Transcendent David

Chapter 1069: CH 1067

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In the interior of al-1187 in the Iridia region of the interstellar Federation, David clone is sleeping.

There is a strange side of the tyrannical energy explosion inside al-1187, which does not erupt outwards on the surface of the planet, but directly disappears inside.

Because of the harsh environment of al-1187, no one will be here.

There are a lot of useless planets like interstellar Federation, and no one will waste time and energy on these useless planets.

So no one noticed the strange sight of al-1187. Most of the surface of the planet is the same as before, but there is only one area where volcanoes no longer erupt and magma begins to solidify.

This energy is attracted by the "black dragon sleep" which is the basic skill of the black dragon clan, and is inhaled into David clone's body.

Every time David clone's body inhales energy, black scales appear on his skin and disappear when he exhales.

His body is undergoing a very important transformation. After the transformation of the "emperor inheritance pattern" in the Zerg world, his physique has already reached the peak of legend, and the "power of the black dragon" is almost overflowing.

At this time, the "power of the black dragon" in David clone's body absorbed energy with the cultivation of "black dragon sleep." the "power of black dragon" was transformed into regular patterns, which first appeared on his bones.

Every part of his skeleton is slowly covered with "black dragon's force regular pattern". This is the first step. When the skeleton is covered with the "black dragon's force regular pattern", it starts to spread outward, and gradually fills every part of his body with "black dragon's force regular pattern".

As far away as the villa in Chia City, David had already concentrated all his mind on General David's clone body.

The constitution of General David's clone sub body is being madly improved, which is far beyond imagination, and the body is undergoing earth shaking transformation.

"Alexis, is this normal?" David asked Alexis, the black dragon in artifact space, who shared the information on clone avatar.

"As long as you can survive this transformation, you will become a demigod!" Alexis, the black dragon, pressed back his surprise.

Even if Alexis the black dragon knew the function of the "emperor inheriting the pattern", he did not expect that the clone would be promoted to demigod so early.

We should know that the strongest genius of the black dragon clan has ever been a demigod only at the age of 1000 years.

If David's clone is considered as David's age, he will be in his early twenties. In the eyes of black dragon, twenty years is a time to take a nap.

"There's a possibility of accidents in the transformation?" However, David noticed what Alexis said about the possibility of failure, and immediately asked.

"My Lord, what are you worried about? There is "immortal vitality" in it. There is no problem for you to transform yourself into a separate body! " Alexis, the black dragon, replied helplessly.

David's heart was happy, but on the clone body side, as Alexis the Black Dragon said, when the "black dragon's force rule pattern" appeared on the muscles, some of the weaker muscles broke.

The strong pain came, and the "black dragon's force regular pattern" at the broken muscle was scattered outward, which stirred up the intact tissue in the clone's body, so that some tissues that could barely resist the fusion of the "black dragon's force rule pattern" began to collapse.

It's like a chain reaction. When you watch the clone, you're going to have serious damage, even endanger its life.

The spirit of clone incarnation sweeps through the space ring, and a bottle of "immortal vitality" enters the body. The collapse stops and the damaged part begins to repair.

Alexis, the black dragon, was aware of the changes in the clone's body and envied David's luck.

Why does it take at least a thousand years for the black dragon clan to sharpen the dragon body before they can be sure to be promoted to the demigods? The reason is that they need to be strong enough to be strong enough to resist the process of integration with the "black dragon's power rule pattern" during promotion.

Here we have to talk about the difference between the two kinds of gods: belief in God and self-cultivation into God. To become a God, we only need to have enough power of belief, and we can easily get through the semi God stage.

Self cultivation into God is the process of self-cultivation to strengthen oneself constantly, and finally integrate the body with the rules, and the body becomes the God body.

Every enhancement and promotion of self-cultivation into God has great risks. Therefore, ordinary life can hardly become a God by taking this road. The constitution of ordinary life can not bear the strengthening process again and again, and it will collapse in the midway.

If David allows clone to become a demigod in the Zerg world, then there will be no risk, because in a sense, the "emperor inherits the pattern" is to believe in becoming a God and self-cultivation into a God at the same time.

In the Zerg world, clonal incarnation absorbs the power of belief to generate divine power, which is then transformed into enhanced energy. If the clone can not bear the strengthening process of self-cultivation and becoming a God, then the "emperor inheriting pattern" will drive the power of belief to transform the body forcibly, and elevate the cloned body to the semi divine level of believing in God.It is just that the demigods who believe in becoming gods will be slightly weaker and smaller in physique. We need to continue to use the "emperor's inheritance pattern" to strengthen the body until we reach the level of self-cultivation and becoming a God.

For the Zerg, there is no difference between the belief in becoming a God and self-cultivation into a God, but this situation of the Zerg is too special and does not conform to the universality.

To be exact, Zerg gods are all self-cultivation into gods, because they do not transform the power of belief into a small world, but use all their divine power to strengthen themselves.

There are too many advantages of the "imperial inheritance pattern", which is just in line with the situation of the Zerg world, and has generated a unique way of cultivation.

David didn't choose to use the cultivation method of the Zerg for promotion. "The emperor inherits the pattern" has thousands of advantages, but this promotion method relies too much on the "emperor inherits the pattern" and relies on the belief of the whole Zerg.

If there is a problem with the pattern of the emperor's inheritance, then his clone will lose the source of strength. This situation is beyond David's control.

So David chose to use the "emperor's inheritance pattern" to improve his cultivation speed. When he was promoted, he did not use the "emperor's inheritance pattern", but used the "black dragon sleep" of his own clone.

