Transcendent David

Chapter 1055: CH 1053

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The Zerg world has lost the protection of the "blade Mantis emperor" and the previous war of invading God's world has greatly reduced the number of Zerg on this Zerg planet.

If the "blade Mantis emperor" is still there, there will continue to be space Zerg to open space wormholes and transmit a large number of Zerg.

But after the "blade Mantis emperor" disappeared, the space Zerg, who had lost their command, had long stopped this kind of action that consumed their own space energy endlessly.

God's great world and the interstellar Federation launched a joint operation codenamed "lander". The interstellar Federation dropped krypton crystal bombs on the Zerg planet named "lander planet" through the space gate.

After half a day's saturation bombing, the knightly battle array of twelve Templar knights from God's great world crossed the wormhole of space.

Even those who have just landed on the planet at a distance of 30 kilometers will not be able to leave all the damaged Zerg on the ground.

Since the twelve Templar Knights did not appear in the sight of a large number of Zerg, they did not trigger a wave of worms.

Only three fifth level Zerg tried to attack, but they were blocked by twelve Templars. The three fifth level Zerg could not get any benefits and didn't get too much entanglement.

The twelve Templar Knights are ordered to set up a defensive area and not to pursue the level 5 Zerg.

After that, engineers in engineering exoskeleton armor of the interstellar Federation entered the space gate with a large number of components, and began to build the first human base on lander planet.

This may also be the first base that humans built in the Zerg world. Until the base was built, the Zerg did not launch a large-scale attack, and only a small number of Zerg came to harass it after they found it.

After the completion of the base, general Francis returned to the interstellar Federation. Due to the change of the war situation here, there was no need for a large number of federal fleets to be stationed. There were only two warship brigades, 2000 warships and an embassy guarding the star, so there was no longer any combat power of the interstellar Federation.

The original commander-in-chief was replaced by general Francis to speaker Gould. The two warship brigades here will cooperate with speaker Gould's instructions.

This is also normal. In the end, this is the place where God belongs to the big world. During the war, because the warships of the Federation are the main force of the war, the federal generals who are more familiar with the federal warships will naturally command them.

Of course, the interstellar Federation did not suffer. The 2000 warships left to participate in the development of the Zerg world on the other side of the space gate will be allocated the spoils according to their respective contributions.

In addition, the Federation will also send a large number of elite beetles and extraordinary people to participate in the task of hunting and killing Zerg to obtain more resources.

Speaker Gould stood outside the space door, which was arranged into a square by the five temples to facilitate the access of large-scale equipment.

He looked at the space gate and was in a state of agitation. During his term of office, he led the knights to attack the Zerg world. Although the temple and the interstellar Federation helped him, his achievements could not be erased.

Without hesitation, speaker Gould walked into the space door and instantly changed the world. When he reappeared, he had come to a desolate area.

Ordinary people can't survive here. Although there is an atmosphere, the composition of the atmosphere is far from meeting the requirements of human survival.

The most attractive site on lander planet is the base built by federal engineers using alloy. Although it does not conform to the aesthetics of speaker Gould, it is a human building.

"Lord Ludwig, what's going on here?" Speaker Gould saw Lord Ludwig, who was standing in front of him. He asked in a voice.

The head of the base is now Lord Ludwig, who has enough strength and prestige.

"The situation is not good, I try to explore outwards, but except for the area under our feet, the underground situation in other places is extremely complex, the whole underground is hollowed out, and the unknown number of Zerg hide among them, so it is very difficult to clean it up!" Lord Ludwig said with a wry smile and shaking his head.

Speaker Gould frowned. He stepped down, and a force of blood went down his feet to the ground.

"Why is this underground solid?" Speaker Gould asked curiously, feeling the feedback from the underground.

"The engineers of the interstellar Federation said that the underground here is also temporarily filled. Maybe the Zerg gather here on a large scale, and the ground needs reinforcement to bear it!" Lord Ludwig replied.

It can only be said that the gods belong to the great world and the interstellar Federation. Luck accounts for a large part of this joint operation.

Because the ground is solid and there is no other complex underground structure, this makes the interstellar Federation krypton crystal bomb saturation bombing work.

If there are a large number of underground passages, krypton crystal bombs can't completely clean up the nearby Zerg. What they are waiting for is the continuous invasion of Zerg underground.

In fact, this area is really special. The "blade Mantis emperor" often needs to mobilize large Zerg, so this area has been reinforced by Zerg who have the ability to manipulate soil.This makes the underground of this area stronger than the ordinary solid area, and the underground soil is almost petrified.

"Leave six Templars to help garrison the base, and the rest of the Templars will go with me to check the situation!" Speaker Gould said in a deep voice.

The reason why we can help garrison the base is that there are a lot of defense weapons in the base. Maybe it is difficult to deal with level 5 Zerg, but we can persist for a long time against a large number of middle and low-level Zerg.

Here's to talk about the difference between the base here and the Battlestar base. Because of the special energy environment, Battlestar cannot use large-scale energy weapons, which greatly affects the combat power that the Federation can play in Battlestar.

On the lander planet, all kinds of weapons can be used here. Even since this is not the world of gods and the interstellar Federation, the interstellar federation can use many energy weapons that are extremely destructive to the environment.

"Good!" Lord Ludwig nodded.

At present, only 12 Templars remain here, and this number will not increase any more. Except for other Templars who come to pick up missions, the number of templars normally stationed will keep this number.

This is to reduce the occurrence of accidents. Every level 5 Templar is precious. Any fall will have a great impact on the god world.

Twelve Templars and the planet federation can't resist the attack, that is, beyond the base's defense capability, the best choice is to return to the space gate.

