To Help You Understand

Chapter 37: 34

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Chapter 34

“What more explanation do you need? Carlson Lowe. Of course it’s impossible for you not to know that his name is on it.”

“It’s not true.”

“Hayel confirmed it. Don’t try to insist.”

“Really, I’ll show you the document.”

Violet struggled up and stumbled. Winter grabbed her arm to support her, but she shook it off and opened the safe inside the closet.

There were several documents inside, one of which was the Long Leewood’s land document.

Violet presented the document.

“Here you go. The only thing written on it is my name.”

“Not this. The remaining 4.500 Katashans land.”

“It’s a royal property, so I don’t have the documents.”

“Then who……”

Winter, who was speaking louder, thought for a moment and asked.

“Did you get only 500 Katashans of land from your brother? From the beginning?”


“I gave all of the 5.000 Katashans land for you, whether for you to sell them or get a tenant fee for buying dresses and partying.”

Violet’s eyes grew bigger, at the words he uttered with contorted expressions. Winter soon asked as if he was interrogating.

“How can he transfer your property into the royal property without your permission? It doesn’t make sense.”

“……Ash enjoys polo with high-ranking officials, and the meeting also includes the head of the central bank of the capital, which manages royal property.”

“Damn it!”

Winter was really going crazy. To him, who climbed up from the floor, the high society his wife explained was often so unrealistic, that it felt like a lie.

As Winter poured harsh swear words one after another, Violet wrapped her hands around her ears. She could not tell the child that his father was such a tough talker.

At her actions, Winter covered his mouth with his hand and put it down, then he continued.

“How can a princess like you maintain her dignity with that in the first place? Isn’t that weird? Shouldn’t you have asked me what you were supposed to do?”

“It wasn’t weird. Thank you for caring about me that much, and…… Do you have time to ask if you thought it was weird?”

Violet was about to cry while talking, so she closed her mouth and pressed between her chest with her hands. These days, her emotions get intense so easily.

Barely keeping her emotions together, she continued.

“I’ll go check with the central bank.”

“How can you ride such a rocky carriage in the early stage of your pregnancy? I’ll be back, so stay at home.”

“I’m not going to be in trouble if I ride the carriage for a while. I need to go find out what’s going on. It’s my job.”

Winter blocked the door with his body, as Violet spoke firmly and headed to the door.

“Even the train’s supposed to take seven hours, how can you say that it’s only a while. Don’t do anything dangerous. I’ll check it out soon.”

Violet couldn’t leave the bedroom when a man as big as the door blocked it. Violet who resigned then said.

“Then, please make sure of it.”

Winter’s mind was relieved by her strong eyes. The things he feared, the look she had built as if she had given up, was full of vitality in her desire to protect the child.

Winter wanted his wife to be just like the first time he saw her, when she held his hand firmly with affection, whether having an affair or something. To do so, it was clear that the child would have to be born safely and be held in Violet’s arms.


Winter didn’t think of it as a waste of money, because it wasn’t his money anyway. However, he was shocked by the fact that Violet only lived with one-tenth of what he thought.

While heading to the capital, Winter’s head was mixed up with thoughts.

As soon as the train arrived in the capital, Winter headed to the Opera House where Carlson was performing.

If the central bank is on Ash’s side anyway, it will not return the land with one excuse or another even if Violet comes, let alone himself.

Don’t know about others, but Winter was not confident that he would win the legal battle against Ash, who holds power even after the dissolution of the royal family.

Winter decided to cut the root from the easiest person who is connected.

He entered the waiting room for the singer at the opera theater with a fierce fight. As he kicked in the door, Carlson, who had just left the stage, was drinking alcohol without even removing his stage makeup.


When Winter called, Carlson turned and looked at him.

“Sir Winter! You’re so rude every time I see you.”

“About Long Leewood. How did it happen?”

“Oh, you know that now.”

As he answered in sarcasm, and with a face that wasn’t serious at all, Winter couldn’t resist his temper and grabbed his collar.

“Why the hell do you get the rent for the land? My wife has no idea.”

Whether he was drunk, it’s because there were just the two of them, or whether because Winter was too rude, Carlson lowered his words as if he were a servant.

“The more money, the better. I wrote it after taking good measures.”