David's practice is unprecedented. Zerg deities have been given "emperor inheritance pattern" since childhood, which makes them lose the ability to understand other rules besides their own natural rules, and they will not practice other cultivation methods.

It is precisely because of the "imperial inheritance pattern" of the Zerg that the divine cultivation method of ancient times has lost its inheritance.

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In addition, almost all God level cultivation methods need special conditions. For example, the God level cultivation method of the dragon clan requires the corresponding dragon blood.

The Zerg will no longer be able to practice any practice other than the "emperor's inheritance pattern", nor will they be able to use the simpler and safer "emperor's inheritance pattern" for promotion and choose other practices which are extremely dangerous.

David's choice is to use the "emperor's inheritance pattern" to raise the clone's strength to the peak, and then the clone's self-cultivation will no longer use the "emperor's inheritance pattern".

Of course, he is the only one who can do this. Without the "immortal vitality", the success rate of promotion will be so low that people can't tell.

It's also because David left enough "immortal vitality" to clone the body, which he had expected for a long time. No matter in battle or in practice, he needed "immortal vitality" treatment.

Anyway, it's easy for David to be immortal.

It is almost always maintaining a certain amount of "immortal vitality" absorption that David clone's body can balance the integration of "black dragon's power rule pattern" and body disintegration.

It can be said that any God can not do this, because they can not afford to consume "immortal vitality", and it is not easy to accumulate "immortal vitality". It is all obtained by drop, but used by bottles.

David couldn't use science to explain the situation of the clone. The "black dragon's force rule pattern" is the embodiment of the "black dragon's force rule". It integrates the rules into the flesh and blood skeleton, and transforms the flesh and blood skeleton into another half energy form.

At the end of the fusion of the clone body, David felt that the clone body was expanding rapidly.

This unexpected situation surprised him. Although the "interstellar Federation security point" was not small, he could not guarantee how big the clone split would be.

David's mind moved, immediately into the clone body side of the fifth bishop of einside, this is his stay here responsible for security of the body.

With a wave of his hand, the fifth level bishop of einside appeared with a space talisman. He inspired the space amulet. The expanding body of the clone avatar passively used "space advance" to disappear in place. When the clone avatar reappeared, he was already on the surface of al-1187.

With the final fusion of his body, every cell of clone's body is integrated with the "black dragon's power regular pattern", and his body is growing rapidly.

The clothes on clone sub can't bear the rapid growth of the body, and the clothes are directly held to pieces.

Fortunately, there is no outsider here, otherwise David would have to consider killing people.

When the clone's height reaches 100 meters, his growth is over.

The clone avatar is not as naked as David thought. As it grows, the scales appear and cover the whole body, just like wearing a full covered black armor.

This is the solution to David's embarrassment, at least without considering how to make clothes for 100 meters.

The clone avatar is not only an enlarged body, but also more energy can be integrated into the body due to the enlargement of the body. David has a feeling that the planet al-1187 in front of him can be destroyed with his fist alone.

Just before David was ready to continue to feel it, the clone split quickly shrank, and it took only a second to get back to its original size from 100 meters.David found an extra pattern in the soul space of the clone avatar, which is the "giant pattern". Just now, when the clone split changed from big to small, it naturally generated a talent ability.

"Juhua (talent)" is the ability of self realization when a clone becomes a demigod. When he is promoted to a demigod, there is a certain probability that he can realize the talent of demigod.

David contacted the "Juhua pattern" with his mind, and felt the details of the talent ability of "Juhua".

"Juhua" talent ability is a kind of talent ability that can greatly increase the body's strength and speed in a short time.

This short time is maintained according to the energy in his body. David calculated that when the clone's body is full of energy, the "giant" talent can last for five minutes.

"Alexis, what kind of talent is this" gigantic "talent in the black dragon clan David asked Alexis the black dragon.

"First of all, in the process of promotion to demigod, the probability of realizing the talent ability is very low, which depends on luck. In addition, the black dragon never needs the" giant "talent ability. The black dragon's body is big enough and strong enough!" Alexis, the black dragon, exclaimed at David's good fortune.

Although it is true that the black dragon does not need the "Juhua" talent, it is necessary to clone the avatar, because the clone avatar is only two meters high, which is very small among the demigods who cultivate into gods.

The "Juhua" talent makes up for the shortcomings of clone avatar, and makes clone avatar at least be able to suffer less in body size when dealing with huge enemies.

"So the talent ability of" Juhua "is dispensable David said, somewhat disappointed.

This is David's first true sense of self perception of the semi God level talent ability, if not much practical use, it would be a pity.

David's fighting style does not necessarily need to be huge. Nowadays, the most powerful attack method of clone body is "swordsmanship". Even "the power of black dragon" can enhance the power of "swordsmanship".

However, of all David's swords, only the "artifact Knight's sword" can be used by his huge body. The size of "artifact Knight's sword" can be changed at will.

This is also the basic ability of each artifact. Otherwise, when the deity descends, it is only the height of a normal person, but when the body of God goes out to battle, it is more than 100 meters tall. If the artifact cannot be arbitrarily sized, its practicability will be much worse.

"My Lord, you haven't found the real strength of the" Juhua "talent ability. The" Juhua "talent ability can greatly enhance the strength and speed of the demigods, so that you can be qualified to fight with the gods in a short time!" Alexis the black dragon explained to David.

At this time, David realized that his talent was to listen to reality. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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