Transcendent David

Chapter 1105: CH 1103

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Archbishop Gay's "starboat" was close to the nearest planet, and did not stop at all. It directly stimulated the star level portal to the extreme. Through the star level portal, the "starboat" returned to the war shrine.

The "star boat" slowly fell on the square at the time of departure, but there were ten "star boat" when we went there, but only one remained when we came back.

Archbishop gay did not speak, and his figure quickly entered the temple.

"Everyone, take a rest and wait for new tasks!" Bishop McKinley said helplessly to the people on the starboat.

Although this attack failed, it was a divine metaphor of the God of war, which could not be stopped.

So no matter what Archbishop gay thinks, the war shrine needs to be reorganized against Lord Arthur.

The Knights of the temple of Annabella ignored bishop McKinley's words. She flew out of the starboat hatch. The rest of the crowd looked at each other and did not move.

Bishop McKinley sighed in his heart. He knew very well that if Archbishop gay did not show his legendary strength this time, he might be better.

However, Archbishop guy can be promoted to the legendary level, but limit Annabella Templar, who is only one foot short of the temple knight, will be unacceptable.

From level 5 Templar Knight to legendary level, it can be said that it is a qualitative leap, and the control of power has transformed from the control of energy to the application of rules.

In particular, with the extension of life, there is hope of demigod.

Archbishop gay returns to his room, and his spiritual avatar flies into a particular piece of space, activating the signal.

Soon, the spirit of the four archbishops appeared.

"Ladies and gentlemen, not long ago, Lord Arthur used the energy weapons of the interstellar Federation to launch a fierce attack on the" star boat "of the temple. Nearly 3000 clergy in the war shrine died. I hope the four archbishops can help capture Lord Arthur!" Said Archbishop gay in a deep voice.

This time, the loss is a little big, even after the war with Zerg world, the war shrine did not lose many people.

There are too many places for the war shrine to need deities, and there are not many deities that can be mobilized.

You should know that the war shrine, however, has branches on many planets throughout the whole god world. These sub halls need the presence of deities, which makes the war Temple disperse a large number of deities.

Of course, these are not the only details of the war shrine, but Lord Arthur is obviously on guard. If he wants to deal with Lord Arthur, the price will be high.

Archbishop gay didn't want to pay more. He wanted to ask the other four temples to help.

This requires a reasonable excuse, an excuse for the four temples to take action.

"Archbishop guy, you don't know yet. The video of you being attacked outside garmi has been spread all over the divine world. It is estimated that most of the nobles, except some low-level nobles, know about it." Archbishop Adele said faintly.

"The Supreme Council has sent an application for assistance in investigation. The unknown forces want to invade Lord Arthur's private territory. Although the purpose has not been achieved, this behavior has already been a provocation to the aristocracy system!" Continued Archbishop Barney.

"It's not that we don't want to help you, but that we're not fit to do it in this situation!" Archbishop Julian expressed his opinion.

"Archbishop gay, you don't want us to interfere. This is God's test for you!" Finally, said Archbishop Ambrose.

Archbishop Gay's face was very ugly. He didn't expect Lord Arthur to move so fast, nor did he expect Lord Arthur to do so. He put the failure of the war shrine in front of all the forces in the great world.

If the attack is successful, even if the Supreme Council has an opinion, it doesn't matter.

But the problem is that the war shrine failed to capture Lord Arthur, but it made the war Temple arrest the top nobles for no reason.

"Then you don't have to fight, little knight. If you dare to despise the temple of war, he must pay the price!" Archbishop gay shook his hand and disappeared.

"Recently, the war shrine has been so active that it has suppressed us. However, whether Lord Arthur can be captured or not after this time, the war shrine will be greatly reduced!" Archbishop Adele said with a chuckle without any scruples.

"It's strange that according to historical records, the five great shrines will receive news about the arrest of a strong man. Why did only the war Temple receive news this time, and there is no news on our side?" Archbishop Ambrose thought of another point and said.

Behind the five shrines are five gods, like the action of catching the strong. According to past experience, the five temples cooperate with each other.

But there is a very close relationship between the five gods, and it is indeed odd that such a thing, which is obviously acting alone, does not inform the other four gods.

You should know that the communication between gods, if things are ordinary, the spirit of the gods will be automatically processed and sent to the temple of the main world, which will not affect the time of the gods."Let's just watch the play. The Supreme Council will wait until the war shrine catches Lord Arthur!" Said Archbishop Julian with a smile.

In fact, the four archbishops did not believe that Lord Arthur could escape the capture of the war shrine. The most important thing was that the artifact "Knight forbidden card" was asked out by Archbishop gay.

Although Lord Arthur successfully repelled the attack of the war temple, and made the war Temple lose a lot.

But as long as he is close to a certain distance, Archbishop gay can activate the artifact "Knight forbidden card" to make Lord Arthur lose his combat power.

In the aristocratic circle, the most powerful news is that the war shrine sent a large number of deities to attack Lord Arthur, but they were repulsed by garmi's defense weapons.

In the news spread, it was particularly stated that the war shrine was attacked by the war shrine without any notification or any crime committed by Lord Arthur.

Among the nobles, those with a little brain understood that this was a provocation of the war shrine to the whole aristocracy system.

The five shrines do not interfere in secular affairs, but they also go through the Supreme Council. Especially when they come to the top class, the top nobles who have committed unforgivable crimes also need to remove their titles before being arrested.

As long as the title of the top nobility is in the body, it is sacred and inviolable, which is the basis of the existence of the aristocratic system.

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The privilege of the nobility is the appearance of the nobility, and the title is obtained by the nobility for the great world of God.

Once the privileges of the nobility can be trampled on at will, what is the significance of the status of the aristocracy?

