Tongues & Tails

Chapter 9: Mia (R-18)

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So many times, Mia had told him he’d look sexy in women’s stockings, underwear, or lingerie. So many times, she’d laughed it off and claimed that she was “just teasing.‟ How many times would it take before she would admit that it wasn’t just teasing? That she really did want these things?

John knew very well that a joke was something that came up once or twice. But Mia continued to make the same kind of comments almost every time they had sex. That she’d love to make him her bitch. That she wanted to watch him submit to another man. And every time, the thoughts both terrified and excited him.

That evening, he had a gig for DJing at a wedding reception. An average job that didn’t require too much thought. Which was a plus—his attentions were elsewhere. Beneath his jeans, a pair of women’s stockings hugged his muscular legs and wrapped around the women’s panties that completed the ensemble. The under-things were tight in the crotch to start, but the knowledge that he was out in public? His blood rushed to an erection that throbbed against their constriction.

He hadn’t told Mia. She was out with a group of girlfriends, drinking away their workweek. Would she really find it as hot as she thought? Should he even show her? The intoxicating mixture of anxiety and arousal made it difficult for him to breathe.

“—the music?” A male guest of the wedding snapped him out of his thoughts.

“Sorry?” John asked, maintaining a straight face.

“What happened to the music?” he replied, his impatience growing by the second.

The blood pounding in John’s ears was so loud he hadn’t noticed that his playlist had ended.

“Ah, shit. Sorry, man.” John quickly loaded in another set of songs and started anew.

“I didn’t pay for silence. Don’t let it happen again.” The guest left him alone.

John brushed away the comment with ease. After so many years as a DJ, he was used to that particular brand of asshole.

The night continued without issue. He graciously accepted the cash and made his way home. The longer he wore the panties and stockings, the more he felt them with every movement. Walking, sitting, driving, he writhed continuously in a futile attempt to readjust to a more comfortable sitting position.

When he reached his apartment, he found Mia lounging on the couch in nothing more than a black negligee. He took his time to enjoy the view as he tossed his keys and wallet on the table.

“Have a good time?” John asked. He moved around the couch to kiss her forehead and make his way to the bedroom. He wanted to change before she could see. Now wouldn’t be the right time. If ever.

She caught him by the wrist. “Where do you think you’re going?” Green eyes pierced his gaze. “You’d leave your lady waiting?”

“I was just gonna change.” John tried to pull away, but Mia held firm.

“Just to strip again?” She stood, slowly making her way around the couch.

The sway in her hips was hypnotizing, and the negligee left little to the imagination. “That’s silly.”

“Mia, wait.” He wanted to tear the thin fabric away from her skin with his teeth, then take her on the floor. But as soon as his jeans were off, what would she think of him? They’d been together almost a year, and it still didn’t seem like enough time to admit how badly he wanted to submit to her completely.

“What’s wrong?” Her hands moved to his belt. She unhooked the button to his pants and slowly unzipped his fly. “Does my baby need a little more inspiration?”

“No, it’s—“

“What have we here?” Mia looked down when her fingers touched the unfamiliar fabric. Well, unfamiliar on him. She tugged at the denim and pulled his jeans down further. With curious fingertips, she traced the lines of the lace panties, the silken stockings. “John...”

“I know, I just—“

Mia yanked down his pants and tore his shirt over his head, leaving the once-concealed lingerie out in the open. Despite her petite frame, she pushed him up against the wall and masked his objections with her kiss. She tasted like wine and strawberries.

“You’ve been a naughty boy,” she murmured against his lips. “Doing this without telling me.”

Her hand slowly traveled south, mapping his skin with her nails. The teasing sent chills down his spine and elicited groans from his throat. After what felt like a lifetime, her palm massaged against his erection, and he gasped. She took the opportunity to thrust her tongue further into his mouth, warring against his.

“Mia,” he breathed, his fingers entangled in her long, dark hair. “You like this?”

She pulled away suddenly; her hazel gaze hungry and mischievous. “Lay down,” she commanded, pointing to the floor.

“Not in bed?”

Mia grabbed him by the hair and sharply tugged until he obeyed her. “Don’t question me. You’re my bitch, now.”

How many times had she teased him about this? It seemed she’d finally reached her cap.

After removing her panties in a tantalizing display, she straddled his upper chest—her hands still weaving into his hair. “You’ll serve me first, understand?”

“Yes,” he replied. She’d pinned his arms to his sides.

“Good.” She inched forward until his mouth met her yielding skin; tongue parting her folds and finding her clit. She was soaked. “Now serve me.”

Her new position allowed John to reach the backs of her thighs, cupping her soft skin and spreading her open. He drank her in with every lap of his tongue, her pleasure dripping down his throat. Mia’s hips rocked against his jawline while he teased, flicked, and sucked at her clit. Her moans echoed against the walls.

“That’s a good boy,” she crooned, breathless.

When he penetrated her with his tongue, her grip tightened and her body convulsed. He wanted to be inside of her so desperately that it hurt. The throb of his constricted cock was a constant reminder of his need.

It didn’t matter. He knew he had to make her cum first.

