Transcendent David

Chapter 1106: CH 1104

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Archbishop guy was sitting in the room, and in front of him was filled with information, not only on the table, but also on the floor of the room.

This information is all about Lord Arthur. It was collected by the war shrine intelligence department.

From Lord Arthur's just arrived in the divine world, all the latest information is available.

Archbishop guy frowned, too. He didn't expect that there would be so much information about Lord Arthur that the whole room was filled.

However, in order to master the situation of Lord Arthur, he still needs to look through the information.

Archbishop gay didn't think of giving this mission to the next level, but as long as he saw that Lord Arthur had a good relationship with many high-level officers in the war shrine, he was not at ease.

Lord Arthur is in garmi. If you want to go to garmi, the star level portal cannot transmit.

Attempts to travel from space have failed, and archbishop gay has no idea to try again.

The star defense system with the interstellar federation can't break through the defense line unless it starts the war mode and pushes the movable temple to garmi.

But here is the problem. To start a war mode, you need to ask the God of war for instructions. To deal with a knight, you need to pay such a high price. What does the God of war think of Archbishop gay.

Of course, if there is no way out, Archbishop gay will still open the mode of war, but after starting the mode of war, he will become a historical joke.

Because a knight started the mode of war, which was unprecedented. Archbishop gay made this precedent and must be recorded in history.

Archbishop gay also understood that the war shrine must move quickly, because the contradiction between the nobles and the war shrine needs to be reconciled, which requires the capture of Lord Arthur.

He has to send Lord Arthur to warstar before things get out of hand.

"Why Archbishop Gay's spirit swept to an intelligence, he can't help but stupefied, and then ordered people to call Annabella Temple knight.

"Archbishop gay, you want me?" The Anabella Templar entered Archbishop Gay's room and asked, looking at the Archbishop who was checking the information.

"Anabella Paladin, do you have a good relationship with Arthur Luce?" Archbishop gay raised his head and asked casually.

"I used to deal with Arthur Luce because of speaker Gould!" The Anabella Templar replied without concealment.

After seeing this room full of information, ANABELLA Temple Knight knew that it was useless for her to quibble. The temple's intelligence system was terrible.

"Don't be modest. You are one of the few people who can transmit to garmi. I need you to go to garmi in your personal identity." Said Archbishop gay, waving his hand.

"I don't know if Arthur Luce will allow my transmission request!" Said the knight of the temple, Annabella, shaking his head.

"Annabella Templars, you are the Templars and envoys trained by the war temple. Arthur Luce is the main person I arrest. You should consider your position!" Said Archbishop gay in a deep voice.

Anabella Templar looks at Archbishop guy with no expression, without any excuse, just waiting for Archbishop Gay's next words.

"As soon as you enter gamy, you will descend to the sky and I will capture Arthur Luce myself!" Continued Archbishop gay.

"If I catch Arthur Luce, will the temple agree to help me advance to the legendary level?" Asked the Anabella Templar suddenly.

"Anabella Templar, are you making a deal with me? Do you use my Lord's confession as a bargaining chip for your own interests? Your faith has been shaken. When this mission is over, you will go to practice hard for a hundred years and regain your faith! " Exclaimed Archbishop gay.

"Yes, Archbishop gay!" ANABELLA Temple Knight's expression suddenly relaxed, she bowed to reply.

Archbishop gay did not think of any other possibility. The war shrine is so powerful that no one can dare to betray it.

As the knight of the temple of Annabella turned to leave the room, a determination flashed in his eyes.

She soars into the air and flies towards the portal. She reaches the portal, and she applies to the remote garmi star ball portal for teleportation.

David received the application. It's strange that Annabella Templars applied to negotiate on behalf of the war shrine?

However, he soon gave up the idea. With his knowledge of the war shrine, it was impossible to negotiate with his little Lord.

David is very confident in his own strength, so he doesn't care about Annabella Templars coming to garmi.

Even if Annabella Templars use divine descent, he can deal with it completely. He doesn't need Alexis, the black dragon. Any demigod clone can handle it.

We should know that God's descending is just to attach the mind to the knight's body, and determine the power of God's descending according to the knight's constitution.

But in any case, even with Annabella Temple Knight's constitution, can not let the God down have the strength comparable to the true demigod.David also wants to meet the Knights of the temple of Annabella, and to know what the war shrine is going to do with him.

Although he had done many things that could infuriate the temple, if those things were exposed, the temple could be completely open to the public, instead of doing it himself as it is now.

Thinking about it, David allowed Annabella Templar to apply.

Sensing the consent of the other side of the portal, the Anabella Templar's face smiles, a joy of trust.

"Lord Arthur, meet again!" Annabella the Knights Templars looked at David who met her and said with a smile.

David also looked at Annabella Temple knights, Annabella Temple Knights did not immediately God down, so his heart is very happy, at least this friend did not imagine the break-up.

The Knights of the temple of Annabella use divine descent as soon as they meet. David can understand that the Knights of Annabella temple are the ambassadors of the war temple, and it is normal for them to serve in the war temple.

Just using personal identity and friendship with David to achieve this condition, the friendship between the two sides will disappear.

"If I didn't stop you, you came straight from space!" David said, half jokingly, half seriously.

"So you know I'm on a starboat!" The Knights of the temple of Annabella were stunned and immediately responded and said.

"Guess, now I know!" David said with a smile.

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"I want to have something to drink. I haven't had anything since I was driven away by you on the starboat." The Knights of the temple, Annabella, said with a pale look of David.

