To Become Unstoppable

Chapter 12: Ch-12-Dancing with Mina!

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[Eijiro household]

'So I'm going to learn how to dance. This is going to be something alright,' he smiled, waiting outside his house. He wore black shorts, a loose red shirt and his long hair tied into a bun.

He peered around, spotting a pink silhouette in the distance. Mina wore black shorts with a red shirt and a black jacket on top.

"Hey, Eiji! Are you ready to dance?" Mina waved, walking up to him.

"Ready as I'll ever be," He smiled and opened the doors. There was a backyard behind their house.

"Are your parents home?"

"Not today, no, so it'll be just as if you need something. Let me know and I'll get it."

She nodded, following him to the back. It was an open green space. There were two chairs next to a table. "This place is perfect! Alright, no time to waste! Show me your moves!"

Eiji froze as her demand, 'moves? I don't have any moves!'

"How about no and you teach me?"

"Nope," she grinned, sitting down and crossing her legs, she pulled out her phone, "try to dance to this."

She played a repeated drumming beat from her phone while switching to her camera. Eiji, the oblivious fool, flushed, not sure where to begin.

He groaned and clapped his hands and moved along with the beat. It was a basic left-to-right movement with his knees bent and shoulders jumping.

Mina covered her face, trying not to die of laughter. 'Blackmail, I love you so much,' she teared up seeing him continue.

He even added a criss-cross move and poorly did the slide step that would make a certain smooth criminal roll in their grave.

"Hahaha! *Wheeze* stop! You can stop now! I'm going to die, Hahaha!" She saved the video and put it on her cloud.

"Can you teach me please!" Eiji had enough of being tortured.

"Haha yeah just give me a moment," her laughter died down to giggles and with some deep breaths she calmed down.

She got up, took off her jacket, and stretched. "Mn alright, first we're going to get you all flexible, so follow my moves and stretch."

She moved beside him, executing Yoga positions. The beginning was a basic devotional warrior, low lunge side angle pose.

"We're going to have to loosen every part of your body if you want to dance like me," she said, going for a split next.

"I can't do that."

"Pff fine. That should be enough."

"Do you do yoga?"

"In my free time, now stop stalling."

She showed him the basics of dancing some step moves and trying to get accustomed to a beat. She taught him some good moves and some flips, cartwheels, front flips, and backflips, some of which he already knew.

"You're amazing at this." he couldn't help but say the truth.

"Hihi thanks, I also researched what capoeira is and honestly it's pretty cool, so I learned it and kind of made my style, which is why now that you know enough was going to fight!"

She smiled, slamming her fist into her palm.

"Wait what?" He was a second too slow.

She said nothing and began moving from side to side. "The best way to learn is through action, right? This move is called the Ginga. It's like those steps I showed you."

"Alright then let's go," the moment he said she spun into a back kick he avoided by moving to the side, but she already moved and launched a frontal kick that just grazed his face.

He jumped back to gain distance, but her front flipped into an axe kick. "Okay, that can't be part of capoeira."

He said side-stepping again, "It isn't," she said, using her other leg to kick him, pushing him back.

"Dance fight me, come on!" She smiled and ran forward with a leg sweep.

Eiji stepped back, avoiding it, but she didn't stop. The leg sweep grew into a helicopter. She spun around, her legs striking at his feet, waist even reaching his face.

Taking her words seriously, he jumped and rolled back to follow her rhythm. She stopped and got up. Seeing an opening he charged in for a kick but she did a cartwheel stopping with her feet in the air to kick Eijiro 'Aú Batido!' She mentally shouted.

Eiji dodged and flipped backwards, but Mina cartwheeled and appeared right in front of him, being so close they could feel each other's breaths. "What's with the cartwheeling?"

"It's a part of it called Aú, which is like a cartwheel, but they stop halfway changing it into other moves."

She said nothing. Her fist reeled back, going for a punch Eiji reflexively moved to dodge, but it was a feint as he went to start a cartwheel only to kick him with the back of her leg.

He didn't see it coming, and it hit him. She didn't stop going into a handstand and beating him with her legs repeatedly like a wasted ninja named Rock. It landed but didn't hurt as he was bulletproof.

The two didn't stop going into a light dance fighting session. Both were exchanging blows and cartwheeling around into many kicks and punches.

It went on for a while until they finished. Eiji did a handstand, pushing off into the air while Mina did some flips, building up momentum before kicking off.