Fingertips gliding along her skin, he moved his hand beneath her as she rose in another rotation of her hips. On her next gyration, three of his fingers slipped inside her searing heat.

“Fuck,” she moaned, gasping for air and halting her momentum.

She was close; he could feel it. The slick walls of her pussy constricted around his hand, and her breathing sped. He curled his fingers and slid them in and out. Her movements may have come to a standstill, but his tongue and fingers worked her in a torturous rhythm. The grip in his hair dug into his scalp, and the desperate noises that escaped her only emboldened his machinations.

“That’s so...good...I...” She didn’t have the chance to finish her sentence before the orgasm took her.

Convulsions pulsed against his fingers, and a warm, viscous fluid coated his throat. She drew away from his face and repositioned herself lower—at his hips.

Tearing down the panties and stockings, she revealed his stiff erection. He gasped with relief, free from the binds of the tight fabric. She grasped his shaft and ran her silken palm from base to head, tracing the underside with her thumb. Low moans sounded from deep in his chest, and a wicked smile played on her lips.

“I bet that feels good. Being free of such tight panties,” she cooed. “But I know what would feel better.”

Aligning her hips to his, she descended onto his shaft at an infuriating slow speed. She anticipated his desire to thrust into her and clasped his hips, holding them to the floor.

“Not so fast, John. My speed, remember?”

“Yes,” he groaned, his knuckles turned white with frustration.

Her convulsions slowed, throbbing against his cock just enough to tease, nothing to bring him over the edge. The deeper she took him, the more intense they became. And she knew it.

She would slowly draw away, pause, then begin her descent anew. He was sure that he dangled on the brink of madness. It felt like an eternity before her hips finally met his, his cock completely enveloped in her drenched cunt. His eyes rolled back.

“You’ve been such a good pet. Does my baby want to cum?” she teased, running her fingernails down his chest.

“Yes, please,” the desperation he heard in his voice was foreign to him. “Please, Mia.”

She took his hands in hers and placed them on her thighs. “Then get going.”

It was her signal that he could finally move. With fingers digging deep into her flesh, he thrust into her hard and fast. She leaned forward and held onto his arms to steady herself, granting him easier access with each movement of his hips. The constriction of the stockings around his calves, Mia’s body around him, and her constant teasing had him on edge.

“Cum for me, baby,” Mia commanded. “Cum in me.”

That was all the convincing John needed. He slammed her down, plunging into her depths. His orgasm was explosive, sending his entire body into a wave of tremors. He heard himself cry out, but it sounded so far away. Mia raked his skin with her nails, adding to the force of his climax, and he trembled. His lips, fingers, and toes went numb with pleasure.

“Such a good pet,” she murmured.

The way she looked at was like a completely different person from the woman he’d known just that morning. Depravity, perversion, and fulfillment danced in her eyes and her smile. His submission had brought a craving to her features that he’d never seen before.

“You really like this?” John asked, gasping for air.

“More than you could ever know.” Mia rolled to his side, propping herself up on her elbow. “Think you can stand more of it tomorrow?”

“More?” John’s eyebrows raised. The way she said it made it sound like she’d be adding something new to her current repertoire.

“More,” she affirmed, grin widening. “Go get cleaned up. Let’s have a drink.”

John did as she said before mixing a pair of vodka tonics.

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What the hell was she up to?

 When Mia went out for a few hours the next day, John thought nothing of it. It was the weekend, and not uncommon for her to run an errand here and there. However, his heart skipped when she returned with another man in tow. The stranger was half a foot taller than John and strikingly attractive.

More, she’d said. Was another man the “more”?

“This is Gerard,” Mia introduced casually.

“John.” He held out his hand, and Gerard clasped it in a firm handshake with a curt nod.

“We met online last night. It seems he’s a bit of an exhibitionist.” Mia approached John, placing a hand on his chest and pushing him backward. “Which is perfect. Because you’re going to watch.”

All at once, John’s mouth went dry, the room spun, and blood rushed to his cock. He’d be watching Gerard fuck his girl.

“Mia...really?” John said, eyes flickering between her and the newcomer.

“Really,” she growled. The same starving look he’d seen on her features the night prior twisted her lips and glimmered in her eyes.

John’s legs collided with the couch, and he was forced to sit down. Mia drew away from him, closing the door and opening the curtains, allowing streams of light to illuminate their living room. She moved their coffee table to the side and escorted Gerard to the middle of the room.

Immediately in front of John.

The hairs on John’s arms raised, and his fingernails dug into his jeans. Half of him wanted to watch. Half of him wanted to scream.

Gerard tugged Mia’s shirt over her head, and she tossed it at John’s feet. Next came her bra. They were covered with her perfume and overwhelmed his senses. Her small, dark nipples were hard at the ends of her perfect breasts. She was just as excited by the idea of John’s torture as he was. He bit his tongue until the metallic taste of blood coated his mouth.

Gerard carefully removed her jeans, then moved to her panties. As he slid them down her legs, his lips trailed the curves of her stomach, down the lines of her hips, to her thighs—

“Wait,” John begged. He lurched forward, unable to bite back his plea.

“Wait?” Mia repeated. “You agreed to more, didn’t you, pet?”