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“I wrote it. Not a penny left.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Ash, that guy, must have done it.”

“No, it’s not. I really did it myself.”

Carson smelled strongly other than alcohol, and he wasn’t too scared. Winter’s voice fell threateningly.

“Now that I see you doing this even from behind the scenes, you really aren’t sane, such an addict.”

“But isn’t the performance over? I also have manners to my fans.”

Carlson’s body, which was flapping back and fumbling, tripped and landed on the floor. However, Carlson did not seem to be able to feel the pain as much as he was drunk.

In order to question him seriously, Winter rolled his sleeves, stood in front of Carlson, looked down, and asked.

“Ash Lawrence urged you, didn’t he? Say yes. He’s not worth your loyalty.”

“I really did it alone. You know, if it weren’t for you, I could have married Violet. So I hate you, and I hate Violet, Winter Blooming. Anyway, if you didn’t know that for 3 years, that means you’re not interested in your wife at all. Does it make a difference whether I spend your wife’s money that you don’t love or she spends it? I’d better believe that I wrote it, not the Lawrence family.”

Winter, who was about to stop Carlson’s nag once more, paused for a moment.

Carlson didn’t seem to think that Winter had been suspicious of the two’s affair.

“So what you’re saying is…… you don’t even settle it with my wife.”

“Why would Violet do such a thing..….. Oh, are you talking about an affair?”


In the meantime, Carlson burst out laughing.

“You didn’t even notice that I’ve been stealing money for three years, and now you’re suspicious of an affair? You didn’t tell Violet about it, did you?

“What does that have to do with you?”

“I don’t care. I would feel good if I told you.”

Carlson continued, still unable to withstand the remaining laughter.

“Violet is a person who has a strong pride, as strong as she tries not to hurt other people’s pride. That princess would rather kill herself than being sold for money. But because of the guilt that her father made the country indebted, she gave up her pride and swallowed it. Marrying a stranger like you.”

“I know that.”

“What are you talking about? You have no idea. If you knew Violet, you wouldn’t have said that to her.”

Carlson continued with a satisfied look.

“You will never be forgiven by Violet. She’s that kind of a person. Violet, who I was madly in love with and trying to be loved by, until you showed up. She will never forgive you for destroying her pride. No matter how much the world has ruined her, the values of a person will never change.”

Carlson was tired of sitting down, so he lay down on the floor. He opened his eyes half-closed with pain and drowsiness, and found Winter’s complex expression and laughed hard.

“Oh, you’re in big trouble.”

Although the conversation didn’t work because he was drunk, Winter couldn’t afford to question Carlson even if he was clear-minded. When Winter hurried out of there, Hayel hurriedly stopped him.

“Where are you going? Help me fix this.”

“I have to go back home.”

“No! How could you beat up such a popular singer and just leave?”

“Anyway, he can’t even remember because he’s drunk.”

“Give him at least a few bucks..….”

“He’s been stealing my money for three years. What kind of money do you want me to give? Take care of it by yourself. I’ll go.”

Winter hurried to the carriage.

“You will never be forgiven by Violet.”

What that lunatic said suddenly made him nervous.

If there was no infidelity between the two, as his wife and Carlson said, how on earth did his wife get pregnant?

There’s someone I haven’t guessed, or……

When the opponent, who he thought was certain was removed, other families belatedly filled his head.

His wife may have never met another man.

Hayel’s nonsense words about the miracle kept lingering in his head. Hope is unnecessary. Optimistic people fail. That was Winter’s stubbornness.

However, no matter how much he endured in front of his wife, his stubbornness eventually broke down.

He was nervous as he sat on a train bound for the south, crossing his arms and tapping his fingers.

On second thought, he couldn’t figure out how his wife lived with such little money.

He knew that saying ‘why she didn’t say it earlier’ would no longer work. So he was going to ask her how she has lived for the past three years and he will listen to her as much as she wants this time.

There was so much to tell her as soon as he got back.

She may not understand and hate it, but she had to talk more about money today.

He was actually spending ten times as much money as she thought. So he had ten times as much affection for her as she thought.

That’s how he calculates affection. It’s something she needs to know about him.

So she needs to know that. She has to understand.

He had to get it across to his wife as soon as possible.

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