Transcendent David

Chapter 1142: CH 1140

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Bishop McKinley saw the anxious deity. He left the throne in the hall. No one paid attention to him. All of them focused on the three bishops.

The three bishops did not pay attention to bishop McKinley's departure. Perhaps it is a good thing for bishop McKinley to leave, and save trouble.

"What's the matter?" Asked bishop McKinley in a deep voice.

No matter how he lost his power, he was still a bishop, as long as his position was not deprived, and he was also an important manager of the war shrine.

"Bishop McKinley, after Haida star applied for contact, no one answered. After that, the contact was disconnected. After that, he applied again and found that he could not be contacted, and..." The Oracle hesitated at this point.

"And what?" Asked bishop McKinley.

"And the Haida temple has disappeared from the temple map!" Continued the oracle.

It is mainly because the deities do not believe that the disappearance of the temple has never happened in the history of thousands of years.

The map of the temple is a huge star map of the main temple. It marks the positions of war temples on the star map, which corresponds to the array and logo of war temples one by one.

As long as the war shrine exists, the signs on the star map will always shine.

"What? Why don't you report such an important matter immediately! " Asked bishop McKinley, in a cold sweat.

Without further hesitation, bishop McKinley strode back into the hall to the three bishops.

"The war shrine of Haida star has disappeared. We need to send someone to investigate immediately. I apply to suspend the election of Archbishop!" Exclaimed bishop McKinley.

His words left the three bishops in a daze, followed by a fury.

"Bishop McKinley, the election for archbishop is related to the operation of the war shrine. We'll talk about Haida later if we have something to do with it." Said a bishop in a deep voice.

In fact, the three bishops thought that bishop McKinley wanted to turn the tables, and at this time they wanted to stop the election campaign.

At this time, each of the three bishops was sure. Before that, they had done a lot of work and mastered a lot of information. How could the election be suspended.

Bishop McKinley was about to continue to speak, when a sense of authority appeared in the hall. In the middle of the hall, lights flashed on the God of war.

If it was the God of war before, he still wanted to watch the good play, but the war temples on the other side of Haida were destroyed. The main temple of war did not act immediately after receiving the news, but continued to entangle power here, which made him intolerable.

In the idea of the God of war, bishops or archbishops can exercise dictatorship, eliminate dissidents, be domineering, and have many shortcomings, but they must strive to complete the affairs of the war shrine.

This is the basis of everything. Without this, the God of war does not need such a bishop or archbishop.

All the deities and sacrifices in the hall felt the familiar spirit breath, their eyes were full of fanaticism, and they crawled down.

Bishop McKinley was also surprised. He knew that the God of war wanted to capture Lord Arthur. He was too close to Lord Arthur, so he thought the God of war was coming to deal with him.

Bishop McKinley had no shame in his heart. Although he was friendly with Lord Arthur, he never betrayed the interests of the war shrine. On the contrary, through his friendship with Lord Arthur, he obtained many beneficial benefits from Lord Arthur.

Otherwise, how could he surge in power in the war shrine because of his relationship with Lord Arthur? It was all because of interests.

However, after the war shrine became hostile, the corresponding interests disappeared. Lord Arthur's specialties, such as jamisin red wine and "warm heart lotus seed soup", were no longer provided to the war shrine.

The three bishops were also guilty. Their struggle for power and profit was indeed excessive, but they were lucky because the war shrine allowed this kind of power struggle.

How can the new archbishop lead such a huge force without going through this kind of power struggle.

Three white beams of light appeared out of thin air and fell on the three bishops. The three bishops did not even respond and were engulfed by the three white beams.

"God's punishment!" The appearance of the white light column made all the deities and sacrifices understand the will of the God of war.

The white light column is the "divine punishment" of the God of war. Even the soul of the people killed by the "divine punishment" will be completely destroyed.

