Tongues & Tails

Chapter 8: Ritual (R-18)

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Weaving between the crowds, Fel snuck a martini from one of the waiter trays in a graceful sweep. The edges of her emerald dress flowed with each step she took, sparkling in stunning contrast to the red carpet. She took a sip of her drink with a deep flourish—every move she made was embellished somehow. After all, Brynn was watching.

And oh, was he watching. Fel shined against the mediocre crowd, dancing her way through highfalutin gatherings of the rich and prestigious as if she belonged in their circles. Her auburn hair was tied low at the nape of her neck, escaped tendrils framing her lovely face. The dress she wore cut high at the thigh and low at the chest, and Brynn drank her in from top to bottom. The hunger to claim her screamed in his veins, but the hunt had just begun.

Fel curtsied and offered quick nods to those she did know in the mingling groups. A few attendants spared her confused glances—Why is the girl who runs the craft shop here? they’d wonder—but no one said a thing. It would look poorly on one of the guests to raise a fuss about invited attendants. Just bad manners, really. And Fel had gone out of her way for this event; eyes lined in coal-black, lips painted ruby red, and the perfume she knew would drive Brynn crazy. Add in a little alcohol and sport, and the potential was explosive. She could feel his eyes on him, her skin prickling at the thought of his touch. But no, not yet. She twirled to one of the long windows lining the wall of the mansion, lingering to look over the blinking lights of the city.

“What’s a beautiful girl like you doing in a place like this?” Brynn’s low, gruff voice caressed her shoulder before reaching her ears.

“I’m here for the drinks.” She smiled and toasted him with her glass before taking a sip. “The company’s pretty boring, actually.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” he replied. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. The floral, enticing scent called to him as powerfully as the joy in her gaze. “That’s a nice perfume you’re wearing.”

“Thank you. What brings such a rugged-looking gentleman to the occasion?” Fel swirled one finger in her drink, hypnotizing him with every pass.

“Why, miss, I was invited by the guest of honor himself!” It was bullshit, neither of them knew who the guest of honor was, anyway. He feigned offense anyway. All part of the game. “Every other pretentious jackass here recognized me. I’m surprised you didn’t.”

She giggled before sucking the dripping alcohol from her finger. Brynn’s eyebrows raised and he licked his lips. “Then I suppose I shouldn’t waste your time with idle chit-chat?” she asked.

He took a step forward, their bodies only inches apart. She looked up at him, locking his gaze and not backing down from his impressive height. Though, when he stood over her like this, her mind drifted to being beneath him—held beneath the weight of his chest, arms pinned at her sides…

Brynn leaned in until his lips were at her ear, breath warm on her skin. “There’s no one I’d rather waste time with.”

“Then dance with me.” The idea struck her suddenly. How long had it been since she’d danced? Years? A small orchestra played gentle music in the grand ballroom, and the enchantment of the evening compelled her to ask.

“You know damn well I can’t dance—” Brynn began.

Fel put a finger over his lips, quieting him. “Dance with me,” she purred again.

Brynn sighed and nibbled her finger before taking her hand in his. “Lead the way.”

She grinned and tugged him closer to the music. He followed her, ignoring the strange looks and whispers behind them. Fuck anyone else there, he wasn’t there for them. Once they’d reached Fel’s chosen spot, she looped one of his hands behind her waist, holding the other in hers.

“Are you really gonna make me waltz?” Brynn raised one eyebrow.

“No, but—”

“Then come here.” He pulled her hands behind his neck and wrapped both arms around her waist. “Stay close to me.”

They swayed in time with the rhythm, lost in each other’s eyes.

“You look beautiful, Fel,” he said after a time.

Fel blushed and giggled. Her long lashes brushed her cheeks before she regained her composure. “You like the dress?”

His fingers skimmed the line of her naked back that began where the dress ended. “I love the dress.” He leaned in, lips nearly at her throat, and took another deep breath of her scent. “And I love the perfume.”

“You don’t look so bad yourself.” She ran her hand through his thick mane of hair. Despite the ever-present scars on his face and the bit of stubble he never seemed to shave, Brynn cleaned up nicely.

The music picked up in tempo, and so did their steps. Brynn shifted their hands similarly to how Fel had set them first. She twirled and spun on Brynn’s lead, breathless in his arms. It felt as if they were the only two people in the room.

“You can dance,” she laughed.

“Mm, I think you just set your bar low.”

Despite his initial disdain, Brynn found that he enjoyed dancing with Fel. Very much. Watching her sway, commanding her movements with the slip of a hand, it was a different kind of power here. She stepped away, their hands joined, and arms extended, then circled back into his body, her back against his chest, her form wrapped in his arms.

He bowed his head over her shoulder, hovering near her jawline. “Do you think we could find somewhere a little more…quiet?”

