Time Immemorial

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Destruction

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"Number 58!" One of the sect elders in charge of the competition shouted out the numbers of the contestants and both of them jumped onto the field.

"Take a bow! Begin!" The elders shouted out each word separately, and then the two disciples began to fight.

About 16 hours had passed since the start of the competition, but Xin Yang 's excitement was getting stronger and stronger.

‘I-I’ve never seen anybody fight like this in my whole life, my turns getting closer, can I fight like them?’

‘I hope my training pays off, I know I’m stronger than most of them, no normal disciple can have 9,000 Jin at the 6th stage of Body Tempering’

Xin Yang glanced at what he was holding. A wooden card with his name and number written on it

''Name. Xin Yang

Number: 60

‘Almost, 2 more fights and I’m next’

"The winner, Fang Lin!"

The guy named Fang Lin was a normal guy, everything about him was normal ...... His opponent was too. Both of them were disheveled, with torn clothes and breathing heavily.

'Alright old man, announce the next match, I can't wait to try these new techniques', Xin Yang thought with an excited look on his face, his imagination was so rich that he thought he would win this match, but fate planned otherwise.

"Number 59!"

All the elders sitting there in the seats of the sect elders overseeing the arena, or rather amusing themselves by watching young idiotic disciples bash each other with embarrassing to look at techniques with pitiful proficiency, all the elders sitting there frowned.

''Could it be. Do any of you feel something?'' One elder asked another telepathically.

''I do, it seems like a powerful cultivator is coming this way'' one of the elders answered him.

''I don't feel anything, what are you two talking about?” The other one said with a puzzled expression.

“No, I feel it too, but it's very faint” said the last elder, frowning while stroking his long beard.

While they were discussing their problem, the 59th battle was over and Yang Xin could barely contain his excitement, nervousness and anticipation.

'Come on, An-Na!!!’ Xin Yang thought, barely able to control himself from jumping into the arena.

"NUMB!!!" Before the Outer Sect Elder could finish calling the next number, the ground began to tremble.

'What's happening? Where is my fight? Come on, who is depriving me of my right to fight!!!' Xin Yang shouted in his heart.


The sound of an explosion came from the air.

Suddenly, a huge pressure came at everyone, even the outer sect elders were not spared.

"BLAH, I heard that you have recruited some outstanding young disciples, I haven’t tasted Orange in a really long time." A hoarse voice came from nowhere, sounding like a bolt from the blue.

'Who is that! And what the hell is wrong with his vocal cords!!!' Xin Yang thought, surprise written all over his face, not just his, but everyone's.

No one would think that someone would break into a 6Th ranked sect, who would dare to do that? The answer, of course, was either someone who was begging for death or someone who was extremely strong

"Oops, these are green, and yellow, too many of these today, I want something fresh, oh, and who is the newly appointed Sect Master?" The hoarse voice said.

“That would be me” a strong voice also came from nowhere, and then everyone suddenly found the pressure on their bodies was gone.

‘If you want to talk to each other, can you do it somewhere else? Or at least show your faces!' Yang Xin thought as he slowly stood up.

Two figures suddenly emerged from nowhere. One was holding a shining sword, with long black hair, deep black eyes, and sword brows.

The other one was covered by a black robe, showing only his hands, they look old as old can be.


Xin Yang presumed that the handsome looking guy over there was the Sect Master.

"Tell me why you are here, you know you are not welcome in this area at all, get lost, Plundering Demon" Sect Master said, with a rather angry expression on his face.

“Hehe, come on, is this the way you talk to your seniors? Where’s your honor as the hero of a 1,000 li? Right, Li? Hehehe” The ugly looking fella said, while laughing like a mad man…

Sect Master Li looked agitated “You’re not my senior, Master never acknowledge your ways” Sect Master Li said, while grinding his teeth.

"Ah, come on, little Li, you know it's fun to plunder the talent from those so-called geniuses, don't you think? Heh heh heh, the look on their faces when they find out they can no longer cultivate, heh heh heh" 

‘This guy is really ruthless!’ Xin Yang thought.

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"I smell them, they are nearby" said the Plundering Demon, while sniffing the air. He suddenly rushed towards the core area.

"Don't you dare!!!" Sect Master rushed behind him.

*BOOM BOOM*, explosions, rumbling like thunder. Everyone was trembling, no one could suppress their fear, as long as experts were fighting, there were bound to be many casualties.

