To Live Again (For a Harem)

Chapter 18: Chapter 13: Vengeance

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"Hah~ this is bullshit... Having to work through the storm."

"Yeah but just think, we get a piece of those beauties after our shift."

The bandits were having a very casual conversation.

Alex and I were hiding behind trees that were only a few feet from said bandits. Thanks to the wind and rain they couldn't hear or see us.

I nodded towards her, and she nodded back, and then we rushed them.


The bandit couldn't continue his words as I covered his mouth with my hand and sent a Fire Blast straight down his throat. To my right Alex had stabbed the other bandit through the throat.

[You have killed Bandit level 23]

[EXP Gained]

[Level up!]

[Party Member Alexandra Hart has killed Bandit level 24]

[EXP Gained]

[Level up!]

"Huh? He-" I sent a Flame Needle at the newcomer who saw his dead friends.


(No one has seen, or heard you yet.)

I pointed my hand forward to signal to keep moving. Alex and I kept making our way through the encampment, using Pyra as a guide, and killing every bandit that crossed out paths. I had made it to where all EXP went to me. 

I did this for two reasons. The first being I didn't want Alex to realize she was growing stronger by killing people, not only would it compromise the mission but it might also affect her psyche negatively. The second being I intended to face Igor alone and I needed every bit of strength I could get. I decided I would split up my stat points in between agility and magic.

At some point Alex and I split up to cover more ground. She initially despised the idea of killing someone before they even knew there was a threat, but I convinced her after reminding her what these bastards were doing to the women.

Soon enough I stumbled across a fire, which was burning the corpses of the dead. If not for the wind blowing the scent away from me I would have been able to smell the burning flesh long before I had saw it. I killed the three bandits there and eventually made my way back to Alex.

Unfortunately the more we killed the less I leveled. Even after killing nearly forty of the bastards I had only gained a bit above ten levels.

After we had killed another small group of bandits, and I levelled up again, a loud horn sounded out. Alex and I looked at each other and nodded. The stealth was finally over.

Alex and I ran straight towards where the hostages were, encountering a bandit along the way, to which Alex just sliced him down a peg. Or, well, all the pegs.

Once we reached them, we were greeted by the man of the hour. Igor Bloodfang.

He was standing with a blade at one of the hostages throats, and there were bandits holding their blades at the other hostages throats as well.

The women in question were in nothing but white rags that weren't even covering anything due to the rain.

"Well, well, well. Looks like we have some pesky bugs at our doorstep." Igor said in a deep husky voice. The other bandits laughed at his remark.

As it were I was in prime distance to use Burst Step, however if I did the other hostages would surely die. I tried looking for anything I could do, but I wasn't coming up with any options.

That's when multiple bandits surrounded behind us, giving us no room to breathe at all.

Alex's life, and rep, were at stake here. I couldn't afford to make any mistakes.

Back when we were scouting I decided we needed to kill as many bandits as we could before facing off against Igor, since I stood no chance against him. But now I could defeat him in a fair fight.

[Name: Damian Solace]

[Soul Strength: Mortal (Damaged)]

[Race: Human, (Sealed)]

[Title: Prodigy of Flame]

[Level: 32 (67%)]

[HP: 182]

[MP: 3,000]

[Strength: 44]

[Constitution: 91]

[Magic: 120]

[Resistance: 77]

[Agility: 70]

[Remaining Stat Points: 0]



(A/N I ain't writing all that. I'll probably make a glossary with the skills and stuff, idk. For now I will only write when skills improve, or Damian gets another one.)

Once my magic reached 100, the system informed me that the x2 conversion rate for MP had been increased to x5, which compounded with my Prodigy of Flame's x10 giving me x50, instead of adding together and only giving me x15. This meant I had gained 1,000 MP with those last twenty points alone.

"Say... You. Knight. Have we met before? I feel I should remember such a beautiful face, even if it is covered in blood..."