Mia snatched the pink panties from around her ankles and stepped toward him. Pushing John back to a sitting position on the couch, she wadded the fabric in her palm, parted his lips with her fingers, and shoved the entirety of her underwear into his mouth. The taste of her pleasure on his tongue made him dizzy. The fabric brushed the back of his throat, and he gagged. A cold sweat embraced him, and his first reaction was to get them the hell out of his mouth.

“Don’t you dare,” Mia growled. “I will have Gerard bind you if you don’t behave. Understand?”

John nodded and dropped his arms.

Mia caressed John’s face, studying him closely. “Now, sit here and watch. Like a good boy.”

He nodded vehemently, chewing against the lace coating his tongue. Mia returned to Gerard—who had already stripped away his clothing.

She motioned for him to lie down, and he did so without a word, his head only a few feet away from John’s feet.

Mia looked pointedly at John. “How badly do you want to be the one beneath me right now?”

John’s heart pounded against his chest. He wanted nothing more than to taste her skin, massage her breasts, and fuck her brains out.

Yet, all he could do was watch.

Mia straddled Gerard and grasped his massive shaft. She guided him between her folds, slowly lowering her hips. Her head lulled back as a breathy, satisfied moan lingered on her tongue.

John’s eyes widened with her pleasure. His body was wracked with need. Mia was his to claim—his to taste. But, a gradual, terrifying realization consumed him: he loved watching her fuck another man.

Mia and Gerard’s bodies aligned, and she set the pace. A slow, purposeful grind was performed as a showcase to John—he could see exactly how deep he was inside of her. Gerard’s shaft was soaked with her juices, punctuating the stringent taste of her panties on John’s tongue.

Mia leaned back, and Gerard took her hips in his hands, as John had only the night prior. Gerard bucked into her, careful to keep the rhythm Mia had set. She grasped her breasts and teased at her nipples with her fingertips.

“Fuck yes,” she moaned.

John groaned against his makeshift gag, finding his hand had gravitated to his erection through his jeans.

“My pet is jealous,” Mia breathed. “You want to please me, too.”

God, did he. There was so much that he craved. He wanted to close his eyes and found that he couldn’t. Watching his Mia get fucked, seeing her pleasure, he found himself quickly becoming addicted to the scene before him. He wanted more.

“Faster,” Mia demanded.

Gerard obliged. Mia's breasts swung in time with her hips. She pinched and teased at her nipples with furious determination. A thin sheen of sweat covered her skin, glimmering in the low light.

“You’ll watch me cum.”

John nodded, goosebumps spreading across his skin. It wasn’t a question; it was an order.

“Cum with me, Gerard.” Another order. His thrusts grew more urgent.

When the orgasm claimed her, her moans turned to cries that reverberated against the windows. Her hands dropped to Gerard’s chest, and her hips bore down against his.

John’s animalistic urges tore at his heart and mind. Caused so much tension in the rest of his body that he didn’t notice that he wasn’t breathing. Less than 24 hours before, she’d born down on him. Held on to him. And now she was with another man.

Gerard’s groans joined Mia’s, and John fought to remain where he was. So many thoughts raced across his purview. Chief of them all: Mia was supposed to be his.

Mia separated herself from Gerard, approaching John and grabbing him by the chin.

“Do you wish to please me, too?” She kissed his forehead, then his cheek. Her breasts were close enough to touch.

He didn’t dare. Somewhere deep inside of his frustrations, he nodded.

“Then please me.” She tore the panties from his mouth.

“Thank you.” John coughed.

Gerard moved to sit behind her, and Mia leaned back against his chest.

She reached forward and snatched the neckline of John’s t-shirt, spreading her legs and guiding his mouth to her cunt. John fell to his knees before them both, using his hands to hold her thighs open while she kept her fingers in his hair. A familiar position that the addition of another man had drastically altered.

He eagerly licked at her clit, Gerard’s semen intermixed with Mia’s fluids. At first, the taste made him gag. Then, the image of Gerard deep inside of his girlfriend resurfaced. He didn’t care about the taste. He breathed her in—both of them in.

“Mmm, that’s a good boy.”

He moved lower, penetrating her with his tongue as he had the evening prior, and drank in the bittersweet mixture of their ecstasy.

She moaned, restoring his courage. He returned his attentions to the sensitive hood of her clit, gently sucking and brushing against her with his tongue.

“Yeah, like that,” she crooned.

Sweat dripped down his back beneath his shirt. Cum dripped down his throat. He flattened his tongue and lapped from base to clit, adding pressure with every pass. Her moans grew louder. Gerard’s presence and the knowledge that another man was watching him consume their combined fluids somehow emboldened his movements.

“Drink it all.”

He could feel her thighs quiver against his shoulders. She was close to climax. He covered her opening with his mouth. Desperate noises escaped her, and a rush of juices squirted into the back of his throat. Hers. Gerard’s. It didn’t matter. He did as she asked and drank it all.

When she descended from her orgasm, she pulled him away by the throat and met his gaze. John’s mouth was covered in a thick, white liquid.

“It seems you could take more, after all.” Mia smiled.

She had no idea.

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