Fel hissed a breath through clenched teeth when his teeth sunk into her ear. Her heart hammered against her chest, throttling desire through her veins. “I’m sure we could,” she replied beneath her breath.

She led him by the hand through foreign hallways, searching for any rooms with an open door. The first one they found was already occupied. A guest bedroom, it seemed. There was a man in a tuxedo leaning against the mattress, his pants dropped around his ankles. A woman in a red dress knelt in front of him, mouth clearly preoccupied.

“They have the right idea,” Brynn growled into her ear.

The man’s attention snapped toward the sound of Fel laughing. “Do you mind?” he snarled.

“Learn to lock the gods damned door,” Brynn retorted and closed the door behind them.

They continued down the hallway, ignoring the stares of stragglers sipping stolen drinks and the curious glances of other couples. At last, they came to an empty room further back in the estate. A minibar was stationed at the back wall, couches at its side facing televisions the size of Fel’s apartment walls, and at its center stood a mahogany pool table.

“This’ll work nicely.” Fel pulled Brynn inside and, taking note from the previous couple’s blunder, locked the door.

“Now, this is a game room,” Brynn marveled. “I bet this damn thing costs more than Stacy.”

Fel wandered to the bar and lifted a glass and an expensive-looking bottle of liquor. “Let’s not joke. The wine glasses are probably worth more than Stacy.”

“How dare you.” Brynn moved to Fel’s side and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Don’t talk about her that way.”

“And what are you going to do about it?” Fel smiled wryly, eyes glittering with anticipation.

“That’s a dangerous question.” Brynn took her hand, and they moved to the side of the pool table. He lifted her easily and set her on the felt top. “What I wouldn’t do to you right now…”

“A little difficult to play pool if I’m sitting on the table, don’t you think?” she mused, shivering in delight.

“Not exactly what I had in mind.”

He slipped the thin straps of her dress over her shoulder, leaned into her throat, and breathed deep. Her soft, pale skin trembled beneath his fingers and lips, ripe for the taking. Tangling one hand into her hair, he bit into her neck, relishing in the taste.

Fel moaned, fingers digging into his back. He was starving; she could feel it in the intensity of his bite. He was out to mark her in every definition of the word. The hunter had his prey, and she would not escape him.

“I’ll fuck you dizzy, Fel,” he snarled, stealing another nibble from her shoulder. “You’ll scream yourself hoarse.”

“But…someone will…hear,” she said through gasped breaths.

Brynn replied with a breathless laugh as he tugged down the top of her dress, revealing her breasts. His lips traveled south, and Fel whimpered. His teeth sunk deeper, sucked harder, leaving lasting impressions that would remind her of this encounter for days. “Then don’t scream too loud, love,” he murmured against her flesh.

Goosebumps trailed closely behind his mouth; shivers slid down her spine. The heat of his breath grazed her collar bone, the tops of her breasts, then his tongue caressed her tender nipple, and she squealed. The air was cool in stark contrast to his blazing touch, setting her every nerve on fire.

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“You make the best noises,” he crooned, titillating her other breast with sharp, practiced pinches and gentle massages. They fit perfectly in his hand, which he used to his advantage.

“I make…too many noises.”

“No such thing.”

Her toes curled in her shoes, and heat rushed between her legs. She raised one foot to stroke the rising bulge between his thighs, drinking in his sighs. The hardened buds of her chest grew more sensitive with every pass of his tongue. She kicked off her shoes and nuzzled his erection keenly, using the balls of her feet and the tips of her toes.

“Careful, you’re gonna give me a foot fetish,” he groaned.

“Mmhmm,” she purred.

He sucked harder at her breast. Her head tilted backward, creating an erotic curve of her neck. Her whimpering and gasps encouraged him, his hunger immense, his cock throbbing achingly against his pants, growing more insistent by the second. He jerked the hem of her dress up to her thighs, green fabric spilling across the pool table. He needed to taste her, feel her heat, drink her in. He sunk to his knees and tore the thin fabric of her black panties away with his teeth.

“I thought you’d like those.” Fel laughed, running her fingers through his hair.

“Now I like ‘em even more.” He tossed them to the side of the pool table.

Brynn buried his face between her legs, eagerly lapping between the soft creases of her center. She was dripping with pleasure, and her taste was immediate, intoxicating. He gripped her thighs and tugged forward, forcing her to lie on her back, calves dangling over the edge of the pool table.

She cried out, the sound echoing against the walls. She freed one hand from his hair to cover her mouth. They couldn’t be seen, not like this. And it would be her luck that she was the one to spoil it all.

Brynn worked utter magic with his tongue, kneading and caressing her clit as if he was experiencing the pleasure himself. Fel’s thighs shook in his hands, her back arched up from the table. It was indescribable the things he did to her body.