What the god world really needs to consider is the return of Zerg gods. At that time, it was estimated that it would be very difficult for the twelve Templars to escape back, which was also the biggest Temple Knight loss that the god world could bear.

Six Templar knights, including Lord Ludwig, came to Chancellor Gould's side. Without speaking, the seven Templars naturally formed a cavalry battle.

"Lord Ludwig, you will lead the way!" Speaker Gould has no dictatorship, Lord Ludwig has more experience, which is very important to explore the new world.

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Lord Ludwig did not refuse. The knight battle changed. He was in the front of the cavalry battle.

He chose the direction he had explored last time, which is also for the sake of the safety of speaker Gould. The direction he has explored is less dangerous.

Instead of flying high, the seven Templars moved several meters above the ground.

Less than 30 kilometers, just 20 kilometers away, speaker Gould saw the incomplete hole on the ground.

After the saturation bombing of krypton crystal powder bomb, the surface has been blasted and cleaned many times, but only a part of the hole has been destroyed underground. Speaker Gould can even see insects probe at the underground hole.

This shows that the real safe area is only 20 kilometers. After this area, although there are few Zerg on the surface, it is difficult to say underground.

Just thinking about it, a group of more than 200 "phantom millipedes" burst out of the cave and rushed towards them.

Only the third level "phantom millipede" is brave, but the result is certain. Lord Ludwig sweeps out a few bloody sword blades and cleans them up.

After that, every ten meters, more or less Zerg rush out to attack them.

"It's suitable for hunting here!" Speaker Gould was not annoyed by the Zerg harassment, but said happily.

This level of Zerg attack is suitable for the level 4 sky knights to form a team for hunting. Maybe it can also cooperate with the warriors of the interstellar Federation to use long-range weapons for tactical cooperation to make hunting safer.

While speaker Gould was still planning the follow-up development, a group of hundreds of poisonous powder moths flew out of the ground, and all of a sudden the sky was covered with gray poisonous powder.

This poison powder is useless to the Templars, but it can't hurt the third level earth knights. Naturally, it won't attract the attention of the seven Templars.

But the powder also covered the sight of the Knights of the temple. Under the cover of the powder, a golden light rushed out of the ground, and the target was Lord Ludwig who was in the front.

Lord Ludwig sensed the danger. He immediately blocked his level 5 light sword in front of him. At the same time, a shield of blood force was turned into a shield to protect his body.

The golden light is so fast that it will be near when it is discovered.

Lord Ludwig only felt a strange and strange penetrating force hit him. The shield of blood force only blocked a small part, and the rest of the penetration went into his light sword of level 5.

The light sword of level 5 also failed to defend. The penetrating force continued to enter and hit his black knight's armor.

The armor, which was claimed to be made by the gods, only offset half of the penetration. The rest of the penetration still hit Lord Ludwig's body.

Speaker Gould, who was next to Lord Ludwig, wielded a light sword of grade five in his hand, but the golden light flashed and went back to the underground cave.

"Withdraw!" Cried speaker Gould.

He held Lord Ludwig to prevent Lord Ludwig from falling.The knight's battle array turned and retreated at the fastest speed. The insects that harassed along the way were crushed by the blood force leaked from the knight battle array.

At this time, no Templar can save the power of blood. They release their blood force not only to accelerate the retreat, but also to prevent the golden Zerg from sneaking again.

"I'm losing face this time!" Just returned to the safe area, Lord Ludwig also slowed down, he said pale.

"How is the injury?" Speaker Gould ignored his self mockery and asked in a deep voice.

"Fortunately, the viscera is injured. It is estimated that it will be OK after a few days' rest." Said Lord Ludwig, shaking his head.

"It's the" golden beetle's "armor breaking attack." the level five Zerg are more terrible on the ground than in space. " Speaker Gould saw the fifth level Zerg and recognized his ability to hurt Lord Ludwig.

Level 5 Zerg will not dodge and hide when they are in space. However, they may be attacked by level 5 Zerg at any time in the environment of "lander planet" with dense holes.

Especially for the level 5 Zerg with special attack ability, level 5 Templars are hard to resist in close combat.

Like this "golden beetle", Lord Ludwig's defense style is already the best, but what he encounters is the "armor breaking strike", which can ignore the knight's armor attack talent, and injuries are inevitable.

If it was in space, Lord Ludwig could have prevented the attack of the "golden beetle" in advance, using the power of the Knights' battle array to widen the distance from the "golden beetle".

"If you don't clean up the level 5 Zerg nearby first, the Knights will be at great risk of hunting here!" Lord Ludwig said bitterly.

"We can't recruit all the Templars of dragon blood to form a team." Speaker Gould shook his head and said helplessly.

Of course, this is impossible. Once you meet the Zerg God level, or you don't have to meet the Zerg God level, as long as you meet the Zerg legend level or above, you can destroy the dragon's blood.

The paladin of dragon blood is one of the strongest knights in the temple of the great world, and also the elite among the top nobles.

"Can you ask Lord Arthur to come and help?" Lord Ludwig asked softly.

In this case, Lord Ludwig naturally thought of Lord Arthur, the most powerful knight in the world.

"Don't think about it. I've already asked. He definitely said that he won't come. He has done enough, and I don't disturb much." Said speaker Gould, shaking his head.

"And Lord Harlow?" Lord Ludwig continued.

"Lord Harlow and the other twelve Templars are all here. They don't have to attend all of them, as long as they can come to six." Speaker Gould said with a twinkle in his eyes.

Lord Harlow and the other twelve Templar Knights showed great brilliance in the previous wars. Their terrible "swordsmanship" was taught by Lord Arthur, and had the same terrible power as Lord Arthur. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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