Time Immemorial

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – Cloud City

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Standing in front of the city gates, Xin Yang was refused entry for the simple reason that he was so poor that he didn't have a single penny on him.

"Come on, man, I promise to come back and give you that silver coin." Xin Yang said, with a frustrated look on his face, he tried to beg the gatekeeper a few times, but unfortunately.

"No means no, what the hell can you do to get a silver coin? Sell your a**?" The gatekeeper sneered as he said, "Now get out of my face, I have more important things to deal with"

With a puzzled expression, Xin Yang was about to leave when he suddenly remembered that he had something that might be of value, he took out the ball from under the fur on his body and said, "Hey, what if I give you this? Can I get in?"

"I don't need your dirty--, oh wait, might you be ...... A Cultivator?" The gatekeeper said, narrowing his eyes at the same time.

"Oh, yes, I am." Xin Yang said, a little surprised, "But does it matter? He thought.

"Oh! Why didn't you tell me earlier, cultivators can enter for free” The gatekeeper said, while moving to the side to let Xin Yang in." Just like that? Then cultivators must be very respected', Xin Yang said, puzzled and surprised at the same time.

Looking at the ball in his hand, he asked the gatekeeper before going in.

"Do you know where I can sell this?"  Xin Yang asked, while holding the ball in his hand.

"Huh? Oh, just head...." The gatekeeper said.

"Okay, thank you." Xin Yang said, while walking over.

Following the instructions given to him by the gatekeeper, Xin Yang reached a huge building with a signboard that read "Merchant’s Association" and he walked inside.

Just as he opened the door, everyone stared at him, or more precisely, at what he was wearing.

"Look, the third beggar of the day."

"Who wants to throw him out?"

Whispers were heard, Xin Yang smiled wryly and walked toward the front desk, the receptionist was an ordinary-looking woman with light brown hair.

Reaching inside the fur to take the ball out, he was interrupted by the voice of the receptionist.

"Sorry, we don't have money for you", said the receptionist, with a cold expression on her face.

Xin Yang smiled wryly while taking out the ball and said, "You misunderstood, miss, I'm here to sell this." Handing the ball to her, she was surprised: "Oh, you're a cultivator? Sorry, sir, misunderstanding, we'll go identify it right away"

The receptionist left in a hurry, "It's good to be a cultivator", thought Yang Xin, while showing a big smile.

A few minutes later, the receptionist came over with a bag, which was obviously filled with something.

The receptionist handed the bag to Xin Yang and said respectfully, "Sir, this is 100 silver coins, that's the core of the Cat-Eared Jackal, but it's only the first level".

Cat-ear Jackal? Cores? I should find a way to get more information for myself, ah, I miss Song Chang already.

"Okay, thank you."

Taking the storage bag, Xin Yang walked outside of the building, Xin Yang stayed there for a while and then moved again, he needed a place to stay, fortunately there was an inn not far away, before he went, he walked towards the nearby clothing store and bought a simple looking robe and threw the fur on his body, it wasn't very expensive, only one silver coin, after that he walked towards the inn and walked inside, the innkeeper welcomed him with a smile, "Welcome to the Fragrant White Flower inn, how can I be of assistance?"

The innkeeper, a tall and sturdy middle-aged man with a sincere expression on his face, you could tell he was a good man as soon as you saw his face.

"Do you have any empty rooms?" Yang Xin asked.

"We do, for five silver coins a month." The innkeeper said, while still smiling.

"Okay, I want to stay here for a month, here" Yang Xin handed him 5 silver coins.

"Here's your key, the room number is engraved on it" The innkeeper handed him a key.

Taking the key, Xin Yang went to the second floor, looking at the number '22' on the key, he opened his room and walked in, closing the door, he jumped on the bed.


Waking up a few hours later, Xin Yang began to cultivate, a few hours had passed and Xin Yang was still cultivating.

As a cultivator, he didn't need to eat, after reaching about the fourth stage, he could go for months without eating and his qi could sustain him.

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It was said that after reaching the Qi gathering stage, one could completely replace food with Qi.

He had reached the peak of the sixth stage of Body Tempering, and after opening his eyes, Xin Yang had a bold idea to try using the first technique he had acquired, not the 'Void Shattering Fist', but the technique he called Void Storage.

A technique he had acquired after spending a few years with that book ...., or a few seconds he wasn't even sure.

Focusing on his palm, he opened a hole big enough for a person to enter and jumped in, only darkness greeted him, like he was inside an abyss, but he could feel he was on the ground, if a person wasn't careful, he would be mentally lost in this place, luckily Xin Yang had experience in places like this, or worse than this.

''It worked!!! Let's try to cultivate here'' Xin Yang began to cultivate.

Opening his eyes, Xin Yang felt that it was five times easier to cultivate here than outside, filled with surprise, shock and joy.

'I should rename this technique to Void Realm, this is absolutely heavenly, hehehe, if I continue to cultivate here, I can get 5 times the effect’ Xin Yang thought

Holding the book that was hovering above his head, Xin Yang continued to cultivate.


A month had passed and Xin Yang had broken through the Body Tempering realm and became a Qi gathering realm cultivator, just the second stage.

He had also made some progress in his Void Shattering Fist, and out of the eighty-one fists, his first two fists could create ripples in the void.

And what’s better than all of that, is that he can finally open the 3rd page, the very first page is just writings exaggerating about how big the world is, and how powerhouses can be seen everywhere, the point of space and time, etc.

Xin Yang already knew that this book would only teach him techniques related to the attributes of space and time, and he had already seen one with space and no time yet.

And now he knew that with each major realm breakthrough, he could open a new page, how strong would he have to be to finish the last page?

Excitedly opening the 3rd page, Yang Xin's eyes widened in shock, along with absolute joy.

'It can't be!' Page 3, a technique that could shatter every expert's worldview.

'Realm Creation', this was something no one had seen before, a technique that could create realms, but wasn't he inside a realm? Why would he need to create realms?

What surprises would this technique bring to him?

More importantly now, he needed to renew his time in the inn, where he had been for a month.

Coming out of the Void Realm, Xin Yang went to the innkeeper to renew his time, only to receive shocking words

"What did you say? You've only stayed here for one day" the innkeeper said, with a confused expression on his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought of something else" Yang Xin said, suppressing his excitement.

'This can't be! This can't be!! The time ratio of Void Realm is 1:3?’

'That means that not only is qi 5 times purer, but the time there is 3 times slower? I ...... I already see myself standing at the peak, hehehe' Xin Yang ran back to his room while scaring everyone with his strange laugh and started cultivating again.

But this time, he wanted to know what this Realm Creation technique could bring him.


Meanwhile, among some powerful clans, there was a commotion, a massacre, a demon was on the loose, and whoever could kill him or bring any information about him would have a great deal of rewards.

Other leaders could sense that things were not going to be quiet anymore.

This is what they call, the calm before the storm, and this storm will hit hard.




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