I could physically hear the rage emanating from Alex at this point. She would attack at any moment.

"Alex calm down. Don't let the bastard get in your head. If you make a move now they all die." I whispered to her, not letting my eye leave Igor's own. In truth I was also pissed. I didn't want anyone talking that way towards a woman I had decided would join my harem. Call me possessive it don't matter to me.

I heard Alex sigh softly and Pyra told me she nodded her head, since she was on my right side.

"Oh no please, come at me. I remember now, you are that knight I defeated all those years ago. Perhaps you wish for a rematch? The loser has to do everything the winner says, what do you say?" Igor spoke slowly with his husky voice.

Suddenly the sounds of whistling broke through the air, and one by one the bandits dropped like flys, even Igor had stumbled a bit with an arrow in his back.

"CHARGE!" I suddenly heard as our fellow knights had charged in our direction from the treeline.

Without wasting a moment I used the incomplete form of Burst Step.

Alex had told me that Igor had two special abilities. Endure, and Last Stand.

Endure made it so that any attack that didn't completely destroy his heart or brain wouldn't kill him. But only once every three days. And Last Stand made him twice as strong when below 10% health. Which meant I had to completely destroy his heart or brain in a single hit, or else we would lose.

Due to the thick steel armor around his chest I decided his unprotected brain was the better choice to blow to bits and pieces.

I landed on my foot only a few feet in front of Igor in an instant, and before I started falling I leapt and closed the remaining distance between us. All thanks to my agility!

I only had one chance to kill him, and this was it!

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Once my hand had almost touched his face I released my spell, "Fire Blast!" I roared out, and the flames engulfed the entirety of his face. Unfortunately I felt an incredibly painful stinging sensation on the right side of my jaw, followed by a bitter darkness.

[Elise POV]

(A/N When doing other people's POVs I will use third person. First person is reserved for our loveable Damian only!)

It had already been fifteen minutes since Alex and Damian had left out, leaving her behind.

Elise was pacing about, completely ignoring the rain that had drenched her figure. She knew this was the best idea, since she was incredibly fearful of death,or at the very least seeing it, but even so she wanted to join them.

Of course Damian adamantly refused. He wouldn't allow her to go anywhere even remotely close to the camp. Elise didn't know, but Damian had Pyra tell him if she did decide to go to the camp anyways. Perks of the party function and all.

'Damian... Please be safe.' She thought.

Suddenly a twig snapped from behind her.

"Eek! W-who's there!?" Elise squeaked out, clearly caught off guard by the sudden sound.

"Still as j'mpy as ev'r ain'tcha sweet cake?" A figure emerged from behind the cover of the trees and rain.

Elise's eyes suddenly widened.

"U-Uncle Gareth?" Indeed Gareth had been standing there, and with him were twelve men who all managed to escape the bandits largely unharmed including Masum.

"Aye lass, tis none oth'r th'n I." Gareth spread his arms knowing what would come next, and as expected a fucking car Elise ran into his arms and hugged him with all of her strength.

"B-but Alexa s-said y-y-you s-she s-said-" Elise choked out through her sobs.

"Shh lass, ye needn't say no w'rds." Gareth held the crying child in his arms for a good minute.

Suddenly Elise jumped up and looked straight into Gareth's eyes.

"Alexandra and Damian went into the camp! You have to help them Uncle Gareth! Alexandra said Igor Bloodfang was there too! ...Also who's Igor Bloodfang?" Elise said tilting her head innocently.

Gareth's face immediately darkened, as did everyone else's. "Igor Bloodfang is v'ry bad news lass. Wh're 're these fr'nds o' yers?"

Elise pointed towards the direction of the camp where Alex and Damian were currently sneaking around killing bandits.

"What're ye doin' lad?" Gareth muttered. "Men we go 'n. Fight on yer hon'r as knights, an' let's clean up some trash." Having said his piece he started jogging towards the camp.