Eiji stretched into a sidekick, but Mina bent over it, avoiding and going for a spin kick. Eiji caught her leg using his other in a back kick.

But prepared, she twisted her hip using her other leg and brought it down with an axe kick.


The clash ended with Eiji on the floor and Mina on top of her fist, away from his face. She huffed, falling back, "Haha! I won!"

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She wasn't expecting it, but it was a blast for her, "and you did pretty good."

"Thanks," he said, getting up. He offered a hand to his friend, pulling her up.

"I thank I can walk into Capoeira a little confident now. Maybe I don't know what the class is going to be like."

"Mn, but your training isn't over yet. We still have dancing lessons!" She said, pumping the air.


Her rumbling stomach stopped her cheer. "How about lunch? Then we can get back to it, we can order pizza. I don't have many snacks."

"What kind should we order?" She asked, opting for the pizza.

"Stuffed crust Meat shower pizza, pepperoni, ham, meatballs, sausage, chorizo, bacon and ground beef," he listed the meats drooling over every one of them. It was his favourite. Every meat on a pizza.

"So much meat. Let's do it!"

"Alright!" He cheered and grabbed his phone off the table and ordered, "twenty minutes."

"Nice we can take a break then," she said, falling into her chair with a pleased sigh. She peeked over to Eiji, who was fanning himself with his shirt.

"Soo, why did you grow your hair?"

"Oh, this thing," he said, pulling the braid off his hair and returning to its Madara form the best kind of hair there is.

"I can use my hardened quirk with it, so, in any situation, it acts as a shield and weapon. Think of it like a porcupine when its quills stand up. That's how I use it."

Mina tilted her head. The image of red porcupine Eijiro made her laugh. "I like it. It's nice to have a horn body in class!"

"Horn buddy?"

"You haven't noticed?" She gasped in pure shock and walked up to him, grabbing the pointing ends of his hair and matching it with her, "were horn buddies the only ones in class!"

"Oh," that was all he could muster, being close enough to feel her breathing.

Mina huffed and moved back, "really? I'm so disappointed you didn't notice."

"Aha sorry," he let out a dry laugh, 'horn bud, huh?'

The doorbell rang, meaning the pizza was there. "Nice, so we're splitting the price, right?"

"Eh? I thought you were buying. I'm helping you to dance here!"

"Nu-uh, we're splitting the price or you get no pizza."

"B-but what happened to chivalry?" She tried to act cute with pouting eyes and touching her fingertips.

But it all bounced off Eiji's tough armour. "No chivalry is honestly living like a man and giving it your all, we're splitting now or I enjoy my pizza. No cute act is ever going to change me."

He was firm. Mina sighed and caved in, paying half the price. "Good luck getting a girl with that attitude." She muttered. 'I'll remember this.'

"That's not the point here," he said, coming back with the large box. He placed it on the table and opened it.


Both drooled over the perfectly cut and balanced pie without hesitation as they sat down and dug in, along with done refreshment from Eiji's house.

They spent leisurely the rest of the day. They got into small conversations about anything of interest.

"Have you written your speech about the festival?" She asked.

It was then Eiji remembered something choked on his pizza and got up. "One moment, I'll be right back."

It took a while, but he came back with an essay worth of paper. "I asked Iida to give me his suggestions look."

She licked her fingers trapping the papers reading, "we define A Hero as the duty one holds to the public," she stopped reading and flipped through a few pages, "it's still going on about what a hero is. How long is this?"

"20 pages. He goes on to mention each of us and how we hold aspects of being a hero and how UA has shaped us."

"Shaped us? We only just begun, please tell me you're not reading this."

"No, but I am taking the last part of it, though. I marked it."

Hearing him, she flipped through to the last page, "as all of you I also aim to be the best I can be and if being number 1 is what it takes then I'll gladly face all of you in the upcoming trial, though I hope you're intimidated not because I want to strike fear but to show you my competitive spirit, it is only natural as I the president of class 1A will have to stand above all you to show the world the prestige of UA."

There was a bit of silence between the two before they burst into light laughter, imagining Iida talking and everyone's reaction.

"Yeah, but I shortened it to something simple," he said, taking another slice.

"Mn, so you're going for the number 1 spot?"

"Damn right! Nothing's going to get in my way! And only a week left before the festival I'm going to up my training!" He patted his chest with a toothy smile.

"Alright, then I'll support you the best I can!" She smiled, raising her glass.

"Haha," Eiji blushed slightly, "thanks horn buddy!"

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