Transcendent David

Chapter 1056: CH 1054

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The thirteen Templars, including Lord Harlow, stayed with the rest of the Templars who had been called to war.

Since the transport of the chaos domain is now unrestricted, it takes only a few seconds to teleport from Tula to the center of the chaotic universe where the space gate is located.

There are only more than 30 Templars left. This is the preparation Templars prepared by Lord Gould. In order to replace the 12 Templars left on the Zerg world "lander planet" on a regular basis.

At present, this part of the temple Knights rotate. In the future, more Templar Knights will join in the rotation. Garrisoning the lander planet can not only gain combat merit, but also give priority to the distribution of spoils.

Speaker Gould sent a message to Lord Harlow's Lord level contact system, alerting David who was in the retreat of gamisin.

When nothing happens, Lord Harlow and the other twelve Templars can act on their own, and the soul body can handle some affairs by themselves.

At this time, the thirteen Templar knights had no feelings at all, and they dealt with affairs as if they were brainheads.

But as long as there are trigger conditions, it will disturb David's main soul, and the mind will immediately take over the control of the body of the Templar.

Lord Harlow did not have any emotional eyes at all. David checked the contact array and found that he had asked Lord Harlow to take five other Templar knights to the space gate.

David was interested. He wanted to see the space door for a long time.

Speaker Gould seems to be in trouble, otherwise he would not let his six Templars separate.

Each of David's Templar Knights has made great contributions to the war. His performance on the battlefield was amazing. It must be something ordinary Templars can't solve if they want to go to Zerg world.

David controls Lord Harlow with his five Templar Knights and teleports them directly from the Tula starball portal to the space gate.

He looked at the five huge temples with a little guilty heart, but he was Lord Harlow's separate body at this time. No matter from his soul or body, he did not exceed the category of level five Templar Knight, so he immediately adjusted his mood.

It can be seen that although the temple blocked the space door, it did not participate in the management of the space door, but the Supreme Council arranged for the knight to manage it.

Apart from the occasional sound of the five halls in the square, there is no other space.

Naturally, David did not think that the five great temples would not pay attention to it. On the contrary, in the space gate, the temples would maintain a very strong fighting power, and even the five gods would pay close attention to the five huge temples at any time.

"Lord Harlow, your garrison mission with the five Templars was supposed to be next month, but now we are in trouble on lander planet. We need the Templars with strong attack power to help clean up. In addition, your leader has been determined and will be sent to you after the completion of this mission!" Speaker Gould met Lord Harlow alone and explained the reason for calling in the six Templars.

Because of Lord Arthur's relationship, Chancellor Gould regarded Lord Harlow and the other twelve Templars as his own, so he spoke more directly.

"At your command!" Lord Harlow bowed.

"All the Zerg you killed can be taken away by yourself. In addition, you will also be able to record the fighting achievements." Speaker Gould said with a smile and wave when he saw that Lord Harlow had agreed to come down.

Following speaker Gould through the space gate, he sent the message to the "lander planet". David felt the suppression of the world rules in the Zerg world. However, the suppression of the fifth level Templar Knights was not particularly strong, and their combat power could be maintained at least half of the time.

However, this has a great impact on ordinary Templar knights, especially when they encounter the level 5 Zerg, there is a gap between the level 5 Zerg and the level 5 Zerg. If this goes up, the gap will be even greater.

With the arrival of Lord Harlow, Lord Ludwig left the lander planet with five Templars. There was no need for many Templars to be stationed here. It was appropriate to keep twelve Templars.

David stayed in Lord Harlow's body to visit the Zerg planet opposite the space gate.

He has no interest in manipulating Lord Harlow to fight. His body strength has reached the peak legendary level. The speed power of his noumenon is much stronger than that of level 5 Templars. This also makes him unaccustomed to manipulating Lord Harlow to fight.