Upon reaching the edges the knights were greeted by a peculiar sight. Damian and Alex were surrounded by bandits on all sides, but the most important person was in front of them, and the knights. The hostages were being held with blades to their throats, and one of the bastards doing it was none other than Igor himself.

"Ready yer arrows men." Igor said then paused for a moment. "F're at will."

Then the arrows flew and hit thier marks. "CHARGE!" Gareth roared out, as he led the mad dash straight towards the battle.

Elise didn't know what to do exactly, so she just stayed behind with Masum. And that's when she saw Damian fly straight into a tree at a speed her eyes could barely follow.

"Damian!" Elise called out.

[Alex POV]

Time slowed as Alex watched as Damian was hit by Igor with such a ferocity that a shockwave formed upon impact.

She watched, frozen in place, as Damian was sent spiraling through the air with a trail of blood following him, before his back collided with a tree and he slid down into a seated position.

She only had one thought on her mind. 'Is he... Dead?'

Alex looked away from Damian when she caught a glimpse of Igor, who's face was completely gone, and instead she could see the innards of his mouth and his brain, or what was left of it. She watched as it healed completely, and Igor had regained his features.

"Damn brat thinks he can kill me!? I am Igor Bloodfang Murderer of Ten Thousand Men, and I will not die to the hands of some kid!" Igor roared out.

Alex only moved after a bandit had snuck up on her and made an attempt at her life. She sidestepped the strike and beheaded the bandit in one elegant strike, then moved on to the next.

A searing rage and taken root in her heart, and she was now out for blood.

'Don't you dare die on me after what you promised bastard!'

[Gareth POV]

Gareth rushed straight at Igor, ignoring his words, and the bandits, then brought out his sword while slashing at his head at the same time.

Igor dodged the attack with some amount of ease and looked into Gareth's eyes.

"I see you've come back for more gramps. This time won't be like the last." Igor said as he readied his sword.

"Aye lad. Th's time I'll kill ya." Gareth said and rushed towards Igor again. Igor slashed in a horizontal strike attempting to remove Gareth's torso from his legs. Unfortunately for him Gareth leaped over the blow, and his head, before returning a counter attack from above.

Igor sidestepped the blow and was preparing to send out another attack before Igor could recover.

"I'll kill you bastard!" A feminine-ish voice resounded from behind him. Igor rolled out of the way in time to avoid Alex's attack, but she didn't stop coming. Alex and Gareth both bombarded him with attacks, with impeccable teamwork. They waited for the other to finish attacking before attacking themselves.

It was like this that Igor was put on the defensive. Everytime he tried to swing Alex or Gareth interrupted him. However it was only a matter of time before Igor managed to sieze an opening and kick Alex in the gut, sending her away.

"Damn bitch! That'll teach you!" Igor roared out as Alex spat out some blood and was sent aways away.

A dangerous glint shined in Gareth's eyes.

"Igor. You will die h're an' now." 

Suddenly wind started to circle around Gareth as his green eyes started to softly glow. Any rain that had gotten too close to Gareth was blown away at a frightening speed.

Igor grinned at the development. "We'll see about that, won't we geezer?"

This time Igor ran towards Gareth, who made no moves.

Igor brought his sword down onto the tiny form of the old man, but Gareth simply redirected it into the dirt, leaving Igor wide open to attack... An attack that never came.

"Th't th' best ye c'n do?"

Igor brought the sword up, intending on hitting the old man's side. Gareth met Igor's sword with his own, and redirected the path over his head.

Gareth was toying with the man...

This continued for roughly ten more seconds.

 "Pray whilst you still live." 

A blade pierced Igor's chest from behind. The culprit? Alex of course, who had one hand clutching her broken ribs and the other holding the blade in Igor's chest. She twisted her trusty blade, getting a pained cry from Igor, and pulled it out. 

Igor fell to the dirt as dead as dead can be, with a look of pain and surprise to be forever etched on his face.

"And may the gods bestow thier mercy upon thee."

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