To Live Again (For a Harem)

Chapter 10: Chapter 5: Awkward Encounter

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I spent the rest of the night learning all I could about the world I was in, which was called Aeccatope. We were currently inside the Zeolum Kingdom which was the southern most kingdom. 

I studied the general history of the world and the kingdoms that inhabit it, but most of it was boring. The more important bits included, there was only one known continent and it didn't have a name, one of the largest wars in all of history recently ended which all four kingdoms, as well as the central empire, took part in, Dungeons existed and they were becoming a major problem, and the existence of a vast piece of land called Wesego. When translated from an ancient language Wesego meant evil.

Wesego was largely unexplored, due to the alarming amount of missing adventurers who decided to try their hand at the treasure that is said to reside there, and Wesego resided in the northern half of the continent.

I had some interest in this place, as it might be a good place to train, and the prospect of treasure would excite anyone, however there was one more piece of information that was much more important than any other.

And it was the fact that polygamy was common in this world. Now any inhibitions I had about bringing both Alex and Elise into my harem were completely gone. 

But alas if something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Polygamy was indeed common but only among A-Rank individuals. Which meant I had three choices. The first was to put off my dream, my sole purpose in life, until I had grown stronger. The second was to use my seductive prowess to get them to join me, and the third was to use Charm (F).

Perhaps in my past life I would have gratefully accepted Charm, however in this life it was different. I was forming my official harem, this wasn't just some quick fun that I could break off at any moment.

I wanted the relationships with my girls to be real. And the use of Charm felt like cheating, it felt artificial. So I decided I would only use it as a last resort, and to rely on my own true charms.

I already had a good idea on how to approach Elise, but before I could I needed Alex's trust. 

"Sigh, I have my work cut out for me."

I wanted to learn a bit of magic before the night had ended, but I found my only surviving eyelid growing heavy. And the last thing I felt was my head hitting the soft-ish mattress.

Some time later I felt a ticklish sensation on my face, that didn't seem to want to go away, so I decided it was time to get up.

When I opened my eyes I almost thought I had died again.

Looking straight into my eyes, from only a few inches away, was an angel Elise. She looked as if she was contemplating something until she realized I had woken up.

"Oh you're awake..." She said, her breath tickling me again. "Hey what's that?" In my peripheral I saw her point further down the bed straight at my soldier, who was standing at full attention.

"Hrk-" I quickly sat myself up, hitting my head on Elise's, and covered little Damian up with the cloth that had fallen off during my sleep.

"Hey what was that for!?" Elise looked as if she had been wronged as she covered her forehead with her hands. She ended up in the floor after we collided.

I too was in pain since it felt like I had just bashed my head against concrete, but I didn't let it show on my face.

"Ah, uhm, sorry Elise, you startled me."

I moved to get off the bed, but was cut short when Elise crawled in between my legs looking directly at my crotch.

"Er, Elise I like you too but-" before I could say anything further another voice interrupted me. The one voice I couldn't afford to hear right now.

"Wake up, it is dawn." A woman walked into my tent freezing at the scene she saw.

Yep Alex, who was now in casual attire, walked in on Elise sitting between my legs while I was completely naked. Due to the angel she couldn't see I had a cloth covering little Damian.

Alex brought her hand to her sword, intending on drawing it to end my life.

I quickly brought my hands up to signal her to stop, while Elise turned to look at her which gave a clear line of sight at my last bastion of protection.

"Wait! It's not what it looks like I swear!"

"Alexa what is this?"

We both spoke at the same time, with me being much louder, yet Alex seemed to have heard us both since she released her grip on her sword.

"Elise I do remember telling you to awaken our guest then report back to me. So explain why you are still here."

'Alex my savior! I wouldn't dare taint Elise. Well not yet anyways.'

Elise pouted a bit before explaining, "I got curious about his thing and wanted to know more."

I feel like only Elise could say something like that as if it were the most innocent thing in the world.

Alex most likely shared the same opinion, as she glared at me with such a ferocity I figured she would put my head on a pike.

"That is none of your concern. Go help the others with taking down the tents, we will join you shortly."

Standing up Elise grumbled something I couldn't make out and walked out, but not before giving one last glance towards my crotch.

Sure that the coast was now clear Alex said, "Explain. If I don't like your story I will cut 'it' off."

Was there any fate that was worse than losing my member? Certainly not. Not even death was as scary as the mere idea of losing it.

Releasing a slight chuckle I started explaining everything that had happened since I woke up.

"I see. I apologize for my oversight." Alex... Apologized? Talk about unexpected.

Seemingly reading my mind Alex continued. "It would be unjust to not apologize when the fault is mine alone. Although I will still consult Elise about the events."

'Just when I thought I was making progress. Seems she still doesn't trust me at all. Maybe this is why she has the Righteous Knight Title...'

Suddenly a black... blob with a slight blue glow to it appeared in the room. I immediately stood, taking a battle stance, but before I could analyze the situation the blob was gone. Alex had her hand raised but quickly let it drop back to her side.

Alex looked down for a moment, the slightest hint of a blush on her face, before speaking, "I have put clothes on your bed. After dressing yourself report to me." And with that she left. Her remark reminded me of my nakedness, but I wasn't that embarrassed. I had been seen naked by countless women in my years, what's one more?

Turning around there was indeed clothes there, which most definitely hadn't been there before.

'Storage magic?' I had read about it last night but didn't think I would see it in action so soon.

Grabbing the new shirt, which had a similar look and feel as my last one, I out it on. The only difference I could tell between this and my previous shirt was the color, which was grey instead of brown.

It was the same story for the trousers and undergarments. They were both practically the same as my old outfit, the only difference was they were grey, and not blue and white respectively.

