Time After Death : Chronicles of A Tyrant Prince

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 But… I’m Only Three Days Old

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Prince Chronos Astral's POV

My surroundings were pitch black except for blindingly bright white the spot light shining on me. Looking up, I noticed two lifeless red lights examining me. My eyes hadn't yet grown accustomed to the spotlight, everything was a blur. 


The first thing I realized was that I was strapped onto an X-shaped contraption, my limbs sprawled like the "Vitruvian Man" by Leonardo da Vinci. I tried yanking myself out from the restrains but to no avail. Almost as if in response to my struggle, I felt a large needle piecing into the back of my neck.


"ARRGGGHHH!!" I shrieked, with each drop of an unknown serum invading my body, I could feel an uncontrollable and volatile explosion of strength. My Core groaned under the pressure and the sigil on my forehead light up in crimson hue, it felt like it was about to implode. My veins felt like they were being torn asunder as this foreign source of energy coursed through my system. 


I was in such inexplicable agony that I hadn't realize another contraption had already appeared in front of me. There was tube shaped drill hollowed in the center and it was drilling straight toward the sigil on my forehead.


"NOoo....NOOOO... LET ME GO!!!" I screamed, trying to yank myself out of the restrains but to no avail. In a blink of an eye the drill had already started piercing into my skull...


Prince Chronos's Astral Bedroom

"Noo... Nooo... NOOOO!!" I let out a scream, my eyes shot open. Drenched in sweat I propped myself up and frantically looked to my sides.


"Good Morning Young Master Chronos, are you ok?"


I shifted my gaze only to see a horned lady with big black eyes and even bigger set of bosoms threatening to burst out of her maid outfit. She was gorgeous in her own right, only thing that was slightly peculiar was her straight long hair which was half black and half white split right in the middle.


" I'm fine, I just had a nightmare... again....? Excuse me, but... who are you?"


I said half-awake with a creased yet high pitched voice, slouched over, pressing a single index finger on my right temple.


"I am Hathor, Young Master, your personal maid and caretaker... Ask of me aaaanything you wish" She said cheekily with a wink, and proceeded to greet me with an Astralian Salute.


'Isn't that rather inappropriate to say to a newborn child?' I pondered.


'Then again... isn't it weird for a newborn to even have that question' I shook my head in hopes to freshen myself up and crawled to the edge of the bed.


Hathor stepped forward, conjuring up a basin of water glistening as if it had gold glitter in it. She held it infront of me and bowed slightly " Do freshen up before joining the other masters for a meal."


"Thank you!" I replied as I grabbed the cloth hanging at the side of the intricately carved basin. After dipping the cloth in the water, I covered my face with it. Instantly a wave of rejuvenation swept me, i felt some form of energy seeping through the pores of my face, completely revitalizing me.


"Wow that felt great!" I said, letting out a deep breath


"Young Master this is sacred water from Ikaria in Kingdom of Dadirri, Mistress Athena said that she had plundered... ahem.. politely requested the Dadirrian Royalty to .. ahem ... share some with her... She requested that I presented it to you when you wake up..."


Hathor stammered through the sentence with a squeamish smile, her eyes glimpsed fear or respect or both at the mention of Athena.


Smiling at having such a loving sister I asked,

"What's so special about this sacred water?"


Hathor replied, looking at me still in a 45degree bow,

"Ikaria is home to the fountain of youth...."


Before she could complete her sentence i raised my hand to stop her, my warm smile turning a little sour,

"But... I'm a few days old, am i going to turn back into a fetus?"


Hathors eyes widened, still in shock from my question. Luckily, she chuckled and said,

"You need not worry Young Master, Ikarian Sacred Water is filled with pure life force, for reasons unbeknownst to anyone, the core of the planet leaks a filtered version of its own life force into the fountain of youth..."


"It's anti-aging properties stem from this life force, but in Young Masters case, this life force will give longevity, help refine your basic form, improve innate talents to a small degree and as Mistress Athena says... its good for the skin.."


Even without Hathor having to say anything, I knew that the value of this basin of water must be astronomical. I smiled brightly, unsure if its because i felt touched by my sisters love, or how carefree and overbearing she is.


"Well... Keep it safe for tomorrow, its time to meet the family!"


I hopped off the bed, slipped and fell on all fours. I looked up at Hathor in embarrassment, my cheeks now tinted in pink.


"Young Master shall I carry you?" Hathor said with a hand on her mouth, obviously holding back her laughter.


I gave an awkward smile back then frowned. Only to see a huge smile from Hathor, 'Isn't he the cutest !!! I want to pinch his cheeks sooo soooo badly I'm going crazy!' Hathor thought to herself.

