Time is subjective

Chapter 5: 5. A new perspective

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With a mental tug, Eldry floats away to the end of the street. Her experimentations with the radiation emitting from her body had led her to discovering the method of moving around without fearing about drifting into space, or rather just moving by herself without the need to physically touch anything. All she had to do was to release more radiation in one direction, and she could move in the opposite one. Although the seemingly complexity, only one day(?) has passed and she has mastered this traveling method already. At first she was worried about starving to death, but not that it mattered much since her entire biolo- chemistr- err... physics has changed. She was surprised to discover that she no longer breathes "air" nor need to eat, and even more so for not noticing it until after she finished messing around with the radiation based simulated gravity of her tears. She doesn't need to eat, but if she somehow gets hurt then she can eat... her charred flesh to heal the damage, which doesn't follow the energy nor mass preservation law. She tried to "look" at the chemical composition of her own body, but she could only "see" her skin, it's smooth, and topologically a sphere even with her new vision, and it even allow her to directly "see" the smallest atoms.

'Now, how do I return to normal speed?' (E)

Along with the thought comes the feeling of powerlessness and a twinge of pain near her eyes, but she shoves it into her mental seal and psychologically tosses it away to a corner of her mind. She dives head first into experimentation.

Eldry cracks every joints in every way possible, and readies herself. With an extra hard mental tug, she propels herself through the t axis, and with some more emission, she removes direct friction between the strings of matter and herself. Bolting with a little more than a third the speed of light, she begins to experience almost normal interaction with the 3d world, if she ignore the fourth dimension in which she exists, that is. She feels the gentle pull of slowed three dimensional gravity, and decides to push some more when she suddenly feels a sharp pain in her neck, and radiates to a stop. She can feel her neck being impaled with something. Slowly, she dislodges from the thing and floats pastward while throwing a piece of her charred flesh into her mouth to heal with a shiver. When she no longer feels impaled, she looks at the thing.

"..." (E)

It looks like she isn't the only high-dimensional entity around.

Before her is a claw, extending several tens of millions of kilochrons (time kilometer, don't ask), but her 4d mind tells a different story. She had... will been... will had been... ah wait, right, past perfect, had been attacked by another thing like her, but looking at it now, it seems like the Thing is not in the t axis, instead existing in some other w axis. How does she know this? Well it's frozen, and its' compositions, as far as her four dimensional radiation based sight tells her, are weird, stringy atoms, which she concludes that it is the 3d projection of the 4d one, which instead of seeing each slices individually chronologically, she... well, it is spreaded out through the t axis... but she can see all of them at once, and the temporal dimension is one of her spatial ones, and-

'God this is confusing.' (E)

It's not like she doesn't understand, but putting it into her current language doesn't work, she has already had to make up two new words. Shaking herself back to her current situation, she tries to think of a way to deal with this other eldritchling but all she can think of is to take a bite out of it.


Bringing her claws up and ready to slice through th-

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"Holy shit I can shapeshift?"

Her future right hand has become a reflective paw-like construct, with each individual claw about three centimeters long, also having that reflective texture. She thinks to cut something but immediately notices that all the matter strings her claws had gone through was already cut, while before, no matter how much she tried, she could only make it stretch. Does that make sense? It sounded better without putting it to words in her mind.

"How does it even work? Don't I have bones? What kind of anatomy do I have? Am I huma- wait obviously not. Then wh-"

At that moment, Eldry suddenly feels like a beacon appears out of nowhere somewhere future and "shines" like, well, a beacon.

"What the..."

Quickly deciding she would decapitate the thing first, she slashes it up with her claws and starts blasting radiation again and goes at almost the speed of light through "time". It works surprisingly well considering she has only been consciously controlling the emission for half a month (?). Everything has gone back to normal, or so she thought.

"Uriel... one of us did it..." (M)

"Yes! Thank you, Lord #$%^*()Entity-who-dips-into-the-not-usually-used-dimension!" (U)

Eldry feels like something is amiss.

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