Transcendent David

Chapter 1141: CH 1139

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The dark side of Haida is covered by blood fog. When the blood fog occupies the dark side, it suddenly expands to all regions of the planet as if it has accumulated enough energy.

The sleeping Adiss priest heard the alarm from the temple of the son. He did not have the equivalent of the preaching of the guardian deity, so he got up in a hurry.

In a hurry to put on the sacrificial robe, the sacrifice of Edith trotted to the side hall, where there is a Dharma array connected with the temple of the sons of Haida star.

The sacrifice of Edith is the main sacrifice and the only three-level sacrifice in the main city temple of Haida star.

"Is it a false alarm? Check it immediately to see if there is any mistake! " Seeing the flashing alarm array, the priest ADIS felt a headache. He ordered the God who maintained the array.

The reason why the priest did not report immediately was that the alarm of the alarm array was too strange.

According to the signal on the alarm array, except for the main city, all 11 war temples were attacked. It was so strange that he could not believe it.

If the false alarm is reported, the priest is aware of the chaos in the war shrine, and he has a great chance of being punished.

In addition, the sacrifice of Edith had experienced a peaceful life in Haida star for a long time, and the original vigilance was almost gone.

If someone looks at Haida from space at this time, he will find that the whole surface of Haida star is covered by blood red fog except for the warning area of the main city temple.

The white light on the surface of the eleven war shrines was stained with blood red. Due to the hesitation of the sacrifice of Edith, they did not immediately connect with the main temple and missed the best opportunity for support.

The terrifying blood red fog beat the small war temple like a huge wave, and the outer array of the small war temple was broken in ten rest time.

This blood red fog has an extraordinary effect of breaking the sacred guardian, and turning the blood of global life into energy. Without the support of other temples, this kind of small war shrine can not support for a long time.

When the outer defense array was broken, the blood red fog poured into the small war shrine, and everything was polluted and lost its sacred light.

The wooden decoration originally protected by the power of faith has become rotten after the blood red fog has passed through, just like the instant experience of thousands of years.

The blood red fog fell on the statue of the God of war, which was covered by the blood red fog without too much resistance.

When the red blood mist spreads again, the surface of the God of war is eroded into a different shape. If there are believers of the God of blood here, it must be considered as the appearance of the God of blood.

Eleven small war shrines have not been able to make too much resistance. Their strength is too weak and they have not received timely support, so that all the eleven war shrines have been polluted.

Inside the deities, is their own flesh and blood into blood red fog nutrients.

"Why is there no result yet?" The priest asked the deity dissatisfied.

Two minutes have passed, but the deity defending the phalanx has not been able to make the most accurate judgment.

"The sacrifice of Edith may be a real event. There is no response from the eleven seat temple!" The priest replied with an ugly face.

"I don't need the possibility. I need to be sure. Did you ask me to report to the main temple that something might have happened? Let me reconfirm! " Said Edith in a deep voice.

Just as the deity was preparing to operate the array, the alarm of the array became louder.

"Sacrifice to Edith, evil is found in the array!" Said the God in a loud voice.

"Which temple scanned for evil?" The sacrifice of Edith was so nervous that he asked in a hurry.

How can a planet like Haida be looked upon by cult followers? As long as it is confirmed, report it immediately and let the strong man of the main temple come to deal with it. This is what the sacrifice of Edith thought.

He did not find that the alarm was scanned by the main city temple, because there were too many alarms and too much confusion.

"It's all around our temple. It's all evil. We're surrounded by it!" The deity looked at the scanning array and replied pale.

It's just a short talk. Evil has come very close, and it's coming from all directions.

In the main city of Haida star, the blood red fog swept through the buildings. In the buildings, whether civilians or nobles, or knights, there was no resistance. The whole body burst, and the blood was not in the fog.

Even the third class Knight fell in his sleep.

The population of the main city is about half a million. All of them died in a few days, leaving only the war shrine.

"Connect to the main temple and ask for help from the main temple!" The priest of Edith forgot what should be done most, he ordered aloud.

At this time, the most important thing for the sacrifice of Edith was not to ask for help. As a third level sacrifice, he had the ability to pray to the God of war.

It is impossible for the God of war to focus on every temple all the time, but as long as he prays for the three-level sacrifice, the God of war will naturally pay attention to this place and find the abnormality here.When the consciousness of the God of war comes to the temple, the evil god's action can be stopped.

But the sacrifice of Edith, who had not experienced danger for a long time, could not remember these things in a hurry. His only thought was to contact the main temple.

It concentrates the blood of five million people and a large number of other life on Haida, making the blood red fog reach the strongest state.

Vaguely, a virtual shadow in a red cloak appears in the blood red fog. Even its eyes are red. When it sees the war temple, it is obviously angry with hatred.

After sacrificing to the whole planet, the believers of the God of blood finally succeeded in summoning the God of blood. The God controlled the blood fog, and its power was increased countless times.

The deity was in contact with the main temple of the war, and he felt the whole temple shake. The huge roar made his ears buzzing.

"The needle of blood!" After using the "blood god" virtual shadow once, he found that the temple's defense was very strong, so he changed his attack mode.

The blood mist contracted and gathered, forming a short needle like blood jade in the air.

The short needle flew out and stabbed on the temple. The complex pattern of defense array appeared on the surface of the temple, protecting the temple.

But the biggest problem with the war shrine is that because of the small population of Haida star, the belief power of the war Temple needs to be transmitted to the main temple regularly, so the belief power of this war temple is very small.