Instead, it's better to let the spirit of Lord Harlow fight automatically. David also believes that as long as there are no Zerg above the legendary level, no level 5 Zerg can kill Lord Harlow and split with the other five Templars in a short time.

Lord Harlow and the other five Templar Knights have received the master level knowledge replication of "Knight battle array" from their own body. In addition, all of them have mastered the talent ability of "swordsmanship". In the battle of level 5, the six Templar Knights are separated to form the knight battle array, which is almost invincible.

The most terrible thing is that the souls of Lord Harlow and the other five Templar Knights are interconnected. In the battle and battle of knights, their cooperation reaches the theoretical extreme of cooperation among knights.

Speaker Gould also knew that Lord Arthur was special to the Templars, so he did not join the Knights' battle, but was protected by the Knights' battle.Still in the same way as Lord Ludwig, moving a few meters above the ground.

"Be careful, there will be a Zerg attack underground next!" At 20 kilometers, speaker Gould warned.

He came to see if the knight battle led by Lord Harlow could effectively complete the mission. If even Lord Harlow could not clean up the lander planet, he would have no choice but to ask Lord Arthur.

Speaker Gould just reminded that in less than 10 seconds, a group of hundreds of third level Zerg swarmed out of the ground and rushed toward the cavalry battle.

David didn't manipulate Lord Harlow, he just watched as a spectator.

Lord Harlow and the five Templars are more like war machines. They will only make the most correct and effective attack methods.

When Lord Harlow wielded the fifth level light sword, a surging force of the fifth level black dragon's blood gushed out, and hundreds of third level Zerg stormed into a green blood mist in the air.

The legendary David did not feel that there was any problem with Lord Harlow's five level attack, but in the eyes of speaker Gould, he saw something special.

Speaker Gould himself is the blood of the white dragon, and also belongs to the blood of the giant dragon. He is very familiar with Lord Fred of the blood of the black dragon, and has a good research on the power of the blood of the black dragon.

But even Lord Fred's power of the blood of the black dragon is not so powerful. It has nothing to do with the intensity of the black dragon's blood, but the power of the blood itself.

Just like the popular Knight breathing method practiced by ordinary noble knights, the blood power of these knights is naturally much weaker than that of knights who have studied the breathing method of high-level knights.

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Even if the blood is the same, the level of Knight's cultivation will also affect the power of blood force.

Speaker Gould's eyes were so sharp. What he saw was that all six Templar knights, including Lord Harlow, had practiced some kind of Knight training method unknown to him. The level of this knight training method must be very high.

As for the level of this chivalry cultivation method, speaker Gould guessed that it was at least much higher than the inheritance cultivation method of the mayin family, which he judged by the power of blood.

If this is true, then it means that Lord Harlow has mastered some kind of cultivation method which is far superior to other dragon blood families.

It goes without saying that the origin of this super high level Knight cultivation method must come from Lord Arthur.

At that time, the Knights of Harold didn't know that there was a special distance between Harold and the Lord of the temple before they attacked each other.

But now different, speaker Gould is in the middle of Lord Harlow and can feel their blood power closely.

In fact, speaker Gould's feeling is correct. All of David's 14 Templar Knights no longer practice the "black dragon breathing method" before, but switch to the "perfect version of Knight training method".

The "perfect knight training method" is David's practice method obtained from the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit". Lord Harlow's training time is too short to make the "perfect knight training method" automatically run anytime and anywhere.

As knights, why can a demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" become a demigod? But today's knights can't even reach the legendary level? It's because of the problem of chivalry's cultivation.

In order to control the Knights not to exceed the control, the gods simplified and abridged the knight cultivation method and passed it on to today's knights.

The "Knight of the Holy Spirit" taught the "perfect knight cultivation method" because he was in a time when he needed to become the most powerful fighter.

This "perfect version of Chivalry" was not acquired by David through his soul, but was restored according to the practice of automatic operation in the body of the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit".