Bishop McKinley's heart was cold. He knew that the God of war was dissatisfied with the bishop of the temple, so he would use this method to deal with the three bishops.

He would lie on the ground, waiting for the God of war to punish him. He only hoped that the God of war would not be too severe.

Above the head of bishop McKinley, a pure white energy crown appeared. The energy crown fell on his head, and he felt the energy in his body rose wildly.

Bishop McKinley did not reach the fifth level sacrifice for a long time, but his breath quickly leaped over the middle and late stage of the fifth level sacrifice, until the peak of the fifth level sacrifice.

The pure white energy crown did not disappear, this time the divine grace was extremely strong and lasting.At one, two, three, and ten, bishop McKinley's momentum rose sharply. He was promoted from the fifth level to the legendary level.

The energy of the energy crown was not completely consumed. The crown of energy condensed a scepter out of thin air and fell into the hands of bishop McKinley.

Bishop McKinley felt that the scepter in his hand was connected to his breath, like a part of his body. Perhaps this Scepter was not as good as that of the previous Archbishop of gay, but it was also more than the others.

After the crown of energy disappeared, the atmosphere of oppression disappeared. The hall was quiet, and all the gods and sacrificial gods looked at the figure suspended in the hall.

The thoughts of admiration, reverence, and submission flashed through the minds of the gods and priests. At this time, no one thought about the other three bishops who had been "punished" by God.

In the war shrine, only the sinners are killed by the "divine punishment". The three bishops are identified as sinners by the God of war. There will not be any relationship between the three bishops and any deity and the cult.

Those who have relations will be completely cleared. This is not heartless, but God's will.

"See Archbishop McKinley Almost at the same time, all the deities in the hall cried out in unison with the sacrificial rites.

Archbishop McKinley woke up from the great surprise. In one day, he was promoted from the fifth level to the legendary level, and from the bishop who lost power to the Archbishop who controlled the temple.

He looked at the deities and sacrificial rites in the hall. These deities and sacrifices who could stand in the hall were the people who had real power in the war shrine.

"Send scouting Knights immediately to investigate the situation of Haida star. I want to know what happened to Haida star?" The first thing Archbishop McKinley said was the handling of previous affairs.

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Archbishop McKinley guessed in an instant why the God of war would be angry. He would never use such extreme means as "divine punishment" to fight for power alone.

Only when something really happened to the war shrine on Haidar, and the three bishops did not have the slightest desire to investigate immediately, this angered the God of war.

"Yes There is a full-time investigation of the God should say.

As long as there is an archbishop's management, once the super power of war shrine is put into operation, its ability of terror will be fully displayed.

The God of war sensed what happened in the main temple for a while and nodded with satisfaction at Archbishop McKinley's style of conduct.

"All war shrines have been put on alert, and any vacation will be cancelled. I want all temples to have officers on duty in turn and contact the main temple as soon as problems are found. I don't want to see the war temples disappear again. This is a disgrace to the war temples!" Said Archbishop McKinley in a deep voice.

The star level portal of Haida star could not be connected. Immediately, a deity mobilized the "star flying boat" to sail from the nearest star to Haida star. At most, there will be a detection result of Haida star in two days at most.

After Archbishop McKinley had finished his work, he got up and went to the Archbishop's room.

When he came to the door of the room, a God opened the door for him, and everything inside was replaced with a new one.

However, Archbishop McKinley did not pay attention to this. He entered the room and waved to the priests who followed him to leave. All of them were the Archbishop's personal guards.

After he became an archbishop, the magistrates automatically carried out the task of protecting him.

Sitting alone in the room, Archbishop McKinley was at a loss.

In fact, in the energy crown, there is also the order of the God of war to capture Lord Arthur alive in the shortest time.

Archbishop McKinley did not consider his friendship with Lord Arthur, which was not worth mentioning before the order of the God of war.

For the sake of faith, Archbishop McKinley can give up everything, which is the opposite of Annabella legend.