When the blood jade like short needle contacts with the defense array pattern, the point where the defense array pattern contacts with the short needle is continuously contaminated by the blood jade short needle.

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This is an unequal battle. On the one hand, it is the God of blood, and on the other is the empty and isolated Temple of war.

In fact, if there is an archbishop in the war shrine, the Archbishop's privilege can know when the war shrine is attacked.

Unfortunately, the Archbishop of the war shrine has not been elected, and no Archbishop will find out the attack in time.

There should be no fatal loopholes in the war shrine which has experienced tens of thousands of history, but any system will have defects, especially when people are needed to implement it.

After fighting against the pattern of defensive array for two times, a small spot of pollution and damage appeared on the pattern of defense array, which was enough for the short needle like blood jade to enter.

After flying into the temple, the short needle like blood jade shoots at any living target very quickly. There is only a faint red thin line in the air, which can show the flight path of the blood jade like short needle.

"It's connected!" The deity reported to the sacrifice of Edith, and then connected with the array of Dharma and was ready to speak. A red light passed by and his body burst open.

The blood sprinkled on the face of the sacrifice of Edith. As soon as the look of fear on his face rose, he felt his whole body weak. He saw the red light turn in the air and pass through his body.

The body of the sacrifice of Edith also exploded, leaving only the inquiry from the connected contact array, but no one responded to the other.

The God of war is taking a nap. During his long life, he also needs to maintain some human behaviors.

Although it is almost useless to him, it is a good way to pass the time.

The God of war did not intend to interfere in the selection of the Archbishop of the main temple. One day, one month, one year, ten years was no big difference to him.

Whatever it is, it's fun to sit on the sidelines.

The God of war saw the four Bishops' different ways of doing things. Bishop McKinley was first suppressed by the other three bishops. Bishop McKinley carefully restrained everything and only wanted to protect himself. He did not covet the position of archbishop.

The main reason for bishop McKinley's promotion in the war shrine was his close relationship with Lord Arthur, which enabled him to step up his position among the four bishops in the war shrine.

But because of this, bishop McKinley quickly lost most of his power when the relationship between the war shrine and Lord Arthur broke down.

The other three bishops, if you may say, used all their means. They attacked each other to expose the secrets of one side, and the other to fight back and expose the scandals of the other.

It can be said that during this period of time, the interior of the war shrine was in the process of plunging each other, and there was no practical work to be done at all.

All this happens in the main temple, and the God of war will naturally see it. His interest is to watch the play and see things happen and develop.

If the "God of blood" did not attack Haida, perhaps the God of war would have to wait until the archbishop was elected.

The God of war, who took a nap, was awakened by the attack, and a rare anger rose in his heart.

The mind of the God of war infused that spirit. He wanted to see who was attacking the statue.

Each of the main statues in the temple has a trace of deity, which is to ensure that the power of faith can be collected into the small world through the statues at any time.

The God of war entered the mind, but his arrival was late, only to see a familiar blood red figure, and then the mind was devoured.

In the war shrine of Haida star, the blood mist of the God of blood surrounded the statues. Through the chaos of the war shrine, it was not easy to find this opportunity.Through so many years of investigation by the followers of evil gods, the target of Haida star was determined.

Now by offering sacrifices to Haida star, the "God of blood" wakes up from his deep sleep. As soon as he wakes up, he has a chance to revenge his enemy, the God of war. His heart is extremely excited.

One real war shrine was destroyed, and the other 11 small war shrines were only dependent on the war shrine in the main city, so they were not real war temples.

Such a result is only a drop in the bucket to the God of war who controls the whole God and belongs to the great world.

However, no matter which temple it is, there is the God of war. To eliminate the God of war is to weaken the strength of the God of war.

Even if this damage has little impact on the strength of the God of war, it is the first blow of the counterattack. This success is of great significance.

The image of the God of war was engulfed with the spirit and was full of cracks.

The God of war found the area where he lost his mind. He knew it was Haida. Then he found that all the believers of Haida died, and no soul returned to the small world.

He understood that he had lost a faith star. Although the power of faith provided by Haida star was humble, a belief star was not only the source of faith, but also his face.

The God of war estimated himself to be the only one among the five gods who had lost his faith star. He seemed to feel the ridicule from the four gods.

Even if the ridicule is kind and playful, it is not acceptable to the God of war.

In the hall of the war shrine, there was a new round of Archbishop election, but the gods and priests in the hall were not interested. They were all fighting to look at the four bishops, which should be said to be three bishops.

Bishop McKinley, who lost his power, stood aside and offered a place to the three bishops, expressing his attitude.

In just a few months, this kind of campaign farce has been carried out many times, on average once half a month.

At the beginning, there were divinities and priests who had expectations for this newspaper, but when the election campaign turned into digging each other's secrets and exposing the other's bottom, the serious business of running for the Archbishop became a ridiculous farce again and again.

Nowadays, the gods and sacrificial rites do not have the psychology to watch the excitement. Because of the competition in the war shrine, the Archbishop farce has become the biggest joke in the god world and the reason why the nobles laugh at the war shrine.

The deeds of the three bishops have become an after dinner talk in the aristocratic circle.

No matter which of these three bishops becomes an archbishop, the war shrine will be in disgrace for a long time, unless the Archbishop can make great achievements in the future to overcome the previous influence.

The atmosphere in the hall is a bit strange, but the three bishops are focused on each other. They all think that the next thing is the most important thing and needs to be focused on.

At the side door of the hall, a deity was anxiously looking at the situation in the hall. He wanted to report but did not dare. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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