“That’s so good,” she groaned, fingernails digging into his scalp. “Your fucking tongue…”

Brynn slid two fingers inside of her and found it nearly impossible to trade them for his cock right then. She was scorching hot and tight as hell. The thought of burying himself inside her to the hilt consumed him. He searched out her g-spot and fingered it deliberately while continuing his machinations with his tongue. In and out, stroking her depths, setting a speed where she would experience every inch of his fingers entering and leaving her.

“Oh, gods. Nnh…If you keep that up, I’ll…I’ll!” she squeaked between breaths, muffled by the hand around her mouth. Her eyes rolled back into her head, muscles tense with the need to climax. It was delicious torture.

“Count down from one hundred, then,” he commanded, low voice vibrating against her body.

Fel began the countdown out loud, often interrupted by her own cries and squeals. Brynn was a master at pushing her as close to the edge as he could. Unrelenting with his mouth and fingers. She made it to forty when there was a sudden void between her legs. She mewled her distress, but Brynn stood and fought the fastenings on his pants.

“No whining,” he murmured as he kicked away the trousers. “I need to be inside you. Now.”

Brynn crawled up on the pool table, taking Fel’s wrists in one hand, and dragged her higher on the table. He pinned them down, fingers framing the middle pocket of the table, her knuckles hanging free. With the other hand, he pushed one thigh down into her stomach, her ass bared and vulnerable in the air. He plunged his shaft inside of her, an animalistic howl tearing from his throat. Base, carnal lust-fueled his fervent thrusts.

“Gods, that’s deep,” she breathed, her hips rocking against his. She felt filled to the brim. Sweat trickled down her back, lips numb. Her fingers curled into fists, but he held her fast, captive to his desires. She bit her lip in a meager attempt to mask her screams of pleasure. Her breasts bounced in a hypnotizing rhythm with their lovemaking.

“You love it when I fuck you, don’t you?” He punctuated his words with wild thrusts. The felt of the pool table chaffed his knees as the table itself echoed the collisions of their hips. He watched her through the lens of a wolf—as a predator would his prey. Beads of sweat danced on her forehead, and circles of red bloomed on her skin. “You love my cock in you.”

Fel blushed, the red hue consuming her face and neck. But her yielding body and frantic noises told another story. “Yes.”

“Your pussy’s so damn good, Fel. I could fuck you forever.”

“Brynn—Ngh!” He bottomed her out, and they gasped in unison.

She was still on the edge; Brynn could feel it. With every advance, her body syncopated further. Fel wrapped her legs around his back, submitting herself to his will. She wasn’t the only one close to climaxing anymore. He groped her breast and manipulated her nipple with his thumb and forefinger.

“Come for me, Fel,” he demanded. “Now.”

Fel was more than happy to oblige. Her vision exploded with stars as the orgasm took her, wracking her petite frame with ecstasy. Obscene cries rang off the glasses in the bar. She squirmed beneath him, waves of pulsing pleasure sliding from her head to her toes.

The convulsions dragged Brynn over the edge with her. He intertwined his fingers with hers and he parted her lips with his tongue, diving deep into her throat and consuming her in every possible way. His heartbeat hammered in his ears as he released inside of her to the last drop.

He tasted like booze and sex, and Fel delighted in both. Her tongue warred against his as they descended from their high, her fingers holding his like lifelines. Her breathing was erratic, and her thighs quivered around him.

Brynn drew his lips away, bright eyes searching her face. Fel traced the deep scars across his cheeks, the angled jaw, his strong brow line.

“I love you,” Fel murmured.

It was Brynn’s turn to blush. No matter what he fronted to others, Fel was able to turn him to mush in three little words. “I love you, too.”

“You had one thing right, that’s for certain.”

“What’s that?”

“I’m very dizzy,” Fel laughed.

Brynn kissed her again, holding her close, feeling her heartbeat against his.

“So,” Fel curled one finger in his hair, wrapping a tendril round and round, “Shall we grab a drink and play some pool for real?”

“It would be a shame to waste, wouldn’t it?” He pulled away from her, then helped to readjust her straps and dress. He picked up the torn panties from the floor and held them up. “Though, you’ll have to go without underwear.”

“Because that’s the first time that’s ever happened,” Fel rolled her eyes.

“Such sass!” Brynn gently kissed her lips, then her forehead, breathing in her hair. “Never change, Fel.”

“Careful, you’re showing your squishy side.” She hugged him before hopping off the pool table.

“Yeah, you have that effect on me.” Brynn watched her, always captivated by the graceful way she moved. “Do you want to mix drinks or me?”

“You know I’m not great at that.” She searched the floor. Brynn knew so much more about the world at large than she did. But her face brightened as she realized this was the perfect opportunity to learn. “Teach me?”

“Anything you wish.” Brynn grinned and led her to the bar.

They didn’t know what time they left the estate. The sun had begun to rise, but no one came looking for them. They left as silently as they had arrived, hooked arm in arm and sharing in one more secret.

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