Transcendent David

Chapter 1068: CH 1066

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"David, my throat seems to be better than before!" The first thing Emma found was her throat. She tried to pronounce a few notes and exclaimed in surprise.

After professional training, Emma has a very accurate judgment of her throat vocal cords, and now she finds that the voice she used to struggle with is now at her ease.

This is what Emma is most concerned about. She is still young and will not feel the hidden benefits brought to her by "immortal vitality". This cup of "immortal vitality" has at least increased Emma's life span by 100 years.

All the hidden diseases in the body disappeared, and the body reached its best state.

If Emma is a practitioner, whether she is a Oracle or an extraordinary, or a knight, then she will find that her talent potential has been greatly enhanced.

"Let's sing again!" David suggested with a smile.

When the prelude starts, David and Emma look at each other affectionately. After a sweet day, they don't speak for a long time. Emma nestles in David's arms.

I don't know whether it's the continuous improvement of Emma's body caused by "immortal vitality", or whether the song "sweet day" consumes Emma's too much spirit, or her warm arms are easily intoxicating. Emma falls asleep in David's arms.

The wind outside the villa is lighter, and the surrounding is very quiet. It seems that Emma wants to sleep more comfortably.

At dawn the next day, Emma secretly opened her eyes. Her heart beat so fast that she woke up a minute ago. She found that she had slept in David's arms all night.

Good morning David said with a smile.

How can Emma's small movements hide David's perception? Her lovely look makes David laugh.

Good morning Said Emma in a low voice, and then something came to her mind. "Did we record our last chorus yesterday?"

"Very good recording. The equipment here is very professional!" David pointed to the light curtain and said.

Emma took this opportunity to leave David's arms and came to the light curtain, but she was a little disappointed and didn't want to leave the warm embrace.

She gathered her mind and looked at the contents of the light screen.

This study was originally designed by Emma. Sometimes when she has inspiration, she needs to record it, so here is a set of very professional recording equipment.

Emma started the recording mode yesterday and automatically adjusted to the best recording environment in her study.

She turned on the audio, and a song "sweet day" sounded in her study.

"Is that what I sing?" Emma asked in a low voice when she heard her part.

Yesterday, under the impact of "immortal vitality", driven by David's perfect singing, and under the strong love between the two people, Emma performed a perfect performance, which was better than Emma's previous level.

"You sang it. Your level has improved a lot." David nodded.

"Immortal vitality" is not an ordinary treasure. If a cup of "immortal vitality" can not improve Emma's singing level, he will doubt Emma's original singing ability.

"I'm going to release" sweet day "so that the world can hear it Emma looked at David and said, with consultation.

What Emma didn't say was that she wanted "sweet day" to spread throughout the interstellar Federation, hoping that Federalists would share her joy and feel her love for David.

"Sweet day" is a song of sadness and sweetness. Sadness is the days when she separated from David, and sweetness is the day she gets along with David.

Emma wants the whole interstellar Federation to witness this love. This is her manifesto.

"Do it if you like." David said with some connivance.

Now David is qualified to do whatever she wants. He can tolerate anything Emma wants to do.

Emma didn't wait. She didn't discuss with the brokerage company. She filled in some information directly and sent "sweet day" to Skynet.

The influence of Emma's new songs is not small. Although there is no advance notice and no publicity, there are too many people who pay attention to her.

At the moment Emma posted "sweet day" on Skynet, a large number of fans were reminded.

Emma's agent, Lucia, is sleeping in. These days are her rare rest days. Emma can rest as a manager.

It's just a continuous reminder that makes Lucia suddenly wake up. This familiar working voice, at any time, will strain her nerves immediately.

She turned over and nodded on the identity bracelet and saw the news of Emma's new song on Skynet.

This time, Lucia's last sleepiness disappeared. She didn't understand what had happened and how the news of Emma's new song suddenly appeared. Her agent didn't know.

She looked at the message of the new song, and the name of it made her speechless.

"Sweet day

lyrics: David

composition: David

singing: David Emma"Lucia's breath almost stopped, and her first thought was, how could it be that admiral David was singing.

Then she was relieved that admiral David had written Emma's "my heart is still" before. This time, it was normal for him and Emma to meet again and write songs again.

But admiral David Ken and Emma sang the song together, which surprised Lucia.

What kind of identity is general David? He is the deputy commander in chief of the Federal Military. He is the highest level of the military in terms of rank and power.

There was no connection between this kind of person and singing. If the connection was Emma, Lucia knew that it must be Emma's idea.

"Then listen to it!" Lucia was still worried that Emma's reputation would be damaged if the song was too bad.

Emma has not been seen in public for a long time, which is a very bad thing for her who is rapidly increasing her popularity. Thanks to David's angry deeds, Emma's reputation will not be weakened in a short time.

Lucia with a complex mind, the "sweet day" broadcast, in the soul of the men's voice sounded, Lucia heart no more thoughts.

Lucia is sad with the sadness of the song and sweet with the sweetness. She feels the separation and reunion of two lovers. The almost overflowing love makes her whole person in a trance.

Her tears alternated with her smile, and she didn't wake up until five minutes after the song.

It was not until then that Lucia remembered that the reason for her listening was to listen to the songs.

"Another legendary song, and it's the top one!" Lucia has her own way of judging, she said softly.

This song "sweet day" let others sing, perhaps by virtue of the song can enter the Heirloom level, but by David and Emma to sing, it is lifted to the pinnacle of heirloom.