Therefore, every disciple wanted to run, wanted to escape from this battlefield, lest they die.

“STAY WHERE YOU ARE, YOU ARE A PART OF THIS SECT!” an Outer Sect Elder said, with an angry look on his face.

'Old man, I came here only a few months ago, I have no attachment to this place' Xin Yang thought, while trying to make a plan on how to escape.

But unfortunately, that elder created a barrier, so no one could escape.

Of course, no one noticed a hand that appeared from nowhere, grabbed Song Chang and disappeared, not even the demon noticed this.

"Hehehe," a creepy laugh came from behind the elder, and everyone looked in his direction.

"No, it can't be!!!" The elder yelled, while staring at the demon, unable to even move his fingers.

That demon, standing there, while holding the Sect Master from his hair, the Sect Master, covered in blood, his clothes in tatters, could barely hold his broken sword.

*FLIP* the elder’s head flies up to the air, while the Sect Master’s body is thrown like a garbage bag being thrown into the dumpster.

'Yeah, no,' Yang Xin thought, turning around and running towards the sect gates.

"How disappointing, those 4 weren't oranges, only having a spark of orange in them" Plunder Demon said, with a frustrated expression on his face.

"Well, since you don't have a Sect Master anymore, I'll just go and destroy this place, huh, I just wasted my time coming here, ah" Plundering Demon said, with a downcast expression on his face as he muttered 'Orb of Destruction'

Right after he muttered, a large black ball appeared above his head and began to expand, then the Plunder Demon flew away while the ball continued to expand and spin.

'I have a bad feeling about him' Xin Yang, exerting all his strength and rushed outside the sect area, the sect is located on top a small mountain, jumping down the mountain stairs, ignoring the pain of stumbling down, he kept jumping until finally he reached the ground, but he still didn’t stop, he continued to run.

Of course, you can see other people are also trying to run, other people are also flying, but in the proximity of that ball, no one can use his Qi, everyone person can only use the maximum potential of his body.

*BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM*, a huge explosion happened right behind him, and the whole mountain, was crushed into absolute dust, leaving nothing behind.

Xin Yang began to slow down, looked behind him, gasped and said, "Wha-, what the hell was that"

He had never seen anything like it, it only took one move and the whole mountain turned into dust, why did that demon come here? Most importantly, what realm was he in?

No one could answer Xin Yang’s question, he looked around and saw no one but himself, he muttered: 'So I'm the only one who survived? Then I need to do something about my robe.'

But first, I need to get to a safe place, or else.

So, Xin Yang started running towards the nearest city, which, according to his memory from his flight on the way here, it wasn't that far away and could be reached in 30 minutes on foot.


When he reached the city, he didn't go inside, but walked into the forest next to the city.

Just after he entered the forest, his first encounter was not a pleasant one. He saw a beast that resembled a dog in appearance, the only difference being its robust body and cat-like ears, otherwise it would be mistaken for a dog.

Sensing someone behind it, the beast leisurely turned back, staring into its dark red eyes, Xin Yang experienced what a death stare was for the first time.


The beast had just finished its meal, so it wasn't in any hurry to take any other.

‘Come on Yang, you got this don’t let a mere cat-dog scare you’ steeling his resolve, Xin Yang stared back at the beast.

Looking at his determined gaze, the beast got infuriated, dare come into Infront of me, and have the determination to kill me? Such Insolence, if the beast could talk, that was what it would say.

Rushing towards Xin Yang in anger, the beast lunged at him. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xin Yang began to follow the "Void Shattering Fist" stance, dodged out of the way, and with all his strength, punched the beast in the ribs, and a visible ripple appeared where the fist had been, poking a hole in the opponent. With a thud, it flew to the ground, dead.

Standing there in amazement, he finally used the technique, albeit the first punch, and was very satisfied.

Walking towards the beast, he noticed something shiny inside the hole he had punched, grabbing it, he looked at what he was holding, a ball the size of his thumb.

'So, maybe this beast can cultivate too? I wonder what realm it was at', thought Xin Yang, putting the ball aside, he opened the beast's mouth, broke off the largest and sharpest tooth, and then began to skin it.

After a few minutes, Xin Yang stood up, wearing the skin of the beast, he buried the clothes that was on his body, now he could enter the city without anyone knowing he was from that sect. With that ball, he started walking towards the city gates.


Right after that explosion, the leaders of all the sects from level six to level nine, and even some of the elders of the Holy Land came to investigate what had happened.

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