Even Alexis, the black dragon, asked David to give up his revised version of the "black dragon cultivation method" after seeing the "perfect version of the knight cultivation method" and not to let the Templars practice separately.

Only the "perfect knight cultivation method" is the most correct Knight cultivation method, and the upper limit of "perfect knight cultivation method" can reach half gods.

Speaker Gould felt like a fire burning in his heart. He wanted to know what level this practice was.

He thought that Lord Arthur asked him for Knight cultivation method before, saying that he needed to study knight cultivation method. At that time, he gave several top-level cultivation methods reserved by his family, even the cultivation methods inherited by his family to Lord Arthur.

Now I think it is possible that Lord Arthur has developed a method of Knight cultivation.

Of course, this possibility is extremely low, because speaker Gould knows how difficult it is to reform the chivalry practice, let alone upgrade the level of chivalry practice.

To tell you the truth, David didn't look at the perfect knight cultivation method. He himself was the body of the black dragon. He was a god level life. The black dragon sleep was a divine cultivation method.

Compared with the knight class created by gods, it is much higher than the ordinary.In addition, David has the "imperial inheritance pattern", which is a kind of cultivation method against the heaven, which is even more insensitive to the "perfect version of Knight cultivation method".

Speaker Gould tried to suppress the impulse to ask. He was not as close to Lord Harlow as he was with Lord Arthur. He wanted to ask Lord Arthur.

Lord Harlow led the battle of knights. They did not care about the consumption of blood power. When the power of blood was consumed to a certain extent, the six Knights of the temple worked together to run the "perfect knight cultivation method".

Although speaker Gould was not in the cavalry battle, he could not intuitively feel the detailed changes in the six Templar knights, but his position clearly sensed that Lord Harlow's blood power was recovering.

In a few minutes, Lord Harlow and the other six Templars fully recovered their blood power and began to consume regardless of cost again.

David didn't feel much about Lord Harlow's recovery speed. They had just started this "perfect knight training method". When they reached mastery level, their blood power could recover faster.

David has seen the consumption of the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit". In order to support the "Holy Spirit Realm", the consumption of the "Holy Spirit Knight" is huge. However, just because the "perfect knight cultivation method" has reached the master level, the "perfect knight cultivation method" can automatically run to replenish the energy in the body for the "Holy Spirit Knight" anytime and anywhere.

The "Holy Spirit Knight" never has to worry about energy consumption. It just needs to focus on attacking.

Speaker Gould was more excited. He was 100% sure that all the six Templars had practiced the knight training method which was too high for him to imagine. However, he had never heard of any Knight training method that can completely restore the blood power of the body in a few minutes in a battle.

Just when speaker Gould was in a state of agitation, a golden light appeared. He was shocked, but he had no time to remind him.

Lord Harlow instinctively used his most powerful swordsmanship ability after discovering the appearance of the golden beetle. He collected the power of the black dragon in the Knights' battle array, and accurately hit the heart of the golden beetle.

The defense of the "golden beetle" is extremely terrifying. Although Lord Harlow's sword hit accurately, it only pierced most of the breastplate. The heart part is the key position of the "golden beetle" defense.

Lord Harlow is only a fifth level Templar. He is not as good as David himself in terms of combat power. Even the five clones are much better than Lord Harlow.

That's why David doesn't want to control Lord Harlow himself. It's more appropriate for Lord Harlow to fight on his own than David does.

Lord Harlow stabbed the beetle with a sword. Although he did not pierce the defense of the scarab, he also slowed down the speed of the beetle.

At this time, another knight's ability to stab at the same place was released.

The sword pierced the rest of the beetle's Breastplate defense. The light sword of level 5 pierced into the beetle's chest and was blocked by its hard chest muscles.

At this time, the "golden beetle" counterattack also came. Without any hesitation, the Knights of the temple immediately drew back their swords, just giving way to the attack of the scarab.

The third Templar's fifth level sword, inspired by his "swordsmanship" talent, stabbed the wound again, this time straight into the heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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