed at the Technian Emperor and descended into the warship.

Princess Sophia’s POV

“Aerial do we have data regarding Chrono’s awakening?”

“Princess the young prince woke up before we had expected…”

“I suggest we do a thorough check-up as soon as possible, he woke up right before the Basic Update data transference. Thank Tertius he seems to be ok but there is no precedence for it.”

“As you know, he basically destroyed his Lineage Chamber; I managed to salvage the readings from moments before that, but everything’s a mess….”

“More importantly, did you notice the Dimensional Sigil forming on his forehead seconds before he broke free? How is that even possible??”

Aerial rambled excitedly.

“Give him a few days to recuperate and we’ll run some tests on him just to make sure everything is alright,” I replied, nodding in agreeance.

“Dimensional Sigils usually only appear when someone reaches the Core Stage, only after bridging the connection between the physical realm and our metaphysical existence can the sigils that mark our affinity to specific dimensional energies materialize…”

“The two most probable explanations are firstly, experiencing the data transference while conscious might have somehow caused a temporary connection between the physical and metaphysical realms or secondly, he was born with a core.” Gripping my chin, I analyzed seriously.

“P… P… Probable? We both know that neither has ever occurred in the history of Astral!” Aerial pointed out, in shock at my conclusions.

“Hmm… I will leave the physical and mental healthcare tests to you, be as comprehensive but as discreet as possible, the testing will be done by only the two of us and no one else, do you understand?” I stared at Aerial, even though she was a colleague and close friend of mine, the protective elder sister in me insisted that I prioritized my baby brother above all else.

Aerial nodded in response but asked, “Should I ask my mother for help? While we’re both adept in running the basic tests, there’s no one more adept in the matters of the core than her, especially if he has any injuries…”

‘The Daimona family have been renowned medical practitioners for centuries, Duchess Isis’s Principle of Life may come in handy,’ I thought, weighing the pros and cons.

“I will allow it, but ensure that she remains discreet about this matter, Chronos has already had one assassination attempt, the less people know the better…” 

Author’s Notes:

First I have to say, hats off to sci-fi writers, it was SO difficult describing a battleship/spacecraft/warship. I ended up keeping it as vague as I could so I didn’t dig myself any technological 'holes'. Will work on it in future and circle back. 

This chapter was to hint at the antagonists of the novel's world and also the MCs first piece of equipment. I kept a lot of the details vague intentionally just to set some foundations that will be delved into in the following chapters.

My daily upload schedule will most likely be 7.30-8pm (GMT-5) in US/Canada, 11.30-12pm (GMT+11) Australia, 8.30-9am (GMT +8) Southeast-Asia. 

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Much Love and Appreciation


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