Annabella legend for their own dream, can give up everything, including faith.

Archbishop McKinley held out his hand, and there was a flame in his palm. It was the divine flame, the power of legendary sacrifice.

But he knew that he would end up just like Archbishop guy by virtue of his legendary sacrificial power.

You know, Archbishop McKinley has just been promoted to the legendary level. If the energy crown is not to condense the scepter, maybe he can be stronger.

But no matter how hard Archbishop McKinley tried, there was still a huge gap between him and the previous Archbishop guy.

Archbishop gay, however, has received God's favor many times, and has already reached the high level of legend level. His strength is much stronger than him.

But even though Archbishop gay, with a group of helpers, was killed by Lord Arthur even though he had set up a trap. Lord Arthur was surrounded by demigod "Knights of the Holy Spirit.".

So to deal with Lord Arthur, we can't do anything hard at all. We need to set stronger traps.

Archbishop McKinley fell into thinking about how to lure Lord Arthur to leave garmi, and how to arrange a trap that Lord Arthur could not resist.The fact that Archbishop McKinley became the Archbishop of the war shrine spread all over the world of God. Because there was no ceremony in the war shrine, all forces including the four temples could not express their congratulations.

Speaker Gould was also very surprised to see Archbishop McKinley become an archbishop. He was also ready to wait for Archbishop McKinley to make any demands.

But the war shrine remained as quiet as ever, until two days later, an important message came out of the war shrine.

The terror of the "God of blood" revived and turned Haida into a "blood realm". The war shrine issued a call order for the other four shrines to cooperate with the Supreme Council to wipe out the "God of blood" on Haida.

Archbishop McKinley looked at the information in his hand and felt cold all over his body.

The situation of Haida star is very bad. The "God of blood" transformed Haida into a "blood realm" based on the twelve war temples.

"The realm of blood" was an extremely terrible ability of the God of blood in those years. It used the gods and temples as the array eyes to arrange a god level array based on blood.

Perhaps many people can't remember the power of the God of blood, but there are clear records in the war shrine.

In order to break through the "realm of blood", we need the war shrine to open the war mode and gather a large number of knights to cooperate with it.

Archbishop McKinley did not expect to deal with such a troublesome matter as soon as he took over the archbishop.

The reason why he informed the other four temples at the first time was that he was worried that even the Supreme Council would not pay attention to the assembly of war shrines.

You know, before the war shrine, but because of Lord Arthur's affair, it almost turned against the Supreme Council.

Archbishop McKinley looked at the room, which belonged to the archbishop. He visited the living room, the bedroom, and then came to the study.

On the desk of the study, there was a book. The cover of the book was covered with divine patterns. He could not help but move in his heart.

He reached out for the book, the title of which was "the Archbishop". When his fingers swept the holy stripe, the holy stripe was shining.

With the flash of light, the Archbishop opens and reveals its contents.

Archbishop McKinley looked at the catalogue of archbishops, which recorded the privileges of many archbishops, including how to use the statues in the living room to directly contact the God of war, how to use the Archbishop's special training room, how to get in and out of the treasure house, and how to enter the public space fragments of the five temples.

These are all things that every Archbishop needs to know. Only this time, Archbishop guy fell unexpectedly, and no one told Archbishop McKinley about these things.

However, the war shrine naturally has a second way of inheritance. As early as archbishop McKinley became archbishop, the full-time successor of the war Temple Archbishop sent this book.

Only then did Archbishop McKinley understand what the scepter in his hand represented, which was the key to the secrets of many war shrines.

The fall of Archbishop guy left the symbol of the former archbishop, the quasi artifact level scepter, into the hands of Lord Arthur. If it was not for the intervention of the God of war, Archbishop McKinley would have become an archbishop and could not use the privileges of many archbishops.

It is completely impossible for an elephant to enter the public space debris of the five temples, which will make the war shrine lack the opportunity to communicate with the four temples. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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