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Lucia couldn't find a match for the song "sweet day". Any song was crushed in all aspects before this song.

"Emma's singing skills have improved again!" After listening for a second time, Lucia was surprised to find something important.

Lucia did not evaluate David's level, because she felt that she did not have the qualification. It was a kind of height standing on the top of mountains, and she stood at the foot of the mountain and could only look up.

Lucia is just one of the many listeners. The platform of this song is the big platform throughout the interstellar Federation. After the "sweet day" was uploaded by Emma, it was released one by one in many star regions.

Countless people heard the song at the first time, while more people were recommended by friends and heard the song later.

Emma did not expect that "sweet day" would spread in the interstellar Federation at a geometric rate.

The combination of grandmaster's ability to sing, songs handed down from generation to generation, vocal cords beyond the limits of human beings, and rich emotions, all of which have brought about a qualitative change.

"Sweet day" is like magic, so that anyone who hears the song will be intoxicated, and their emotions will burst out.

Young people yearn for the beauty of love, the middle-aged people relive the sweetness and sadness of love, while the elderly recall the past. People of all ages will be deeply involved in it.

This day, tears and sweetness coexist, this day, the world felt the impact of the soul.

Everyone who has heard the song will ask who is singing with Emma?

Even if you don't understand music, you can also hear the perfection of male voice. Professionals are even more shocked when such a God appeared in the industry.

When you see the name, everyone's face with the same expression, it is unbelievable amazement.

"This is what admiral David sang?"

"It's sung by the federal God of war?"

"This is the song of David who swept down the three super consortia?"

There is no need to answer any questions, because if you see the name with Emma, you can know that this is general David, the "federal God of war.".

"Tell him not to do things, he still does things, but fortunately, it is not a bad thing!" In the Marshal's office in the federal command, marshal Andre said with a smile.

Marshal Andre didn't laugh. David, who dared to be in the federal headquarters and killed general Milton because he wanted to deal with his relatives, and David, the strong man who stood at the front line with invincible power in the defense war of guarding the stars in the God's world, still had such a side.

"Admiral David is enjoying his love. I think it's a feeling to come here." Said Colonel Morrison, marshal Andrey's intelligence officer, softly.

"Admiral David is still so young that he shouldered the burden he shouldn't be at his age. He should have a rest." Marshal Andrey did not smile again, he said with a slight sigh.

Colonel Morrison nodded when he heard this.

Perhaps I hear that General David's achievements are forgotten. He is only in his early twenties.Other young people of this age still go to school in school and enjoy the carefree youth under the protection of their parents.

General David has participated in many cruel wars since he was specially recruited into the army. Behind his every battle achievement is the test of life and death.

"Don't disturb admiral David at this time. Let the intelligence organization help to clear up the instability in the airdiya region!" Marshal Andre decided with a wave.

When the sun came into the villa, David and Emma sat on the roof and ate the breakfast Emma had made herself.

David took a look at breakfast. The fried eggs were obviously over cooked. He laughed and pulled Emma's plate.

"This breakfast is too small. Give it to me!"

"What do I eat?" Emma asked, looking at the tray being pulled away.

"Eat this!" David took a breakfast from the space pendant and put it in front of her.

Emma looked at the breakfast in front of her, dug a piece of it with a spoon and sent it to the entrance. Her eyes narrowed and she enjoyed the delicious happiness.

"Am I stupid?" Emma took two bites before she thought of her own breakfast, and asked in a low voice of inferiority.

"You are very, very good. I love your breakfast David replied with a smile.

"But I like it!" Emma is said to be happy by David, but she points to the breakfast in front of her.

"If you like, I'll prepare more for you. You can eat it every day in the future." David said fondly.

He said that he took out a space ring that could be opened with spirit, and then put the previously cooked dishes into the space ring from the space pendant, until nearly ten cubic meters of space ring were almost full, which stopped.

There are too few space rings that can be opened by spirit. This space ring was seized from the fifth level bishop of the cult. In addition, Emma has no fighting power. Too good space items are likely to attract people's attention and increase trouble.

"Keep this away. Don't show it to others. Take it out quietly when you need it." David was still a little uneasy.

Emma took over the space ring. She used the spirit in her singing. She was familiar with the application of spirit, so she easily put the spirit into the space ring.

"So much?" Emma exclaimed in surprise.

In the space ring, all kinds of delicious food are arranged orderly.

"Are you trying to make me fat?" Emma was distressed again. She wanted to suppress the temptation of delicious food, but she was reluctant to give up. She said to David with hatred.

"Don't worry, Emma, I'll like you no matter how fat you are!" David said jokingly.

"But it doesn't look good when you're fat!" Emma is not happy because of David's words. She doesn't want to be fat at all. She thinks that she will become a fat man because of the delicious food of the space ring. She wants to return the space ring to David, but she really can't give it up.

"I'll give you some more of this. I'll take one every day, and you won't get fat any more!" David smiles and puts some "warm lotus seed soup" into Emma's space ring.

"Warm heart lotus seed soup" contains "immortal vitality". In addition, the "warm heart lotus seed" itself has the effect of removing excess fat in the body. Even if there is no "immortal vitality" added, it is a top food material of God's big world.

Emma listened to David's words and put the space ring away at ease.

She didn't realize how precious "warm heart lotus seed soup" is in God's big world, but she can take "warm heart lotus seed soup" every day to lose weight, which is estimated to be the most expensive diet medicine in the world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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