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I considered her offer for a moment but an innate stubbornness and pride held me back.


"No thank you, just.... Hold my hand, ill figure it out!"


I pushed both hands on the ground and had them spread out to balance myself. Soon, i felt Hathor grabbing onto my right hand. I took my first step fully expecting to fall, my PBS experience back on Earth instilled within me that babies did not have adequate muscles to support their body. However, what I realized was that i was perfectly fine.


'This is strange... aside from feeling a little foreign to my body... I feel.... Strong?'


With my left hand on my chin, i pondered for a moment before taking another step. Feeling more confident, i let go of Hathor and took a few more steps. Soon enough i gained my bearings about me and decided to jump.


"AhhHHHhh!!" I screamed as i found myself 20ft in the air, my pudgy arms flailing about. Luckily Hathor burst forward with step and caught me before i fell face first into the floor.


'Mhhmmm this feels nice...' i thought to myself, head buried in Hathor's ample bosoms, cushioning my fall. I got back up, face slightly flushed, and jumped out of her embrace.


"Ahem... Thank you Hathor" I gave a light cough before turning toward the exit of room. I put both hands behind my back and slowly sauntered off trying to shake off the embarrassing moment.


Hathor quickly followed suit and quickly directed me to the Royal Garden.


After a few minutes, I saw a round table on a patio of artificial grass. Around the exquisitely crafted round table were Grandmama and my two sisters. They shifted their gaze onto me, noticing that I had arrived. I stood there in the moment, embellishing the subtle warmth of sunlight on my skin, taking in this picturesque view.


"Come baby brother!" I heard Athena calling for me excitedly. Still feeling a little proud of myself for being able to walk, i strutted toward the table and climbed onto one of the free chairs. However, my line of sight fell beneath the table, I was but a toddler!


I placed both hands above me on top of the edge of the table, but just as i was about to stand up, I could feel the chair levitating upward. Three bright loving smiles and a full spread of delicacies came into view.


"I see our baby Chronos has recovered from the side effects from the PBS and Basic Update already," Sister Sophia nodded in approval.


"Sister Athena explained what PBS was yesterday but what is Basic Update?" I asked curiously, partially distracted by the cornucopia of food calling out to me.


Athena cut in, " The Basic Update is the transference of basic data regarding the family a child is being born into, Sister Sophia and her army of nerds came up with it a few decades ago, rather unnecessary if you ask me."


Sophia frowned, contradictory to her angelic calm appearance, she slammed the table and retorted passionately, " The technology is still at its infancy but give me a few more years and we'll be able to upload entire books, even martial techniques... It will change the whole of Tertius!"


Rolling her eyes, Athena smirked, "Pfft ... you're already one of the richest people in Tertius why are you trying so hard to hoard more Aeons?"


"Aeons?" I interjected.


"Aeons are our currency, it is what makes the world turn, the most beautiful thing across all of the lands!" Sophia stood up, slowly but dramatically waving an arm, eyes beaming before falling straight back into her seat.


"Enough! I didn't spend hours preparing this meal to hear all this jibber-jabber!" Grandmama chided before looking lovingly down at me.


I scanned the delectable variety of food, the table was almost groaning under the weight of the spread. A slight frown appeared on my forehead as I asked,


"Can I eat all this? I mean i am just a few days old...."


Grandmama chuckled in her reply,


"Silly boy, you're a Tai Kong and an Astral! Don't compare yourself with the lower life-forms in the PBS, you were born with unprecedented talent and an astonishingly refined form! Come come eat, this is meat is of a Divine Beast from Telluria ... and this is Zephyr Fish from the Rivers of Time.... And this... "


Grandmama continued to introduce her dishes and though I had not the knowledge to understand most of what she was saying, it was obvious that the ingredients were prized treasures. Our hearty meal continued amidst laughter and jubilance. I could feel different refined energies pouring into my being. Half-way through the meal I realized that I started glowing a golden hue.



Author's Notes:

I had half a mind writing some smut this chapter, not a coincidence Chronos's maid is the goddess of love and fertility. Also, Hathor is known as the cow goddess in Ancient Egypt Mythology, fun fact she was also one of the most powerful of the forty-two state gods in Ancient Egypt. That's why I dubbed her the caretaker.


This was pretty much a filler episode, breakfast with the family after officially waking up. Unavoidable but next comes a pretty interesting episode with the power structure of Tertius and more Mythos! Stay Tuned... Leave a like, comment and subscribe :)


Much Love and Appreciation


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