A little spark rose among the nobles of God's great world. At this time, these sparks were still in their infancy, but the potential of a prairie fire had already been threatened.

Other forces have also seen the relationship. For example, the "twilight of the gods" organization has inspired all the cult followers that they can influence.

"Twilight of the gods" didn't hurt David because of their previous grudges. They knew who was the biggest trouble.

All the followers of the evil gods began their activities to discredit the war shrine by various means, and regarded the action of the war shrine as a contempt for the entire aristocratic system.

The unity of God in the great world, which was originally formed through the war, was completely scattered after this operation in the war shrine, and chaos was spreading in the god world.

Archbishop gay opened the contact phalanx and connected speaker Gould. On weekdays, he did not pay attention to the Supreme Council, but at this time he needed the cooperation of the Supreme Council.

"Yes, Archbishop gay!" Speaker Gould's shadow appeared in the contact phalanx. He bowed with a polite smile on his face.

"Speaker Gould, immediately deprive Arthur Luce of the title of Duke, take back his territory, and cancel his status as a member of the Supreme Council!" Archbishop gay ordered in a deep voice.

Speaker Gould did not expect Archbishop gay to be so direct, but he had already prepared for it.

"Archbishop gay, it takes a reason to deprive a title. According to the law of nobility, the top nobles can only be deprived of their title unless they commit the felony of blasphemy or betraying God's belonging to the great world. What kind of crime has Lord Arthur committed and what evidence is there?" Speaker Gould asked with the same smile on his face.

"In my capacity as archbishop of the temple of war, I appointed Arthur Luce to blaspheme. I think there is no need for evidence here. My words are evidence!" Said Archbishop gay, coldly looking at the shadow of Chancellor Gould.

Archbishop gay knew the relationship between Chancellor Gould and Lord Arthur, but he did not believe that Chancellor Gould would be the enemy of Lord Arthur against the war shrine.

"It turns out that Archbishop gay only needs to point out which top nobleman is guilty. I will announce your meaning in the Supreme Council, and all members will vote to decide whether to deprive Lord Arthur of his title!" Speaker Gould said in a low voice with a smile.

If speaker Gould does not want to help Lord Arthur, and archbishop gay identifies Lord Arthur as blasphemous, then Chancellor Gould can indeed make Lord Arthur guilty according to Archbishop Gay's identification.

Not to mention the interest entanglement between speaker Gould and Lord Arthur, even if speaker Gould wants to promote the legend, he will certainly touch the interests of the temple. It is better to take this opportunity to make a big scene and strive for greater interests for the nobles.

Unless speaker Gould doesn't want to be promoted to legend, he may also help the war shrine.

But the Anabella Templar Knight is an example of the temple's attitude towards the legendary order.

There is no secret among the nobility. Even the war shrine can not escape from the scope of the aristocratic circle. What happened there was also known by speaker Gould.

It is no secret among the top nobles that Annabella Temple knights were rejected for applying for promotion to the temple for legendary level.

"Very well, Gould, you're trying to fight the war shrine. Have you thought about the consequences?" Archbishop gay threatened in a deep voice.

"Archbishop gay, if you don't accept your unjustified conviction of the top nobles, you will be against the war shrine. Then will the war shrine not pay attention to the Supreme Council at all. The Supreme Council is not directly subordinate to the war shrine, and the Supreme Council belongs to all nobles!" Speaker Gould replied in a deep voice.Archbishop gay angrily closed the contact phalanx, and on the other side of the contact phalanx, speaker Gould was recording the conversation into the alchemy board.

Speaker Gould reconvened the Supreme Council meeting. Five minutes later, the virtual chamber was filled with virtual images of the Lord.

"Just now, Archbishop guy of the war shrine asked me to deprive Lord Arthur of his knighthood, territory and parliamentary status, and the evidence of Archbishop gay is his words!" Speaker Gould looked at all the members and said in a loud voice.

With that, he released his contact with Archbishop guy, and as he watched, the anger of the house of Representatives was burning.

Perhaps among the top nobles in the whole world, only Lord Arthur's top nobles took the shortest time, but it also relied on a large number of fighting merits and undisputed contributions.

The rest of the top aristocrats, which family has not experienced hundreds of years of continuous efforts, countless generations of people's pay, to reach the top aristocracy.

But the top nobles in the mouth of Archbishop gay, become a sentence can be easily convicted of the existence of this kind of disregard for all the top aristocratic lords can not bear.

"We can't deprive Lord Arthur of his title. If we step back, our descendants will scold us!" Said a member of Parliament.

We should know that as long as we start this process, the prestige of the Supreme Council will not exist, and the temple will only be more aggressive in the future.

Although part of the reason why there is a Supreme Council is to facilitate the management of aristocratic groups, it is not to unite the nobles to resist the intervention of the temple.

"Speaker Gould, you don't have to think about me. It doesn't matter if I lose my title!" David didn't want speaker Gould and the entire Supreme Council to be enemies of the war shrine for him.

David himself has the confidence to resist the war shrine. If not because some of his strength can not be exposed, it is still a question whether the war Temple dares to deal with him.

He does not care about the title. The so-called titles and territories have become floating clouds after his strength.

David is only concerned about the improvement of his own strength, especially after being attacked by the war shrine.

"Lord Arthur, this is no longer your business. Archbishop gay has repeatedly challenged the aristocracy system. Once Archbishop gay succeeds, we will become the fish and meat in Archbishop Gay's eyes." Said Lord Fred, waving.

No one who can become a top nobleman is a fool. They all understand the benefits.

This is not Lord Arthur's business, or even the aristocracy of this generation. If you can't resist this time, maybe the nobles will be directly controlled by the temple for countless years to come. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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