In the reception room, David took a bowl of "warm heart lotus seed soup" and prepared a bottle of Carmichael red wine, which were placed in front of the Knights of the temple of Annabella.

"Archbishop Gay's order was very sudden, and it took only a short time from the time he summoned his men to the time when he set out!" Annabella Temple Knight ate a "warm heart lotus seed soup," whispered.

"I don't understand. What's the matter with so many gods in the war shrine to deal with me?" David asked his biggest concern.

"It's the great being who sent the divine metaphor to capture you alive and send it to the star of war!" The Anabella Templar replied without hesitation.

After saying this, Annabella Templar has betrayed the temple of war in a sense.

David knows who the great existence is, and the only great existence that can be said by the Knights of Annabella temple is the God of war.

At this time, he finally knew why the war shrine had to deal with him. He captured him alive and sent him to warstar, needless to say, to Zerg.

I don't know how much the Zerg have paid to make the God of war moved. I don't think that the Zerg are trying to "inherit the patterns of the emperor.".

"What's the matter with you? Didn't you come here to tell me that? " David asked, not quite sure what Annabella Templar meant.

This attitude of the Knights of the temple of Annabella is so strange that, no matter how good their relationship is, they have become hostile after the war shrine wants to capture David.

But the Anabella Templars run over and tell him why. This is not what Anabella Templars should do.

"I hear you've reached the legendary level?" The Anabella Templars said.

David was stunned. As his soul space became bigger and bigger, his spirit became stronger and stronger. His control power was also improved to the extreme. People who were lower than his strength could not perceive the depth of his breath.

David first suspected that speaker Gould had leaked it because of the close relationship between speaker Gould and the Knights of the temple of Annabella.

"I guess I'm right." Said Annabella Templar with a chuckle.

The Knights of the temple of Annabella did not deny it when he looked at David. Although he did not admit it, the meaning was self-evident.

"Yes, I am a legend already!" David nodded helplessly.

"I envy you, you know? I applied to the war shrine for the promotion of legendary resources and skills, but I was rejected. This time, I will go back to the war shrine for a hundred years of hard cultivation Although Annabella Temple Knight said with a smile, David recognized the sadness.

In any case, the war shrine is also the home of the Knights of Annabella temple. She has lived in the war temple for 100 years, and her feelings are still very deep.

"A hundred years of hard work?" David was surprised to hear this.

The ordeal of the temple is not just a word of mouth, but a real penance.

We only eat one meal a day and don't communicate with others. In addition to practice, we pray every day. We sharpen our faith through hard environment.

As long as you successfully pass through a certain period of hard work, you will become a crazy believer.

David knows the nature of Annabella Templars. To let Annabella Knights undergo a hundred years of hard work is almost to destroy the life of the Knights.

Now that she has a centenarian Templar, the next 100 years are her best."Lord Arthur, I have something to ask you. Will you give me the answer?" Asked the Anabella Templar, biting his teeth.

"Say it David felt the solemnity of the Anabella Templars, he waved.

"Are you sure against the war shrine?" Asked the Anabella Templar seriously.

This question should not be asked by the Knights of the temple of Annabella. First of all, she is her identity. Secondly, as a person in the war shrine, she should believe more in the strength of the war shrine.

But the Knights of Annabella know another thing. So far, it's impossible to tell what kind of fighting power Lord Arthur has shown.

In particular, since the disappearance of the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit", Annabella Templars have speculated that Lord Arthur has the strength to fight against the demigods.

Of course, the God of war was able to arouse the God of war to send the divine metaphor, which also reflected the extraordinary of Lord Arthur from the side.

"Yes David Wei hesitated, or very sure.

"Lord, I Annabella is loyal to you, and I wish to be a member of the Luce family!" The Knights of the temple, Annabella, did not hesitate any more. She fell on one knee and bowed to David.

"Why is that?" David was really surprised, he asked.

"I want to become a legend, and I will be promoted to demigod in the future. The war shrine can't give me these things. I decided to leave the war temple. You are the only one who can take me in!" The Anabella Templar made a decision and spoke much easier.

"But your faith?" David still has some questions.

"Faith? When I found out that I had the gift of a god envoy, the temple never cared about my faith, nor did it force me to pray. I am still a shallow believer, and the cost of betraying my faith is not great! " Annabella Temple Knight said to himself.

David thought about it. Indeed, Annabella Templar Knights are special beings in the temple. She can play around and almost no one cares about her.

Of course, the Knights of Annabella temple that David met are the Knights of Annabella Temple who have had several successful miracles, and have a high status in the temple.

"Anabella Templars, as Lord of the Luce family, I agree with you to join the Luce family!" With a wave of his hand, David appeared with a sword of level five. He tapped the knight's head and left and right shoulders with the sword, and then said.

This is a ceremony of Knights' loyalty. It seems simple, but every Knight will not treat them at will, because it is related to the loyalty of knights in their whole life.

"Lord, would you like to find a place to hide? Garmi seems safe. Once the temple uses war means, it can't be stopped by those energy weapons alone!" As soon as Annabella Templar stood up, he immediately considered Lord Arthur's interests.

"Don't worry. As long as it's not the person who comes here in person, I can't help it. When it's time for dinner, let's eat first." David said, looking at the time with a smile.

"The castle on the left is for you to live in first. Recently, I will arrange to rebuild a castle for you. If you are not used to being served by robots, you can recruit some servants from garmi. At present, garmi has no human servants!" David walks to the dining room and tells Annabella the Knights of the temple. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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