Time is subjective

Chapter 4: 4. A new way of “looking” at things

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For the last... ten or so days of her time since she was healed, Eldry had been attempting to move through tim- the t axis again and was greeted with a certain degree of success. She had figured out that no, it wasn't as if she was confined, but rather her then 3d mind wasn't used to processing the extra dimension she has been existing in, and was limiting herself to move that way. In reality, she could have always move freely, both displacement and spinning, though the extra four limbs attached to her and her joints being capable of bending in more directions than it could before did throw her off a little. When she first saw them, she, as all sensible humans – 3d ones – would do, had a panic attack and nearly stubbed her toes on a table, which now she has eight, since apparently getting burnt by time friction then heal by eating your own magical flesh, which she still feels absolutely revolting about even after accepting the magical properties of creating matter out of thin air of it, makes your body adapt to your current number of dimensions and relative symmetrical patterns of body was of a higher position on the priority list than upgrading her mind to match it.

Currently, Eldry is trying to find a way to pretending to have a normal number of limbs on a specific t position and moving along with her remaining ones. As good of an idea it sounds, actually bringing it into practice is an absolute nightmare. She still have to figure out which legs and arms it is that she needs to move, which way to bend her joints to make its connected parts not slip out of the "current time", and which force she need to simulate to as gravity doesn't seem to be returning no matter how hard she tries. With her current biology, the most she can do is to be a floating, biblically accurate angel lookalike with body parts seemingly appearing out of nowhere and disappearing into thin air. Oh, she also has four eyes now. Speaking of sight, Eldry has actually stopped seeing the 3d version of the light, mainly because its interaction with her is not suitable for any kind of light sensing she now has in her eyes. Instead, they are now perceiving some kind of 4d radiation that she admittedly suspects coming from her own body, reflecting off the matter making up the world around her and transferring information to her. The radiation is really sensitive, coupled with her adapted mind, she can observe molecules interacting! Even if it's just a bunch of static tubes running along temporal depth and sometimes a small part of one branches out to another.

With her head expecting to ache, but not actually aching, Eldry stops thinking about it, and instead focusing on trying to look like a convincing human. She has to go back to... to...


'Why am I even doing this?' (E)

Eldry feels useless for even trying to move along with time again. She saw how 3d light travel, it would be going through its own dimensions slower than through the t axis. If she wants to experience even half of her normal life, she will have to move at least faster than half the speed of light which with her current biology is impossible.

"Sigh... *sniff*." (E)

The emotional pain she has been pushing down for days erupts. She has lost her life, now cursed to roam in this limbo of frozen temporalities until she dies. She doesn't even know if she could die. Her eating was just because of her injury induced hunger, but she couldn't even preserve her own humanity. She ate her own flesh, it tasted good, and it healed her. Even if she didn't, her own body wouldn't have been human anymore. Tears stream down her face, making her vision blu-

Wait, down? She is floating upside down, how can her tears stream "down", ignoring the fact that even normal gravity doesn't seem to be working here?

She wipes her tears with her... right arm to the positive t, let's call it temporal front right arm now, what's with the lack of terms to describe body parts in more than three dimensions. She stares in bewilderment when the droplet falls down, at least her down. It splatters against the ceiling a few time-meters away from her at an angle, sticking to it and slowly flows "down". She repositions herself and watches with even more bewilderment, if that's even possible, as "gravity" rotates and the droplet stops in its track then starts pooling to one point, just like normal water.


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