The last article of clothing was a long black strip of cloth. It didn't feel, or look, like a belt so I was confused for a moment. Then I remembered...

I raised my hand up to my right eye, which I had lost during my battle with the goblins, and sighed. I wrapped the black cloth around my equally black hair covering my eye with it. It would heal after I reached a certain level, or raised Elise to a certain level, but for now I would have to deal with half of my field of view.

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The first thing I noticed with my new clothes was the fact they weren't itchy at all, and actually quite comfortable, unlike the janky outfit I had before. Pyra grumbled a bit in my head after I was done with my analysis.

The second thing I noticed was that they fit quite well, too well even...

'Hey Pyra did they take my measurement while I was out?'

(They did yes.)

'Then that means they made these clothes?'

(You will see soon enough.)

After fixing up my clothes to look a bit more presentable I went out to the outside world in what felt like years.

I was greeted by the sight of armored knights taking down tents, putting out fires, using storage magic to grab anything and everything necessary, and duking it out with each other.

Walking up to the nearest soldier, who was barking out orders and writing in a notepad of sorts, I asked where Alex was. He looked at me like I was some hobo begging for scraps before replying with "Commander Alexandra is in the big tent over there. Perhaps you need me to escort you over there?"

Now not many things got under my skin, but that only applied to women, men on the other hand could piss me off like no other. But I still decided starting a fight was a bad idea and politely declined his generous offer.

Upon reaching the curtain of the tent, the bastard kind knight told me where Alex was currently at, I walked in.

The first thing I saw was Alex, who was sitting behind a desk filling out some paperwork.

"How are the clothes?" She said without looking up at me.

"Surprisingly comfortable."

"Well I'm glad to hear that." Suddenly the epitome of deep responded to me. If not for the words I would have assumed a beast had growled at me.

The fact that, when I turned my head to look at the bearer of such a voice, a wall of muscle was walking straight toward me didn't help much.

Once directly in front of me the absolute unit of a human stood a whole head and a half taller than me, and was nearly twice as wide as I was.

"It's nice to see my hard work go appreciated." The Goliath of a man said.

"Y-your work? Does that mean you made my clothes?" I instantly regretted emphasizing 'you'.

"Do you mean to say something boy?" The giant crossed his arms over each other in front of his chest.

Resisting the urge to spit out a mouthful of blood I tried to make light on the subject, in fear of being crushed to death. "Well it looks like you spend your free time crushing mountains with your bare hands, not sewing clothes."

After a moment of very awkward silence the ten foot tall monster broke into a boisterous laughter I almost mistook for a war cry.

"Ahahaha, ah Alexa I quite like this one. My name is Masum. Alexa told me a bit about you Damian." The titan raised his extremely large hand in order to shake my own. I hesitantly brought my into his grasp, expecting to never be able to use it again, just to find his grip was actually quite gentle.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't allow you to wear your previous clothes. While I could have fixed the holes in them, there was no way for me to remove the blood, so I decided to make a set of identical clothes, although I didn't have any dye..." Masum went on for another five minutes explaining everything about the clothes, from the materials made to the reason he made the clothes similar to my last ones. He didn't know if they held any sentimental value so, in order to not break my heart, made an identical set.

"As you can see Masum here is quite the eccentric." Alex cut into the rambling of the mad titan, which I had been very carefully listening to as to not offend him. I didn't feel like risking any limbs today.

"Hahaha Alexa still want me to pick up the sword is it? Unfortunately the answer is the same as it has always been."

"Huh? Wait you mean you don't fight?" I asked a look of pure shock and disbelief taking over my face.

"Yes... The path of blood is one I no longer walk." For a brief moment I saw it. In his eyes I saw a deep melancholy that I had seen before. It was the look of someone who had lost someone, or something, dear to them. The only difference this time is that it wasn't my fault.

My face must have changed a bit because a wry chuckle came from Masum, "Boy, everyone has their story. Don't let mine worry you." And with that he said his goodbyes and left me and Alex alone.

"So Commander you wished to speak with me?"

Releasing a deep sigh Alex motioned for me to take a seat to which I happily did so.

Alex pulled something out of a pouch in her hip and placed it on the desk.

"Do you know what these are?"

On the desk were two small purple shards that glowed softly in the lowlight of the tent.

"These are beast cores aren't they?"

I had read about them before, these acted as a monster's heart. Monster cores were almost useless by themselves, but once they became purified they could be used in many ways. This purified form was called a mana crystal, and these crystals acted as this world's electricity, as well as one of the main ways people became stronger.

"Yes that is right. These were from the goblins that were dead before we found you. Am I right to assume you were behind their deaths?"

"Yeah that was me, although I don't know if I deserve these. I mean you guys saved my life."

"Elise saved your life. The rest of us were just doing our job. Besides do you really think we have a use for such low grade cores?" Alex really was holding this over my head wasn't she? Not that I could blame her.

"Harsh, but I see your point." I grabbed the cores and went to put them in my satchel, before realizing I didn't actually have one.

With a wry smile on my face I looked towards Alex who, with a sigh, took off her own belt and satchel and handed it over to me.

"Come to think of it why do you have a satchel? I saw you use storage magic earlier." 

"Storage magic is not something I have. I have a storage ring. It has only a small amount of space, space I can't waste on smaller things.

'So it isn't magic but instead rings? But the system never mentioned rings.'

(The system's data can sometimes be incorrect. It's incredibly intelligent but it is not omniscient.) Pyra said after having been silent for a long while.

Standing up from my seat, which Alex did as well, I asked a simple question I would grow to regret. "So, what now?"

"Now we fight."

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